7,035 research outputs found

    Origen del Alineamiento Submarino de Pascua: morfología y lineamientos estructurales

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.ABSTRACT. The Easter submarine alignment corresponds to a sequence of seamounts and oceanic islands which runs from the Ahu-Umu volcanic fields in the west to its intersection with the Nazca Ridge in the east, with a total length of about 2.900 km and a strike of N85°E. Recent bathymetric compilations that include combined satellite derived and shipboard data (Global Topography) and multibeam bathymetric data (from NGDC-NOAA) are interpreted both qualitatively and quantitatively by using a morphological analysis, which was comprised of the determination of bathymetric patterns, trends in lineations and structures; height measurements, computation of basal areas and volumes of seamounts, in order to establish clues on the origin of this seamount chain and to establish relationships with the regional tectonics. In the study region 514 seamounts were counted, of which 334 had a basal area less than the reference seamount (Moai). In general, the largest seamounts (>1000 m in height) tend to align and to have a larger volume, with an elongation of their bases along the seamount chain. On the other hand, smaller seamounts tend to be distributed more randomly with more circular bases. As a consequence of the morphological analysis, the best possible mechanism that explains the origin of the seamount chain is the existence of a localized hotspot to the west of the Salas y Gómez Island. The corresponding plume would contribute additional magmatic material towards the East Pacific Rise through canalizations, whose secondary branches would feed intermediate volcanoes. It is possible that within the Easter Island region there would be another minor contribution through fractures in the crust, due to the crustal weakening that was produced by the Easter Fracture Zone.RESUMEN. El alineamiento submarino de Pascua es un cordón de montes submarinos e islas que comprende, por el W, desde los campos volcánicos Ahu-Umu y, hasta el E, su intersección con la elevación de Nazca, con una extensión total de ca. 2900 km y un rumbo de ~N85°E. Compilaciones recientes de batimetría que incluyen datos derivados de satélites y obtenidos por buques (Global Topography) y datos batimétricos de ecosondas multihaz (NGDC-NOAA), se interpretaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente mediante análisis morfológico que consistió en la determinación de patrones batimétricos; tendencias de los lineamientos y estructuras; mediciones de alturas, áreas basales y cálculo de volúmenes de montes submarinos; para establecer indicios sobre el origen del alineamiento y asociaciones con la tectónica regional. Se contabilizaron 514 montes submarinos en la región de estudio, de los cuales 334 tuvieron un área basal menor que el monte de referencia (Moai). En general, los montes más grandes (>1000 m de altura) tienden a alinearse y a tener un mayor volumen, con un alargamiento de sus bases en el sentido de la tendencia, en cambio los menores, tienden a distribuirse más aleatoriamente, siendo sus bases más redondeadas. Como consecuencia del análisis morfológico, el mejor mecanismo que explicaría el origen de las cadenas volcánicas, sería por la existencia de un punto caliente localizado al W de la isla Salas y Gómez. Esta pluma también aportaría material magmático adicional hacia la dorsal del Pacífico oriental a través de canalizaciones, cuyas ramas secundarias alimentarían volcanes intermedios. Es posible que en el área de la Isla de Pascua exista otro aporte menor por fracturas de la corteza dado el debilitamiento cortical que produjo la Zona de Fractura de Pascua.http://ref.scielo.org/sdjcy

    Power Factor Corrector Design applied to an 85-kHz Wireless Charger

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    Wireless charging technology extends the battery autonomy by allowing more flexible and practical ways of recharging it even when the electric vehicle is on move. The frequency conversion, which is required to generate a kHz-ranged magnetic field, also leads to considerable harmonics. As a result, the power factor and the corresponding efficiency decrement. This paper proposes a Power Factor Corrector which overcomes this drawback. The most relevant feature of the designed Power Factor Corrector is that it does not need any electrical signal from the secondary side to adjust its operation properly. The simulation results show the ability of the proposed scheme to increment the system efficiency for different State-Of-Charge in the Battery.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Single-Board-Computer Clusters for Cloudlet Computing in Internet of Things

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    The number of connected sensors and devices is expected to increase to billions in the near future. However, centralised cloud-computing data centres present various challenges to meet the requirements inherent to Internet of Things (IoT) workloads, such as low latency, high throughput and bandwidth constraints. Edge computing is becoming the standard computing paradigm for latency-sensitive real-time IoT workloads, since it addresses the aforementioned limitations related to centralised cloud-computing models. Such a paradigm relies on bringing computation close to the source of data, which presents serious operational challenges for large-scale cloud-computing providers. In this work, we present an architecture composed of low-cost Single-Board-Computer clusters near to data sources, and centralised cloud-computing data centres. The proposed cost-efficient model may be employed as an alternative to fog computing to meet real-time IoT workload requirements while keeping scalability. We include an extensive empirical analysis to assess the suitability of single-board-computer clusters as cost-effective edge-computing micro data centres. Additionally, we compare the proposed architecture with traditional cloudlet and cloud architectures, and evaluate them through extensive simulation. We finally show that acquisition costs can be drastically reduced while keeping performance levels in data-intensive IoT use cases.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-82113-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-098062-A-I00European Union’s Horizon 2020 No. 754489Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/209

    Parenting practices of parents: their influence on the new issues in early childhood

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    Este trabajo tiene su origen en el interés por conocer el papel de la familia en el desarrollo del niño y en la génesis de la patología infantil. Actualmente, se han generado patrones relacionales diferentes y se detecta un importante cambio en las prácticas de crianza que los padres utilizan, que nos advierten de la necesidad de detección precoz de retrasos/trastornos del desarrollo emocional. Los factores de riesgo en el origen de problemáticas en la infancia es objeto de estudio de este trabajo. Planteamos la necesidad de sensibilizar a todos los profesionales que trabajan con la infancia sobre factores de riesgo asociados al niño y a la familia en los primeros años. La vigilancia del desarrollo por los padres, pediatras, maestros, equipos de atención temprana, constituyen una oportunidad ideal para la identificación precoz, pero requiere de una formación y una práctica profesional que incida más en el desarrollo emocional. Señalamos una propuesta de señales de alarma en el desarrollo emocional

    Un mundo dominado por los microorganismos: ecología microbiana de los lagos antárticos

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    La Antártida es el continente con las condiciones climáticas más severas de nuestro planeta. Esa dureza ambiental limita notablemente la diversidad de seres vivos que encontramos en los ecosistemas antárticos en comparación con los de latitudes más bajas. Sin embargo, los ecosistemas acuáticos antárticos, y más concretamente los continentales, en la medida en que presentan agua libre, suponen una oportunidad para la vida que encuentra en ellos unos oasis en un desierto helado. A pesar de que generalmente los lagos antárticos presentan una densa cubierta de hielo, la primavera y el verano austral permiten reducir la dureza de las restricciones abióticas, y facilitan el desarrollo de comunidades planctónicas y bentónicas microbianas, que incluyen bacterias autótrofas y heterótrofas, protistas (fotosintéticos, mixótrofos o heterótrofos), y, en los lagos de condiciones climáticas menos restrictivas, metazooplancton, generalmente copépodos, que en algunos casos pueden ejercer un importante papel en el control de las redes tróficas planctónicas. Por otro lado, los tapetes microbianos, principalmente formados por cianobacterias, constituyen la comunidad béntica más característica en los lagos y zonas encharcables de la Antártida.Antarctic climate is the hardest in the Earth. Climatic conditions limit biological diversity in Antarctic ecosystems compared to those from lower latitudes. However, Antarctic aquatic ecosystems, and especially those non-marine, which present free liquid water, represent a chance for life, which there can find oases in a frozen desert. Despite Antarctic lakes often present a dense ice cover, abiotic life restrictions are less extreme during Antarctic spring and summer, thus favouring the establishment of planktonic and benthic microbial communities, which include photoautotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria, protists (either photosynthetic, heterotrophic or mixotrophic) and, in those lakes from zones with less restrictive climate, metazooplankton, often copepods, that sometimes can exert an important role in controlling pelagic food webs. Microbial mats, which are mainly formed by cyanobacteria, are, on the other hand, the most characteristic benthic community within Antarctic lakes and wetlands.El proyecto Limnopolar, dirigido por el Dr. A. Quesada (UAM), ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT REN2000-0435 ANT)

    Compression principle and Zipf’s Law of brevity in infochemical communication

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    Compression has been presented as a general principle of animal communication. Zipf’s Law of brevity is a manifestation of this postulate and can be generalized as the tendency of more frequent communicative elements to be shorter. Previous works supported this claim, showing evidence of Zipf’s Law of brevity in animal acoustical communication and human language. However, a significant part of the communicative effort in biological systems is carried out in other transmission channels, such as those based on infochemicals. To fill this gap, we seek, for the first time, evidence of this principle in infochemical communication by analysing the statistical tendency of more frequent infochemicals to be chemically shorter and lighter. We analyse data from the largest and most comprehensive open-access infochemical database known as Pherobase, recovering Zipf’s Law of brevity in interspecific communication (allelochemicals) but not in intraspecific communication (pheromones). Moreover, these results are robust even when addressing different magnitudes of study or mathematical approaches. Therefore, different dynamics from the compression principle would dominate intraspecific chemical communication, defying the universality of Zipf’s Law of brevity. To conclude, we discuss the exception found for pheromones in the light of other potential communicative paradigms such as pressures on successful communication or the Handicap principle.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::14 - Vida SubmarinaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::15 - Vida d'Ecosistemes TerrestresPostprint (author's final draft

    Advanced Techniques for Assets Maintenance Management

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    16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018 Bergamo, Italy, 11–13 June 2018. Edited by Marco Macchi, László Monostori, Roberto PintoThe aim of this paper is to remark the importance of new and advanced techniques supporting decision making in different business processes for maintenance and assets management, as well as the basic need of adopting a certain management framework with a clear processes map and the corresponding IT supporting systems. Framework processes and systems will be the key fundamental enablers for success and for continuous improvement. The suggested framework will help to define and improve business policies and work procedures for the assets operation and maintenance along their life cycle. The following sections present some achievements on this focus, proposing finally possible future lines for a research agenda within this field of assets management

    An approach to quantify value provided by an engineered asset according to the ISO 5500x series of standards

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    Asset Intelligence through Integration and Interoperability and Contemporary Vibration Engineering Technologies : Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and the 13th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. 2-4 August 2017, Brisbane, AustraliaThe purpose of any asset is to provide value to the organization and its stakeholders. In Asset Management, the concept of value encompasses quantitative and qualitative, as well as tangible and intangible benefits that assets may provide to an organization. The definitions of asset and value are not only closely linked but also complementary. An “asset” provides the means for the realisation of “value” thus the management of an asset is strategic and has to be linked to an organization’s value norms. This paper extrapolates from the definitions in ISO 5500x series of standards to describe a generic approach for quantifying the value provided by engineered assets deployed by a business organisation.Unión Europea. 64573