429 research outputs found

    Características epidemiológicas, comorbilidades y calidad de vida de los pacientes con psoriasis en placas en el área sanitaria de A Coruña (España)

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    [Resumen] Fundamento: Con el mejor conocimiento de la patogenia de la psoriasis, ésta ha dejado de ser una enfermedad exclusivamente cutánea para pasar a ser una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica con manifestaciones sistémicas. Se han descrito numerosas comorbilidades asociadas a la psoriasis, entre ellas una mayor prevalencia de síndrome metabólico y factores de riesgo cardiovascular, artropatía, mayor consumo de tabaco y alcohol, manifestaciones psicológicas y alteración de la calidad de vida. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de síndrome metabólico, factores de riesgo cardiovascular, las características epidemiológicas, la alteración de la calidad de vida y otras comorbilidades en los pacientes con psoriasis en placas en el Área Sanitaria de A Coruña, además de la relación entre estos factores y las características de la psoriasis y su variación en función de la edad del paciente y de la edad de comienzo de la psoriasis. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo de prevalencia en pacientes con psoriasis en placas pertenecientes al Área Sanitaria de A Coruña. Se determinaron los datos demográficos y las características de la psoriasis (tipo clínico, tiempo de evolución, antecedentes familiares, gravedad y tratamiento), presencia de comorbilidades y su tratamiento (antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, diabetes, dislipemia, determinación del riesgo cardiovascular mediante los índices de Framingham, DORICA, SCORE y REGICOR, existencia de hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo, medida de la tensión arterial, el índice de masa corporal y el índice cintura-cadera, resultados analíticos (glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos), prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente, hábitos tóxicos (tabaco y alcohol) y alteración de la calidad de vida (DLQI). Resultados: Se incluyeron 395 pacientes (59,7% varones y 40,3% mujeres) con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 86 años. Encontramos una prevalencia elevada de sobrepeso y obesidad (73,1%) y criterios de síndrome metabólico en el 24,6% de los pacientes, sin diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. No hubo relación entre el síndrome metabólico y las características de la psoriasis (gravedad, artropatía, tiempo de evolución y tratamiento). El riesgo cardiovascular fue intermedio en un porcentaje significativo de pacientes, sin relación con las características de la psoriasis, exceptuando el índice de Framingham, donde la mayor gravedad de la psoriasis se asoció con mayor riesgo cardiovascular (p=0,032). Había asociación entre el tabaquismo y la mayor gravedad de la psoriasis (p=0,011), pero no con el consumo de alcohol. Los factores que se asociaron con una mayor afectación de la calidad de vida fueron el sexo femenino, el índice de masa corporal, los años de evolución de la psoriasis y el tipo de tratamiento, con mejor calidad de vida en los pacientes con tratamientos biológicos y sistémicos. Conclusiones: Encontramos una prevalencia elevada de síndrome metabólico y de cada uno de sus componentes, especialmente de obesidad, sin relación con la gravedad y el tiempo de evolución de la psoriasis. El riesgo cardiovascular generalmente no está asociado con las características de la psoriasis, por lo que es posible que la asociación entre estas comorbilidades y la psoriasis esté sobreestimada en algunos estudios.[Abstract] Background: Since the better understanding of psoriasis pathogenesis it is no longer an exclusively cutaneous disease. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with various comorbidities, including a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors and arthropathy, increased consumption of tobacco and alcohol, psychological manifestations and impaired quality of life. Objetive: To assess the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, epidemiological features, quality of life and other comorbidities in patients with psoriasis in the sanitary region of A Coruña, besides the relationship between these factors and psoriasis characteristics and their variation depending on the patient`s age and age of onset of psoriasis. Methods: Observational, prospective study of prevalence in patients with the diagnosis of plaque psoriasis from the sanitary region of A Coruña. We assessed demographic data and psoriasis features (clinical type, time of evolution, family history, severity and treatment), the existence of comorbidities and their treatment (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, assessment of cardiovascular risk by means of Framingham, SCORE, DORICA and REGICOR ratios, left ventricular hyperthrophy, measurement of blood pressure, body mass index and waist-hip ratio), analytical determinations (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides), prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection, toxic habits (tobacco, alcohol) and quality of life impairment (DLQI). Results: A total of 395 patients (59,7% male and 40,3% female) aged 18 to 86 years were included. We found a high prevalence of overweight and obesity (73,1%) and metabolic syndrome criteria in 24,6% of patients, without differences by gender. There was no relationship between metabolic syndrome and psoriasis features (severity, arthropathy, years of evolution and treatment). Cardiovascular risk was intermediate in a significant proportion of patients and not related to the psoriasis characteristics, except for the Framimghan index, with higher cardiovascular risk in patients with more severe psoriasis (p=0,032). There was relationship between smoking habit and psoriasis severity (p=0,011) but not with alcohol consumption. Factors associated with greater impairment of quality of life were gender, body mass index, years of evolution and type of treatment for psoriasis with better quality of life in patients receiving systemic and biologic therapies. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and each of its components, especially obesity, with no relationship with psoriasis severity and years of evolution. Cardiovascular risk, in general, was not associated to psoriasis features. The association between these comorbidities and psoriasis is possible to be overestimated in some studies

    Effect of Hexadecyltrimethyl-Ammonium Loaded Montmorillonite on The Cu Adsorption: Adsorption Surface Sites Involved

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    Na raw montmorillonite (Mt) and two organomontmorillonites (OMt) with different hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMABr) was used to adsorb Cu2+. TheCu2+ adsorption isotherms were performed, and Langmuir, Freundlich and SIPS mathematical models were evaluated.According to the R2 term, the experimental data were appropriately described by SIPS models for all the samples.Thermal analysis of the OMt adsorbents and their Cu2+ adsorbed products indicated that HDTMA was associated with cation exchange and Van der Waals interactions to the Mt surface. The decrease of the de-surfactant temperaturemainly for MH0.5-Cu respect to MH0.5 sample would indicate a weaker Van der Waals interactions of alkyl chains at the external surface by the Cu presence. The Cu2+ and the HDTMA entrance at the interlayer of Mt was evidenced by XRDanalysis, where the cationic exchange process occurs. The zeta potential values behavior evidenced the importance of the external surface participation in the Cu2+ adsorption mainly for OMt samples.Fil: Fernández Morantes, César. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Solarte, Alejandra María. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; Argentina. Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores; ColombiaFil: Torres Sanchez, Rosa Maria. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; Argentin

    Adsorption and characterization of MCPA on DDTMA- and raw-montmorillonite: surface sites involved

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    The 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy acid (MCPA) is an herbicide widely used in agriculture, which generates a great concern about contamination of surface water and serious consequences for human health and the environment. In this work, the adsorption of MCPA on an Argentine montmorillonite (MMT) and its organo-montmorillonite product (OMMT) with different dodecyl trimethyl ammonium loading was investigated. MCPA adsorption on OMMT increases at least 3 times, with respect to the amount determined for MMT. X-ray diffraction and zeta potential analyses indicated the inner (interlayer) and outer surface participate as adsorption sites. Changes in surface electric charge and also interlayer expansion suggest that dimethyl amine (MCPA counterion) was also surface-adsorbed. The larger aggregates of OMMT, without and with MCPA, obtained compared to those of MMT samples, generate an improvement in the coagulation efficiency. This property, particularly after MCPA retention, allows an easier separation of the solids from the solution and enables a simple technological process application.Instituto de Recursos Minerale

    Bio-adhesives from soy protein concentrate and montmorillonite: Rheological and thermal behaviour

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    The incorporation of different amounts of montmorillonite (MMT) to soy protein concentrate (SPC) was used to improve the performance of the bio-nano-adhesive obtained. X-Ray diffraction, rheology, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electronic microscopy were carried out to characterize the adhesives, and dry and wet strength was used to determine the adhesion strength. In the rheological measurement, the incorporation of up to 3 wt% of MMT did not modify the consistency index values of the SPC, while an increase in the flow consistency index for higher concentrations can be observed due to a strong interaction between MMT and the protein. Besides, the flow point values increase four times with respect to the value obtained for SPC alone. The decomposition temperature of SPC increases with the addition of MMT, which provides a tortuous pathway that obstructs the diffusion of volatile products out of the bio-nano-adhesive. Further addition beyond 5 wt% led to the formation of agglomerates, as verified by SEM. Moreover, the roughness of the fractured surface of the matrix can explain the decrease of the net adhesion of the nano-particles to the SPC suspensions.Fil: Bacigalupe, Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial - Caucho; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Solarte, Alejandra María. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Mariela Alejandra. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Torres Sanchez, Rosa Maria. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Eisenberg, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Centro de Plástico; ArgentinaFil: Escobar, Mariano Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial - Caucho; Argentin

    Bio-adhesives from soy protein concentrate and montmorillonite: Rheological and thermal behaviour

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    The incorporation of different amounts of montmorillonite (MMT) to soy protein concentrate (SPC) was used to improve the performance of the bio-nano-adhesive obtained. X-Ray diffraction, rheology, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electronic microscopy were carried out to characterize the adhesives, and dry and wet strength was used to determine the adhesion strength. In the rheological measurement, the incorporation of up to 3 wt% of MMT did not modify the consistency index values of the SPC, while an increase in the flow consistency index for higher concentrations can be observed due to a strong interaction between MMT and the protein. Besides, the flow point values increase four times with respect to the value obtained for SPC alone. The decomposition temperature of SPC increases with the addition of MMT, which provides a tortuous pathway that obstructs the diffusion of volatile products out of the bio-nano-adhesive. Further addition beyond 5 wt% led to the formation of agglomerates, as verified by SEM. Moreover, the roughness of the fractured surface of the matrix can explain the decrease of the net adhesion of the nano-particles to the SPC suspensions.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Inhalable spray-dried chondroitin sulphate microparticles: effect of different solvents on particle properties and drug activity

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    Spray-drying stands as one of the most used techniques to produce inhalable microparticles, but several parameters from both the process and the used materials affect the properties of the resulting microparticles. In this work, we describe the production of drug-loaded chondroitin sulphate microparticles by spray-drying, testing the effect of using different solvents during the process. Full characterisation of the polymer and of the aerodynamic properties of the obtained microparticles are provided envisaging an application in inhalable tuberculosis therapy. The spray-dried microparticles successfully associated two first-line antitubercular drugs (isoniazid and rifabutin) with satisfactory production yield (up to 85%) and drug association efficiency (60%-95%). Ethanol and HCl were tested as co-solvents to aid the solubilisation of rifabutin and microparticles produced with the former generally revealed the best features, presenting a better ability to sustainably release rifabutin. Moreover, these presented aerodynamic properties compatible with deep lung deposition, with an aerodynamic diameter around 4 μm and fine particle fraction of approximately 44%. Finally, it was further demonstrated that the antitubercular activity of the drugs remained unchanged after encapsulation independently of the used solvent.UID/Multi/04326/2019; SFRH/BD/52426/2013; ED481B 2018/071info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adsorption of copper from aqueous solution by nano- montmorillonites

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    La rápida industrialización ha generado serios problemas de contaminación, deterioro del ambiente y daños en las diferentes formas de vida, debido a que la mayoría de los efluentes industriales y mineros contienen metales pesados. En este trabajo se obtuvieron y caracterizaron organo-montmorillonitas (OMMT), con propósito de retención de Cu2+. Las isotermas de adsorción ajustadas mediante los modelos de adsorción de Langmuir (sitios homogéneos) y Freundlich (sitios heterogéneos), mostraron alta adsorción en la arcilla Montmorillonita (MMT), y esta disminuyo en las OMMT modificadas con el 50 y 100% de hexadeciltrimetilamonio bromuro (HDTMABr) respecto a la capacidad de intercambio (CIC) de la MMT. La arcilla modificada con el 50% se ajusto al modelo de Freundlich (con R2= 0,961) y la modificada con el 100% ajusto al modelo de Langmuir (con R2= 0,924), mostrando la influencia de la incorporación de HDTMABr sobre superficie de la arcilla. Además, se confirmó la adsorción de Cu2+ en la intercapa de la MMT y en la modificada con el 50% de la CIC de la MMT.Trabajo publicado en Maria dos Santos Alfonso y Rosa María Torres Sánchez (eds.). Enfoques Interdisciplinarios para la Sustentabilidad del Ambiente. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sociedad Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental, 2015.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Humic acid interaction with clay minerals: modification of the surface properties by calcium presence

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    The environmental importance of humic acid (HA) is mainly related to soil fertility, but it can also develop some human diseases by its intake as well as prevent calcium assimilation. Physicochemical characterisations of a montmorillonite (Mt) and its thermal treated product (Mt550), to which HA, Ca+2 or both were added, will help to better understand the surface behaviour of the binary or ternary systems. Calcium or HA adsorption produces a decrease of the Mt and Mt550 specific surface area (SSA). X-ray diffraction indicates calcium presence and no entrance of humic acid in the interlayer of Mt, while in the ternary systems (calcium-HA-Mt) a hindrance to the calcium entrance was observed. The opposite behaviour produces the adsorption of HA or calcium on electric charge of both samples. The mean pore diameter (MPD) for Mt increases with Ca+2 adsorption while no change was found after HA adsorption, in contrast to that found for Mt550.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Mapping citation patterns of book chapters in the Book Citation Index

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    Complementary Material to this study can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22587.In this paper we provide the reader with a visual representation of relationships among the impact of book chapters indexed in the Book Citation Index using information gain values and published by different academic publishers in specific disciplines. The impact of book chapters can be characterized statistically by citations histograms. For instance, we can compute the probability of occurrence of book chapters with a number of citations in different intervals for each academic publisher. We predict the similarity between two citation histograms based on the amount of relative information between such characterizations. We observe that the citation patterns of book chapters follow a Lotkaian distribution. This paper describes the structure of the Book Citation Index using ‘heliocentric clockwise maps’ which allow the reader not only to determine the grade of similarity of a given academic publisher indexed in the Book Citation Index with a specific discipline according to their citation distribution, but also to easily observe the general structure of a discipline, identifying the publishers with higher impact and output.This research was sponsored by the Spanish Board for Science and Technology (MICINN) under grant TIN2010- 15157 co financed with European FEDER funds

    Benchmarking research performance at the University. Level with information theoretic measures

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    This paper presents a new method for comparing universities based on information theoretic measures. The research output of each academic institution is represented statistically by an impact-factor histogram. To this aim, for each academic institution we compute the probability of occurrence of a publication with impact factor in different intervals. Assuming the probabilities associated with a pair of academic institutions our objective is to measure the Information Gain between them. To do so, we develop an axiomatic characterization of relative information for predicting institution-institution dissimilarity. We use the Spanish university system as our scenario to test the proposed methodology for benchmarking three universities with the rest as a case study. For each case we use different scientific fields such as Information and Communication Technologies, Medicine & Pharmacy, and Economics & Business as we believe comparisons must take into account their disciplinary context. Finally we validate the Information Gain values obtained for each case with previous studies