411 research outputs found
Penelitian dilakukan di sebuah perusahaan distribusi di Jakarta dengan melakukan pengukuran kinerja menggunakan Balanced Scorecard agar bisa menganalisa secara keseluruhan perspektif antara lain perspektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis, dan pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Metode penelitian adalah dengan survey lapangan, wawancara dan kuesioner. Permasalahan adalah penurunan penjualan perusahaan sejak tahun 2017. Teknik Pengumpulan data yang penulis lakukan adalah dengan penelitian lapangan, penelitian langsung pada objek yang diteliti. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perusahaan dalam keadaan sehat, perspektif yang paling rendah adalah perspektif proses bisnis internal, walau perspektif lain dalam keadaan baik, namum tetap perlu adanya kemajuan berkelanjutan. Perusahaan perlu untuk menambahkan lini product, setidaknya menambah supplier baru , karena di perspektif ini sangat rendah dan membuat bargaining power dari supplier tinggi. Malah jika memungkinkan mulai untuk memulai brand sendiri. Melakukan penugasan kembali job description karena beberapa sistem sudah tidak sesuai dengan karyawan yang baru, harus di sesuaikan lagi dan perlu mengisi kursi- kursi yang memang kosong supaya tidak terlalu pembebanan di individu - individu tertentu. Saran dari penelitian ini ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan disarankan penambahan supplier, aftersales lambat, harus adanya SOP yang lebih baik dan sistem reward.Kata Kunci: Balanced Scorecard, pengukuran kinerja, manajemen strategis The research was conducted at a distribution company in Jakarta by measuring performance using the Balanced Scorecard in order to analyze the overall perspective, including financial, customer, business process, and learning and growth perspectives. The research method is by field survey, interview and questionnaire. The problem is the decline in company sales since 2017. The data collection technique that the writer does is by field research, direct research on the object. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the company is in good health, the lowest perspective is the perspective of internal business processes, although other perspectives are in good condition, there is still a need for continuous progress. Companies need to add product lines, at least add new suppliers, because in this perspective it is very low and makes the bargaining power of suppliers high. In fact, if possible start to start your own brand. Reassigning job descriptions because some systems are no longer suitable for new employees, have to be adjusted again and need to fill empty seats so as not to be too burdensome for certain individuals. The suggestion of this research is that there are several things that must be considered, suggesting additional suppliers, slow after sales sales, better SOP and reward system.Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, performance analysis, strategic managemen
Jerome Polin, seorang YouTuber sukses dengan lebih dari 10 juta subscriber, telah berhasil mempertahankan eksistensinya melalui strategi branding yang matang. Fokus pada keaslian, kebaikan, integritas, dan kinerja membantu membangun personal branding yang kuat bagi Jerome. Dengan kontennya yang konsisten mengedukasi dan menghibur, serta keunikan dalam penggunaan bahasa Jepang, Jerome menonjol di antara konten kreator lainnya. Upaya menjaga goodwill melalui interaksi positif dan pesan kebaikan menciptakan pengalaman menonton yang positif. Kejujuran dalam kontennya dan peningkatan kualitas produksi menjadi dasar kepercayaan yang dibangun dengan pengikutnya. Jerome's success juga terletak pada kemampuannya menjaga kontennya tetap segar dan menghibur, dengan memanfaatkan interaksi dengan teman-temannya dari Jepang. Dalam masa depan, diversifikasi konten, interaksi langsung dengan pengikut, kolaborasi yang lebih luas, dan eksplorasi kreativitas lebih lanjut menjadi kunci keberhasilan. Melalui pemantauan dan analisis data yang teratur, Jerome dapat terus memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi pengikutnya, memastikan kesuksesan berkelanjutan di dunia digital yang dinamis
Spur Gears Transmission Analysis on Countinous Passive Motion Machine Design for Shoulder Joint
An analysis of gear transmission on a countinous passive machine (CPM) from the 3-dimensional design has been carried out using Solidworks software. Analysis of the strength of the gear structure is affected by the weight of the patient's arm.Analysis of gear transmission that is affected by the load of the passive arm uses static simulation, by entering the patient's arm load. The facilities used are static simulation with the condition of fixed geometry in the parts related of the shaft, the effect of gravity of 10 m/s2, making mesh, and running simulation.The maximum stress that occurs in gear3 z = 100 is 4.5524e + 006 N/m2, the maximum stress on gear2 z = 80 is 4.81729e + 006 N/m2, the maximum stress on gear100 z = 20 is 9.08982e + 006 N/m
Inclusive Business and Its Contribution to Employing People with Disabilities
The purpose of this research is to investigate how Kopi Sunyi's unique approach to inclusive employment and education influences customer perceptions and fosters inclusivity. Utilizing a comprehensive research methodology, including analysis of online reviews, direct visits, and observational data, this study offers valuable insights into Kopi Sunyi's role in fostering inclusivity and challenging societal norms. Results reveal that Kopi Sunyi's commitment to providing employment opportunities and inclusive education through the Sunyi Academy program has positively influenced customer perceptions, fostering a welcoming atmosphere and friendly service. The cafe's efforts in challenging societal stigmas have led to increased awareness and support for individuals with disabilities in the workforce. The findings underscore the transformative potential of inclusive business practices in promoting social inclusion and empowerment.
Keyword: Workplace Disabilities; Inclusive Environment; Equality in Workplace; Social Inclusion; Job OpportunitiesTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki bagaimana pendekatan unik Kopi Sunyi terhadap ketenagakerjaan inklusif dan pendidikan mempengaruhi persepsi pelanggan dan memupuk inklusi. Dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian yang komprehensif, termasuk analisis ulasan online, kunjungan langsung, dan data observasional, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang peran Kopi Sunyi dalam memupuk inklusi dan menantang norma-norma sosial. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa komitmen Kopi Sunyi dalam menyediakan peluang kerja dan pendidikan inklusif melalui program Sunyi Academy telah berdampak positif terhadap persepsi pelanggan, menciptakan suasana yang ramah dan layanan yang bersahabat. Upaya kafe dalam menantang stigma sosial telah meningkatkan kesadaran dan dukungan bagi individu dengan disabilitas di dunia kerja. Temuan tersebut menegaskan potensi transformatif dari praktik bisnis inklusif dalam mempromosikan inklusi sosial dan pemberdayaan.
Kata Kunci: Disabilitas di Tempat Kerja; Lingkungan Inklusif; Kesetaraan di Tempat Kerja; Inklusi Sosial; Kesempatan Kerj
ABSTRAKIndonesia kerap menghadapi berbagai macam bencana yang datang silih berganti. Gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, longsor, gunung meletus dan Kebakaraan kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi geografis Indonesia khususnya propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Kabupaten Ende yang sangat rawan bencana. Potensi bencana di Kabupaten Ende sangat besar karena kondisi geografis, geologis, hidrologis, dan demografis yang sangat berperan dalam terjadinya bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana partisipasi kepedulian Mahasiswa program mata kuliah Pramuka Prodi PGSD Universitas Flores terhadap korban bencana alam kebakaran rumah adat di desa Ngelaa .Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana perhatian dan kepedualian mahasiswa untuk membantu sesama umat manusia yang terkenah musibah bencana Alam Kebakaran Rumah Adat di Desa Ngella, Masyarakat juga mendapatkan Santun untuk keperluan mereka yang mengalami musibah,karena kepedulian Mahasiswa inisiatif untuk mengalang dana untuk mengurangi beban yang di alami masyarakat Rumah adat Desa Nggela. Kata Kunci : penyaluran bantuan; keterpenuhan korban bencana ABSTRACTIndonesia often faces various kinds of disasters that come and go. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and fires often occur in Indonesia. This is due to the geographical condition of Indonesia, especially the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Ende Regency which is very prone to disasters. The potential for disaster in Ende Regency is very large because of the geographical, geological, hydrological and demographic conditions that play a big role in the occurrence of disasters. The purpose of this activity is how the participation of students in the Scout program of the PGSD Study Program at the University of Flores towards victims of natural disasters from the fire of a traditional house in Ngelaa village. The results of community service activities show that the attention and concern of students to help fellow human beings who are hit by natural disasters Fire of the Traditional House in Ngella Village, the community also gets Santun for the needs of those who experience disaster, because of the student's concern for the initiative to raise funds to reduce the burden experienced by the community of the Nggela Village traditional house. Keywords: distribution of aid; disaster victim fulfillmen
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital
This research focuses on the digital marketing communication strategy implemented by SPBU Shell in Jakarta, with a specific emphasis on the analysis of Customer Experience in the Gas Station Industry. Using a qualitative approach and observation, this study aims to understand aspects related to customer experience at SPBU Shell. The literature review includes a review of scientific and technical literature related to Customer Experience at SPBU Shell. Data sources consist of internal documents from Shell, company policies, and official information from Shell. By applying thematic analysis and information synthesis, this research develops a holistic understanding of Customer Experience at SPBU Shell, with a focus on digital marketing communication strategies. The research results are expected to provide valuable insights to strengthen Shell's position in the competitive market by highlighting the uniqueness of services and effective digital strategy implementation. Shell's success in designing this approach creates emotional bonds with customers, strengthens brand image, and enhances customer engagement through integrated digital platforms, engaging multimedia content, direct interactions via social media, educational content, special promotions through the app, influencer marketing, targeted online campaigns, reputation management, and data analysis. This digital marketing approach not only maintains but also enhances Shell's position in an increasingly competitive market.Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada strategi komunikasi pemasaran digital yang diterapkan oleh SPBU Shell di Jakarta, dengan penekanan khusus pada analisis Pengalaman Pelanggan dalam industri Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU). Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan observasi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan pengalaman pelanggan di SPBU Shell. Studi literatur mencakup peninjauan literatur ilmiah dan teknis terkait Pengalaman Pelanggan di SPBU Shell. Sumber data terdiri dari dokumen internal Shell, kebijakan perusahaan, dan informasi resmi dari Shell. Dengan menerapkan analisis tematik dan sintesis informasi, penelitian ini mengembangkan pemahaman holistik tentang Pengalaman Pelanggan di SPBU Shell, dengan penekanan pada strategi komunikasi pemasaran digital. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan berharga untuk memperkuat posisi Shell di pasar yang kompetitif dengan menonjolkan keunikan layanan dan penerapan strategi digital yang efektif. Keberhasilan Shell dalam merancang pendekatan ini menciptakan ikatan emosional dengan pelanggan, memperkuat citra merek, dan meningkatkan keterlibatan pelanggan melalui platform digital terintegrasi, konten multimedia yang menarik, interaksi langsung melalui media sosial, edukasi konten, promosi khusus melalui aplikasi, pemasaran influencer, kampanye online tertarget, manajemen reputasi, dan analisis data. Pendekatan pemasaran digital ini bukan hanya mempertahankan, tetapi juga meningkatkan posisi Shell di pasar yang semakin sengit
Analisis penggunaan dan biaya antibiotik di ruang rawat intensif sebuah Rumah Sakit di Surabaya = Analysis of the utilization and cost of antibiotics at an intensive care unit in Surabaya
Ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik termasuk ketercampuran (compatibility) terhadap sediaan lain merupakan faktor penentu efektivitas dan biaya terapi antibiotik pada pasien intensive care unit (ICU). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji profil penggunaan, ketepatan, biaya, dan kompatibiltas penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien yang mendapat perawatan di ICU sebuah rumah sakit di Surabaya selama periode November-Desember 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional prospektif dengan menggunakan rekam medis sebagai bahan utama pengambilan data. Seluruh data pasien ICU yang menggunakan antibiotik dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dianalisis secara deskriptif. Total terdapat data dari 42 orang pasien yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini. Penggunaan antibiotik terdiri dari 46 penggunaan (65,71%) antibiotik tunggal dan 24 penggunaan (34,29%) antibiotik kombinasi. Jenis antibotik tunggal yang paling banyak digunakan adalah ceftriaxone (43,48%) dan kombinasi antibiotik terbanyak adalah kombinasi ceftazidime dan levofloxacin (12,50%). Terjadi 30 kali proses pergantian terapi yang didominasi oleh proses eskalasi (43,34%) dan tidak ditemukan (0,00%) proses pergantian rute terapi dari rute intravena ke per-oral. Dari seluruh pasien dengan diagnosis infeksi, hanya 4 dari 15 orang pasien terdiagnosis infeksi (26,67%) yang mendapatkan terapi antibiotik yang tepat secara keseluruhan, dan 13,96% campuran antibiotik dengan sediaan intravena lain masih dinyatakan belum memiliki informasi terkait status ketercampurannya. Rata-rata biaya yang dikeluarkan pasien untuk antibiotik sebesar Rp. 459.492 (min-max: Rp 15.852,- to Rp 8.314.914,-)
Kajian Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Neonatus Intensive Care Unit di Sebuah Rumah Sakit Pemerintah di Surabaya
Penggunaan antibiotik menjadi salah satu terapi yang banyak diberikan pada bayi di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui profil dan mengkaji biaya, ketepatan dan ketercampuran atau kompatibilitas penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien di NICU salah satu rumah sakit pemerintah di Surabaya dalam kurun waktu November–Desember 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan secara prospektif dengan memanfaatkan data rekam medis sebagai sumber data utama. Seluruh informasi yang diperoleh dari pasien NICU yang menggunakan antibiotik dan masuk dalam kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dianalisis secara deskriptif. Total 32 orang pasien dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Penggunaan antibiotik terdiri dari 25 kali penggunaan antibiotik tunggal dan 14 kali penggunaan antibiotik kombinasi. Ampisilin merupakan antibiotik tunggal yang paling banyak digunakan, sedangkan penggunaan antibiotik kombinasi terbanyak adalah penggunaan kombinasi ampisilin dan gentamisin. Dari total seluruh pasien, hanya terdapat 13 pasien dengan diagnosis infeksi dan hanya 2 pasien (15,38%) yang mendapat terapi antibiotik yang tepat. Proses pergantian terapi didominasi oleh proses de-eskalasi yaitu sebesar 44,44%. Berdasarkan analisis kompatibilitas, terdapat banyak pencampuran sediaan antibiotik intravena yang tidak dapat diklasifikasikan compatible atau not compatible akibat tidak tersedianya informasi terkait kompatibilitasnya. Biaya penggunaan antibiotik yang harus dikeluarkan pasien rata-rata sebesar Rp265.252,00 (min–max= Rp16.100,00 s.d. Rp2.091.590,00). Ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik di ruang NICU perlu ditingkatkan sebagai upaya untuk meminimalkan risiko dampak negatif khususnya peningkatan biaya dan risiko resistensi
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Layanan Fine Dining untuk Meningkatkan Customer Experience dan Influence Satisfaction: Utilization of Fine Dining Service Technology to Improve Customer Experience and Influence Satisfaction
The restaurant industry is a business that is popular among the public, because it promises large profit potential. One of the classifications in the restaurant industry is upscale restaurants, which are the type of restaurant that has the highest level of service. Fine dining restaurants are a type of restaurant that is included in the upscale restaurant category. Even though fine dining restaurants are included in the niche market category which has few competitors, there are quite a lot of fine dining restaurants in Jakarta & Bali. Therefore, fine dining restaurants need to present something different for their consumers. In Jakarta & Bali, a fine dining restaurant has introduced a distinctive dining experience by integrating three-dimensional visual technology and digital mapping in its Le Petit Chef program. Through the concept offered by Le Petit Chef, it provides a new touch to the culinary world, especially in Indonesia because this concept is something that has not existed before. In order to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. By providing this unique experience, researchers are interested in examining what Customer Experience factors can have an influence on Customer Satisfaction. This research aims to have an impact on customer experience at Le Petit Chef in Jakarta & Bali which involves aspects of product quality, price and service quality on the level of Customer Satisfaction. In achieving this goal, the research focus will be placed on three main aspects: (1) the influence of the impact of product quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the influence of the impact of price on the level of customer satisfaction, and (3) the influence of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive and explanatory methods, utilizing secondary data. The population used in this research is all reviews on the Google Review and Tripadvisor platforms for Le Petit Chef restaurants in Jakarta & Bali, namely 115 reviews, with a sample size of 17 reviews. Sampling was carried out using the Probability sampling method. Data collection involved two sources from TripAdvisor and Google Reviews as sources to extract customer perceptions of the Le Petit Chef Jakarta & Bali restaurant. The discussion data will then be explained in more depth as to whether there are aspects such as food, price and service in the review. So that it can produce a conclusion regarding the impact of these aspects on the level of customer satisfaction. The research results show that price has a perpendicular influence on customer satisfaction, food quality that meets customer expectations has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and service quality from a restaurant has a significant impact on customer satisfaction.The restaurant industry is a business that is popular among the public, because it promises large profit potential. One of the classifications in the restaurant industry is upscale restaurants, which are the type of restaurant that has the highest level of service. Fine dining restaurants are a type of restaurant that is included in the upscale restaurant category. Even though fine dining restaurants are included in the niche market category which has few competitors, there are quite a lot of fine dining restaurants in Jakarta & Bali. Therefore, fine dining restaurants need to present something different for their consumers. In Jakarta & Bali, a fine dining restaurant has introduced a distinctive dining experience by integrating three-dimensional visual technology and digital mapping in its Le Petit Chef program. Through the concept offered by Le Petit Chef, it provides a new touch to the culinary world, especially in Indonesia because this concept is something that has not existed before. In order to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. By providing this unique experience, researchers are interested in examining what Customer Experience factors can have an influence on Customer Satisfaction. This research aims to have an impact on customer experience at Le Petit Chef in Jakarta & Bali which involves aspects of product quality, price and service quality on the level of Customer Satisfaction. In achieving this goal, the research focus will be placed on three main aspects: (1) the influence of the impact of product quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the influence of the impact of price on the level of customer satisfaction, and (3) the influence of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive and explanatory methods, utilizing secondary data. The population used in this research is all reviews on the Google Review and Tripadvisor platforms for Le Petit Chef restaurants in Jakarta & Bali, namely 115 reviews, with a sample size of 17 reviews. Sampling was carried out using the Probability sampling method. Data collection involved two sources from TripAdvisor and Google Reviews as sources to extract customer perceptions of the Le Petit Chef Jakarta & Bali restaurant. The discussion data will then be explained in more depth as to whether there are aspects such as food, price and service in the review. So that it can produce a conclusion regarding the impact of these aspects on the level of customer satisfaction. The research results show that price has a perpendicular influence on customer satisfaction, food quality that meets customer expectations has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and service quality from a restaurant has a significant impact on customer satisfaction
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