771 research outputs found

    Isolation and identification of minor secoiridoids and phenolic components from thermally treated olive oil by-products

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    Documento descargado de https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/129335The application of an industrial process based on the hydrothermal treatment of 160 °C/60 min of alperujo, a by-product of olive oil extraction, allows the formation of a liquid phase containing a high concentration of phenolic and secoiridoid compounds. Ethyl acetate was used to extract these phenolic compounds from the aqueous matrix. In this study, the isolation with polyamide and XAD resin allowed detection of the presence of phenolic compounds in minor concentrations. These minor phenols were several oleuropein derivatives that had not been identified in these phenolic extracts previously. The polar compounds, acteosides, secoiridoids, and flavonoids, that remain in the aqueous fraction after extraction with ethyl acetate were identified. We report the presence of known compounds and also detected a novel molecule in alperujo with a molecular weight of 408 whose structure was characterized for first time. This new secoiridoid glucoside was identified as 1-β-D-glucopyranosyl acyclodihydroelenolic acid.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness AGL2013-48291-REuropean Social Fund (ESF) AGL2013-48291-

    Tensioactivos. XX. ω-Monoésteres grasos de ditioacetales de azúcares

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    The preparation of 5-O-lauroyl(myhstoyl, palmitoyl)-D-arabinose ethylendithioacetals, 6-O-lauroyl-D-glucose(D-galactose) ethylendithioacetals and 6-O-decanoyl(lauroyl)-D-mannose ethylendithioacetals is reported. The preparation of 5-O-octanoyl(decanoyl, lauroyl)-L-arabinose diethyldithioacetais is also reported. These compounds were obtained by monoesterification of aldosedithioacetals with the corresponding fatty acid chlorides in pyridine.Se describe la preparación de etilenditioacetales de la 5-O-lauroil(miristoil, palmitoil)- D-arabinosa, de la 6-O-lauroil-D-glucosa(D-galactosa) y de la 6-O-decanoil(lauroil)-D-manosa; y la preparación de dietilditioacetales de la 5-O-octanoil(decanoil, lauroil)-L-arabinosa. La síntesis de estos compuestos se ha realizado por monoesterificación de los ditioacetales de azúcares con los correspondientes cloruros de ácidos grasos en piridina

    Análisis del sector automovilístico mediante el estudio de los estados financieros de las empresas que operan

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021 , Tutor: Máximo Francisco Losilla Ramírez[cast] En este trabajo se analizará el sector automovilístico, tomando como objeto de estudio los estados financieros de las cuatro principales empresas que operan en él junto con una empresa del sector que lleva años perdiendo peso en el mercado; y mediante el criterio del volumen de negocio de las empresas se realizará el análisis de las diferentes ratios y, tomando como referencia la ratio de solvencia global de las diferentes empresas, se compararán los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de los estados financieros con la situación económica correspondiente. El período analizado será de 2010 a 2019, última publicación de las cuentas anuales consolidadas de las respectivas empresas, sobre el cual se comentarán los datos resultantes justificados con las diferentes acciones que las empresas hayan realizado durante este período y de qué manera ha repercutido en el entorno de la empresa.[eng] In this project the automobile sector will be analyzed, taking as an object of study the financial statements of the four main companies that operate in it together with a company that has been losing weight in the market for years. By means of the criteria of the business volume of the companies, the analysis of the different ratios will be carried out, taking as a reference the global solvency ratio of the different companies, the results obtained in the analysis of the financial statements will be compared with the economic situation correspondent. The period studied will be from 2010 to 2019, last publication of the consolidated financial statements of respective companies, on which the resulting data justified by the different actions that companies have carried out during this period and how it has affected the environment of the company will be discussed. As a result, it will show a global image of automotive sector and the evolving of each company during the period just as an assessment of the future forecasts of the companies

    Pedofilia y representación en el cine

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs 2013-2014La presente investigación aborda el controvertido tema de la pedofilia partiendo de la base de que los medios de comunicación tradicionales como la prensa realizan un tratamiento unilateral, sensacionalista y homogéneo de dicha enfermedad. A través de un análisis cualitativo de tres textos fílmicos, The Woodsman (Nicole Kassell, 2004), De Nens (Joaquím Jordà, 2003) y Jagten (Thomas Vinterberg, 2012) se intenta demostrar que el cine es capaz de ofrecer visiones heterogéneas, humanizadas y en definitiva más realistas acerca de la pedofilia, además de ayudar a comprenderla como enfermedad.This research addresses the controversial subject of pedophilia on the basis of a unilateral, sensationalist and uniform treatment of the disease in traditional media such as press. Through a qualitative analysis of three films, The Woodsman (Nicole Kassell, 2004), De Nens (Joaquim Jorda, 2003) and Jagten (Thomas Vinterberg, 2012) we attempt to demonstrate that film is able to provide heterogeneous, humanized and more realistic representations of pedophilia, which help to understand this disease

    RF-MEMS switches with AlN dielectric and their applications

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    This paper reports on the potential of RF-MEMS technology based on aluminum nitride capacitive dielectric and nickel-suspended membranes to provide RF circuit functions in reconfigurable front-end radios. The RF performance of capacitive switches, distributed MEMS transmission lines (DMTLs) phase shifters for beam steering and tunable filters, including center frequency and bandwidth tuning of bandpass and band-stop filters are presented. Detailed characterization based on S-parameter data demonstrates very promising figures of merit of all fabricated demonstrators from 5 to 40GH

    Biodiesel production from olive-pomace oil of steam-treated alperujo

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    Recently interest has been revived in the use of plant-derived waste oils as renewable replacements for fossil diesel fuel. Olive–pomace oil (OPO) extracted from alperujo (by-product of processed olives for olive oil extraction), and produced it in considerable quantities throughout the Mediterranean countries, can be used for biodiesel production. A steam treatment of alperujo is being implemented in OPO extraction industry. This steam treatment improves the solid–liquid separation by centrifugation and facilitates the drying for further extraction of OPO. It has been verified that the steam treatment of this by-product also increases the concentration of OPO in the resulting treated solid, a key factor from an economic point of view. In the present work, crude OPO from steam-treated alperujo was found to be good source for producing biodiesel. Oil enrichment, acidity, biodiesel yield and fatty acid methyl ester composition were evaluated and compared with the results of the untreated samples. Yields and some general physicochemical properties of the quality of biodiesel were also compared to those obtained with other oils commonly used in biodiesel production. As for biodiesel yield no differences were observed. A transesterification process which included two steps was used (acid esterification followed by alkali transesterification). The maximum biodiesel yield was obtained using molar ratio methanol/triglycerides 6:1 in presence of sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 1% (w/w), reaction temperature 60 °C and reaction time 80 min. Under these conditions the process gave yields of about 95%, of the same order as other feedstock using similar production conditions.Junta de Andalucía (P06-AGR- 01906)Dr. Guillermo Rodríguez is grateful to the JAE-Doc Programme (CSIC) co-funded by European Social Fund (Operational Programme ESF 2007-2013

    Centro Cultural Municipal - distrito de Guadalupe - provincia de Pacasmayo - La Libertad

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    Un centro cultural es un equipamiento creado con el fin de servir como espacio para la difusión de distintas expresiones artísticas, culturales, educativas, etc.; en general estos lugares tienen el propósito de hacer accesible la cultura para un público amplio, con el fin de enriquecer su juicio crítico y su educación personal, lo que se refleja en la sociedad y su desarrollo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proyectar un centro cultural que responda a las necesidades del distrito de Guadalupe, el cual tiene un valor histórico cultural latente a través de su patrimonio y sus organizaciones culturales que realizan diferentes actividades, presentaciones, talleres, etc. Cabe indicar que a la fecha, el distrito, no cuenta con una infraestructura cultural adecuada para el desarrollo de estas actividades. La intervención arquitectónica se proyecta en uno de los sitios íconos de la zona: el Parque de la Paz; presenta una visión contemporánea que considera elementos históricos con la finalidad de potenciar su valor, proponiendo incluso un eje cultural. La infraestructura considera criterios de diseño que comprenden aspectos funcionales, espaciales y de seguridad, adecuados para el desarrollo de actividades propias de un centro cultural; el proyecto responde a un equipamiento donde convergen lo cultural, educativo y recreativo. Su diseño involucra un espacio central organizador, que proyecta la presencia del parque, lo cual genera continuidad del área exterior hacia la interior y viceversa. Logrando así integrar actividades humanas a través de su configuración arquitectónica.A cultural center is an equipment created with the intention of serving as a space for the diffusion of different artistic, cultural, educational expressions, etc.; In general, these places have the purpose of making culture accessible to a wide audience, in order to enrich their critical judgment and personal education, which is projected in society and its development. This research aims to project a cultural center that responds to the needs of the Guadalupe district, which has a latent cultural historical value through its heritage and its cultural organizations that carry out different activities, presentations, workshops, etc. It should be noted that to date, the district does not have an adequate cultural infrastructure for the development of these activities. The architectural intervention is projected in one of the iconic sites in the area: the Peace Park; it presents a contemporary vision that considers historical elements in order to enhance its value, proposing even a cultural axis. The infrastructure considers design criteria that include functional, spatial and safety aspects, suitable for the development of activities of a cultural center; The project responds to equipment where cultural, educational and recreational converge. Its design involves a central organizing space, which projects the presence of the park, which generates continuity from the exterior area to the interior and vice versa. This managing to integrate human activities through its architectural configuration.Tesi

    Assessment of Physical Vulnerability in Santo Domingo De Heredia, Costa Rica, Central America

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    Artículo científico--Universidad de Costa Rica, Vicerrectoría de Acción Social, Extensión Docente. 2014. Para mayor información puede escribir a [email protected] work assesses the physical vulnerability of the Santo Domingo Canton in the province of Heredia in Costa Rica. We evaluate the vulnerability of areas located in high risk zones as well as the structural resistance of structures of the canton and then combine them to obtain an index of Physical Vulnerability. Most of the communities in high risk areas in this Canton have not been properly identified and mapped. This identification and mapping will enhance the management of disaster risks, reduce the infrastructure vulnerability and protect vulnerable families in there. We created an index ranging between 0 and 1 for each indicator of physical vulnerability (human settlements in areas of high risk and structural resistance) and another similar index resulting from the combination of vulnerability information from both indicators. The greater part of the territory of Santo Domingo has low physical vulnerability but there are critical sites in the West and the East of the canton.Universidad de Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Geografí