432 research outputs found

    Health and medical research funding agencies' promotion of public engagement within research: a qualitative interview study exploring the UK context

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    Background: Public engagement (PE) has become a common feature of many liberal governmental agendas worldwide. Since the turn of this century there has been a succession of United Kingdom policy initiatives to encourage research funding agencies, universities and researchers to reconsider how they engage with citizens and communities. Although most funding agencies now explicitly promote PE within research, little empirical work has been carried out in this area. In this study, we explored why and how health and medical research funding agencies in the United Kingdom have interpreted and implemented their role to promote PE within research. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 30 key informants from 10 agencies that fund health or medical research. Data were also gathered from agencies’ websites and documentation. The analysis was based on the constant comparative method. Results: Across agencies, we found that PE was being interpreted and operationalised in various different ways. The terminology used within funding agencies to describe PE seems to be flexibly applied. Disciplinary differences were evident both in the terminology used to describe PE and the drivers for PE highlighted by participants – with applied health science funders more aligned with participatory models of PE. Within the grant funding process PE was rarely systematically treated as a key component of research. In particular, PE was not routinely incorporated into the planning of funding calls. PE was more likely to be considered in the application and assessment phases, where it was largely appraised as a tool for enhancing science. Concerns were expressed regarding how to monitor and evaluate PE within research. Conclusions: This study suggests funding agencies working within specific areas of health and medicine can promote particular definitions of PE and aligned practices which determine the boundaries in which researchers working in these areas understand and practice PE. Our study also highlights how the research grant process works to privilege particular conceptions of PE and its purpose. Tensions are evident between some funders’ core concepts of traditional science and PE, and they face challenges as they try to embed PE into long-standing systems that prioritise particular conceptions of ‘scientific excellence’ in research

    Understandings of participation in behavioural research: a qualitative study of gay and bisexual men in Scotland

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    An array of empirical research has emerged related to public participation in health research. To date, few studies have explored the particular perspectives of gay and bisexual men taking part in behavioural surveillance research, which includes the donation of saliva swabs to investigate HIV prevalence and rates of undiagnosed HIV. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-nine gay and bisexual men in Scotland who had participated in a bar-based survey. Thematic analysis of men’s accounts of their motives for participation and their perceptions of not receiving individual feedback on HIV status suggested a shared understanding of participation in research as a means of contributing to ‘community’ efforts to prevent the spread of HIV. Most men expressed sophisticated understandings of the purpose of behavioural research and distinguished between this and individual diagnostic testing. Despite calls for feedback on HIV results broadly, for these men feedback on HIV status was not deemed crucial

    A Comparative Study on Hepatitis C Predictions Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is known to be the major cause of chronic liver disease. Based on research, HCV has caused more than 100.000 cases of liver cancer per year. This virus has become the cause of at least 280.000 deaths. To diagnose HCV, it takes at least two different tests, namely serological assays and molecular tests, which are quite costly and complex. With Machine Learning technology, the diagnosis of any disease or virus can be made by detecting different patterns or relationships. Therefore, this study aims to predict the Hepatitis C virus using different machine learning algorithms and find out the best model for the classification of Hepatitis C disease. Furthermore, this study shows some visualizations to find out the relationships between attributes. We used different machine learning algorithms, namely K-Nearest Neighbour, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, and Logistic Regression. The performance of those different machine learning algorithms was evaluated using four different metrics, which are classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F-1 score. The classification accuracy results are 96.5%, 96.7%, 97.3%, 97.1%, 96%, 97.9% each for k-NN, SVM, RandomFores, Neural Network, Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression. Based on the results, each model showed high performance, but Logistic Regression performs the best result. With the results conducted by this study, it is hoped that it can help the diagnosis process of HCV based on laboratory data. However, it is important to communicate the shortcomings and some possible improvements for each model. Keywords: Machine Learning, Predictions, Hepatitis C Viru

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Fasilitas Sekolah

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    Sistem dapat didefinisikan sebagai elemen-elemen yang berkaitan satu sama lain untuk menjalankan satu tujuan yang sama. Selanjutnya, dalam mengembangkan sebuah sistem dibutuhkan keterlibatan empat komponen yakni masukan, pengolahan, keluaran, dan Balikan atau control Perkembangan teknologi ini sangat bermanfaat dalam memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan dalam berbagai bidang termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan tak terkecuali pada sekolah menengah pertama. Mulai dari tinjauan dan pengamatan langsung ke SMPN 2 Airmadidi. Peneliti berminat untuk melakukan Perubahan terhadap sistem informasi yang dimiliki oleh sekolah dimana sistem ini belum terkomputerisasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan terstruktur yakni Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

    Evaluation of the Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism in the Algarve region - Portugal

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    The tourism industry has often been subject to several crises of various dimensions, caused by wars, economic destabilization, drastic occurrences from climate change, natural disasters, epidemics, and pandemics. The Algarve region’s economy is highly dependent on tourism and tourists, as it accounts for over 50% of its Gross Value Added (GVA) and 40% of employment. The Covid-19 pandemic hitting the world now can be considered an extraordinary issue for the global tourism industry, causing an abrupt and sudden drop in tourist flows and leading to a dramatic impact on the economy of the Algarve and Portugal. This dissertation aims to understand the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the Algarve region’s tourism sector and how it has been affected. The specific objectives are to compare and review tourism results of the first six months of the year 2019 to results of the same period in 2020 using key tourism performance indicators. Using an exploratory descriptive method of secondary data collection and comparing the key tourism indicators numbers of the first half of 2020 to that of the previous year 2019, the results showed a strong negative impact on Algarve’s tourism industry. Huge financial and job losses were registered in the tourism sector during this period because of the measures taken to mitigate the spread of the virus. The Algarve’s economy suffered a lot, as the region highly depends on the foreign market, whose spending power is higher than the residents. The consequences of the crisis will be heavier than the return to normalcy of the region’s economy, which will be slow and gradual. However, some positive points were identified from this crisis, for instance, the reduction in mass tourism that is harmful to the sustainability of the environment and climate change. Also, there was an emergence of innovation in the sector, with the digitalization of operations in the travel and tourism industry.A indústria do turismo tem sido frequentemente sujeita a várias crises de várias dimensões, causadas por guerras, desestabilização económica, ocorrências drásticas de mudanças climáticas, desastres naturais, epidemias e pandemias. O clima moderado e ameno e a bela e diversificada paisagem de Portugal fazem do turismo uma das suas maiores indústrias e um setor vital da economia portuguesa (Almeida & Correia, 2010). Tal pode reflectir-se no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do país, que em 2019 aumentou 2,2% em volume (+ 2,6% em 2018) e 3,9% em termos nominais (+ 4,3% em 2018), atingindo 212,3 mil milhões de euros (INE , 2020d). Os resultados divulgados pelo “Banco de Portugal” relativos à Balança de Pagamentos de 2019, indicam um aumento de 5,3% no saldo das Viagens e Turismo, menos expressivo do que o registado em anos anteriores (+ 8,4% em 2018, + 24,2% em 2017) . As receitas / créditos continuaram a aumentar, totalizando 18,4 bilhões de euros. Este aumento foi, no entanto, inferior ao de 2018 (+ 8,1% após + 9,7% em 2018). Os gastos / dívidas com viagens e turismo atingiram 5,3 mil milhões de euros em 2019, com um aumento de 15,6% (+ 13,2% em 2018), refletindo uma aceleração em relação à evolução das receitas (INE, 2020d). No mesmo ano, o mercado interno cresceu 5,9%, totalizando 26,1 milhões de dormidas, correspondendo a 33,6% do total. As dormidas do mercado externo registaram um menor crescimento de 3,5% face ao ano anterior e atingiram 51,7 milhões de dormidas, representando 66,4% do total. Nos estabelecimentos de alojamento nacionais (hotéis, pensões, pousadas, bed & breakfast, etc.), as receitas totais ascenderam a 4,3 mil milhões de euros (+ 7,8%) (INE, 2020d). Todos estes números evidenciam o impacto do turismo no crescimento económico a nível nacional. Outro facto é que Portugal foi nomeado e ganhador do prémio “Europe's Leading Destination 2020” pelos WTA - World Travel Awards. O Algarve é uma das regiões de Portugal com uma economia altamente dependente do turismo e turistas, sendo responsável por mais de 50% do seu Valor Acrescentado Bruto (VAB) e 40% do emprego. A economia do Algarve é dominada por três setores-chave, que são as atividades económicas centrais da região, levando em consideração o número de pessoas empregadas e o rendimento gerado. Incluem Turismo (restauração e alojamento), retalho e venda grossista e construção (Comissão Europeia, 2020a). O setor de atividade mais importante é o setor terciário (comércio e serviços), sendo a sua principal atividade económica - o Turismo. Este subsetor assume tal importância no Algarve que representa, direta e indiretamente, cerca de 60% do emprego total e 66% do PIB regional. No entanto, a atividade económica da região também inclui os setores da agricultura e pesca, embora a sua importância relativa na economia da região esteja lentamente perder relevância (Comissão Europeia, 2020a). Por outro lado, atividades económicas como o setor imobiliário, agroalimentar e biotecnológico têm aumentado progressivamente a sua importância (Comissão Europeia, 2020a). O impacto económico do turismo vai além do volume de negócios e da empregabilidade que representa: o turismo como atividade consome recursos acima do normal, pois implica investimentos em infra-estruturas, por exemplo, saneamento, limpeza, transportes, energia, etc.; o que significa que o turismo também tem impacto social, cultural e ambiental (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999). O turismo no Algarve é uma atividade que contribui para o seu desenvolvimento económico e social. O seu peso económico segundo fontes como as estatísticas de Portugal, confere a este setor uma importância capital, em comparação com outros setores de atividade económica da região (Comissão Europeia, 2020c). A pandemia Covid-19 que atinge o mundo agora pode ser considerada um grande problema para a indústria do turismo global, causando uma queda abrupta e repentina dos fluxos turísticos e, portanto, tendo um impacto dramático na económia do Algarve e de Portugal. Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo compreender o impacto que a pandemia do Covid-19 tem tido no setor do turismo da região do Algarve e como este tem sido afetado. Os objetivos específicos deste trabalho são a comparação e analise dos resultados do turismo dos primeiros seis meses do ano de 2019 com os resultados do mesmo período em 2020, usando indicadores-chave de desempenho do turismo. Utilizando um método exploratório descritivo de recolha de dados secundários e comparando os números dos indicadores chave do turismo do primeiro semestre de 2020 com os do ano anterior de 2019, os resultados demonstraram um impacto negativo muito significativo no setor do turismo do Algarve. Nesse período, foram registradas enormes perdas financeiras e de empregos no setor do turismo devido às medidas tomadas para mitigar a propagação do vírus. Os dados demonstram que o turismo algarvio esteve praticamente sem atividade desde meados de março de 2020 e passou todo o primeiro semestre do ano de 2020 sem alcançar a continuação significativa do aumento das suas vendas, embora a economia tenha dado os primeiros sinais de abertura de negócios em Junho do mesmo ano. Os dados também indicam que o impacto no setor de turismo, restauração e hotelaria, em particular, é avassalador, incluindo o da aviação e companhias aéreas (com expectativa de recuperação mais rápida para o turismo doméstico e muito mais lenta para os mais distantes e / ou viagens internacionais). O crescimento económico do Algarve foi extremamente enfraquecido, prevalecendo o risco de uma desaceleração económica. A economia do Algarve sofreu muito, visto que a região depende fortemente do mercado externo, cujo poder de compra, em termos médios é superior ao dos residentes. A analise dos indicadores sugere que as consequências da crise serão mais pesadas do que o retorno à normalidade da economia da região, que será lento e gradual. No entanto, foram identificados alguns pontos positivos desta crise, por exemplo, a redução do turismo de massa que é prejudicial para a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente e as alterações climáticas. Além disso, houve um surgimento de inovação no setor, nomeadamente com a maior setor com a digitalização das operações no setor das viagens e turismo. Abaixo estão algumas linhas de pensamento de importância variada que poderiam ser exploradas a fim de reduzir o impacto desta crise e das futuras no turismo. • Uma estratégia de crise deve ser definida e planeada, tanto a nível regional como nacional. • Uma oferta para staycation poderia ser criada. • Planear campanhas de conscientização para o turismo local e comunicar sobre turismo responsável. • Uma estratégia de atratividade turística baseada na qualidade deve ser favorecida e não no aumento do número de visitantes. • Os governos de diferentes países devem ter uma abordagem uniforme sobre as medidas a serem tomadas. • É necessário que a sociedade adote medidas de preparação e resposta a futuras pandemias para que as pessoas em geral e os governos, em particular, possam melhorar a sua capacidade de enfrentar crises como esta. Esta dissertação ilustra que a pandemia de coronavírus teve um impacto negativo no setor turístico da região do Algarve. Registaram-se reduções e perdas importantes nos números dos indicadores chave do turismo no primeiro semestre de 2020 em comparação com o mesmo período do ano anterior, 2019. Os efeitos da pandemia Covid-19 na economia do Algarve são ainda muito difíceis de determinar com precisão hoje, pois estarão vinculados à duração da crise, à eficácia dos mecanismos de apoio implantados de âmbito nacional, mas também a ações coordenadas de incentivo de âmbito global (isto é, FMI, G20, etc.) e Nível europeu

    Implementation of Finite State Automata in an Amusement Park Automatic Ticket Selling Machine

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    Introduction: Amusement Park is a place that provides various attractions for entertainmentpurpose. People can enjoy games, rides such as roller coaster rides, merry-go-round, etc.Over the time, technology has grown. Many things that are usually done manually by humansare now being replaced by computers. With an automated ticket selling machine, the processof buying the ticket of an amusement park becomes easier for the user. Automata theory is atheoretical branch that has not been widely known to many yet plays essential role in the fieldof computer science. The main concept of automata theory itself is how to make machinesworks automatically. Therefore, this study aims to show the implementation of the concept ofAutomata theory in an amusement park automatic ticket selling machine.Methods: Themethod used to develop the application is formal methods known as Finite State Automata.We also used Sequential Linear method to design the application. Formal method is amathematical modelling that links the production, development, and verification of softwareand hardware. In this application, the concept of Finite State Automata was applied torecognize and then capture the pattern on the process of ticket selling machine.Results: Theresult of this study shows that Finite State Automata can become one of the alternatives todesign an automatic ticket selling machine for an amusement park by reading each inputgiven by the user and then converts it to the language know by the Finite StateAutomata.Discussion: In this application, the payment method is by inserting a certainamount of cash into the machine and the machine will proceed to the next process. However,for future development another payment method can be added. For example, instead ofinserting cash, user can choose to pay using debit as well as credit card

    Maskulinitas Beracun dan Kecenderungan Melakukan Perundungan Pada Santri Senior Laki-Laki di Pesantren X

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    Bullying that occurs in the boarding school environment can occur due to the seniority culture that occurs in that environment. This seniority can occur because there is a misunderstanding about the concept of masculinity that is understood by senior students. So that from this wrong concept, bullying acts carried out by seniors with excuses to make junior students become more disciplined. This study aims to determine the correlation between toxic masculinity and the tendency to bully male senior students in Islamic boarding school X. This study uses a quantitative approach, this study using likert scale that is bullying scale and toxic masculinity scale. The population in this study amounted to 160 students and the sample of this study was 104 male senior students selected using purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used is the scale of bullying and toxic masculinity. The result showed that the value of r count = 0.617 and p = 0.000 < 0.05. The results of these calculations show that there is a relationship between toxic masculinity and bullying tendencies in male senior students at Islamic boarding school X. Perundungan yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren dapat terjadi dikarenakan adanya budaya senioritas yang terjadi dilingkungan tersebut. Senioritas tersebut dapat terjadi dikarenakan terjadi kesalahpahaman mengenai konsep maskulinitas yang dipahami oleh para santri senior. Sehingga dari konsep yang salah tersebut munculnya tindakan-tindakan perundungan yang dilakukan oleh senior dengan beralasan untuk membuat para santri junior menjadi lebih disiplin. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara maskulinitas beracun dengan kecenderungan melakukan perundungan pada santri senior laki-laki di pesantren X. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan skala likert yaitu skala perundungan dan skala maskulinitas beracun. Populasi pada penilitian ini berjumlah 160 santri dan sample penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 104 santri senior laki-laki dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala perundungan dan maskulinitas beracun. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai r hitung = 0.617 dan p = 0.000 < 0.05. Hasil perhitungan tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara maskulinitas beracun dengan kecenderungan perundungan pada santri senior laki-laki di pesantren X

    Social media as a space for support: Young adults’ perspectives on producing and consuming user-generated content about diabetes and mental health

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    Social media offer opportunities to both produce and consume content related to health experiences. However, people's social media practices are likely to be influenced by a range of individual, social and environmental factors. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how engagement with user-generated content can support people with long-term health conditions, and what limits users&rsquo; adoption of these technologies in the everyday experience of their health condition. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with young adults, aged between 18 and 30 years, with experience of diabetes or a common mental health disorder (CMHD). We found that the online activities of these young adults were diverse; they ranged from regular production and consumption (&lsquo;prosumption&rsquo;) of health-related user-generated content to no engagement with such content. Our analysis suggested three main types of users: &lsquo;prosumers&rsquo; &lsquo;tacit consumers&rsquo; and &lsquo;non-engagers&rsquo;. A key determinant of participants&rsquo; engagement with resources related to diabetes and CMHDs in the online environment was their offline experiences of support. Barriers to young adults&rsquo; participation in online interaction, and sharing of content related to their health experiences, included concerns about compromising their presentation of identity and adherence to conventions about what content is most appropriate for specific social media spaces. Based on our analysis, we suggest that social media do not provide an unproblematic environment for engagement with health content and the generation of supportive networks. Rather, producing and consuming user-generated content is an activity embedded within individuals&rsquo; specific health experiences and is impacted by offline contexts, as well as their daily engagement with, and expectations, of different social media platforms. &copy; 2016 The Author