4,343 research outputs found

    Interplay of couplings between antiferrodistortive, ferroelectric, and strain degrees of freedom in monodomain PbTiO3_{3}/SrTiO3_{3} superlattices

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    We report first-principles calculations on the coupling between epitaxial strain, polarization, and oxygen octahedra rotations in monodomain (PbTiO3_{3})n_{n}/(SrTiO3_{3})n_{n} superlattices. We show how the interplay between (i) the epitaxial strain and (ii) the electrostatic conditions, can be used to control the orientation of the main axis of the system. The electrostatic constrains at the interface facilitate the rotation of the polarization and, as a consequence, we predict large piezoelectric responses at epitaxial strains smaller than those that would be required considering only strain effects. In addition, ferroelectric (FE) and antiferrodistortive (AFD) modes are strongly coupled. Usual steric arguments cannot explain this coupling and a covalent model is proposed to account for it. The energy gain due to the FE-AFD coupling decreases with the periodicity of the superlattice, becoming negligible for n3n \ge 3.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Reaction Dynamics for the Systems 7Be,8B + 208Pb at Coulomb Barrier Energies

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    In this contribution we describe the first results obtained for the investigation of the elastic scattering process in the reactions induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams 7Be and 8B on a 208Pb target at Coulomb barrier energies. The experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical model in order to extract the total reaction cross section. The comparison with data available in literature for reactions induced on 208Pb by light ions in the mass range A = 6-8 shows that the loosely-bound 8B has the largest reactivity

    FGF2, but not EGF, Induces multiciliated ependymal cells to dedifferentiate and adopt radial glial features in vitro

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    Multiciliated ependymal cells form an epithelium lining most of the ventricular cavities of vertebrates brain. Although considered postmitotic and completely differentiated, ependymal cells maintain some phenotypic characteristics of neural stem cells. Thereby, under specific conditions they behave as neural stem cells, developing radial glia characteristics, and undergoing asymmetric division. Our group is searching for factors that promote dedifferentiation of ependymal cells in vitro. We developed a simple method to obtain pure cultures of non-adherent multiciliated ependymal cells from adult rats. These cultures were used to investigate the effect of FGF2 on the differentiation state and the aggregation of ependymal cells. Thus, FGF2 treated ependymal cells lose cilia and hence mobility, and after 7 days they aggregate to form irregular spheres (diameter ≥ 20-30 μm). Such changes were not observed when EFG was used instead of FGF2. To assess the specificity of FGF2 action on cell aggregation, the FGF receptor inhibitor PD166866 and an anti-FGF2 neutralizing antibody were used. In both conditions the aggregative effect of FGF2 was abolished. No cell proliferation was observed during sphere formation, at least in such experimental conditions. Spheres were analyzed by immunocytochemistry using radial glia markers. They were positive for GFAP, vimentin, BLBP and GLAST. These data suggest that FGF2 promotes the identity loss in multiciliated ependymal cells in vitro, which are transformed into cells with radial glia features.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    K1,3K_{1,3}-covering red and blue points in the plane

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    We say that a finite set of red and blue points in the plane in general position can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered if the set can be partitioned into subsets of size 44, with 33 points of one color and 11 point of the other color, in such a way that, if at each subset the fourth point is connected by straight-line segments to the same-colored points, then the resulting set of all segments has no crossings. We consider the following problem: Given a set RR of rr red points and a set BB of bb blue points in the plane in general position, how many points of RBR\cup B can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered? and we prove the following results: (1) If r=3g+hr=3g+h and b=3h+gb=3h+g, for some non-negative integers gg and hh, then there are point sets RBR\cup B, like {1,3}\{1,3\}-equitable sets (i.e., r=3br=3b or b=3rb=3r) and linearly separable sets, that can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered. (2) If r=3g+hr=3g+h, b=3h+gb=3h+g and the points in RBR\cup B are in convex position, then at least r+b4r+b-4 points can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered, and this bound is tight. (3) There are arbitrarily large point sets RBR\cup B in general position, with r=b+1r=b+1, such that at most r+b5r+b-5 points can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered. (4) If br3bb\le r\le 3b, then at least 89(r+b8)\frac{8}{9}(r+b-8) points of RBR\cup B can be K1,3K_{1,3}-covered. For r>3br>3b, there are too many red points and at least r3br-3b of them will remain uncovered in any K1,3K_{1,3}-covering. Furthermore, in all the cases we provide efficient algorithms to compute the corresponding coverings.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    An Intelligent IoT Wearable for Monitoring and Preventing Asthma Attacks

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    Cursos e Congresos , C-155[Abstract] Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory tract, inflicting coughing, wheezing and difficulty for breathing. In order to mitigate these problems, this paper introduces an IoT wearable that is able to monitor the state of an asthma patient: breathing frequency, heart rate and oxygen saturation level. It also detects parameters that may worsen the situation of the patient: temperature, humidity and presence of gas or particles. The system also notifies the patient when he/she has to take his/her asthma medication. The value of the parameters is shared in real time by Bluetooth and historic values are stored in a database. The system uses color-based indications to calculate the risk level. With this information, the user can detect an asthma attack before it happens. To illustrate how the system operates, asthma attacks were simulated, showing that the system is able to determine that the attack is happening based on the specified input parametersXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/15This work has been funded by the Xunta de Galicia (by grant ED431C 2020/15), and by grants PID2020-118857RA-100 (ORBALLO) and TED2021-129433A-C22 (HELENE) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the EuropeanUnionNextGenerationEU/PRTR. CITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional eUniversidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS

    Gain-Reconfigurable Hybrid Metal-Graphene Printed Yagi Antenna for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    This paper presents a hybrid metal-graphene printed Yagi antenna with reconfigurable gain that operates in the 5.5-GHz band. The balun and the driven elements are made of copper, while the directors are made of graphene. The graphene acts as a tunable material in the design. By switching the conductivity of the graphene, it is achieved a similar effect to adding or subtracting directors in the antenna. Hence the gain of the printed Yagi can be easily controlled. This could be of special interest in RF energy harvesting in the design of reconfigurable harvesting elements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Caracterización lesional y etiológica de neumonías en vacuno de cebo sacrificado en matadero

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    Trabajo presentado a la: XXVII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria. (Barcelona, España, 17-19 junio de 2015).Peer Reviewe

    Coupled activity-current fluctuations in open quantum systems under strong symmetries

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    We acknowledge the Spanish Ministry and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) through Grant FIS2017-84256-P (European Regional Development Fund), as well as the Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidad, Junta de Andalucia and European Regional Development Fund, Ref. A-FQM-175-UGR18 and SOMM17/6105/UGR for financial support. We are also grateful for the computational resources and assistance provided by PROTEUS, the supercomputing center of Institute Carlos I for Theoretical and Computational Physics at the University of Granada, Spain.Strong symmetries in open quantum systems lead to broken ergodicity and the emergence of multiple degenerate steady states. From a quantum jump (trajectory) perspective, the appearance of multiple steady states is related to underlying dynamical phase transitions (DPTs) at the fluctuating level, leading to a dynamical coexistence of different transport channels classified by symmetry. In this paper we investigate how strong symmetries affect both the transport properties and the activity patterns of a particular class of Markovian open quantum system, a three-qubit model under the action of a magnetic field and in contact with a thermal bath.We find a pair of twin DPTs in exciton current statistics, induced by the strong symmetry and related by time reversibility, where a zero-current exchange-antisymmetric phase coexists with a symmetric phase of negative exciton current. On the other hand, the activity statistics exhibits a single DPT where the symmetric and antisymmetric phases of different but nonzero activities dynamically coexists. Interestingly, the maximum current and maximum activity phases do not coincide for this three-qubits system. We also investigate how symmetries are reflected in the joint large deviation statistics of the activity and the current, a central issue in the characterization of the complex quantum jump dynamics. The presence of a strong symmetry under nonequilibrium conditions implies non-analyticities in the dynamical free energy in the dual activity-current plane (or equivalently in the joint activity-current large deviation function), including an activity-driven current lockdown phase for activities below some critical threshold. Remarkably, the DPT predicted around the steady state and its Gallavotti–Cohen twin dual are extended into lines of first-order DPTs in the current-activity plane, with a nontrivial structure which depends on the transport and activity properties of each of the symmetry phases. Finally, we also study the effect of a symmetry-breaking, ergodicity-restoring dephasing channel on the coupled activity-current statistics for this model. Interestingly, we observe that while this dephasing noise destroys the symmetry-induced DPTs, the underlying topological symmetry leaves a dynamical fingerprint in the form of an intermittent, bursty on/off dynamics between the different symmetry sectors.Spanish Ministry and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) FIS2017-84256-PJunta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission A-FQM-175-UGR18 SOMM17/6105/UG

    Empirically supported affirmative psychological interventions for transgender and non-binary youth and adults: A systematic review.

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    Research suggests that transgender and non-binary (TGNB) individuals experience lower levels of psychological well-being than the general population. Although practice recommendations and guidelines exist, there is a paucity of studies evaluating the effects of psychological interventions on this group. This systematic review aimed to synthesize and analyze existing empirical affirmative psychological interventions for TGNB individuals to assess their efficacy. Eight databases (PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, LILACS, Cochrane, ProQuest, Google Scholar) were searched from January 2010 to June 2022 to identify relevant studies. Included studies needed to be randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental, or uncontrolled pre-post. Twenty-two articles were included, of which eight had TGNB participants only, two had mixed samples with separated outcome data for TGNB participants, and 12 had mixed samples with no disaggregated data. Experimental designs, participant samples, assessed variables, and type of interventions varied widely across studies, thus preventing comparisons. Overall results suggest improvements in psychological distress, depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance-related risk behaviors, coping skills/emotion regulation, stress appraisal, self-esteem, self-acceptance, social support, minority stress, resilience, hope, positive identity, and identity acceptance, although conclusions are limited by moderate-to-high risk of bias. Future research should implement more consistent and rigorous methodological designs to assess and compare intervention efficacy.This work was supported by the Research Group in Clinical and Health Psychology OSAKLINIK (#IT 1450-22) at the University of the Basque Country