161 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Chilean Minors with Brands and Influencers on Social Networks

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    This article presents the results of a study that sought to analyze the relationship between minors and brands on social media. The frequency with which minors search for or share information or subscribe to brand web pages was measured, as well as their following of influencers, who commonly refer to consumer goods. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to learning about the commercial environment that surrounds children in their routines on social media, particularly because of their growing influence in home purchasing decisions. The results, obtained from a survey applied in 501 homes in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile to minors between 10 and 14 years old, show that the respondents effectively interact with brands through social media. Although it is not a widespread practice among 10- to 12-year-olds, it is increasingly becoming present among 13- to 14-year-olds. Children seem most interested in sportswear, fashion, and technology brands, areas in which children have significant influence in family purchasing decision. Following influencers through social media is also a common activity among minors. In particular, the age groups here studied preferred to follow celebrities, particularly from the worlds of music, football, or YouTube, over specific brands

    Specificities Introduced by Mobile Phones in the Relationship Between Children and Commercial Content

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    This article explores the specificities of the relationship between children and the advertising to which they are exposed through their cell phones, and reports on a mixed methodology study conducted in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile. The study aims to learn about children’s predisposition, interaction, and perceptions with regards to mobile advertising. Most significant is the finding that this young generation (10-14 years old) identify commercial messages with which they claim low levels of interaction. Regarding interaction, the ads which most likely attract minors’ attention are placed on social networks, are presented in formats which provide some value (in terms of information or entertainment) and are for on products of interest to the audience studied. Finally, for many minors advertising eminently belongs to the digital world and their perceptions may not be transferable to traditional media

    The Relationship of Chilean Minors with Brands and Influencers on Social Networks

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    This article presents the results of a study that sought to analyze the relationship between minors and brands on social media. The frequency with which minors search for or share information or subscribe to brand web pages was measured, as well as their following of influencers, who commonly refer to consumer goods. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to learning about the commercial environment that surrounds children in their routines on social media, particularly because of their growing influence in home purchasing decisions. The results, obtained from a survey applied in 501 homes in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile to minors between 10 and 14 years old, show that the respondents effectively interact with brands through social media. Although it is not a widespread practice among 10- to 12-year-olds, it is increasingly becoming present among 13- to 14-year-olds. Children seem most interested in sportswear, fashion, and technology brands, areas in which children have significant influence in family purchasing decision. Following influencers through social media is also a common activity among minors. In particular, the age groups here studied preferred to follow celebrities, particularly from the worlds of music, football, or YouTube, over specific brands

    Los videojuegos que entretienen a los niños: análisis de la oferta y demanda de videojuegos entre el público infantil

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    Los videojuegos se han convertido en uno de los principales vehículos de entretenimiento para los niños: en las compras de Navidad de 2014, un 70 % de padres reconoció que regalaría videojuegos a sus hijos (AEVI, 2014b). Asimismo, más de un 50 % del mercado de videojuegos está recomendado para usuarios menores de doce años, una oferta lo suficientemente amplia de la que se propuso investigar el nivel de interés que despierta entre los niños. Por ello, se quiso comprobar si el perfil de usuario comprendido entre los once y los doce años consume títulos permitidos para su edad según el código PEGI o, por el contrario, se inclina por otras opciones destinadas a un público adulto. Así, a través de la metodología cuantitativa de la encuesta, se accedió a una muestra de dos mil doscientos escolares de sexto de primaria para conocer su consumo de videojuegos, entre otras cuestiones. Se pudo corroborar que los videojuegos ocupan un lugar destacado en el tiempo de ocio de estos niños (92 % de penetración), que al mismo tiempo prefieren la consola para jugar antes que otros dispositivos como el PC o el teléfono móvil. Entre sus videojuegos favoritos, la muestra se decantó más firmemente por títulos concebidos para un usuario general y/o adulto que por aquellos especialmente diseñados y recomendados para la infancia. Con estos resultados se pone de manifiesto que las restricciones de edad establecidas por el sistema PEGI no son tenidas en cuenta por los usuarios, en este caso por los niños protagonistas de este estudio. Igualmente, se detectó una clara disparidad de gustos al segmentar por sexo los resultados, optando niños y niñas por videojuegos totalmente diferentes.Els videojocs s'han convertir en un dels vehicles principals d'entreteniment per als nens: a les compres de Nadal del 2014, un 70 % de pares va reconèixer que regalaria videojocs als seus fills (Aevi, 2014b). Així mateix, més d'un 50 % del mercat de videojocs està recomanat per a usuaris menors de dotze anys, una oferta prou àmplia de la qual es va proposar investigar el nivell d'interès que desperta entre els nens. Així, doncs, es va voler comprovar si el perfil d'usuari comprès entre els onze i els dotze anys consum títols permesos per a la seva edat segons el codi PEGI o, al contrari, s'inclina per altres opcions destinades a un públic adult. Per mitjà de la metodologia quantitativa de l'enquesta, es va accedir a una mostra de dos mil dos-cents escolars de sisè de primària per conèixer-ne el consum de videojocs, entre altres qüestions. Es va poder corroborar que els videojocs ocupen un lloc destacat en el temps d'oci d'aquests nens (92 % de penetració), que alhora prefereixen la consola per jugar abans que altres dispositius com el PC o el telèfon mòbil. Entre els seus videojocs preferits, la mostra es va decantar més fermament per títols concebuts per a un usuari general i/o adult que per aquells videojocs especialment dissenyats i recomanats per a la infància. Amb aquests resultats es posa de manifest que els usuaris, en aquest cas, els nens protagonistes d'aquest estudi, no tenen en compte les restriccions d'edat establertes pel sistema PEGI. Igualment, es va detectar una disparitat clara de gustos en segmentar per sexes el resultats, ja que els nens i les nens opten per jocs totalment diferents.Video games have become one of the most important forms of entertainment for children: During Christmas 2014; 70% of parents recognized that they intended to buy video games as a gift for their children (Aevi; 2014b). Moreover; more than 50% of the video game market is available for users under the age of 12; an extensive offer which was analysed to check the interest level existing among children. To this end; we wanted to examine if the user profile between 11 and 12 years old consumes videogames especially recommended for her/his age according to the PEGI code or; on the contrary; if this young public prefers other game options that were specifically designed for an adult profile. For this; employing the survey as a quantitative method; we could ask a sample of 2;200 pupils in primary 6 what their video game consumption (among other questions) is to conclude that video games occupy a privileged position in their free time (92% penetration) and; at the same time; that they prefer the console to playing games in front of other devices; like the PC or mobile phones. Asked about their favourite video games; the sample prefers more adult titles to others which were designed and recommended for young children. In short; with these results we provide proof that the age restrictions established by the PEGI code are not taken into account by users; in this case children; the main subject of this research. Equally; a clear disparity was detected when the results are segmented by sex; in which boys and girls chose very different video game options

    Social Audience and Emotional Bonding in Marvel's Transmedia Phenomenon: An Exploration of Peruvian Digital Communities

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    This article explores how activities of Marvel's Peruvian social audience expanded and increased the emotional bonding among its participants through the movie Avengers: Endgame, which contributed to this transmedia phenomenon's success. The research involved a netnographic study of Peruvian Facebook and YouTube communities, analyzing 40 publications and the 2,000 most relevant comments. The results show that as the movie's premiere drew closer, social audience activities became was key to expanding and intensifying emotional bonding toward the story's narrative elements (characters, plots, and conflicts) and the general Marvel transmedia phenomenon

    Attracting minors with entertainment: novel forms of brand communication on mobile phone

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    Entretenerse es una de las prioridades que los menores buscan satisfacer en internet, también a través de sus teléfonos móviles. A esta necesidad que tradicionalmente han cubierto otros medios, responde el entorno digital con nuevas fórmulas que combinan entretenimiento con otros intereses, como los comerciales. Esta publicidad híbrida parece encontrar un buen acomodo entre los juegos online y los contenidos generados por influencers, destinos preferidos por los menores hoy en sus pautas de navegación. A través de una metodología cualitativa, con entrevistas a 20 menores del Área Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, se busca comprobar en qué medida las preguntas planteadas por la investigación previa sobre este tema se validan. Entre los resultados destaca que, efectivamente, las comunicaciones de marca están presentes de manera clara en las experiencias de entretenimiento online de los más pequeños, que se muestran particularmente receptivos cuando aportan un valor añadido y sienten que las controlan. La familiaridad generada por los influencers con su audiencia también hace que los menores vean las comunicaciones comerciales de manera relajada. Esto plantea preguntas relevantes sobre si la alfabetización publicitaria de este grupo de edad está a la altura de los retos que plantea este escenario.Being entertained is a major aim among minors online, whether via their smartphone or otherwise. The digital environment responds to this by offering new formulas that combine entertainment with other interests, such as commercial ones, compared with what was traditionally delivered by the media. This hybrid advertising appears to find a good fit between online games and influencer-generated content, both of which are in big demand from minors online. Using a qualitative methodology, with interviews to twenty minors in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile, this study attempts to determine to what extent the questions posed by previous research on this topic can be validated. Among the results, it should be noted that advertising is, indeed, clearly present in the online entertainment experiences of children, who are particularly receptive to ads when they provide added value and children feel they can control their presence. The high level of familiarity achieved by influencers via personalisation amplifies the effect of minors feeling this kind of advertising as part of their daily life. This raises the question of whether the advertising literacy of this age group is up to the challenges posed by this scenario.Este trabajo se circunscribe al proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación n. 11170336 financiado por la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Conicyt) del Gobierno de Chile (2017-2019). Investigación también financiada por el Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), bienio 2020-2022

    The challenge of teaching consumer insights to non-marketing students as a minor in undergraduate studies: Empathy maps as a didactic resource

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    Purpose of the Study: This article shares the teaching experience of introducing non-specialist students to the study of consumer behavior through the use of empathy maps as a learning resource in 2017 and 2018 through courses in one of the Top 10 private universities in Chile for students studying a minor in advertising. Method/Design and Sample: The research design involved a qualitative methodology using data from two advertising courses that contained non-marketing students. Main findings are result of a combination of empirical and documentary sources and were analysed using self- reflection techniques which were supported by a survey on the usefulness of the empathy map as a teaching resource completed by students who participated in these courses. Results: 93.5% of students in the courses recommend learning about them to friends. However, an effective application of empathy maps in this setting brings with it a series of limitations, such as the need for prior training in market research methodologies by learners, which was a particularly difficult requirement to comply with in the setting described herein. Value to Marketing Educators: These compulsory interdisciplinary courses seek to provide the student with knowledge and skills different from those of the degree they are pursuing. The simplicity of empathy maps, as well as the possibility of applying then in a variety of contexts, make them an ideal resource for developing consumer insight for non- marketing students

    Children attitude faced with the advertising they receive through their mobile devices

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    Este trabajo parte de la consideración del niño como usuario activo de dispositivos móviles, así como consumidor y como receptor de mensajes publicitarios, con capacidad de adquisición y de consumo de bienes. Las marcas y anunciantes son conscientes del poder de influencia del niño en las decisiones de compra del hogar, de ahí el interés por conocer qué tipo de mensajes publicitarios están recibiendo a través de las pantallas con las que marcas y anunciantes se aseguran llegar a este perfil de audiencia. La relevancia de esta investigación radica en su propósito de establecer un punto de partida sólido que posibilite investigaciones posteriores relativas al cuidado del menor, la supervisión de contenido y la mediación parental y o social. Los resultados ofrecen datos sobre la actitud que los niños (diez a catorce años) desarrollan ante los mensajes publicitarios que reciben a través de los dispositivos móviles que emplean, medida en términos de detección, nivel de atención, confianza e interactividad, conseguidos a partir de una encuesta autoaplicada mediante una tablet en 500 hogares de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. Entre las principales conclusiones, destaca que los menores confían más en la publicidad lanzada por los canales que más usan en sus dispositivos móviles (YouTube, WhatsApp, juegos online), plataformas en las que contenido de entretenimiento y publicitario aparece cada vez más entremezclado.This research starts from the consideration of the children as an active user of mobile devices, as well as their profile of consumer and receptor of advertising messages, with the ability of acquisition and consumption of products. The marketing strategies are conscious of the children influence power in the home purchase decisions, hence it would be interesting knowing which type of advertising messages they receive through these screens in which brands include ads to guarantee reaching this audience profile. The importance of this research roots in the purpose of stablishing a strong starting point that makes possible future studies focused in the childcare, the supervision of content and the parental and social mediation. The results offer data on the attitude that children (ten to fourteen years) keep in front of the advertising messages they receive through their mobile devices, measured in terms of detection, level of attention, confidence and interactivity, statistics extracted from a survey supplied in 500 homes of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago of Chile. Among the main conclusions, it is important to highlight that minors trust more in the advertising launched by channels they most used in their mobile devices (Youtube, WhatsApp, on-line games), platforms in which entertainment and advertising appears increasingly mixed

    Transmedia impetus in the university radios. Analysis of El Escaparate, radio program of the University of Vigo

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    La convergencia mediática ha facilitado el desarrollo de proyectos multimedia en los que el contenido de la plataforma central (en este caso la radio) se expande a otros soportes que complementan y enriquecen la oferta. En este concreto momento de la evolución histórica de la radio, se pensó en la posibilidad de estudiar uno de los planteamientos multimedia ya en marcha en la propia Universidad de Vigo. El objetivo del trabajo se orientó a comprobar el nivel de transmedialidad que ofrece El Escaparate, programa universitario de la Universidad de Vigo. Y para alcanzar este objetivo nos propusimos observar hasta qué punto este producto radiofónico tiene desarrolladas las características de un proyecto transmedia, apoyándonos para ello en las notas aportadas por Jenkins o Scolari. Del estudio de ambos autores pueden extraerse, al menos, estos rasgos característicos: el empleo de varias plataformas, que cada plataforma de acceso a distintos usuarios o consumidores sin que sea necesario acceder a la totalidad de los contenidos para entender la historia, que cada plataforma disponga de contenidos específicos de manera que puedan explotar sus posibilidades sin perder continuidad, que la audiencia tenga un papel activo y participador, expansión y profundidad. Con esos elementos a la vista se procedió a establecer la metodología de trabajo que consistió en una combinación de técnicas cuantitativas (como el análisis de contenido) y cualitativas (observación no participante) adecuadas al estudio de caso que se plantea. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca la evolución experimentada por este programa radiofónico al convertirse en un proyecto transmedia en el que las plataformas secundarias adquirieron un protagonismo especial como reclamo de audiencias.The media convergence has made easier the development of multimedia projects in which the content of the main platform (in this case the radio) is expanded thanks to other supports that complement and enrich the offer. In this specific moment of the historical evolution of the radio, the possibility of studying one of these contemporary multimedia proposal recently implemented in the University of Vigo was considered. The main objective of this study was focused on verifying the level of transmediation that has reached El Escaparate, the University radio of the University of Vigo. In order to get this goal, we tried to identify until what level this radio product has developed the main features of a transmedia project, based on the notes provided by Jenkins or Scolari. From the point of view of this authors, we can underline the following characteristics: the use of several platforms, which each one allows the access to different users without the need of consuming all content to understand the whole project; each platform should offer specific contents exploiting it media possibilities but without losing continuity. Moreover, it is essential that the audience has an active and participatory role, expansion and depth. With these elements, we proceeded to establish a methodology process based on a mix of quantitative techniques (such as content analysis) and qualitative ones (non-participant observation), suitable for this specific case study. Among the main conclusions highlights the evolution that this radio program has experimented becoming a transmedia project in which the secondary platforms have acquired a special role as an audience attraction

    La publicidad impresa de principios del siglo XX. Análisis de los anuncios publicados en "La Voz de Galicia" de 1900 a 1920

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    The early years of 20th century pushed the Spanish press to a lot of changes. The newspapers were able of overcoming their ideological function to get a new business interest with the main objective of maintaining the citizens alright informed. In this way, the press needed external resources to keep its operation and consequently, the advertisement became one of the most important financial supports, whose function takes place until nowadays. In relation with this, we would like to emphasize the Galician diary La Voz de Galicia, whose labor stand out among other diaries in that period. It is a commercial diary, it needs to publish announcements in their pages, and thus it could be interesting to study the level of penetration of the advertisements in this newspaper in addition to the main announcers in these early years of 20th Century.Los primeros años del siglo XX son de cambios para la prensa española. Deja atrás su función transmisora de ideologías, para adquirir una estructura empresarial con el objetivo de informar a la sociedad. Los periódicos, para mantenerse independientes y fieles a sus líneas editoriales, buscaron sus propias fuentes de financiación entre ellas la publicidad, cuyo peso en el volumen de ingresos de los diarios perdura hasta nuestros días. De entre los principales soportes existentes en Galicia en esta época destaca La Voz de Galicia, que se definía a sí mismo como diario político y comercial y cuya subsistencia dependía, en su mayor parte, de los ingresos obtenidos por el número de anuncios publicados. Por ello, puede resultar interesante estudiar el nivel de penetración que han ido adquiriendo los mensajes publicitarios en sus páginas durante las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX, así como sus principales características formales y principales anunciantes