54 research outputs found

    Amphibian survival compromised by long-term effects of chytrid fungus

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    Amphibian survival compromised by long-term effects of chytrid fungus

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    Demographic responses to protection from harvesting in a long-lived marine species

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are usually considered to have positive effects on the recovery of over-exploited populations. However, resolving the extent to which MPAs function according to their conservation goals re- quires that essential demographic information such as individual survival and population size are quantified. To this end, we analyzed a 16-year replicated mark-recapture study on European lobster (Homarus gammarus, n = 8793) conducted at several protected and unprotected sites in southern Norway, quantifying the impact of MPAs on local population dynamics by means of a “before-after control-impact” study approach (BACI). Lobster sur- vival and abundance were estimated by applying multi-state and robust design models to the mark-recapture data. These models revealed underlying positive responses to protection. Annual survival rates and population abundances reached higher values in the MPAs, compared to the unprotected sites (abundance range: MPAs = 96–1172, control areas = 92–747). In general, female survival was higher than male survival (range of survival: male = 0.13–0.75, female = 0.37–0.85), while larger males benefited more from protection compared to smaller males (range of increase in survival after protection: big = 100–125%, small = 55–101%). We also detected regional differences in demographic responses to protection, as not all MPAs showed the same changes in abundance over time. Our results show that MPAs can reach conservation goals by increasing the local survival and abundance of lobster, but they also highlight demographic differences between sexes and geographic areas that are worth considering for the management and design of both current and future MPAs.publishedVersio

    Kunnskapsstøtte og råd for regulering av fisket etter leppefisk i 2022

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    Havforskningsinstituttets råd om reguleringer av leppefisk har bygget på føre-var-prinsippet. Det er en målsetning å minimere risikoen for at fiskeriet fører til betydelige endringer i arts, størrelse- og kjønnssammensetning av leppefisk i lokale bestander. Artene bør her kunne opprettholde et naturlig rekrutteringspotensial, samt at deres økologiske funksjon blir minst mulig endret i forhold til en naturlig tilstand uten fiske. Fisket etter leppefisk er et flerartsfiskeri på arter med ulik biologi. Dette er nøkkelarter i kystøkosystemet, og de ulike artene fyller forskjellige økologiske nisjer som predatorer og byttedyr.publishedVersio

    Coastal Research Seen Through an Early Career Lens—A Perspective on Barriers to Interdisciplinarity in Norway

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    The value of interdisciplinarity for solving complex coastal problems is widely recognized. Many early career researchers (ECRs) therefore actively seek this type of collaboration through choice or necessity, for professional development or project funding. However, establishing and conducting interdisciplinary research collaborations as an ECR has many challenges. Here, we identify these challenges through the lens of ECRs working in different disciplines on a common ecosystem, the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. The most densely populated coastline in Norway, the Skagerrak coast, is experiencing a multitude of anthropogenic stressors including fishing, aquaculture, eutrophication, climate change, land runoff, development, and invasive species. The Skagerrak coastline has also been the focus of environmental science research for decades, much of which aims to inform management of these stressors. The region provides a fantastic opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration, both within and beyond the environmental sciences. This perspective article identifies the barriers ECRs in Norway face in establishing interdisciplinary and collaborative research to inform management of coastal ecosystems, along with their root causes. We believe our discussion will be of broad interest to all research institutions who employ or educate ECRs (in Norway and worldwide), and to those who develop funding mechanisms for ECRs and interdisciplinary research.publishedVersio

    Kinetics of humoral immune response over 17 months of COVID-19 pandemic in a large cohort of healthcare workers in Spain : the ProHEpiC-19 study

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    Understanding the immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is critical for efficient monitoring and control strategies. The ProHEpic-19 cohort provides a fine-grained description of the kinetics of antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection with an exceptional resolution over 17 months. We established a cohort of 769 healthcare workers including healthy and infected with SARS-CoV-2 in northern Barcelona to determine the kinetics of the IgM against the nucleocapsid (N) and the IgG against the N and spike (S) of SARS-CoV-2 in infected healthcare workers. The study period was from 5 May 2020 to 11 November 2021.We used non-linear mixed models to investigate the kinetics of IgG and IgM measured at nine time points over 17 months from the date of diagnosis. The model included factors of time, gender, and disease severity (asymptomatic, mild-moderate, severe-critical) to assess their effects and their interactions. 474 of the 769 participants (61.6%) became infected with SARS-CoV-2. Significant effects of gender and disease severity were found for the levels of all three antibodies. Median IgM(N) levels were already below the positivity threshold in patients with asymptomatic and mild-moderate disease at day 270 after the diagnosis, while IgG(N and S) levels remained positive at least until days 450 and 270, respectively. Kinetic modelling showed a general rise in both IgM(N) and IgG(N) levels up to day 30, followed by a decay with a rate depending on disease severity. IgG(S) levels remained relatively constant from day 15 over time. IgM(N) and IgG(N, S) SARS-CoV-2 antibodies showed a heterogeneous kinetics over the 17 months. Only the IgG(S) showed a stable increase, and the levels and the kinetics of antibodies varied according to disease severity. The kinetics of IgM and IgG observed over a year also varied by clinical spectrum can be very useful for public health policies around vaccination criteria in adult population. Regional Ministry of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Call COVID19-PoC SLT16_04; NCT04885478). The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12879-022-07696-6

    Lobster reserves as a management tool in coastal waters: Two decades of experience in Norway

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    9 pages, 4 figures.-- Under a Creative Commons licenseThe positive effects of reduced fishing pressure in marine protected areas (MPAs) are now well documented globally. Yet, evidence of MPA benefits from long-term replicated before-after control-impact (BACI) studies and their usefulness in protecting target species are still rare, especially in northern temperate areas. Scientific rigor in the monitoring of MPAs is considered important for obtaining trust and compliance and can increase interest and enthusiasm for the benefits of marine conservation. Off the coast of southern Norway, a MPA implementation process started up in 2002. Based on comprehensive consultations with local fishers and managers, four experimental lobster reserves were appointed in 2004. Two years later (2006), the reserves came into effect as the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries implemented regulations as a by-law of the Saltwater Fisheries Act that effectively banned all fixed gear. Long-term monitoring of the MPAs and adjacent control areas has enabled a rigorous scientific evaluation of the effects of these MPAs on lobster populations, including effects on density, growth, demography, behavior, and phenotypic diversity. As protection effects started to manifest, the lobster reserves attracted high public attention and were soon considered a credible supplement to traditional fisheries management. In the period from 2002 to 2021, more than 50 lobster reserves have been implemented in Norway. Here, we review the experiences since the lobster reserves were designated, implemented, and embraced by local communities in Norway, and over two decades have become an important tool for fishery management. Thoughts on the future of MPAs along the coast of Norway are discussedLong term monitoring of the MPAs in Skagerrak and preparation of this manuscript was funded by the Institute of Marine Research Coastal Ecosystems Research Program. Preparation of the manuscript was also supported by University of Agder (UiA) through a priority research center grant to the UiA Centre for Coastal Research (CCR)Peer reviewe

    Las emociones en el profesorado: el afecto y el enfado como recursos para el disciplinamiento

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    Resumen Este artículo indaga lo que dice, piensa y siente el profesorado sobre la gestión de la disciplina en el aula y de cómo esto, a su vez, moldea la conducta y condiciona la participación y el desempeño del alumnado. Se basa en un estudio cualitativo (mediante entrevistas, cuaderno de campo, evaluación crítica de informantes claves) que, a través del análisis del pensamiento pedagógico práctico (supuestos ideológicos tácitos, no conscientes) que aparece en el discurso de los profesores, lo compara con la ideología pedagógica dominante (saberes formales e impuestos) poniendo en evidencia una falta de coincidencia y coherencia entre ambos e influyendo esto, a su vez, en las relaciones en el aula. No se pretende descubrir algo nuevo, sino hacerlo visible y describir los mecanismos que intervienen. De este modo, se refuta una creencia muy extendida de que el mal clima del aula se debe a alumnos indisciplinados, ya que en las relaciones resultantes la reacción del docente es determinante. Centrándose en el afecto y el enfado, se observa cómo se crea un ambiente de trabajo, que convierte a estas emociones en herramientas para disciplinar, la primera de una manera más preventiva y la segunda más correctiva, es decir, que se constituyen en un recurso más para el control de la conducta de los alumnos