57 research outputs found

    Per uscire dalla trappola della Fortezza Europa: la scommessa del paradigma del dono

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    Di fronte alla sfida delle migrazioni, l'Europa vive una situazione di spaesamento e di rinnegamento dei propri valori fondativi. Il paradigma del dono, nella sua veste di teoria scientifica e di prospettiva politica, non solo rappresenta uno dei percorsi più fecondi affinché l'Europa possa ritrovare sé stessa, ma contribuisce, attraverso la critica all'utilitarismo e al risentimento, al superamento dei limiti attuali nella comprensione e gestione del fenomeno migratorio.Facing with the challenge of migration, Europe is experiencing a situation of disorientation and a denial of its founding values. Understood as a scientific theory and as a political perspective, the paradigm of gift represents one of the most fruitful paths for Europe to find itself again; furthermore, through the critique of utilitarianism and resentment, the paradigm of gift  contributes to overcoming the current limits in understanding and managing the migration phenomenon

    Defective chromatic and achromatic visual pathways in developmental dyslexia: Cues for an integrated intervention programme.

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    Abstract PURPOSE: As well as obtaining confirmation of the magnocellular system involvement in Developmental dyslexia (DD); the aim was primarily to search for a possible involvement of the parvocellular system; and, furthermore, to complete the assessment of the visual chromatic axis by also analysing the koniocellular system. METHODS: Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to achromatic stimuli with low luminance contrast and low spatial frequency, and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli with high spatial frequency were recorded in 10 dyslexic children and 10 age- and sex-matched, healthy subjects. RESULTS: Dyslexic children showed delayed VEPs to both achromatic stimuli (magnocellular-dorsal stream) and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli (parvocellular-ventral and koniocellular streams). To our knowledge, this is the first time that a dysfunction of colour vision has been brought to light in an objective way (i.e., by means of electrophysiological methods) in children with DD. CONCLUSION: These results give rise to speculation concerning the need for a putative approach for promoting both learning how to read and/or improving existing reading skills of children with or at risk of DD. The working hypothesis would be to combine two integrated interventions in a single programme aimed at fostering the function of both the magnocellular and the parvocellular streams

    Genetic and phenotypic attributes of splenic marginal zone lymphoma

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    Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (SMZL) is a heterogeneous clinico-biological entity. The clinical course is variable, multiple genes are mutated with no unifying mechanism, and essential regulatory pathways and surrounding microenvironments are diverse. We sought to clarify the heterogeneity of SMZL by resolving different subgroups and their underlying genomic abnormalities, pathway signatures, and microenvironment compositions to uncover biomarkers and therapeutic vulnerabilities. We studied 303 SMZL spleen samples collected through the IELSG46 multicenter international study (NCT02945319) by using a multiplatform approach. We carried out genetic and phenotypic analyses, defined self-organized signatures, validated the findings in independent primary tumor metadata and in genetically modified mouse models, and determined correlations with outcome data. We identified 2 prominent genetic clusters in SMZL, termed NNK (58% of cases, harboring NF-κB, NOTCH, and KLF2 modules) and DMT (32% of cases, with DNA-damage response, MAPK, and TLR modules). Genetic aberrations in multiple genes as well as cytogenetic and immunogenetic features distinguished NNK- from DMT-SMZLs. These genetic clusters not only have distinct underpinning biology, as judged by differences in gene-expression signatures, but also different outcomes, with inferior survival in NNK-SMZLs. Digital cytometry and in situ profiling segregated 2 basic types of SMZL immune microenvironments termed immune-suppressive SMZL (50% of cases, associated with inflammatory cells and immune checkpoint activation) and immune-silent SMZL (50% of cases, associated with an immune-excluded phenotype) with distinct mutational and clinical connotations. In summary, we propose a nosology of SMZL that can implement its classification and also aid in the development of rationally targeted treatments

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Vigilante Justice in Society and Popular Culture: A Global Perspective

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    This collection explores the complex issue of vigilantism, how it is represented in popular culture, what is its impact on behavior, and the implications for the rule of law. The book is a transnational investigation across a range of eleven different jurisdictions, including accounts of the Anglophone world (Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States), European experiences (Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Portugal), and South American jurisdictions (Argentina and Brazil). The essays, written by prominent international scholars in law, sociology, criminology, and media studies, present data, historical and recent examples of vigilantism; examine the national Laws and jurisprudence; and focus on the broad theme of vigilante justice in popular culture (literature, films, television)

    La rappresentazione dell’Università di Lecce sulla stampa locale (2001-2005)

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    La ricerca ricostruisce la rappresentazione dell’Università di Lecce sulle pagine dei quotidiani locali, proponendo un esame delle definizioni sociali rintracciabili nella comunità salentina rispetto alla sua università. La ricerca giunge a conclusioni che ripropongono, da un lato, alcune costanti generali del rapporto town and gown: la conflittualità degli studenti, la chiusura autoreferenziale dell’università, il sospetto della città, il gioco di compromessi e attriti; dall’altro, esse confermano alcune specifiche caratteristiche storiche della relazione Università di Lecce – Città di Lecce, in particolare il ruolo di distinzione e riscatto che l’università ha assunto

    Dai processi agli untori ai processi agli errori: perché (non) impareremo dalla pandemia di COVID-19

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    EnThe paper questions how to implement processes of cultural and institutional change under the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on the risk society and reflexive modernization framework, the paper highlights that the political value of disasters depends on the collective recognition of risks. As in previous centuries, such recognition relies on the detection of causality and attribution of responsibility. The paper warns against recourse to the scapegoating mechanism in the interpretations of the pandemic.ItIl contributo si interroga su come si potranno produrre processi di cambiamento culturale e istituzionale in conseguenza della pandemia di COVID-19. Con riferimento alla teoria della società del rischio e della modernizzazione riflessiva, si evidenzia che il potenziale politico delle catastrofi dipende dal riconoscimento collettivo dei rischi prodotti socialmente. Come è accaduto nei secoli precedenti, molto dipende dai processi di individuazione delle cause e di attribuzione delle responsabilità. Nel contributo si avverte contro il pericolo che il ricorso a capri espiatori disinneschi il potenziale di critica politica insito nelle interpretazioni della pandemia evitando così di approcciare il problema del cambiamento istituzionale

    Crime Films

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    Cinema, together with television, has proved to be perhaps the most extensive, popular, and powerful medium in the representation of crime. From a criminological point of view, the crime films are all those movies whose central theme is crime and its consequences. The crime films should be defined on the basis of their relationship with society. On one hand, crime films say something important about the social context that they represent and from which they have been fashioned. On the other hand, they themselves have an effect on the social context, since their representation of crime, law, justice, and punishment itself becomes culture, acquires meaning, and provides an interpretation of reality. The approach of criminology to crime films has a series of important theoretical and methodological consequences. It leads to a fundamental enrichment of academic knowledge, for example, regarding the themes to be tackled, the disciplines and research methods to be used, and even the forms of teaching. Indeed, the analysis of crime films can help to better investigate many aspects of the perception and understanding of crime, law, and justice in society. The criminological study of crime requires a multifaceted approach, looking at the changing representation of crime and criminals in relation to the wider political, economic, and cultural transformations, and to the commercial and technological development of the cinematographic industry. The historical and thematic reconstruction of the productive and stylistic cycles of crime films comprehends the gangster, noir, detective, courtroom, and prison film genres. Moreover, this perspective deals with the main reasons for the success of crime films, the elements that influence their production, and finally the thorny topic of the effects of crime films

    Zone di sacrificio. Il ruolo del diritto nei conflitti di localizzazione

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    L'articolo affronta il tema del trattamento giuridico dei conflitti di localizzazione, più comunemente definiti come Nimby. Nella prima parte, si descrivono le caratteristiche del fenomeno, mettendone in evidenza la complessità e la rilevanza sociale. Successivamente, si critica la teoria Nimby per la sua inconsistenza sociologica e la sua strumentalità politica. Tuttavia, tale teoria pervade la logica dei meccanismi regolativi nella pianificazione delle infrastrutture, con pesanti conseguenze sociali, come esaminato nella terza parte. Alle conclusioni sono affidate alcune considerazioni critiche sul ruolo che il diritto gioca in questi conflitti