2,911 research outputs found

    Anonimous cowar. Conflicts due to open participation in a colaborative comunity Simetric ethnography of a cooperative weblog focused in the news’s production through filtering

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    The present study is the result of an ethnographic research in a cooperative weblog, an open community where anybody can participate. The community’s objective of news’s productio relies in a colaborative system of filtering thouigh which the community hierarchize users’s contributions. Through this filtering system and through the registry mechanism (by which users create a permanent identity) the community segments information’s visibility and credibility depending on the user’s identity, whter he is a registered user or an anonomous one. The study demonstrates how the filtering processes not only hierarchize the information but organize and structre the community.El presente estudio es el resultado de la investigación etnográfica de un weblog colaborativo. Un entorno abierto a la participación y libre expresión de cualquier usuario. La comunidad tiene como objetivo la producción de noticias significativas, para lo cual recurre a un sistema colectivo de filtrado de la información que sirve para jerarquizar las contribuciones de los usuarios. A través de este sistema de filtrado y mediante el mecanismo de registro (por el que los usuarios crean una identidad permanente) la comunidad segmenta la visibilidad y credibilidad de las informaciones según procedan de usuarios registrados o anónimos. El estudio demuestra que los procesos de selección y filtrado no sólo jerarquizan la información, sino que organizan y estructuran socialmente a la comunidad

    Injúria, calumnia i dret a la imatge

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    Injúria, calumnia i dret a la imatg

    Pobrecito hablador. Conflictos por la libre participación en una comunidad colaborativa : etnografía simétrica de un weblog colectivo dedicado a la producción de noticias mediante filtrado

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    El presente estudio es el resultado de la investigación etnográfica de un weblog colaborativo. Un entorno abierto a la participación y libre expresión de cualquier usuario. La comunidad tiene como objetivo la producción de noticias significativas, para lo cual recurre a un sistema colectivo de filtrado de la información que sirve para jerarquizar las contribuciones de los usuarios. A través de este sistema de filtrado y mediante el mecanismo de registro (por el que los usuarios crean una identidad permanente) la comunidad segmenta la visibilidad y credibilidad de las informaciones según procedan de usuarios registrados o anónimos. El estudio demuestra que los procesos de selección y filtrado no sólo jerarquizan la información, sino que organizan y estructuran socialmente a la comunidad.The present study is the result of an ethnographic research in a cooperative weblog, an open community where anybody can participate. The community's objective of news's productio relies in a colaborative system of filtering thouigh which the community hierarchize users's contributions. Through this filtering system and through the registry mechanism (by which users create a permanent identity) the community segments information's visibility and credibility depending on the user's identity, whter he is a registered user or an anonomous one. The study demonstrates how the filtering processes not only hierarchize the information but organize and structre the community

    Socio-economic impacts of the exposure to Roman ceramics in the inland Iron Age communities of the NW Iberian Peninsula: a quantitative approach

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    How did the first ever exposure to Roman imported material culture at inland sites affect local material culture practices? What does this reveal about the speed and nature of cross-cultural influence between Roman and Iron Age communities? And about the specific dynamics of integration within the Roman Empire of inland sites? Our ability to address these key questions about the exposure of Iron Age communities to the Roman world is hampered by a research bias in classical archaeology towards the study of ceramics contexts from coastal sites. In this paper we present the first replicable quantified contextualised ceramics data analysis to address these questions, through a study of more than 150,000 sherds from inland sites in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. We conclude that century-long gradual changes in local common wares and amphorae from Iron Age traditions to Roman-inspired forms reflect changing food production and consumption behaviours. This transition is also reflected in an increasing presence of imported Roman goods. Our results suggest very gradual but increasing integration with the Roman world and ceramic data patterns correlate with known events from textual sources: Caesar’s campaign, the Augustan Cantabrian wars, and the Flavian reformsS

    3D photogrammetry as a tool for studying erosive processes at a Roman coastal site: the case of the Roman fish-salting plant at Sobreira (Vigo, Spain)

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    Rising sea levels, along with other biological and human factors, have increased erosion rates at a number of important sites located along the Atlantic coastline. Project GaltFish implemented a series of contingency measures to record some of these sites before they degraded further or totally disappeared. This process involved detailed photogrammetric recording of some of the sites under threat over a set period of time. One of the sites selected for this project was Sobreira (Vigo, Galicia): a Roman fish-salting factory which was partially destroyed by building activity in the 1980s and the remains of which are under threat from marine erosion and human action. In order to study the site, two photogrammetric models were created to examine the effect of erosive processes across the course of one year. The results illustrate that photogrammetry is an efficient tool for recording and analysing the issue of erosion. The data compiled helped in designing additional action in the factory, which was subject to a rescue excavation to record and help protect the site from further damage. This paper presents the results of this project, as well as the methodology used to produce the models, the data generated and their analysis. It is argued that the methodology can be used to collect and analyse data from other sites, and that this data could inform the political/administrative decision-making processes which concern the future management and preservation of archaeological sites under threat.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018-024131-

    Customer-oriented risk assessment in Network Utilities

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    For companies that distribute services such as telecommunications, water, energy, gas, etc., quality perceived by the customers has a strong impact on the fulfillment of financial goals, positively increasing the demand and negatively increasing the risk of customer churn (loss of customers). Failures by these companies may cause customer affection in a massive way, augmenting the intention to leave the company. Therefore, maintenance performance and specifically service reliability has a strong influence on financial goals. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the contribution of the maintenance department in economic terms, based on service unreliability by network failures. The developed methodology aims to provide an analysis of failures to facilitate decision making about maintenance (preventive/predictive and corrective) costs versus negative impacts in end-customer invoicing based on the probability of losing customers. Survival analysis of recurrent failures with the General Renewal Process distribution is used for this novel purpose with the intention to be applied as a standard procedure to calculate the expected maintenance financial impact, for a given period of time. Also, geographical areas of coverage are distinguished, enabling the comparison of different technical or management alternatives. Two case studies in a telecommunications services company are presented in order to illustrate the applicability of the methodology

    Field ethics: towards situated ethics for ethnographic research on the internet

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    Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las decisiones éticas que tomamos en investigaciones con personas realizadas en internet, especialmente en etnografía. Partiendo de las guías éticas desarrolladas para la investigación con seres humanos, veremos las soluciones tomadas para adaptarlas a las especificidades de internet. Argumentaremos que muchas de estas recomendaciones se organizan de acuerdo a la categoría de los dispositivos (chats, listas de correos, blogs, etc.), atribuyéndolos propiedades específicas y estableciendo "a priori" decisiones sobre la ética de la investigación. Discutiremos la cuestión de lo público y lo privado como eje vertebrador de las decisiones éticas en la investigación en internet para argumentar la necesidad de una ética dialógica y situada que tiene en cuenta cada contexto particular para orientar las decisiones. Siguiendo esta propuesta expondremos algunas de las decisiones que hemos tomado en nuestro trabajo de campo sobre la Blogosfera y, a partir de la experiencia en la elaboración de un "blog de campo", plantearemos tres ejes sobre los que hemos articulado nuestro compromiso ético durante la investigación: la amplitud del registro de datos de cada persona, la declaración de la presencia del investigador y la búsqueda de simetría y mutualidad con los corresponsales en el campo.This article reflects openly on the decisions that researchers have to deal with when undertaking qualitative research, especially ethnography, on the Internet. Our argument takes as starting point the ethical guidelines already developed for human subject research, and the way Internet researchers have tried to adapt these guidelines to their field. We argue that many of these ethical recommendations for researching the Internet have been designed according to specific applications (a chat, a mailing list, a blog, etc.), conferring specific properties to technology and making inferences about the kind of interaction that is taking place through such devices (public or private, for instance). We question these approaches and consider that the attribution of properties to technology restricts the scope of the ethical decisions that the researcher can make. We advocate a dialogical and situated ethical practice that takes into account every particular context when making any ethical decision during research. In line with this proposal, we report some ethical dilemmas that we have had to face in our own fieldwork on blogging practices among Spanish bloggers. We also draw on our experience of creating a "field blog" as part of our research. We describe three axes that have helped us to guide our ethical decisions in the field: the scope of individual data collected for participants in the course of research, the explicit and open presence of the researchers, and the search for symmetry and mutuality with our respondents in the field

    Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia

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    Em Coimbra os contextos tardo-antigos eram, até ao momento, pouco ou mesmo nada conhecidos. Contudo, face à importância da cidade antiga e ao que se conhecia para a vizinha Conimbriga, supunha-se que esta ausência poderia ser apenas aparente. Um estudo mais circunstanciado do que resultou das últimas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas no espaço do Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, assim como o reexame de outras mais antigas (mediante a análise de um lote de materiais ainda não estudado), veio comprovar isso mesmo. Apresentam-se, assim, os dados dos ainda parcos contextos tardios identificados nesta notável área arqueológica, de onde provém um conjunto de espólio característico e que poderá fornecer as primeiras pistas acerca da ocupação e dinâmica comercial de Aeminium entre a segunda metade do século IV e os inícios do século VI.Until now very little or nothing was known about Late Antiquity contexts in the city of Coimbra. However, the importance of the old city and what is known about the neighboring Conimbriga led us to assume that this absence was merely apparent. This hypothesis was proved true, after a more detailed study of data from the last archaeological interventions at the Museum Machado de Castro and the reexamination of unstudied lots of materials from earlier interventions at the same site. This text presents the data from the few Late Antiquity contexts identified in this remarkable archaeological area. The materials collected are characteristic from the second half of the 4th century and early 6th century AD and they provide the first clues about the commercial dynamics of Aeminium in that period
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