7 research outputs found

    Transcriptome Analysis of the Brucella abortus BvrR/BvrS Two-Component Regulatory System

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    International audienceBackgroundThe two-component BvrR/BvrS system is essential for Brucella abortus virulence. It was shown previously that its dysfunction alters the expression of some major outer membrane proteins and the pattern of lipid A acylation. To determine the genes regulated by BvrR/BvrS, we performed a whole-genome microarray analysis using B. abortus RNA obtained from wild type and bvrR mutant cells grown in the same conditions.Methodology/Principal FindingsA total of 127 differentially expressed genes were found: 83 were over expressed and 44 were less expressed in the bvrR mutant. Two operons, the phosphotransferase system and the maltose transport system, were down-regulated. Several genes involved in cell envelope or outer membrane biogenesis were differentially expressed: genes for outer membrane proteins (omp25a, omp25d), lipoproteins, LPS and fatty acid biosynthesis, stress response proteins, chaperones, flagellar genes, and twelve genes encoding ABC transport systems. Ten genes related with carbon metabolism (pckA and fumB among others) were up-regulated in the bvrR mutant, and denitrification genes (nirK, norC and nosZ) were also regulated. Notably, seven transcriptional regulators were affected, including VjbR, ExoR and OmpR that were less expressed in the bvrR mutant. Finally, the expression of eleven genes which have been previously related with Brucella virulence was also altered.Conclusions/SignificanceAll these data corroborate the impact of BvrR/BvrS on cell envelope modulation, confirm that this system controls the carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and suggest a cross-talk among some regulators to adjust the Brucella physiology to the shift expected to occur during the transit from the extracellular to the intracellular niche

    Genome Degradation in Brucella ovis Corresponds with Narrowing of Its Host Range and Tissue Tropism

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    Brucella ovis is a veterinary pathogen associated with epididymitis in sheep. Despite its genetic similarity to the zoonotic pathogens B. abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis, B. ovis does not cause zoonotic disease. Genomic analysis of the type strain ATCC25840 revealed a high percentage of pseudogenes and increased numbers of transposable elements compared to the zoonotic Brucella species, suggesting that genome degradation has occurred concomitant with narrowing of the host range of B. ovis. The absence of genomic island 2, encoding functions required for lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, as well as inactivation of genes encoding urease, nutrient uptake and utilization, and outer membrane proteins may be factors contributing to the avirulence of B. ovis for humans. A 26.5 kb region of B. ovis ATCC25840 Chromosome II was absent from all the sequenced human pathogenic Brucella genomes, but was present in all of 17 B. ovis isolates tested and in three B. ceti isolates, suggesting that this DNA region may be of use for differentiating B. ovis from other Brucella spp. This is the first genomic analysis of a non-zoonotic Brucella species. The results suggest that inactivation of genes involved in nutrient acquisition and utilization, cell envelope structure and urease may have played a role in narrowing of the tissue tropism and host range of B. ovis

    The Efficiency of the Translocation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis across a Bilayer of Epithelial and Endothelial Cells as a Model of the Alveolar Wall Is a Consequence of Transport within Mononuclear Phagocytes and Invasion of Alveolar Epithelial Cells

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    The mechanism(s) by which Mycobacterium tuberculosis crosses the alveolar wall to establish infection in the lung is not well known. In an attempt to better understand the mechanism of translocation and create a model to study the different stages of bacterial crossing through the alveolar wall, we established a two-layer transwell system. M. tuberculosis H37Rv was evaluated regarding the ability to cross and disrupt the membrane. M. tuberculosis invaded A549 type II alveolar cells with an efficiency of 2 to 3% of the initial inoculum, although it was not efficient in invading endothelial cells. However, bacteria that invaded A549 cells were subsequently able to be taken up by endothelial cells with an efficiency of 5 to 6% of the inoculum. When incubated with a bicellular transwell monolayer (epithelial and endothelial cells), M. tuberculosis translocated into the lower chamber with efficiency (3 to 4%). M. tuberculosis was also able to efficiently translocate across the bicellular layer when inside monocytes. Infected monocytes crossed the barrier with greater efficiency when A549 alveolar cells were infected with M. tuberculosis than when A549 cells were not infected. We identified two potential mechanisms by which M. tuberculosis gains access to deeper tissues, by translocating across epithelial cells and by traveling into the blood vessels within monocytes

    Identification of a New Virulence Factor, BvfA, in Brucella suis

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    We report the identification of BvfA (for Brucella virulence factor A), a small periplasmic protein unique to the genus Brucella, which is essential for the virulence of Brucella suis. A BvfA knockout mutant was highly attenuated both in in vitro macrophage infection assays and in vivo in the murine model of brucellosis. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis with green fluorescent protein fusions showed that the expression of bvfA is induced within macrophages by phagosome acidification and coregulated with the B. suis virB operon, suggesting that it too may play a role in the establishment of the intracellular replication niche