963 research outputs found

    Finding roots of polynomials over finite fields

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    We propose an improved algorithm for finding roots of polynomials over finite fields. This makes possible significant speedup of the decoding process of Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem, Reed-Solomon, and some other error-correcting codes.Comment: 6 pages. IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Law enforcement problems at the appointment of administrative punishment

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    The present article is designed to draw the attention of readers to the existing problems in law-enforcement activity at the purpose of administrative punishments. In the article the problems of the general and private character which are not known have been analyzed. The attention is focused on an imperfect legislative regulation which, according to authors, is the cornerstone of many problems in law enforcement. Authors consider the problems of interpretation of the concept "administrative punishment" and the questions of the creation of an optimum system of punishments, as prescribed by the administrative law, a prerequisite of a corruption. The provisions of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences provide the choice of a look and the degree of severity of administrative punishments for offenses. As a result, authors formulate conclusions about existence in activity to destination of administrative punishments of essential quantity of unresolved problems, both in a system, and in a private character. Besides corruption provisions of the administrative law, according to authors, act as initial prerequisites of key problems of law enforcement.peer-reviewe

    Mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution in business

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    The article is devoted to the study of mediation as an alternative way to resolve pores in business. The principles and the advantages of mediation as well as the technological intermediaries in practice for the resolution of entrepreneurship and conflicts are analyzed. The authors have developed a model of mediation and proposed legal means that allow in practice to use mediation in the resolution of pores in business.peer-reviewe

    The application of the law in international commercial arbitration

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    This paper focuses on the application of the law in international commercial arbitration applicable to the merits and prospects of its resolution, considering foreign and national experience. The article analyzes the expression of will of subjects of law through the prism of the reservation.peer-reviewe

    A novel method for computation of the discrete Fourier transform over characteristic two finite field of even extension degree

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    A novel method for computation of the discrete Fourier transform over a finite field with reduced multiplicative complexity is described. If the number of multiplications is to be minimized, then the novel method for the finite field of even extension degree is the best known method of the discrete Fourier transform computation. A constructive method of constructing for a cyclic convolution over a finite field is introduced.Comment: 35 pages. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Evaluation of quality level in managing the development of industrial enterprises

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    The research focuses on the substantiation of theoretical aspects and practical support for assessing the quality level of managing enterprises development taking into account the influence of the external and internal environment. The conceptual apparatus for estimation of quality development of enterprise management was refined, which makes it possible to determine reasonably the level of management according to the generally known elements (economic, social and ecological) that are proposed to be supplemented with an energy component. A new conceptual approach to the procedure of evaluation of the quality of development management by levels, the stages of which are proposed to expand by: the formation of the database by levels of management (state, regional), choice and evaluation of indicators by components of development and spheres of activity, development of the tools for management improvement. The integrated indicator has been proposed, which differs from the existing ones by the fact that it estimates the quality of development management, rather than the development level. In contrast to the previously proposed ones, the integrated indicator takes into account the influence of external environment by the components of development and of the internal environment – by the areas of activity for each component. That is why it has practical significance, since it allows performing monitoring and detecting the negative influence of management on the enterprise development. Taking coke plants as an example, the structures of the indicators that characterize the management quality were determined. A large number of indicators were reduced by the method of expert assessments, which increases the validity of the choice. Indicator estimates were constructed solely based on relative indicators (indices), which improves consistency. Using the integrated method, the estimation of the indicators by individual components and on the whole was performed. The scale for evaluation of the quality level of enterprise development management was constructed using the Harrington function. The new approach to assessing the quality of the enterprise development management and a complex of mathematical support will lead to the uniform economic, social, environmental and energy development of enterprises.Роботу присвячено обґрунтуванню теоретичних аспектiв та практичного забезпечення оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств з урахуванням впливу зовнiшнього та внутрiшнього середовища. Уточнено понятiйний апарат щодо оцiнки якiсного розвитку управлiння пiдприємствами, який дозволяє обґрунтовано визначати рiвень управлiння за загальновiдомими складовими (економiчної, соцiальної та екологiчної), до яких запропоновано додати енергетичну складову. Побудовано новий концептуальний пiдхiд до процедури оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком за рiвнями, етапи якої запропоновано розширити за: формуванням бази даних за рiвнями управлiння (державний, регiональний), вибiр та оцiнка iндикаторiв за складовими розвитку та сферами дiяльностi, розробка iнструментiв щодо покращення управлiння. Запропоновано iнтегральний показника, який вiдрiзняється вiд iснуючих тим, що оцiнює якiсть управлiння розвитком, а не рiвень розвитку. На вiдмiну вiд запропонованих ранiше iнтегральний показник враховує вплив зовнiшнього середовища за складовими розвитку та внутрiшнього – за сферами дiяльностi по кожнiй складовiй. Тому, має практичну значимiсть, оскiльки стає можливим проводити монiторинг та виявляти негативний вплив управлiння на розвиток пiдприємства. На прикладi коксохiмiчних пiдприємств визначено склад iндикаторiв, якi характеризують якiсть управлiння. Велику кiлькiсть iндикаторiв скорочено за допомогою методу експертних оцiнок, що пiдвищує обґрунтованiсть вибору. Iндикаторнi оцiнки побудовано виключно за вiдносними показниками (iндексами), що покращує узгодженiсть. За iнтегральним методом проведена оцiнка iндикаторiв за окремими складовими та у цiлому. За функцiєю Харрiнгтону побудовано шкалу оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств. Новий пiдхiд щодо оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком пiдприємств та комплекс математичного забезпечення приведе до рiвномiрного економiчного, соцiального, екологiчного i енергетичного розвитку пiдприємств

    Peculiarities of children-parental relationships and family factors of social risk that affect formation of dependent behaviour in children and adolescents

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    The research aim was to determine the characteristics of child-parental relations and the psychological climate in the school community, depending on the socio-economic situation in the area, where the teenager and his family live. Sample group consisted of 156 teenagers (11-15 years), 43 percent of them live in districts with a high rate of unemployment. As the leading methods, the authors used the following: «Child-parental relations of adolescents»; «Diagnosis of the psychological climate in the team (group)»; «A modified version of the methodological complex to identify probabilistic predictors of possible involvement in the consumption of narcotic drugs». These methods made it possible to investigate intra-family interaction, study the features of the psychological climate in the school team, and identify probabilistic predictors of the formation of dependent behaviour in a teenager. The comparative analysis of researched parameters depending on the area of residing by U-criterion by Mann –Whitney has shown, that there are significant differences in parameters: «Autonomy encouragement», «Control», «Varieties of encouragements» (studying of aspect «Children-parental relationships of adolescents»); «Friendliness», «Consent», «Satisfaction», «Efficiency», «Affection», «Cooperation», «Mutual support», «Enthusiasm», «Entertaining», «Success» (studying of aspect « Diagnostics of psychological climate in a community (group)»).Thus, it is possible to make a conclusion that psychological situation is better in classes and in families of adolescents living in areas with a low rate of unemployment. There are no authentic differences in technique parameters on revealing of probable predictors of adolescents involving in drug usage, but in areas with a low rate of unemployment parameters «Addiction to gadget-dependence» and «Problem of self-control» are higher within boys. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the analysis (study) of child-parental relations in families of adolescents living in regions of Tatarstan with different levels of unemployment, which confirmed that the economic situation of the region has an impact on child-parental relations and on the situation in the school team. The study made it possible to consider the current problem of dependent behaviour of adolescents in the context of the deterioration of the socio-economic status of the family, accompanied by crisis, disharmonic inter-parent and child-parental relations.The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University