816 research outputs found

    Cellular automata and cluster computing: An application to the simulation of laser dynamics

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    Firstly, the application of a cellular automata (CA) model to simulate the dynamics of lasers is reviewed. With this kind of model, the macroscopic properties of the laser system emerge as a cooperative phenomenon from elementary components locally inter-acting under simple rules. Secondly, a parallel implementation of this kind of model for distributed-memory parallel computers is presented. Performance and scalability of this parallel implementation running on a computer cluster are analyzed, giving very satisfac-tory results. This confirms the feasibility of running large 3D simulations— unaffordable on an individual machine—on computer clusters, in order to simulate specific real laser systems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-08818-C04-0

    Parallel implementation of a cellular automaton model for the simulation of laser dynamics

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    A parallel implementation for distributed-memory MIMD systems of a 2D discrete model of laser dynamics based on cellular au- tomata is presented. The model has been implemented on a PC cluster using a message passing library. A good performance has been obtained, allowing us to run realistic simulations of laser systems in clusters of workstations, which could not be a orded on an individual machine due to the extensive runtime and memory size needed.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-08818-C04-0

    Performance Analysis of a Parallel Discrete Model for the Simulation of Laser Dynamics

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    This paper presents an analysis on the performance of a parallel implementation of a discrete model of laser dynamics, which is based on cellular automata. The performance of a 2D parallel version of the model is studied as a rst step to test the feasibility of a parallel 3D version, which is needed to simulate speci c laser systems. The 3D version will have to run on a parallel computer due to its runtime and memory requirements. The model has been implemented on a Beowulf Cluster using the message passing paradigm. The parallel implementation is found to exhibit a good speedup, allowing us to run realistic simulations of laser systems on clusters of workstations, which could not be afforded on an individual machine due to the extensive runtime and memory size needed.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIC2002-04498-C05-0

    Desarrollo de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos para la docencia de Sistemas Periféricos

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    En este trabajo presentamos una tarjeta de adquisición de datos utilizada para la docencia del diseño y control de sistemas periféricos en asignaturas de Ingeniería Telemática. Exponemos además las experiencias de varios profesores que imparten docencia en una unidad temática formada por asignaturas del área de arquitectura de computadores en la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica en Telecomunicaciones

    Parallel Cellular Automata-based Simulation of Laser Dynamics using Dynamic Load Balancing

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    We present an analysis of the feasibility of executing a parallel bioinspired model of laser dynamics, based on cellular automata (CA), on the usual target platform of this kind of applications: a heterogeneous non-dedicated cluster. As this model employs a synchronous CA, using the single program, multiple data (SPMD) paradigm, it is not clear in advance if an appropriate efficiency can be obtained on this kind of platform. We have evaluated its performance including artificial load to simulate other tasks or jobs submitted by other users. A dynamic load balancing strategy with two main differences from most previous implementations of CA based models has been used. First, it is possible to migrate load to cluster nodes initially not belonging to the pool. Second, a modular approach is taken in which the model is executed on top of a dynamic load balancing tool – the Dynamite system – gaining flexibility. Very satisfactory results have been obtained, with performance increases from 60% to 80%.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2007-68083-C02Junta de Extremadura PRI06A22

    A Fuzzy Rule-Based System to Predict Energy Consumption of Genetic Programming Algorithms

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    In recent years, the energy-awareness has become one of the most interesting areas in our environmentally conscious society. Algorithm designers have been part of this, particularly when dealing with networked devices and, mainly, when handheld ones are involved. Although studies in this area has increased, not many of them have focused on Evolutionary Algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, few attempts have been performed before for modeling their energy consumption considering different execution devices. In this work, we propose a fuzzy rulebased system to predict energy comsumption of a kind of Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Prohramming, given the device in wich it will be executed, its main parameters, and a measurement of the difficulty of the problem addressed. Experimental results performed show that the proposed model can predict energy consumption with very low error values.We acknowledge support from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under projects TIN2014-56494-C4-[1,2,3]-P and TIN2017-85727-C4- [2,4]-P, Regional Government of Extremadura, Department of Commerce and Economy, conceded by the European Regional Development Fund, a way to build Europe, under the project IB16035, and Junta de Extremadura FEDER, projects GR15068 and GR15130

    Control of Bloat in Genetic Programming by Means of the Island Model

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    This paper presents a new proposal for reducing bloat in Genetic Programming. This proposal is based in a well-known parallel evolutionary model: the island model. We firstly describe the theoretical motivation for this new approach to the bloat problem, and then we present a set of experiments that gives us evidence of the findings extracted from the theory. The experiments have been performed on a representative problem extracted from the GP field: the even parity 5 problem. We analyse the evolution of bloat employing different settings for the parameters employed. The conclusion is that the Island Model helps to prevent the bloat phenomenon

    Hacia un ontológico de Creatividad aplicado al contexto del Diseño y Artesanía: Innovación y Computación Evolutiva.

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    La Artesanía es un medio de producción importante, que aporta valores socio-culturales y turísticos que necesitan de una adaptación a la sociedad contemporánea, en la que la convivencia con la innovación tecnológica puede ser más activa y provechosa. En el presente artículo se discierne sobre un estado de intenciones, dirigido a un ontológico particular para el Diseño y la Artesanía, donde la acción creativa de “caja negra” del individuo se materialice en un método visible. La particularidad artesanal necesita de modelos singulares en pro de la innovación, cada vez más posibles, y que precisan de: aprender de los procesos creativos del pensamiento creativo del individuo, elaborar un método ontológico de diseño específico para un escenario particular, y analizar y aplicar las relaciones entre la Tecnología/Inteligencia Artificial y la Artesanía, como dos mundos inicialmente dispares en el que encontrar relaciones de sinergia