177 research outputs found

    Un mundo dominado por los microorganismos: ecología microbiana de los lagos antárticos

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    La Antártida es el continente con las condiciones climáticas más severas de nuestro planeta. Esa dureza ambiental limita notablemente la diversidad de seres vivos que encontramos en los ecosistemas antárticos en comparación con los de latitudes más bajas. Sin embargo, los ecosistemas acuáticos antárticos, y más concretamente los continentales, en la medida en que presentan agua libre, suponen una oportunidad para la vida que encuentra en ellos unos oasis en un desierto helado. A pesar de que generalmente los lagos antárticos presentan una densa cubierta de hielo, la primavera y el verano austral permiten reducir la dureza de las restricciones abióticas, y facilitan el desarrollo de comunidades planctónicas y bentónicas microbianas, que incluyen bacterias autótrofas y heterótrofas, protistas (fotosintéticos, mixótrofos o heterótrofos), y, en los lagos de condiciones climáticas menos restrictivas, metazooplancton, generalmente copépodos, que en algunos casos pueden ejercer un importante papel en el control de las redes tróficas planctónicas. Por otro lado, los tapetes microbianos, principalmente formados por cianobacterias, constituyen la comunidad béntica más característica en los lagos y zonas encharcables de la Antártida.Antarctic climate is the hardest in the Earth. Climatic conditions limit biological diversity in Antarctic ecosystems compared to those from lower latitudes. However, Antarctic aquatic ecosystems, and especially those non-marine, which present free liquid water, represent a chance for life, which there can find oases in a frozen desert. Despite Antarctic lakes often present a dense ice cover, abiotic life restrictions are less extreme during Antarctic spring and summer, thus favouring the establishment of planktonic and benthic microbial communities, which include photoautotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria, protists (either photosynthetic, heterotrophic or mixotrophic) and, in those lakes from zones with less restrictive climate, metazooplankton, often copepods, that sometimes can exert an important role in controlling pelagic food webs. Microbial mats, which are mainly formed by cyanobacteria, are, on the other hand, the most characteristic benthic community within Antarctic lakes and wetlands.El proyecto Limnopolar, dirigido por el Dr. A. Quesada (UAM), ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT REN2000-0435 ANT)

    Sistema electrónico para cuantificar poblaciones de insectos voladores y evaluar atrayentes y repelentes

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    Número de publicación: ES2235575 A1 (01.07.2005) También publicado como: ES2235575 B1 (01.11.2006) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200202622 (07.11.2002)Esta invención se refiere a un sistema electrónico que permite hacer una evaluación cuantitativa de la cantidad de insectos voladores que intentan atravesar una determina zona del espacio. La zona en donde se realiza el seguimiento de los insectos que intentan atravesarla es una superficie preferentemente plana, donde se ha situado una serie de electrodos conductores, conectados a una fuente de alto voltaje. La finalidad del sistema es proporcionar, un pulso eléctrico cada vez que sea electrocutado un insecto y este pulso eléctrico tiene unas características que permiten que pueda ser aprovechado y procesado por otros sistemas electrónicos, tales como contadores, autómatas programables, microcontroladores, o ser acoplado a los buses de entrada de un ordenador.Universidad de Almerí

    Plan de Negocios “EnoCultura” Comportamiento del Consumidor

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    The following business plan was realized by the aim to create an Educational Center and Cultural “Enológico”, in which it could provide educational services of consumption and production of the wine to the Ecuadoran market. Of equal way in this site our clients will be able to taste all kinds of appetizers, lids or income with a varied options of wines that it could be offered m onarket. Our clients will be able to learn and know more it brings over of the union of every wine with the help of the professionals that we put on disposition. This Educational Center Enológico will focus in addition in Universities, Institutions and Companies that want to realize courses for obtaining title of sommelier with regard to trying wine. There will be realized constant fairs of degustation and tryings wines, where the principal aim is to establish a culture of knowledge and correct degustation of the wine in Ecuador, centering in the education of the consumption of the wine and without leaving of side the consent consumption of the wine.El siguiente plan de negocios fue realizado con el objetivo de crear un Centro Educativo y Cultural Enológico, en el cual se pueda proporcionar servicios educativos de consumo y producción del vino al mercado ecuatoriano. De igual manera en este sitio nuestros clientes podrán degustar todo tipo de aperitivos , tapas o entradas con las mas variadas opciones de vinos que se pueda ofrecer en el mercado. Nuestros clientes podrán instruirse y saber mas acerca del maridaje de cada vino con la ayuda de los profesionales que ponemos a disposición. Este Centro Educativo Enológico se enfocará además en Universidades, Instituciones y Empresas que deseen realizar cursos para la obtención de título de sommelier con respecto a cata de vinos. Se realizarán constantemente ferias de degustación y catas de vino, donde el objetivo principal sea establecer una cultura de conocimiento y correcta degustación del vino en el Ecuador, concentrándonos en la enseñanza del consumo del vino y sin dejar de lado el consumo consiente del vino por parte de las personas

    Aplicación de la metodología MPC (modelo de perfiles por competencias) para fortalecer la gestión del talento humano de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Cristo Rey de la ciudad de Loja

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    The success of a company, regardless of its size and the industry in which it works, depends basically of their internal proceedings, to take advantage of the best financial, technological and human resources. The success, depends especially of its and human resources, because of a good management of human talent, is essential for the fulfillment of its strategic and operational objectives. When companies have a human resources trained, motivated and committed, is essential to adapt to the changes and challenges imposed by the market and the competitors. Actually, the companies are looking to deploy a human resource management based on competencies, being one of the main components, the definition of profiles to occupy different positions in the company, and improve in this way the processes of selection, capacity an evaluation of employees.Las empresas en la actualidad requieren manejar metodologías y herramientas que les permitan crecer y desarrollarse en un mercado cada vez más competitivo. Siendo el capital humano, uno de los principales recursos con los que dispones las organizaciones, es cada vez más común escuchar hablar de la gestión del talento humano y más específicamente de una gestión basada en competencias, la cual pretende, por medio de la aplicación metodologías diseñadas técnicamente, definir las competencias o comportamientos laborales que se necesitan para obtener resultados eficientes y efectivos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo abordar el tema de gestión por competencias y aplicar la metodología MPC (modelo de perfiles por competencias) para estructurar los perfiles de cargos por competencias requeridos en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Cristo Rey, de la Ciudad de Loja, y generar una mejora en los procesos de selección, capacitación y evaluación del personal; y, de esta manera potenciar los conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas específicas de los colaboradores de la entidad

    Natural language interface for process control centers

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    This paper presents a prototype of a friendly man-machine interface for control centers that uses a natural language (Spanish) processor. The vocabulary is adapted to the context of physical processes. The process is considered to be composed of components with associated physical and chemical magnitudes.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) ROB89-061

    A generic natural language interface for task planning : application to a mobile robot

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    This paper presents a generic natural language interface that can be applied to the teleoperation of di!erent kinds of complex interactive systems. Through this interface the operators can ask for simple actions or more complex tasks to be executed by the system. Complex tasks will be decomposed into simpler actions generating a network of actions whose execution will result in the accomplishment of the required task. As a practical application, the system has been applied to the teleoperation of a real mobile robot, allowing the operator to move the robot in a partially structured environment through natural language sentences

    Multi-robot task allocation clustering based on game theory

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    A cooperative game theory framework is proposed to solve multi-robot task allocation (MRTA) problems. In particular, a cooperative game is built to assess the performance of sets of robots and tasks so that the Shapley value of the game can be used to compute their average marginal contribution. This fact allows us to partition the initial MRTA problem into a set of smaller and simpler MRTA subproblems, which are formed by ranking and clustering robots and tasks according to their Shapley value. A large-scale simulation case study illustrates the benefits of the proposed scheme, which is assessed using a genetic algorithm (GA) as a baseline method. The results show that the game theoretical approach outperforms GA both in performance and computation time for a range of problem instances

    Evaluación del estado del arte de la infraestructura hidráulica (pasos de agua y obras de arte) y taludes de la red vial secundaria del tramo Motel As de Amor vía Armenia Mundo Nuevo y el acceso edificio de Bellas Artes (UTP), municipio de Pereira

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    CD-T 551.307 C14; 95 pEl presente trabajo de investigación, muestra los resultados del análisis realizado a los taludes y pasos de agua de la red vial secundaria del tramo Motel As de Amor vía Armenia y el acceso Edificio de Bellas Artes (UTP), municipio de Pereira, que a partir de una investigación de tipo descriptiva – analítica identificó un total de cinco (5) taludes y 17 pasos de agua. El objetivo de identificar, caracterizar, los taludes y pasos de agua se ajustó a los términos estipulados en el manual de INVIAS. Para el diagnóstico se recurrió a ensayos de laboratorio como pruebas de contenido de humedad, gravedad específica, corte directo y granulometría.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Recent developments in financing and bank lending to the non-financial private sector: first half of 2021

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    Artículo de revistaFinancing conditions for households and firms remained accommodating in the first half of 2021. Improved macroeconomic expectations from the second quarter of the year have allowed credit standards to cease tightening, at the same time as demand for loans has picked up, particularly among households. This has contributed to an increase in the flow of loans as compared with end-2020, especially loans for house purchase. However, up to May (latest available figure) this growth in new financing has not translated into an acceleration of total outstanding household and corporate debt. In the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic, total outstanding bank lending to firms and sole proprietors grew moderately in the initial months of 2021. However, the cumulative growth since the onset of the pandemic has been sizeable as a result of the hefty liquidity needs in 2020, which were covered through increased debt. The significant adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity is yet to be reflected in a broad-based increase in non-performing loans on deposit institutions’ balance sheets. However, Stage 2 credit remained on a rising trajectory in 2021 Q1, with loans to the hardest-hit sectors of economic activity accounting for the lion’s share. Non-performing loans also grew in these sectors, albeit by a lesser amount

    A game theoretical randomized method for large-scale systems partitioning

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, a game theory-based partitioning algorithm for large-scale systems (LSS) is proposed. More specifically, a game over nodes is introduced in a model predictive control framework. The Shapley value of this game is used to rank the communication links of the control network based on their impact on the overall system performance. A randomized method to estimate the Shapley value of each node and also an efficient redistribution of the resulting value to the links involved are considered to relieve the combinatorial explosion issues related to LSS. Once the partitioning solution is obtained, a sensitivity analysis is proposed to give a measure of its performance. Likewise, a greedy fine tuning procedure is considered to increase the optimality of the partitioning results. The full Barcelona drinking water network (DWN) is analyzed as a real LSS case study showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison with other partitioning schemes available in the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft