2,823 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal characterization of Ensemble Prediction Systems – the Mean-Variance of Logarithms (MVL) diagram

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    We present a novel approach to characterize and graphically represent the spatiotemporal evolution of ensembles using a simple diagram. To this aim we analyze the fluctuations obtained as differences between each member of the ensemble and the control. The lognormal character of these fluctuations suggests a characterization in terms of the first two moments of the logarithmic transformed values. On one hand, the mean is associated with the exponential growth in time. On the other hand, the variance accounts for the spatial correlation and localization of fluctuations. In this paper we introduce the MVL (Mean-Variance of Logarithms) diagram to intuitively represent the interplay and evolution of these two quantities. We show that this diagram uncovers useful information about the spatiotemporal dynamics of the ensemble. Some universal features of the diagram are also described, associated either with the nonlinear system or with the ensemble method and illustrated using both toy models and numerical weather prediction systems

    Comparative environmental assessment of two materials suited to central tower CSP technology

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    Compatibility of containment materials with molten salt thermal storage media is a significant technical challenge for Concentrating Solar Power plants. Metal alloys in contact with molten salt must have a specific behavior, mechanical properties and resistance to degradation processes that allow them to operate at temperatures above 500 °C, being both respectful to the environment. Firstly, this study presents two types of specific materials to operate at raised temperatures in Concentrating Solar Power plants, particularly the central tower technology. The materials are AISI 347H stainless steel and the Ni-based alloy HRSA INCONEL 617. Then, a Life Cycle Assessment shows the influence and contribution to different impact categories from the elements that compose both metals, demonstrating that materials that provide better mechanical properties could have environmental shortcomings. This paper aims to contribute to an improved understanding of the environmental implications of these materials and which is the best choice in terms of sustainability. The results showed better environmental behavior in the AISI 347H case against INCONEL 617.Publicad

    Interannual variation in filling season affects zooplankton diversity in Mediterranean temporary ponds

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    In Mediterranean temporary ponds, the timing of annual flooding is highly variable and depends on heavy seasonal rains. Ponds can flood in the autumn, winter, or spring, and thus the environmental conditions faced by emerging zooplankton can be very different. We performed an experiment in a climatic chamber where we simulated annual variation in natural temperature and light conditions to study how differences in pond-filling season affected zooplankton assemblage composition. We sampled sediments from a temporary pond and placed them in aquariums that were filled with water during three different seasons: autumn (October), winter (January), and spring (March). Zooplankton abundance, species richness, diversity, and assemblage composition differed significantly among treatments, and post-inundation temperature and pH appeared to be the main drivers of these differences. Diversity was highest in the winter treatment. It was lower in the autumn treatment and the spring treatment, and no indicator species were present in the latter. Our results suggest that interannual variability in initial inundation conditions favours the emergence of different species and thus contributes to high species richness in the egg bank. However, climate change and/or groundwater drawdown could delay pond flooding, impoverishing the zooplankton assemblage in the long ter

    Influence of elemental composition in environmental impacts of steel

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    The environmental behavior of four steels was analyzed. In the operation phase of concentrating solar power plants, steels withstand high temperature because of its contact with molten salts. Hence, choosing the steel type for the molten salt tanks remains a great challenge. In the cold tank, carbon steel is usually used although an approach with low chromium content steel is being studied for these applications. Likewise, in high temperature applications, such as hot store tank, austenitic stainless steel is the most frequent choice. However, ferritic steel is being considered as a promising material in these applications. As many researchers studied the steel technical properties without considering their environmental damages, this work aimed to introduce the environmental aspects into the material choice by using the life cycle assessment technique. On one hand, the results showed the environmental adequacy of carbon steel against low chromium content steel. On the other hand, the results obtained in those steels suitable in high temperature application revealed significant environmental benefits from the ferritic steel instead of the austenitic steel

    Life Cycle Assessment of heat transfer fluids in parabolic trough concentrating solar power technology

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    The majority of parabolic trough concentrating solar power plants consist of an indirect system where the heat transfer fluid (typically synthetic oil) exchanges energy with a secondary circuit which is connected to the power cycle. Synthetic oil has a technical limitation by the maximum operating temperature. This results in the search for new fluids. On the other hand, with the aim of having energy when there is no sun shining, it has increased the use of thermal storage. Thermal energy storage systems are composed of molten salts and presents higher operating temperatures than synthetic oil. Thus, direct systems, in which thermal storage and heat transfer fluid are unified and normally molten salts, emerge to improve the power cycle performance. To determine the future potential of direct systems, this paper evaluates the environmental damage of two types of molten salts and synthetic oil in order to decide whether the use of salts is better than synthetic oil, from an environmental point of view by using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) techniques. LCA results showed greater impacts in the syntheticoil case than the molten saltsPublicad

    El contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa. Características y significado de la banda metamórfica de Aracena, en su sector central entre Aroche y Aracena (Huelva)

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    El contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa está subrayado por la banda metamórfica de Aracena. Las características principales de esta región del macizo Ibérico pueden considerarse desde distintos puntos de vista: litológico, estructural, metamórfico, magmático, geoquímica, isotópico y experimental, y así se presentan en este artículo. La banda metamórfica de Aracena está dividida en dos dominios principales: el dominio oceánico está formado por metabasitas derivadas de un MORB (las metabasitas de Acebuches) y por un antiguo prisma de acrección. El dominio continental incluye gneises y migmatitas alumínicos, rocas de silicatos cálcicos, gneises leucocráticos, mármoles, anfibolitas, intrusiones sin/post-tectónicas de noritas ricas en Mg (con afinidad boninítica), así como rocas intrusivas post-tectónicas de composición ácida a básica. Las metabasitas de Acebuches sufrieron, en primer lugar, un metamorfismo de alta temperatura/baja presión que, en la actualidad, presenta un gradiente metamórfico invertido, y que estaba relacionado con un cabalgamiento vergente al SO. El pico térmico asociado a este evento metamórfico muestra un gradiente de edad, de forma que las edades más antiguas han sido obtenidas en el extremo oeste. La mitad inferior de la pila metabasítica de Acebuches fue afectada posteriormente por una deformación milonítica y un retrometamorfismo asociados a la zona de cizalla Sudibérica. Cuatro fases de deformación dúctil han sido definidas en el dominio continental: la fase CD-D1 estuvo relacionada con la generación de pliegues recumbentes de escala kilométrica. La fase CD-D2 se puede asociar a un colapso extensional, y es contemporánea con un metamorfismo de alta temperatura/baja presión que afectó al dominio continental y generó diversos complejos migmatíticos. La fase CD-D3 produjo pliegues simétricos verticales, mientras que la fase CD-D4 dio lugar a cabalgamientos vergentes al sur a los que se asociaron pliegues de propagación.Las principales características de la banda metamórfica de Aracena se interpretan como el resultado de la evolución de un punto triple de tipo fosa-fosa-dorsal. De acuerdo con el modelo propuesto, la interacción entre la dorsal y la zona de subducción dio como resultado la formación de una ventana astenosférica bajo el margen continental cabalgante, lo cual provocó el ascenso de la astenosfera y el consecuente rebote térmico. Esta unión triple migro a lo largo del margen continental hacia el este, lo que generó un cinturón metamórfico de alta temperatura/baja presión en el contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa

    Group theoretical approach to the intertwined Hamiltonians

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    We show that the finite difference B\"acklund formula for the Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians is a particular element of the transformation group on the set of Riccati equations considered by two of us in a previous paper. Then, we give a group theoretical explanation to the problem of Hamiltonians related by a first order differential operator. A generalization of the finite difference algorithm relating eigenfunctions of {\emph three} different Hamiltonians is found, and some illustrative examples of the theory are analyzed, finding new potentials for which one eigenfunction and its corresponding eigenvalue is exactly known