13 research outputs found

    La Integraciòn de los medios y nuevas tecnologías en los centros y prácticas docentes

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    El artículo que presentamos recoge las aportaciones más relevantes de un investigación de corte descriptivo que realizamos recientemente: "Los medios audiovisuales, informáticos y nuevas tecnologías en los centros educativos gallegos: presencia y usos". Este estudio se inscribe dentro de la línea de investigación didáctico-curricular sobre los medios. Sus principales aportaciones constituyen -a nuestro juicio- referentes ineludibles para el diseño de políticas educativas para la integración de los medios en la educación en un contexto en que este tipo de acciones constituyen un objetivo prioritario. Se abordan los principales aspectos didácticos ligados a la integración de los medios y nuevas tecnologías en la educación: formación de profesores, aspectos organizativos para su integración, usos en las prácticas y aspectos relevantes en relación a la adquisición y dotación de medios de los centros.The article that we present picks up the most excellent contributions from a descriptive research that we carry out recently: "The audiovisual media, computer and new technologies in galician educational centers: avaliability and uses". This study tried to know audiovisual media, computer and New Technologies that the professors use in the centers of primary and secondary of Galician community: How they use them and from what previous ideas on the means makes it. It not only approaches the problem in relation to the means in general, but also in relation to each one of the main audiovisual, computer media and NTIC applied to the education. It not only assumes the perspective of the lacks, but also that of the media that the professors prefer and they consider more useful in their practices. It approaches indispensable aspects for the design of formation plans in media because not being limited to the formative deficits, but also considering the vision of the professors the formation should be

    Una propuesta de formación e información on-line: la feria virtual "Expofood"

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    Se presenta la plataforma de formación on-line para profesionales www.Expofood.com desarrollada por el Aula de Productos Lácteos de la Universidad de Santiago como una respuesta ante la necesidad de llevar la formación continua a las empresas. Esta platafIt was produced like an answer of the necessity to aproximate the continuous formation to the companies. This platform was developed with the purpose to Incorporate and to adapt to the industry personnel to the new technologies of information and communi

    Evaluación de la enseñanza con TIC

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    Las posibilidades que ofrecen las TIC para el desarrollo de una enseñanza flexible son diversas, pero el desarrollo de sus aplicaciones en los distintos componentes de proceso de enseñanza no ha avanzado por igual. En este sentido, actualmente se puede hablar de una escasa tradición en el uso de las TIC para la evaluación de los procesos de enseñanza. Las aplicaciones más frecuentes se relacionan con el diseño y aplicación de exámenes (fundamentalmente pruebas objetivas) o con la evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje diseñado exclusivamente con las TIC (cursos informatizados con un sistema de evaluación propio). Las TIC, por sus rasgos definitorios, ofrecen posibilidades para diseñar múltiples instrumentos; organizar la información recogida en el proceso evaluador e interpretarla, facilitando así la comprensión del proceso de aprendizaje. En este trabajo planteamos algunas posibilidades que ofrecen la TIC en el campo de la evaluación.The possibilities that ICT offer for the development of a flexible teaching are diverse, but the development of their applications in the different components of teaching process has not advanced equally. In this sense, at the moment one can speak of a scarce tradition in the use of the ICT for the evaluation of the teaching processes. The most frequent applications are related with the design and application of exams (fundamentally objective tests) or with the evaluation of the learning process designed exclusively with the ICT (courses computerized with an own evaluation system). The ICT offer possibilities to design multiple instruments; to organize the information picked up in the process appraiser and to interpret it, facilitating this way the understanding of the learning process. In this work we outline some possibilities that ICT offer in the field of the evaluation

    Perception and Use of ICT in Continuing Training in The University of Santiago de Compostela's (USC) Spinoff

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    El artículo analiza la percepción que los responsables de formación de las spin-off de la USC tienen de las posibilidades de las TIC en la formación continua, y el uso que hacen de ellas. El total de spin-off en la USC desde 1999 hasta 2014 es de 25 empresas, estando formada nuestra muestra finalmente por 20. Es un estudio descriptivo, en el que empleamos el método de encuesta aplicando un cuestionario online de elaboración propia a las spin-off. Estas empresas muestran una visión positiva de las TIC en la formación, aunque en la realidad su uso todavía es escaso.The paper analysed the perception that responsible for trainer of spin-off from USC about the possibilities of ICT in continuous trained, and the use made of them. In USC, since 1999 to 2004, 25 spin-off companies were created, finally our example being formed by 20. This a descriptive study, which use the survey method and we applied on line questionnaire own elaboration to spin-off. These companies show a positive view of ICT in education, although the reality, its use still is scared

    Skills for Learning Network of High School Students in Galicia

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo radica en identificar las necesidades formativas para el trabajo en red de los alumnos de secundaria de Galicia. Se presenta un análisis exploratorio de sus niveles de competencia en esta materia valorados autopercibidos por los propios alumnos y percibidos por sus profesores. Los resultados muestran niveles de preparación superiores en competencias instrumentales, e insuficientes en otras mas directamente relacionadas con el aprendizaje autónomo y orientado a la creación de conocimiento, sugiriendo la necesidad de propuestas de formación que mejoren la explotación y el uso de las TIC para la optimización de los procesos de aprendizaje.The aim of the present study is to identify the training needs for educational network of secondary education students in Galicia. An exploratory analysis of the competence levels in educational network assessed by the own students and by their teachers. The results show higher levels in instrumental competences, and insufficient in those competences related to autonomous learning and knowledge development. Therefore, these data suggest the need of curricular and systematic training to improve the exploitation and management of the ICT in order to optimize the learning process


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    La competencia para el uso de las TIC es esencial en el desempeño profesional docente. Tras décadas de estudio se observa que es necesario mejorar el nivel formativo, atendiendo a los constantes cambios generados por las tecnologías y la innovación educativa. El objetivo es conocer las competencias, usos y actitudes hacia las TIC de estudiantes del grado en maestro de educación infantil y primaria, así como contrastar de qué manera la interacción entre variables explica el uso que el alumnado realiza de las tecnologías. La muestra es de 526 estudiantes de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Se usan análisis descriptivos para describir la muestra y las variables analizadas, un análisis de componentes principales para comprobar cómo se agrupaban los ítems de las escalas y análisis no paramétricos para contrastes estadísticos. Los participantes informan de una competencia media para el uso de las TIC con más dominio técnico que para el aprendizaje. A mayor nivel de competencia técnica, mayor uso de las TIC para el aprendizaje y para informarse. A mayor nivel de competencia en el uso de las TIC para el aprendizaje, mayor uso de las tecnologías para el aprendizaje. Las actitudes hacia las TIC son positivas y esto se relaciona con su mayor uso para el aprendizaje; siendo los hombres los que consideran tener más competencia para el uso. Se pone de manifiesto que la competencia para el uso de las TIC y las actitudes tienen influencia en el uso que se realiza de las mismas para aprender.Competence in the use of ICTs is a necessary element in the teacher professional performance, and decisions on the quality of initial teacher education need to be informed about whether or not it is appropriate at the present time. Throughout decades of national and international studies, it has been observed that it is necessary to improve the level of training in this field, taking into account the constants generated by technology and innovation in education. The aim was to describe the ICT competences, attitudes and uses that the students of the Degree in Teaching have and to contrast in what way the interaction between these factors allows to explain the use that the students make of the technologies. We use a sample constituted by 526 university students of the Degree in Teaching of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Descriptive analyses were used to describe the sample and the variables analyzed in the study. A principal component analysis was carried out to check how the items of the questionnaires were grouped (competences and attitudes) and non-parametric analysis were used to perform statistical tests. Participants reported an average level of digital competences, with the technical domain being greater than the domain for learning. The higher the level of technical competence, the greater the use of ICT for learning and to get information; also, the higher level of competence in the use of ICT for learning, the more they use it for this purpose. The participants showed positive attitudes towards ICT, and we also identified that the higher the score in positive attitudes, the greater the use of ICT for learning. Men reported a higher level of digital competences. This work showed that the digital competences of future teachers have influence in the use that these students make of them to learn. This aspect must be taken into account both by educational institutions of higher education and by other educational agents.ICT应用能力对职业教师来说至关重要。经过数十年的研究,我们发现有必要提高其培训水平,同时要关注技术和教育创新所带来的不断变化。本研究的目的是了解幼儿和小学师范教育中学生对运用ICT的能力和态度,以及检验变量之间是怎样相互影响来解释学生对技术的应用状况。样本是来自圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉大学的526名学生。研究中使用了描述性分析用于描述样本和分析变量,主成分分析用于检验量表上的项目如何分组,以及非参数分析用于统计检验。参与者称在ICT的平均运用能力上,对其技术的掌握高于学习技能。技术能力水平越高,ICT技术就越多地用于学习和对信息的了解。将ICT技术用于学习上的能力越高,在学习中使用的技术就越多。积极使用信息和通信技术的态度与其在学习中的更多使用相关;研究认为男性的ICT能力更高。结果表明,使用信息通信技术的能力和态度会对他们学习该技术的使用产生影响。Компетентность в использовании ИКТ имеет важнейшее значение для профессиональной деятельности учителей. После десятилетий учебы было отмечено, что необходимо повышать уровень подготовки кадров с учетом постоянных изменений, вызванных технологическими и образовательными инновациями. Цель работы состоит в том, чтобы узнать о компетенции, использовании и отношении к ИКТ студентов учащихся на учителя дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста, а также узнать, как взаимодействие между переменными объясняет использование студентами технологий. В выборке учавствовало 526 студентов из Университета Сантьяго-де-Компостела. Описательный анализ используется для описания выборки и анализируемых переменных, анализ основных компонентов для проверки того, как группируются элементы в шкалах, и непараметрический анализ для статистических контрастов. Участники информируют о средней компетентности в использовании ИКТ с более высоким уровнем технического мастерства, чем в обучении. Чем выше уровень технической компетентности, тем выше использование ИКТ для обучения и получения информации. Чем выше уровень компетентности в использовании ИКТ для обучения, тем выше использование технологий для обучения. Отношение к ИКТ является положительным, и это связано с их более активным использованием для обучения, при этом мужчины считают себя более компетентными в их использовании. Выявлено, что компетентность в ИКТ и эмоциональное отношение к ним влияют на их использование для обучения

    Education knowledge transfer: Report on in-school placements needs and possibilities of the technologies

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    The WP2 of the EKT project aimed at describing how in-school placement (ISP) is organised and developed in the initial teacher education in the countries participating in the EKT project (Austria, England, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). In order to achieve this goal, two main pr ocedures were developed: 1. The characterization of national ISP systems, based on the analysis of institutional documentation (legislation, tools, guides, regulations, protocols, reports...) identified and described by the EKT academic teams in each country 2. The identification of the perspectives and conceptions of academic and school mentors involved in ISP, working either Higher Education Institutions (HEI) where Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is developed or at the schools where ISP takes place. For this sake, a questionnaire was designed and applied to a sample of 347 mentors from the different countries involved in the project. The analysis of the different ITE systems enabled the identification of many common features. In fact, all the countries have ITE systems that involve the HEI and nursery/primary/ secondary schools where ISP takes place. In most situations, ITE involves consecutive programmes (at graduation and post-graduation levels). And despite some variation in the length of these consecutive programmes (6 + 3/4 semesters or 8 + 2/3 semesters), the extension of the whole ITE process is less variable, the same happening with the global number of ECTS units involved in any ITE process regardless of the country. In some countries (e.g., Spain), and concerning, mainly but not exclusively, nursery and primary school teachers’ preparation, ITE may take place at the graduation level. It is also worth mentioning the case of England, where two different teacher training paths can be found: HEI routes and School-led postgraduate (consecutive) routes that involve different kinds of programmes: • School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) programmes (no salaried); • School Direct Training programmes (non-salaried); • School Direct Training programmes (salaried); • Teach First (salaried); • Postgraduate Teaching; Apprenticeship (PGTA) (salaried). No matter the country, ITE processes imply in-school placement. The characteristics of these placements may vary according not only to the features of each national educational system but also to the respective ITE programmes and the school level training refers to. In general ISP is developed under agreements established between HEI where ITE programmes are developed and schools where ISP takes place and involves both HEI teachers and school teachers as mentors. The selection of these school mentors varies from country to country as well as the role they play and their participation in the students´ evaluation. There also seems to be some variation regarding the tasks, the number of hours involved and the kind of materials students have to produce and deliver as a result of their practices during ISP. Despite this variation, it is possible to recognize that there is, in most cases, a concern with the promotion of a reflection on the practice by the use of adequate practices and instruments, such as the construction of portfolios that make possible a critical attitude towards the teaching activities developed. Report on in-school placements needs and possibilities of the technologies Página 5 1. Executive summary The questionnaire enabled the identification of academic and school mentors’ perspectives and conceptions about ISP and focused on different aspects involved in the process, such as: • The relevance of different internship activities and the degree of collaboration between academic and school mentors in their development. • The responsibility for the definition of the curricular framework of isp. • The aspects included in isp guides. • The relation between the student teacher and the mentors and the kind of activities they are involved in during the whole isp process. • The structure of student teachers’ final report or dissertation; the aspects focused on mentors’ observation and supervision during isp. • The structure and content of the Portfolio of in-school placement teaching practice. Due to the diversity of approaches in the countries involved in the study, the design of the questionnaire took into account the complexity of the ISP process and the multiplicity of aspects involved in the process by offering the respondents rather long lists of the items they should express their position about. As far as the relevance of the activities involved in ISP, all the items were valued above 3,10 in a scale that varied from 1 (nothing) to 5 (very much), regardless of the group (country), what may be seen as the recognition of the diversity and complexity of ISP. Despite the existing significant statistical differences, it is possible to say that there are some items, whose relevance is recognized (generally rated above 4), namely those related to the definition of standards and procedures and those concerning classroom observation, feedback, student-teacher evaluation, and collaborative work involving students and mentors. Collaboration between academic and school mentors throughout the ISP process and regarding the different activities involved is highly valued although the comparison of data regarding the degree of real cooperation and the data regarding the degree of cooperation that should exist suggests the necessity of its enhancement. Regardless of the country, the definition of the curricular framework of ISP depends mainly on the HEI, either the HEI coordinator or their mentors. In-school placement guides tend to include several items, but mentors responding to the questionnaire highlight those related to the definition of the different roles involved and to the teaching practices and their assessment. The planning of activities integrated into the school activity emerges as the most important aspect of the relationship between the student teacher and the mentors. Before the placement, activities concerning class teaching planning and the selection of materials and other resources seem to be the most frequent activities involving mentors, either from HEI or schools and student teachers. During the in-school placement, the most frequent activities involving mentors and student teachers concern not only teaching planning and materials selection but also teaching activities; pupils’ assessment is also highlighted as a frequent activity that involves school mentors and student teachers. Activities developed after the placement are valued in the questionnaire; the most highlighted regard pupils´ assessment and the production of students´ progress reports. The model for the student teacher’s final report or dissertation includes not only the monitoring procedures during its preparation and presentation but also writing rules and procedures, as well as guidelines and rules for the use of data collected by the trainee, the extent/ length of the report and formatting standards and references. The structure and content of this report dissertation are defined at the HEI level

    Influence of personal and environment factors on classroom ITC integration in Galicia

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    La incorporación de las TIC en las escuelas ha provocado replantear el sistema de enseñanza tradicional. A pesar de que estudios previos han señalado que los docentes mantienen una concepción positiva de la aplicación de las TIC, todavía no se ha alcanzado una plena integración de las mismas en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por ello, diversos estudios se han centrado en el estudio de los principales factores que influyen sobre el uso de las TIC, concluyendo que se requiere un enfoque multivariado contemplando factores personales y contextuales. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en analizar de qué manera distintas variables personales y contextuales influyen sobre la integración de las TIC en las aulas en una muestra de profesores de Galicia. Los resultados de la estimación de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales señalan que disponibilidad de medios y competencias didácticas constituyen los principales factores moduladores del uso de las TIC en el aula, mientras que las competencias en manejo técnico serían un factor determinante en la adquisición de otros tipos de competencias en TIC. Además género y edad interaccionan de manera compleja con las otras variables, dando lugar a efectos moderados (género) o escasos (edad) sobre la integración de las TIC.The integration of ICT in schools is a reality that has led to rethink the traditional education system. However, although previous studies have suggested that teachers have a positive view of the application of ICT in the classroom, the data indicate that a full integration has not yet been reached in the teachinglearning process. Therefore, several studies have focused on the study of the main factors that influence the use of ICT, in which it was found that it is required a multivariate approach contemplating personal and contextual factors. The aim of this study was to analyze how different personal and contextual variables influence the integration of ICT in the classroom in a sample of teachers of the Autonomous Community of Galicia. The results of estimating structural equation models indicated that media availability and teaching skills are the main modulating factors in the ICT use in the classroom, while instrumental skills would be a determining factor in the acquisition of other types of ICT competences. In addition, age and gender interact in complex ways with the other variables, resulting in moderate (gender) or scarce (age) effects on the ICT integration in the classroom.Unión Europea 141882-LLP1-2008-1-AT-COMENIUS-CM


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    Actualmente, las competencias para la integración de las TIC en el aula se han convertido en habilidades necesarias para los profesores en su práctica profesional. En este estudio, se ha desarrollado y validado un cuestionario para la evaluación de competencias en TIC del profesorado en diferentes niveles educativos a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Este instrumento abarca aspectos de habilidades técnicas, uso educativo, y diseño de materiales digitales y entornos de aprendizaje. Podría ser útil para investigación en el campo de la tecnología educativa y como punto de partida para diseñar programas de educación continua en TIC para docentes

    Critical media literacy to improve students' competencies

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    Media literacy training is an urgent need of our time. Educational institutions must stand as fundamental domains to collectively address reflection on digital and media environments and prepare school-age citizens to constructively deal with the impact of the media. To do so, a paradigm shift to approach the issue is required: a critical awareness of the new scenarios created by the media and a broad reflection on their characteristics. A new framework where the spotlight is on the media, the surrounding environment is an essential reference point and training proposals are based on results and evidence. This study is part of a Design-Based Research, aimed at the creation, implementation and evaluation of a Critical Media Literacy program for high school students at the Escuela Normal Superior del Putumayo (Colombia). In this paper we present the results obtained by applying the Alfamed media competence "pre" and "post" questionnaire to the students participating in the program. The results obtained show a significant improvement both in the overall level of students' media competence and in four of the six dimensions that make up the theoretical reference model ("Technology", "Language", "Ideology and Values" and "Production and Dissemination")