6,275 research outputs found

    Intervención de Enfermería en ancianos pluripatogénicos

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es analizar los cuidados de enfermería prestados desde Atención Primaria, mediante el abordaje de un caso clínico, tras el estudio previo de la nueva estrategia de Sacyl con respecto a los pacientes crónicos pluripatológicos. Así, la metodología científica y el uso del proceso enfermero permiten relacionar diagnósticos y estructurar un definido plan de cuidados, facilitando la continuidad y el aprendizaje en autocuidados con el objetivo de aumentar el bienestar y mejora del estado de salud en estos pacientes. Los resultados en cuanto a calidad de vida buena serán más notables desde un tratamiento integral, individualizado y precoz del afrontamiento.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    Prevalencia del comer emocional e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal en jóvenes universitarios: el papel de la alimentación consciente.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2018/2019The university population is a particularly vulnerable group at the nutritional level due to the characteristics of the university period (living away from home, working hours, etc.). The practice of mindful eating is being a key strategy for modifying problematic eating behaviour such as emotional eating or bad habits related to body image dissatisfaction. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence of emotional eating and body image dissatisfaction, its relationship with mindful eating and the influence of gender. Three hundred and twenty two university students (196 females and 126 males) with an average age of 22.27 years (SD=3.54) completed the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (Framson, et al., 2009), the Emotional Eating Questionnaire (Garaulet, et al., 2012) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (Cooper, et al., 1987), throught Qualtrics platform. The results showed high percentages of emotional eating (47.9%) and body image dissatisfaction (32.3%). On the other hand, statistically significant differences were observed in Desinhibition (p=0.009), Awareness (p=0.020), Emotional Response (p0.001) and Distraction (p0.001) between groups classified by emotional eating, non-emotional eaters showed the highest levels of mindful eating. Regarding to body image dissatisfaction, statistically significant differences were found between groups in Awareness (p=0.016), Emotional Response (p=0.004) and Distraction (p=0.002), non-concerned about body image showed the highest levels of mindful eating. Finally, women obtained higher mean scores in Desinhibition (p0.001) and men in Emotional Response (p0.001) and distraction (p=0.037). Statistically significant relationships were found between mindful eating, emotional eating and dissatisfaction with body image among women. It is emphasize the early detection of people with negative self-evaluations or who use food to self-regulate in order to apply preventive psychological interventions that take into account the gender perspective.La población universitaria es un colectivo especialmente vulnerable a nivel nutricional por las características de la época universitaria (vivir fuera de casa, horarios, etc.). La práctica de la alimentación consciente es una estrategia clave para modificar comportamientos alimentarios problemáticos como el comer emocional o los malos hábitos relacionados con la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar la prevalencia del comer emocional e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, su relación con la alimentación consciente y la influencia del género. Participaron 322 universitarios (196 mujeres y 126 hombres) con una edad media de 22,27 años (DT=3,54) que cumplimentaron el Mindful Eating Questionnaire (Framson, et al., 2009), el Emotional Eater Questionnaire (Garaulet, et al., 2012) y el Body Shape Questionnaire (Cooper, et al., 1987) a través de la plataforma Qualtrics. Los resultados mostraron porcentajes elevados de comer emocional (47,9%) e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal (32,3%). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en Desinhibición (p=0,009), Darse cuenta (p=0,020), Respuesta emocional (p0,001) y Distracción (p0,001) entre grupos clasificados por comer emocional, siendo los comedores no emocionales los que presentan mayores niveles de alimentación consciente; y en Darse cuenta (p=0,016), Respuesta emocional (p=0,004) y Distracción (p=0,002) entre grupos clasificados por insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, siendo los no preocupados por la imagen corporal los que presentan mayores niveles de alimentación consciente. Las mujeres obtienen puntuaciones medias más elevadas en Desinhibición (p0,001) y los hombres en Respuesta emocional (p0,001) y Distracción (p=0,037). Aparecen más relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre alimentación consciente, comer emocional e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal en las mujeres. Resulta relevante la detección precoz de personas que presentan autoevaluaciones negativas o que utilizan la alimentación para autorregularse para aplicar intervenciones psicológicas preventivas que atiendan a la perspectiva de género

    Colonialism and intertextuality in James Cameron's Avatar

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    Avatar no es única y exclusivamente una película de ficción, sino que ésta es una alegoría de escenas y hechos pasados relevantes en la historia del mundo. En los siglos XVI y XVII, muchos europeos emigraron a América para colonizarla, una tierra que en aquellos tiempos estaba aún por descubrir. En el siglo XX hubo un intento de cambiar el orden establecido cuando un grupo de yihadistas atacaron el centro neurálgico de la economía y la democracia, los Estados Unidos de América. En este artículo se mostrará la relación que hay entre el antiguo colonialismo y el ataque reciente de las Torres Gemelas de América con la película de James Cameron, Avatar. A través de los textos de John Smith, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca y William Bradford descubriremos una serie de similitudes entre el antiguo colonialismo y un futuro muy cercano, el de Pandora en 2154.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Proyecciones estratégicas en bibliotecas públicas: qué, cómo y para qué. Un estudio comparativo

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    Objective. To determine convergence points regarding strategic projections of public libraries in Bellingham, Chicago (United States), Calgary, London (Canada), Scotland, Finland, Ireland and Victoria (Australia). Design/Methodology/Approach. The research was performed by means of the documentary analysis of relevant articles on strategic management, and the qualitative content analysis of strategic reports regarding the performances of public libraries in the aforementioned contexts. Results/Discussion. There were noted the points of contact between the contemporary functions of public libraries and their projections in order to benefit their communities. Conclusions. Strategic management must be a steady activity in public libraries. The presence and materialization of strategic projections lead public libraries to satisfy the informational and cultural needs, such as the benefits of their communities. Originality/Value. The analysis of eight strategic public library projections in different contexts enable us to suggest points of convergence that might be relevant to other public libraries, and researchers involved in such strategic management process

    Improving the fire behavior of flexible polyurethane foams using eco-friendly fillers

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    212 p.This research work is focused on the preparation and characterization of flexible polyurethane foams and also on the modification and introduction of different eco-friendly fillers into polyurethane formulations. Nowadays maximizing the sustainability of polymeric materials is of special interest due to the increasing environmental concern and the imminent depletion of fossil resources. In this work, the sustainability of the prepared materials is enhanced by using a renewable sourced polyol and selecting environmentally-friendly additives such as anionic clays (layered double hydroxides) and an industrial byproduct such as lignin, giving in this way added value to this abundant residue from pulp and paper industry.These eco-friendly fillers were selected not only due to their sustainable nature, but also because of their chemical structure and morphology that makes them of special interest in another topic with increased attention: the improvement of the fire behavior of polymeric materials.The increased use of polymers has boosted the dangers related to the development of violent fire scenarios, forcing industries to improve the flame retardancy of polymeric materials by using different types of additives, such as halogenated compounds. These compounds reduce effectively the flammability of polymeric materials with the drawback of increased toxicity and thus, increased death hazard while contributing also to the depletion of the ozone layer owing to the highly toxic halogenated fumes released during polymer and additive combustion.For this reason, this work not only analyzes the effect on the properties of different eco-friendly additives in the properties of flexible polyurethane foams, but also explores their potential to be used as flame retardant agents.GMT Materials + Technologies Research Grou

    Improving the fire behavior of flexible polyurethane foams using eco-friendly fillers

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    212 p.This research work is focused on the preparation and characterization of flexible polyurethane foams and also on the modification and introduction of different eco-friendly fillers into polyurethane formulations. Nowadays maximizing the sustainability of polymeric materials is of special interest due to the increasing environmental concern and the imminent depletion of fossil resources. In this work, the sustainability of the prepared materials is enhanced by using a renewable sourced polyol and selecting environmentally-friendly additives such as anionic clays (layered double hydroxides) and an industrial byproduct such as lignin, giving in this way added value to this abundant residue from pulp and paper industry.These eco-friendly fillers were selected not only due to their sustainable nature, but also because of their chemical structure and morphology that makes them of special interest in another topic with increased attention: the improvement of the fire behavior of polymeric materials.The increased use of polymers has boosted the dangers related to the development of violent fire scenarios, forcing industries to improve the flame retardancy of polymeric materials by using different types of additives, such as halogenated compounds. These compounds reduce effectively the flammability of polymeric materials with the drawback of increased toxicity and thus, increased death hazard while contributing also to the depletion of the ozone layer owing to the highly toxic halogenated fumes released during polymer and additive combustion.For this reason, this work not only analyzes the effect on the properties of different eco-friendly additives in the properties of flexible polyurethane foams, but also explores their potential to be used as flame retardant agents.GMT Materials + Technologies Research Grou

    Inhibitory control in schoolers: domain evaluation and analysis of the effects of exercise interventions

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias do Deporte, Educación Física e Actividade Física Saudable. 5005V01[Abstract] Inhibitory control (IC) is a central component of the Executive Functions (EFs) with a fundamental role organizing how various mental processes work together in light of goal-directed behaviors. This domain includes a family of related functions that govern inter-related processes and are determinant in several high impact disorders. To clarify the presence of IC differences in typically developed schoolers, and its training possibilities with exercise interventions, three studies were performed. The first study involved an evaluation of several IC and impulsivity components in a schoolers sample. Underlying common connections were found between IC components, but not between IC and impulsivity components. However, accuracy and reaction times appear to link the IC and impulsivity domains. Elevated differences between IC and impulsive tendencies were discovered among participants. In the second study, a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of diverse longitudinal physical exercise interventions in the IC of children and adolescents were accomplished. Small but statistically non-significant effect sizes were found. The third study included an acute intervention with three intervention groups to evaluate their effects on schoolers' IC. Each intervention had a specific design regarding IC demands and exercise components. The results did not show significant improvements or significative differences.[Resumen] El control inhibitorio (CI) es un componente central de las funciones ejecutivas (FE), que gobierna varios procesos mentales para generar comportamientos dirigidos a objetivos; es una familia de funciones que rigen procesos interrelacionados y son determinantes en varios trastornos. Para aclarar la presencia de diferencias en el CI de escolares con desarrollo normal y sus posibilidades de entrenamiento con ejercicio, se realizaron tres estudios. En el primero se evaluaron varios componentes del CI y del constructo impulsividad. Los resultados mostraron conexiones entre los componentes del CI, pero no entre los del CI e impulsividad. Se observaron diferencias notables en el CI y las tendencias impulsivas de los participantes. Precisión y tiempos de reacción parecen vincular dichos constructos. En el segundo, se realizó una revisión sistemática con meta-análisis sobre los efectos de diversas intervenciones de ejercicio, con un diseño longitudinal, en el CI de niños y adolescentes. Se encontraron pequeños tamaños del efecto estadísticamente no significativos. El tercer estudio incluyó una intervención aguda con tres grupos de intervención (cada uno específicamente diseñado en cuanto a demanda de CI y componente de ejercicio físico) para evaluar sus efectos en el CI de escolares. Los resultados obtenidos no mostraron mejoras o diferencias significativas.[Resumo] O control inhibitorio (CI) é un compoñente central das funcións executivas (FE) cun papel fundamental no funcionamento de diversos procesos mentais para xerar condutas dirixidas a obxectivos; É unha familia de funcións que rexen procesos conectados e son determinantes en varios trastornos. Para aclarar a presenza de diferenzas no CI de nenos con desenvolvemento normal e as súas posibilidades de adestramento con intervencións de exercicio, realizáronse tres estudos. No primeiro avaliáronse varios compoñentes do CI e da impulsividade. Os resultados mostraron conexións entre os compoñentes do CI, pero non entre os do CI e impulsividade. Observáronse diferenzas notables no CI e as tendencias impulsivas dos participantes. A precisión e os tempos de reacción parecen ligar estes dominios. No segundo, realizouse unha revisión sistemática con meta-análise nos efectos de diversas intervencións de exercicio, cun deseño lonxitudinal, no CI de nenos e adolescentes. Atopáronse pequenos tamaños do efecto estatisticamente non significativos. O terceiro estudo incluíu unha intervención aguda con tres grupos de intervención (deseñados cada un especificamente en termos da demanda do CI e compoñente de exercicio) para avaliar os seus efectos no CI de escolares. Os resultados obtidos non mostraron melloras ou diferenzas significativas