137 research outputs found

    Perspectives in Flavour Physics: Neutrino Masses and Experimental Anomalies

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    The matter particles which are observed in nature, called fermions, come in three copies that are also referred to as flavours. The properties of the different fermion flavours and their implications constitute the flavour structure of nature. The occurrence of neutrino oscillations is unambiguous proof that the Standard Model of particle physics cannot fully account for this flavour structure. Furthermore, several experiments have revealed hints towards further deviations from the predictions of the Standard Model, especially regarding violations of lepton-flavour universality. This sets the ground for my thesis which can be split into three parts. Firstly, I scrutinise the hypothesis that neutrino masses are generated via a singly-charged scalar particle which is a singlet under weak interactions, and study its phenomenological implications. As a minimal extension of the Standard Model, this scenario can be very predictive and is in particular not sensitive to the details of how the breaking of lepton-number conservation is achieved. Secondly, I thoroughly analyse existing data on several b→sνν decay channels, as well as the prospective sensitivity of the Belle-II experiment regarding a measurement of these decays. The results are fully general and can be matched onto any model in which new degrees of freedom are introduced at or above the electroweak scale. Thirdly, I investigate a concrete new-physics model which aims to explain anomalous experimental data in the lepton-flavour universality ratios R(D) and R(D*) and in the magnetic moment of the muon with the help of a scalar leptoquark. An essential feature of the model is the fact that the interactions between the leptoquark and the Standard-Model fermions are completely fixed in terms of a discrete flavour symmetry. Altogether, in this thesis I highlight different possible approaches towards an improved understanding of the flavour structure of nature, both model-based and model-independent ones

    Nahinfrarotspektroskopie zur Charakterisierung von Sedimenteigenschaften im Nationalpark Donauauen bei Wien

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    Aufgrund der Kostenintensivität und des hohen Zeitaufwandes von herkömmlichen Nährstoffanalysen in Sedimenten sollte im Zuge dieser Arbeit die Umsetzbarkeit nahinfrarotspektroskopischer Methoden zur Bestimmung von Phosphor-, Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffgehalten in Sedimenten untersucht werden. Ziel ist es die Reproduzierbarkeit und Aussagegenauigkeit der NIRS Methode für diesen Anwendungsbereich zu untersuchen und so speziell für Fragestellungen auf größerer räumlicher Ebene und höherer zeitlicher Auflösung in Fluss-Ausystemen eine adäquate Methode zur Verfügung zu haben. Hierzu wurden im „Nationalpark Donauauen“, einem Augebiet der Donau südöstlich von Wien, in den Jahren 2007 und 2008 Sedimentproben gesammelt und der Gehalt von Phosphor, Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff mittels Standardlabormethoden bestimmt. Auf Basis dieser Referenzwerte und dem von jeder Sedimentprobe aufgenommenen Nahinfrarotspektren wurde mittels chemometrischer Methoden eine Kalibration für jeden untersuchten Parameter erstellt. Mit Hilfe dieser Kalibrationen ist es später möglich, Proben unbekannten Gehalts rasch, kostengünstig und umweltfreundlich zu analysieren. Es konnten sowohl für den organischen Gehalt allgemein, als auch für den organischen Kohlenstoff- bzw. Stickstoffgehalt Kalibrationen erstellt werden, die eine Abschätzung der jeweiligen Konzentrationen im Sediment erlauben. Der organische Phosphorgehalt bzw. die Totalphosphorkonzentration waren aufgrund der geringen Konzentration bzw. der spektralen Eigenschaften dieser Parameter für NIRS Analysen weniger geeignet. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit sollten die organischen und anorganischen Anteile von Kohlenstoff, Phosphor und Stickstoff im Sediment in Abhängigkeit zum hydrologischen Vernetzungsgrad untersucht werden. Ein Großteil der biogeochemischen Umsetzungen in Flussauen findet im, am und in Wechselwirkung mit dem Sediment statt. Um die räumliche Verteilung von Sedimenteigenschaften in Flussauen besser verstehen zu können, müssen diese gemeinsam mit ihrem primären Einflussfaktor, der Hydrologie, untersuchen werden. Die räumliche Verteilung dieser Parameter abhängig vom Grad der Oberflächenanbindung lässt den Schluss zu, dass im Untersuchungsgebiet der oberen Lobau gewässerinterne Prozesse (autochthone Produktion) gegenüber allochthonen Eintrag dominieren. Die höhere hydrologische Konnektivität in Orth ermöglicht hingegen eine größere Dynamik der Stoffumsetzungen. Dies führt zu einem Wechsel von autochthoner Produktion und allochthonen Eintrag als dominierende Materialquelle.As analysis of nutrient concentrations in sediments by conventional chemical techniques are costly and time consuming, a more efficient and more rapid method, like near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), was tested and established for further use. Therefore sediment samples from different sites in the “Nationalpark Donauauen”, a floodplain of the Danube southeast of Vienna, were collected and analyzed for phosphorous, carbon and nitrogen concentrations using standard laboratory methods. To predict concentrations of the compounds and elements of interest in further unknown samples I investigated in my thesis research the use of calibration equations, developed by chemometric methods from spectral data compared to results from conventional chemical analysis (reference values) on different samples. NIRS model performance of organic matter content, organic carbon content and organic nitrogen content enable estimations of concentration of these parameters in unknown sediment samples. In contrast NIRS analysis of total and organic phosphorus was less eligible due to the spectral characteristics and accordingly low concentrations of these two parameters. In the second part of this work I investigated how the spatial variation of organic and inorganic phosphorous, carbon and nitrogen in sediments is linked with the hydromorphological conditions in different floodplain reaches. A significant portion of biogeochemical fluxes and nutrient cycles in riverine floodplains proceeds within and in interaction with the sediment. For a better understanding of the spatial variation of sediment properties in riverine floodplain reaches it is necessary to determine these properties linked to the hydrology as their most important driver. The spatial distribution of the investigated sediment parameters indicates dominant autochthonous sources in the sampling sites of the upper parts of “Untere Lobau” and accordingly shifting between autochthonous sources/allochthonous inputs due to more frequent and intense surface water connectivity in the floodplain area of “Orth”

    TVs universitárias, digitalização e campo público: dez anos depois

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    A transição das TVs universitárias vinculadas ao campo público de emissoras no Brasil para a Digitalização, seja em termos de estrutura técnica de produção, seja de sistema de transmissão, é atravessada por singularidades, em um contexto cada vez mais marcado pela complexidade relacionada às redes sociais e plataformas digitais. Este relatório traz atualização de pesquisa realizada há dez anos sobre os canais de TV vinculados às Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas, em cidades do interior do país. Além do aumento quantitativo dos núcleos de produção audiovisual e da adaptação às plataformas digitais, a pesquisa registra canais em desmantelamento e diversificação

    História da África contemporânea e cinema: estudo das representações dos filmes “O Último Rei da Escócia”, “Diamante de Sangue” e “O Jardineiro Fiel”

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    Este trabalho tem a intenção de analisar a construção de representações feitas pelos filmes “O Último Rei da Escócia”, “Diamante de Sangue” e o “Jardineiro Fiel”, verificando que, analisadas em conjunto, essas obras acabam por produzir um discurso a respeito da História contemporânea da África. A partir da premissa de que a história produzida pelos historiadores não é o único modo de se reconstituir o passado, reconhece-se que, além de um discurso “oficial” oferecido pela historiografia da África contemporânea, também existem outros discursos. Os filmes produzidos pelos próprios africanos não atingem o grande público. Assim, pretendo explorar o fato de que os africanos são impossibilitados de construírem representações, ou até um discurso próprio de seu continente para o mundo. Cabe, então, a partir da análise conjunta dos filmes, verificar a frequência com que o continente africano é tratado como vítima e como isso é reproduzido pela grande mídia do cinema. Por último, tentarei entender como o cinema hollywoodiano retrata a África contemporânea: quais são as representações mais decorrentes nos filmes? O que se repete? O que se omite? Quais as características dos personagens? Todas essas são perguntas que perpassam a análise dos filmes escolhidos

    Transport model of Blansko city

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    V diplomové práci je řešen stav dopravy ve městě Blansku pomocí výpočetního modelu ze softwaru Aimsun. Za pomoci dostupných podkladů a vlastních měření v zájmových oblastech byl vytvořen model, který ukazuje kladné i záporné stránky plánované výstavby přemostění řeky Svitavy a koridoru železniční trati. Toto mimoúrovňové propojení by mělo pomoci dopravní situaci v Blansku, protože by se mělo jednat teprve o druhé propojení dvou polovin města, které jsou rozděleny právě řekou Svitavou. V práci je řešen stávající stav a bere se v úvahu výstavba přemostění v období 3 let. Ve výhledovém období je řešena varianta jak s přemostěním, tak bez něj.In my diploma thesis, I applied IT model by Aimsun software on the traffic situation in the city of Blansko. I created my own model showing positives and negatives of planned bridge project across the river Svitava and the railroad corridor applying available information and documents regarding the project and my own data in this specific area. This overpass shall improve the traffic situation in the city of Blansko because mentioned bridge project shall be the second connection of two parts of the city of Blansko that is split by the river of Svitava. In this thesis, I apply the bridge project on the current traffic situation assuming that the bridge project will be implemented in 3 years. I deal with the situation in the city of Blansko with and without implementation of the bridge project.

    Bridge over the railway in Blansko

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    V bakalářské práci se zabývám dopravní situací v městě Blansku. Podařilo se mi získat studii výstavby mimoúrovňového křížení s železniční tratí, kterou akceptuji a navazuji na ni dopravními průzkumy železničního přejezdu a přilehlé okružní křižovatky. Cílem práce je návrh krátkodobých řešení stávající situace a porovnání aktuálního a výhledového stavu s ohledem na výstavbu silničního nadjezdu, který bude prvním mimoúrovňovým propojením dvou částí města.In my bachelor thesis, I focus on the traffic situation in the city of Blansko. I managed to get a construction study of an interchange with a railway which I accept, and I carry on with a traffic research on the railroad crossing and an adjacent roundabout. The aim of this thesis is to suggest short-term solutions to the current situation and to compare present and prospective state with regard to the construction of an overpass which is going to be the first interchange linking two parts of the city.

    When Energy Goes Missing: New Physics in bsννb\to s\nu\nu with Sterile Neutrinos

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    Belle II recently reported the first measurement of B+K++invB^+\to K^++\mathrm{inv}, which is 2.8σ2.8\sigma above the Standard Model prediction. We explore the available parameter space of new physics within Standard Model effective field theory extended by sterile neutrinos (ν\nuSMEFT) and provide predictions for the other BK()+invB\to K^{(\star)}+\mathrm{inv} decay modes and invisible BsB_s decays. We also briefly comment on charged current decays BD()νˉB\to D^{(\star)}\ell\bar\nu and possible ultraviolet completions of the relevant ν\nuSMEFT operators.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Memória e estratégias de ensino de história em convivências interdisciplinares

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    Este trabalho procura investigar como o ensino de História se encaixa em propostas pedagógicas interdisciplinares, particularmente em projetos que têm como a grande temática de desenvolvimento discussões sobre memória e patrimônio, sobretudo aqueles que lidam com a polêmica da derrubada de estátuas. São abordados limites curriculares e proposições de diálogos com outras áreas de conhecimento a partir da análise da aplicação de projetos, que reuniram as disciplinas obrigatórias do 8º e 9º Anos do Ensino Fundamental em planejamento associativo. Através da compilação de impressões sobre os encontros e desencontros da disciplina de História em um ambiente de aprendizagem interdisciplinar, onde foram problematizadas as inserções de temas com caráter decolonial no planejamento e execução dos projetos, cujo principal ponto de discussão se tornou a memória, forjada em estátuas e as disputas de controle de narrativas sobre o passado, que estão contidas no cenário patrimonial brasileiro e mundial. Atento às críticas que envolvem a transição do mais tradicional ensino disciplinar para prática da pedagogia de projetos, num contexto que ainda equilibra a sintonia do planejamento compartilhado pelas diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular. O desafio em questão foi de engajar os estudantes no desenvolvimento de aprendizagens significativas sobre o tema da memória no ensino de História e, ao mesmo passo, cultivar um ambiente de convivências interdisciplinares reconhecidamente democrático. Assim, os projetos pedagógicos centrados na disciplina de História analisados aqui cumprem função de estabelecer diálogo ao que pertence à memória das cidades e dos países e como a sociedade, e em particular o recorte escolar específico do estudo, reage às transformações históricas e às relações de poder envolvendo o passado e o presente.This work seeks to investigate how the teaching of History fits into interdisciplinary pedagogical proposals, particularly in projects whose major development theme is discussions about memory and heritage, especially those dealing with the controversy of the toppling of statues. Curriculum limits and propositions of dialogue with other areas of knowledge are approached from the analysis of the application of projects, which brought together the compulsory subjects of the 8th and 9th Years of Elementary Education in associative planning. Through the compilation of impressions about the encounters and disagreements of the discipline of History in an interdisciplinary learning environment, the insertion of themes with a decolonial character in the planning and execution of the projects are problematized, whose main point of discussion becomes memory, forged in statues and the disputes over the control of narratives about the past, which are contained in the Brazilian and world heritage scene. Aware of the criticisms that involve the transition from the more traditional disciplinary teaching to the practice of project pedagogy, in a context that still balances the harmony of the planning shared by the different areas of knowledge and the National Common Curricular Base. The challenge in question was to engage students in the development of meaningful learning on the subject of memory in the teaching of History and, at the same time, to cultivate an environment of interdisciplinary coexistence that is recognizably democratic. Thus, the pedagogical projects focused on the discipline of History analyzed here fulfill the function of establishing a dialogue about what belongs to the memory of cities and countries and how society, and in particular the specific school scope of the study, reacts to historical transformations and relations of power involving the past and the present

    Autenticidade molecular de produtos cárneos

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    Proper authenticity of a meat product as your identity standard (labeling) is essential by economic issues, health and religious as well as being a requirement in existing organs of food. However, the identification of constituents in a meat product is still a considerable challenge for the authorities, as it is not always possible to detect them by conventional methods, especially after processing the product. This limiting factor makes the fraud by replacement of one animal species by another of lower economic value a very common act. This study aims to determine the presence of pork and chicken in processed products from the molecular diagnostic by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). For this, we carried out the molecular diagnosis of swine and chicken species, first extracting the target DNA, followed by amplification of the same. Thus, the primers of chicken and pork species were evaluated for specificity and sensitivity, showing effective, with a detection limit from 0.1%. By analyzing 27 samples of commercial meat products, the PCR method has proved satisfactory and robust, once adulteration as been detected in three samples. Besides not demonstrate variation us results regarding to heat treatment used in the product.CAPESA autenticidade adequada de um produto cárneo conforme seu padrão de identidade (rotulagem) é imprescindível, por questões econômicas, de saúde éticas e religiosas, além de ser uma exigência dos órgãos vigentes de alimentos. Contudo, a identificação dos constituintes cárneos em um produto ainda é um desafio considerável para as autoridades, visto que nem sempre é possível detectá-los através dos métodos convencionais, principalmente após o processamento do produto. Este fator limitante torna a fraude por substituição de uma espécie animal por outra de menor valor econômico um ato muito comum. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a presença de carne suína e de frango em produtos processados a partir do diagnóstico molecular por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Para tanto, realizou-se o diagnóstico molecular da espécie suína e de frango, primeiramente extraindo-se o DNA alvo, seguido da amplificação do mesmo. Em seguida, os oligonucleotídeos iniciadores das espécies suína e aviária foram avaliados quanto a sua especificidade e sensibilidade, mostrando-se eficazes, com limite de detecção a partir de 0,1%. Ao analisar 27 amostras de produtos cárneos comerciais, a metodologia PCR se mostrou satisfatória e robusta, uma vez que detectou adulteração em três amostras, além de não demostrar variação nos resultados em função do tratamento térmico utilizado no produto