3,138 research outputs found

    ALPS: A Linear Program Solver

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    ALPS is a computer program which can be used to solve general linear program (optimization) problems. ALPS was designed for those who have minimal linear programming (LP) knowledge and features a menu-driven scheme to guide the user through the process of creating and solving LP formulations. Once created, the problems can be edited and stored in standard DOS ASCII files to provide portability to various word processors or even other linear programming packages. Unlike many math-oriented LP solvers, ALPS contains an LP parser that reads through the LP formulation and reports several types of errors to the user. ALPS provides a large amount of solution data which is often useful in problem solving. In addition to pure linear programs, ALPS can solve for integer, mixed integer, and binary type problems. Pure linear programs are solved with the revised simplex method. Integer or mixed integer programs are solved initially with the revised simplex, and the completed using the branch-and-bound technique. Binary programs are solved with the method of implicit enumeration. This manual describes how to use ALPS to create, edit, and solve linear programming problems. Instructions for installing ALPS on a PC compatible computer are included in the appendices along with a general introduction to linear programming. A programmers guide is also included for assistance in modifying and maintaining the program

    Load bearing RC structure of office building

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a dimenzováním vybraných konstrukčních prvků nosné železobetonové konstrukce administrativní budovy podle mezního stavu únosnosti a mezního stavu použitelnosti. Pro výpočet se používal program SCIA ENGINEER 2012. Statický výpočet obsahuje řešení stropní desky nad 4NP podepřenou částečně lokálně se sloupy a částečně liniově se železobetonovými stěnami. Dále jsou řešeny vybrané sloupy v horních třech patrech a sloup v nejnižším podlaží, schodišťové konstrukce mezi 4NP a 5NP. Součástí diplomové práce je i návrh a dimenzování založení objektu na základové desce. Výstupem statického výpočtu je výkres tvaru výztuže jednotlivých řešených prvků. Ostatní prvky nosné konstrukce nejsou řešeny.The Master’s thesis is focused on the analysis and design of selected members of load-bearing structure of an administration building according to the ultimate limit states (ULS) and seviceability limit states (SLS). The calculation and the analysis was supported by design software SCIA ENGINEER 2012. Structural analysis deals with the design of the reinforced concrete (RC) flat slab above the 4rd strorey which is particularly supported by RC columns and particularly lies on RC walls. Furthermore, the Master’s thesis contains analysis of some selected columns of last three storeys, column of lowest storey, construction of stairway between 4rd and 5th storeys. The work beside this deals with the calculation and design of foundation of the object. The rest parts of the load-bearing structure are not solved in the Master’s thesis.

    A Volkswagen dieselgate botrány

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    A Volkswagen-botrány rendkívül összetett kérdés. Felmerülnek ugyanis társasági jogi, környezetvédelmi jogi és büntetôjogi aspektusok is. A cikk szerzôje a compliance és a felelôs társaságirányítás szemszögébôl közelíti meg a Volkswagen-botrány eseményeit

    A vékonybél ischémiás tolerenciájának vizsgálata kísérletes vékonybél transzplantáció során = Investigation of small bowel ischemic tolerance during experimental intestinal transplantation

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    Vékonybél meleg ischémiás/reperfúziós (I/R) és autotranszplantációs modellben kapott eredmények: 1. A PACAP-38 reperfúzió alatti adása csökkenti a bél strukturális károsodását, a szöveti oxidatív stressz mértékét, fokozza a foszforilált ERK1/2 aktivitását és csökkenti a foszforilált JNK1/2 és a p38 MAP kináz aktivitását. A bél endogén PACAP-38- és PACAP-27-szerű immunreaktivitása szignifikánsan magasabb volt a PACAP-38 tartalmú UW oldatban tárolt szövetekben. A pro-inflammatórikus citokinek (sICAM-1, CD54, L-szelektin, RANTES, MMP-9, TIMP-1) aktivációját a PACAP-kezelés csökkentette modelljeinkben. 2. A reperfúzió elején alkalmazott 3 ciklusú (30”I+30”R) ischémiás posztkondícionálás (IPO) a vékonybél meleg I/R-ós és autotranszplantációs modelljében is szignifikánsan csökkentette a bélfal károsodásának mértékét. Csökkent a reperfúzió végi lipidperoxidáció mértéke és az endogén védelmi rendszerek (GSH, SOD) kapacitása/aktivitása magasabb maradt. A mucosa sejtekben mért NF-kB transzkripciós faktor nukleáris és citoplazmális aktivitása bifázisos jelleget mutatott. | Results in the intestinal warm ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) and autotransplantation models are the follows: 1. Administration of PACAP-38 reduced intestinal structural damage and tissue oxidative stress, and increased phosphorylated ERK1/2 activity and reduces phosphorylated JNK1/2 and p38 MAP kinase activity during reperfusion period. Endogenous intestinal PACAP-38- and PACAP-27-like immunoreactivity was significantly higher in tissue stored in PACAP-38 content UW solution. PACAP treatment reduced the activation of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (sICAM-1, CD54, L-selectin, RANTES, MMP-9, TIMP-1) in our models. 2. Applying 3 cycles (30 ""I +30"" R) ischemic postconditioning of the small intestine in the early phase of reperfusion in warm I/R and in autotransplantation models also significantly reduced damage to the intestinal wall. The level of lipidperoxidation decreased and the capacity/activity of the endogenous protective systems (GSH, SOD) remained higher at the end of reperfusion. Meanwhile, nuclear and cytoplasmic activity of NF-kB transcription factor showed a biphasic character in the mucosal cells

    BMKT 343.00: Integrated Marketing Communications

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