54 research outputs found


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    Communication that takes place in islamic boarding schools in general, namely caregivers and administrators with students. In the case, seen from the point of view of the objective of islamic boarding schools, the objectives that are characteristic of islamic boarding schools are the creation and development of muslim personalities. Communication processes that are carried out continuously will form communication patterns that affect communication activities. The theory used is primary communication patterns, using verbal and non verbal symbols, linear communication patterns, secondary communication patterns and circular communication patterns proposed by Harrorld D Lasswell. Furthemore, the factors that influence the personality of students are genetics, culture, and environment.                The type of research used is field research using a descriptive qualitative appoarch. For data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. To determine the effectiveness of the communication patterns of dormitory administrators in the formation of the personality of the female students at Amirussalam Islamic Boarding School Sambirejo Bangorejo Banyuwangi. This research is aimed at two things, namely: 1. examine the effectiveness of the communication patterns of dormitory administrators 2. Assessing the formation of the personality of female students at the Amirussalam Islamic Boarding School Sambirejo Bangorejo Banyuwangi.                The result of the study show that at the Amirussalam Sambirejo Islamic boarding school, Bangorejo, Banyuwangi, there are two communication patterns used during the communication process between caregivers, administrators, and female students namely primary communication patterns and circular communication patterns. In the formation of the personality of students through learning moral books that explain how to form good morals and forming the personality of the santri initially using rules followed by their respective sanctions, this is the formation of thepersonality of the santri which is caused by environmental factors.   Komunikasi yang berlangsung di dalam pondok pesantren pada umumnya yaitu pengasuh maupun pengurus dengan santri. Dalam hal tersebut dilihat dari segi tujuan pesantren, maka tujuan yang menjadi karakteristik lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren adalah penciptaan dan pengembangan kepribadian muslim. Proses komunikasi yang dilakukan secara terus menerus akan membentuk pola komunikasi yang mempengaruhi aktivitas komunikasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah pola komunikasi primer dengan menggunakan simbol verbal dan non verbal, pola komunikasi linear dan pola komunikasi sirkular yang dikemukakan oleh Harrold D Lasswell. Selanjutnya, faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadian santri adalah genetik, budaya, dan  lingkungan.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskrptif. Untuk pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas pola komunikasi pengurus asrama dalam pembentukkan kepribadian santri di Pondok Pesantren Amirussalam Sambirejo Bangorejo Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini ditujukan pada dua perkara, yaitu:1. Mengkaji Efektivitas pola komunikasi pengurus asrama 2. Mengkaji pembentukan kepribadian santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Amirussalam Sambirejo Bangorejo Banyuwangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Pondok Pesantren Amirussalam Sambirejo Bangorejo Banyuwangi terdapat tiga pola komunikasi yang digunakan selama proses komunikasi antara pengasuh, pengurus dengan santriwati, yaitu pola komunikasi primer, pola komunikasi sirkular, dan pola komunikasi linear. Dalam membentuk kepribadian santri melalui pembelajaran kitab-kitab akhlak yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana membentuk akhlak yang baik. dan Membentuk kepribadian santri awalnya menggunakan peraturan yang diikuti dengan sanksinya masing-masing, hal tersebut merupakan pembentukan kepribadian santri yang disebabkan faktor lingkungan

    Deskripsi Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Selama Belajar Daring di Prodi BKPI FITK UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

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    Penyesuaian diri adalah kecakapan yang dimiliki seseorang untuk dapat memahami, menerima, dan berkolaborasi dengan lingkungan secara objektif, positif, dan dinamis. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan penyesuaian diri yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa BKPI FITK UIN Sumatera Utara medan pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitaif deskriptif. Sampel berjumlah 123 dari mahassiwa BKPI FITK UIN Sumatera Utara Medan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket yang disebarkan melalui google form. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistic deskrptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diperoleh skor total 10,707, mean 87,05, median 87,00, mode 87, skkor tertinggi 92, skor terendah 82, standar deviasi 2,74. Sebanyak 17 responden atau 13,82% berada pada skor rata-rata, sebanyak 54 responden atau 43,90% berada pada skor di atas rata-rata, dan sebanyak 52 responden atau 42,28% berada pada skor di bawah rata-rata

    Kajian Enamel gigi manusia menggunakan teknik Xrd dan Spektroskopi

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    Kajian telah mcndapat hasiI analisis yang telah diperolehi daripada sampel enamel gigi dengan menggunakan Difraktometer Sinar-X (XRD), Spektrometer Inframerah Penjelmaan Fourier (FTIR), Spektrometer FT-Raman, dan Mikroskop Elektron Pengimbas (SEM). XRD telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data belauan untuk beberapa keadaan enamel gigi iaitu enamel normal, enamel rosak dan enamel yang rosak teruk. Data belauan tersebut kemudiannya telah dianalisis pengindeksian serbuknya dengan menggunakan perisian komputer CRYS 9.11. Dalam kajian ini, sampel enamel gigi telah dikaji menggunakan pembelauan sinar-x. Difraktogram enamel gigi manusia ini dibandingkan dengan pengkalan data XRD dan menunjukkan persamaan dengan mineral apatit 01-089-6444 (Wilson et al., 1999) yang mempunyai sistem hablur heksagonal, kumpulan ruang P63/m dan isipadu sel 532.97A3 • Spektra enamel gigi yang normal, enamel gigi yang rosak dan enamel gigi yang rosak ~ 3· ~ teruk menunjukkan getaran kumpulan v\P04 , getaran V3P04 ' getaran V4P04 ' karbonat jenis B dan karbonat jenis A. Analisis telah menunjukkan bahawa bahagian 3- ja1ur gelombang PO 4 menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan pada jalur gelombang, di mana enamel gigi yang normal mempunyai nilai jalur gelombang yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan enamel rosak dan enamel yang rosak teruk. Perbezaan ini dapat dijadikan scbagai penunjuk atau sebagai kayu pengukur pada enamel gigi yang sedang mengalami proses demineralisasi (perubahan karies). Kandungan C03 2 juga telah dibandingkan secara nisbah relatif dengan pot untuk ketiga-tiga kategori enamel. Apabila dibandingkan secara nisbah relatif, dapat dilihat 2- bahawa kandungan C03 diklasifikasikan rendah dalam enamel gigi rosak teruk, sederhana dalam enamel rosak dan tinggi dalam enamel normal. Kehadiran karbon at pada enamel normal mungkin disebabkan mineral telah terlarut dan termendak dengan kurangnya karbonat atau pecahan mineral yang mengandungi karbonat Icbih mudah terlarut (Wilson et al., 1999)


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    Sex education is one of the most effective ways to be done in the current generation and parents have a very important role as a place to exchange information with children, especially related to child sexual problems. This research is descriptive with quantitative research with cross-sectional design. The population is parents (father and mother) who have male and female adolescents in Simatahari Village, Kotapinang District, South Labuhanbatu Regency, as many as 55 respondents as respondents. Data analysis in this study only describes the frequency distribution of father and mother characteristics, father's perception and mother's perception of sex education for youth. The results of this study indicate that the majority of parents both father and mother who have adolescents have ages 41-50 years, have education in the junior high school graduation category. the majority of fathers have perceptions of sexual education in the category of negative perceptions of sexual education and the majority of mothers have perceptions of sexual education in the category of negative perceptions of sexual education. It is suggested to fathers and mothers to provide early sex education to their young men and women so that teenagers can avoid the risk of deviant sexual behavior and sexual violence. To parents both fathers and mothers should learn more about sex education in the Islamic view so that fathers and mothers understand better in providing information to their children about early sex education. Keywords: Perception, Parents, Sex Education, Yout


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh perkembangan media massa tentang Citra Muslimah dalam Iklan Wardah Exclusive Series Versi Dewi Sandra In Paris yang sebagai salah satu sarana mengetahui bagaimana Citra muslimah dalam iklan wardah disuatu tayangan sponsor televise. Hal inilah yang mendorong penulis untuk melakukan penelitian dalam iklan Wardah Exclusive Series Versi Dewi Sandra In Paris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana citra muslimah dalam wardah yang dijelaskan menggunakan semiotika Roland Barthes, dan mengetahui konsep wanita mslimah dalam iklan Wardah Exclusive Series Versi Dewi Sandra In Paris dalam konsep islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Library Research dan menggunakan pendekatan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis semiotika dengan teori Roland Barthes inilah peneliti bisa menemukan Citra muslimah dalam iklan wardah dan konsep wanita muslimah dalam perspektif Islam dengan menggunakan makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos. Hasil penulis setelah melakukan penelitian menemukan bahwa didalam iklan tersebut terdapat seorang wanita muslimah dengan fashion kecantikan yang modern. Dalam iklan wardah tersebut penulis menemukan makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos, mulai dari gesture, penampilan serta audio yang terdapat dalam iklan tersebut

    Pengaruh Layanan Administrasi Kesiswaan Terhadap Kepuasan Peserta Didik di MA Madinatunnajah Ciputat

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    One of the factors that causes the low quality of education is in the process of providing educational services that still does not meet expectations. Educational customers (students) are entitled to a worthy and appropriate educational service to their expectations during their education in educational institution. Therefore, educational institutions should be able to find the solution in improving services to meet the needs of students. The study aims to analyze how the student’s administration services affect the student satisfaction. The author uses a quantitative method. Based on the results, regression coefficient value of 0,495 shows positive value. The value of t-count obtained is 17,195 > t-table 1,973 with significance value of 0,000 < 0,05. The value of R Square 0,627 and the coefficient determinations value is 62,7%. Thus, there is significant effect between the student’s administration services on the student satisfaction. Keywords: Student administration, student satisfaction, and boarding school administration

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from pet animals and pet and non-pet owners

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    This study was done to determine the occurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among cats and dogs, the pet owners and in persons who did not keep pets and to determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates. MRSA was isolated from 7 (11.7%),18 (30%) and 8 (13.3%) of the 60 samples each collected from 30 cats and dogs, 30 pet owners and 30 persons who did not keep pets respectively. Twenty percent (6/30) of the cats and dogs, 30% (9/30) of pet owners and 20% (8/30) of persons who did not keep pets were positive for MRSA. The S. aureus isolates showed resistance to four other antibiotics, namely ampicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline and streptomycin; all isolates were sensitive to gentamicin. The zoonotic and anthroponotic potentials of MRSA in animals were reviewed

    Occurrence of Campylobacter and Salmonella in ducks and duck eggs in Selangor, Malaysia

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    The importance of Campylobacter and Salmonella as foodborne pathogens is well recognised globally. A recent work in Penang found ducks in commercial farms were infected with these organisms. The aim of the study was to detect the presence of Campylobacter and Salmonella in ducks and Salmonella in duck eggs in farms in a small part of Selangor. Cloacal swabs were obtained from 75 ducks and 30 duck eggs from three farms. The isolation and identification of Campylobacter and Salmonella were done using conventional methods. Twelve percent of Campylobacter and 16.0% of Salmonella were isolated from the ducks sampled. Salmonella was absent on and in eggs. Campylobacter isolates consisted of 22% Campylobacter jejuni and the remaining was Campylobacter coli. Three Salmonella serovars identified were Salmonella Agona, S. Braenderup and S. Corvallis. The presence of Campylobacter and Salmonella in ducks may cause contamination of the meat during processing and handling which can constitute public health hazard. Moreover, the farm workers may be exposed to the organisms through contact with the infected animals

    “Work ethic” value as soeharto’s development tool in Indonesia

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    This research paper mainly discusses Soeharto and his “Work Ethic” value system. It focuses on the role of local wisdom as a fundamen-tal value that has moulded leadership character and style of Soeharto in Indonesia. A term during his leadership tenure was used by Soeharto to identify, list and explain the source of the dominant local wisdom. Content analysis was used as the method of analysis in to explain a series of “End of the Year Speech”, “Nationhood Speech” and “Party Speech”. Initial analysis on the speech texts showed that emphasis on values was given at every serie of the speeches delivered. Next, quotations of every paragraph in the speech texts were scru-tinized for groupings of dimensions (Value Dimensions) specifically referring to Asian Values. The paragraphs of every text were recited for the final time in order to identify Derived Values originated from each of the Value Dimensions. Recordings of data were carried out by using Archive for Technology, the Life World and Everyday Language. Text Interpretation (ATLAS).ti version 7 software. It was discovered that Soeharto used his “Nationhood Speech” serie as his main medium to deliver values to his people. Value Dimension “Work Ethics” was identified as the second most important value in his delivery of messages on development. Meanwhile, Derived Val-ues “Strong/Kind/Dilligent/Viable/Earnest” were values that frequently appeared in the dimension. At the end of this paper, an explana-tion on the application of these values in the leadership and development under Soeharto is obtained. In conclusion, a leader who manip-ulated local wisdom is capable of achieving development that is more pragmatic and effective. Reinvigorating the local wisdom is a sig-nificant factor that can catalyze a continuous development specifically in Indonesia and generally in the South East Asia