1,008 research outputs found

    El acoso moral en los entornos laborales

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    El mobbing, encuadrado dentro de los riesgos psicosociales, es un tema de gran actualidad en los entornos laborales de la gran mayoría de los países, constituyendo una conducta de acoso y hostigamiento psicológico perpetrada por el sujeto activo, que convierten el ambiente laboral en insoportable, un campo de batalla para la víctima, que ve como su estado psicológico va decayendo poco a poco debido a las agresiones psíquicas a las que se ve sometido. Queda probado que el acoso moral vulnera claramente varios preceptos normativos, viéndose lesionada la salud física y mental de la víctima. Por lo tanto, es totalmente necesario que se desarrolle legislación específica que determine el contexto legal exacto en que se debe encuadrar. Mientras esto ocurra, es conveniente conocer cómo se puede reconocer el acoso, a que normas se puede acudir y como prevenirl

    Mitochondrial DNA analysis of two samples from the paleolithic site of El Pirulejo

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    En la presente publicación se presentan los resultados del análisis del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt) de dos individuos del nivel magdaleniense de El Pirulejo (Córdoba) (Asquerino et al., 1991). Las secuencias obtenidas se encuadran dentro de la variabilidad genética del hombre moderno actual, sin presentar similitud alguna con las secuencias de ADN mitocondrial de neandertal publicadas hasta la fecha. La distribución actual de las variantes mitocondriales encontradas en las dos muestras de El Pirulejo es similar a la encontrada en otros dos individuos Paleolíticos (Caramelli et al., 2003), y coherente con el modelo de expansión del hombre anatómicamente moderno desde África.At the present work it was studied the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in two individuals from the Magdalenian level from El Pirulejo archaeological site located in Córdoba, Spain (Asquerino et al. 1991). The obtained sequences were inside the genetic variability of modern humans and did not share any similarities with published Neanderthal mtDNA sequences. The present distribution of the mtDNA lineages from El Pirulejo are similar to that found at other two Paleolithic individuals (Caramelli et al., 2003). All data are compatible with an “Out of Africa” model of dispersion of modern humans

    Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia

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    Anatolia was home to some of the earliest farming communities. It has been long debated whether a migration of farming groups introduced agriculture to central Anatolia. Here, we report the first genome-wide data from a 15,000-year-old Anatolian hunter-gatherer and from seven Anatolian and Levantine early farmers. We find high genetic continuity (~80–90%) between the hunter-gatherers and early farmers of Anatolia and detect two distinct incoming ancestries: an early Iranian/Caucasus related one and a later one linked to the ancient Levant. Finally, we observe a genetic link between southern Europe and the Near East predating 15,000 years ago. Our results suggest a limited role of human migration in the emergence of agriculture in central Anatolia

    Aplicacions de l'ADN antic en arqueologia. La nova 'Arqueologia Molecular'

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    [spa] La posibilidad de recuperar información genética a partir de restos fósiles ofrece una oportunidad única para dar respuesta a algunas cuestiones planteadas desde otras disciplinas. Entre las aplicaciones de interés de la tecnología del ADN antiguo en el campo de la arqueología y la antropología destacan el diagnóstico molecular del sexo, el establecimiento de relaciones familiares entre individuos exhumados, la identificación personal y la caracterización genética de las poblaciones del pasado. El éxito en la consecución de estos estudios está condicionado principalmente por el estado de preservación del ADN en los restos analizados. Otras limitaciones de la técnica son la extracción, junto con el material genético, de moléculas que pueden inhibir los procesos experimentales necesarios para obtener la información genética y la contaminación de las muestras con ADN procedente de otras fuentes. Con todo, estas últimas citadas dificultades pueden controlarse mediante la aplicación de ciertas sencillas precauciones.[eng] The possibility of recovering genetic information from fossil remains, offers a unique opportunity to solve certain common questions in archaeology. Between all possible applications of ancient DNA technology in archaeology and anthropology, it should be emphasized the sex diagnosis, the establishment of kinship among exhumed individuals, personal identification, and genetic characterisation of past populations. The preservation of DNA in the analyzed remains will condition the success in the performed analysis. Other technical limitations are the co-extraction, with genetic material, of compounds capable of inhibiting the experimental processes needed to obtain genetic information, and also contamination of samples with exogenous DNA. These difficulties, however, can be usually solved by means of the application of several simple precautions

    Perspectiva de género en las aplicaciones móviles para gestionar la salud reproductiva

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    Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están ayudando a mejorar la salud de hombres y mujeres, no obstante, también plantean importantes desafíos para los sistemas sanitarios y para el avance en Igualdad. De ahí, el interés en identificar y analizar las aplicaciones disponibles en Salud Reproductiva desde una perspectiva de género. Para ello se seleccionaron aplicaciones que incluyeran en sus contenidos temas de embarazo o maternidad en Google Play con el descriptor “embarazo” resultando un total de 248 aplicaciones, incluyendo las aplicaciones de pago. Finalmente 76 cumplían los criterios de inclusión, siendo 6 de pago. Casi la totalidadde apps sobre Salud Reproductiva están dirigidas a embarazadas (92,9%), con contenidos de alimentación o cuidados, evitando los temas de relaciones de pareja o sexualidad, tan solo 7 abordan los aspectos de sexualidad. Como conclusiones destacar que están dirigidas principalmente a mujeres, excluyendo a los hombres de esta faceta. Sus contenidos siguen fomentando el cuidado del embarazo y del bebé desde un rol femenino de maternidad o de la salud reproductiva, obviando el rol de la paternidad.The new information and communicationstechnology are helping to improvethehealth of men and women, however, alsothey pose majorchallengesforhealthsystems and forprogress in equality. Hencetheinterest in identifying and analyzingtheapplicationsavailableonreproductivehealthfrom a genderperspective. Forthisapplicationcontent to include in theirpregnancyormaternityissues in Google Play withthe descriptor "pregnancy" resulting in a total of 248 applications, includingpaymentapplicationswereselected. 76 finallymettheinclusioncriteria, being 6 payment. Almostall apps onReproductiveHealth are aimed at pregnantwomen (92.9%) withcontentfeedorcare, avoidingtheissues of relationships and sexuality, only 7 addressissues of sexuality. Conclusions as to emphasizethatthey are aimedprimarily at women, excludingmenfromthesecontents. Itscontentscontinue to promotepregnancycare and babyfrommaternityfemale role, ignoringthe role of fatherhood

    Y-chromosomal analysis of Greek Cypriots reveals a primarily common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry with Turkish Cypriots

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    Genetics can provide invaluable information on the ancestry of the current inhabitants of Cyprus. A Y-chromosome analysis was performed to (i) determine paternal ancestry among the Greek Cypriot (GCy) community in the context of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East; and (ii) identify genetic similarities and differences between Greek Cypriots (GCy) and Turkish Cypriots (TCy). Our haplotype-based analysis has revealed that GCy and TCy patrilineages derive primarily from a single gene pool and show very close genetic affinity (low genetic differentiation) to Calabrian Italian and Lebanese patrilineages. In terms of more recent (past millennium) ancestry, as indicated by Y-haplotype sharing, GCy and TCy share much more haplotypes between them than with any surrounding population (7–8% of total haplotypes shared), while TCy also share around 3% of haplotypes with mainland Turks, and to a lesser extent with North Africans. In terms of Y-haplogroup frequencies, again GCy and TCy show very similar distributions, with the predominant haplogroups in both being J2a-M410, E-M78, and G2-P287. Overall, GCy also have a similar Y-haplogroup distribution to non-Turkic Anatolian and Southwest Caucasian populations, as well as Cretan Greeks. TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups. Overall, the Y-chromosome analysis performed, using both Y-STR haplotype and binary Y-haplogroup data puts Cypriot in the middle of a genetic continuum stretching from the Levant to Southeast Europe and reveals that despite some differences in haplotype sharing and haplogroup structure, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots share primarily a common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions towards HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Nursing Students in Spain

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Among the preventive approaches proposed to control this disease is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), whose effectiveness depends on the medication adherence. The aim of the present study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes about PrEP among a sample of Spanish nursing students as well as their intentions of receiving it in case it was indicated. An observational cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. A total of 570 nursing students from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), ≥18 years old and of both sexes were invited to self-complete a questionnaire between February and March 2020. A total of 352 students decided to participate in the study. Participants had low knowledge [overall knowledge score 1(0–2)] and a neutral attitude towards PrEP. The intention of receiving PrEP improved significantly after the completion of the questionnaire and the administration of information about PrEP (p = 0.039; before: 23.58% and after: 93.77%). Nursing staff play an important role in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, so their training in preventive strategies, such as PrEP, could help to reduce the incidence of new cases of HIV infectionS

    Urocortin induces positive inotropic effect in rat heart

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras.Aims The aim of this study is to evaluate the positive inotropic effect of urocortin (Ucn) and to characterize its signalling pathways. Methods and results Contractility was measured in ex vivo Langendorff-perfused hearts isolated from Wistar rats. Isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes were used to analyse intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) transients evoked by electrical stimulation and L-type Ca2+ current by confocal microscopy and whole-cell patch-clamping, respectively. The application of Ucn to perfused hearts induced progressive, sustained, and potent inotropic and lusitropic effects that were dose-dependent with an EC50 of approximately 8 nM. Ucn effects were independent of protein kinase A (PKA) activation but were significantly reduced by protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors and by brefeldin A, an antagonist of guanine nucleotide exchange factor, suggested to be an inhibitor of exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac). These whole-organ effects were correlated with the inotropic effects observed in isolated cells: Ucn increased ICaL density, [Ca2+]i transients, cell shortening and Ca2+ content of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Conclusion Our results show that Ucn evokes potent positive inotropic and lusitropic effects mediated, at least in part, by an increase in ICaL and [Ca2+]i transient amplitude. These effects may involve the activation of Epac, PKC, and MAPK signalling pathways.This study was supported by ‘Red Cardiovascular RECAVA’ of Instituto Carlos III (grant number: RD06-0014-0020, RD06-0014-0007, PI06-0133), Consejerías de Salud, de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía (grant numbers: 174/2006, P06-CTS-01711), Inserm, and by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (grant: Physio2006Epac). T.S is a ‘Ramon y Cajal’ Researcher and E.C is a fellow student from RECAVA.Peer reviewe

    Normatividad financiera aplicable al sector cafetalero

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    The coffee sector in Mexico is very important due to its contributionto social and economic development, and for its impact on employmentgeneration, which accounts for more than 4.5 million jobs; at internationallevel, Mexico is the seventh largest producer of coffee. Entities belongingto this sector, like any economic entity, have a need of financialinformation that facilitates appropriate decision-making. In Mexico, theorganism responsible of releasing the financial standards is the ConsejoMexicano para la Investigación y Desarrollo de Normas de InformaciónFinanciera, A.C. Within this regulation is the bulletin E-1 “Agriculture”,which aims to establish standards applicable to entities engaged inagricultural activities. This research aims to study the separate report, toanalyze the adequacy of this standard for companies in the coffee sector,as it is considered necessary to establish regulations that suit the specificcharacteristics of these entities.El sector cafetalero en México tiene una gran importancia a nivel socialy económico, por su impacto en la generación de empleos: más de 4.5millones en el país; y a nivel internacional ocupa el séptimo lugar comoproductor mundial de café. Las entidades que pertenecen a este sector necesitaninformación financiera para la toma de decisiones; en México, elorganismo responsable de emitir la normatividad financiera es el ConsejoMexicano para la Investigación y Desarrollo de Normas de InformaciónFinanciera, A.C. Dentro de esta normatividad se encuentra el boletín E-1“Agricultura”, en el que se establecen las normas particulares aplicablesa las entidades que realizan actividades agropecuarias. Esta investigaciónse orienta al análisis de dicho boletín, con el objetivo de establecer la normatividadque se adecúe a las características específicas de estas entidadesdel sector cafetalero