426 research outputs found

    Ministério da palavra na Companhia de Jesus entre os séculos XVI-XVIII

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    This paper focuses on the principle of identity of the Company of Jesus. We begin by analysing the references found in sources relating to the Company’s foundation. As it is practically impossible to cover all the genres relative to the Ministry of the Word in the Jesuit context, we have selected in particular preaching in churches, sacred lessons and spiritual conversation

    Aspectos polémicos dos painéis de S. Vicente : ritual e iconografia

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    Culto e devoções das Igrejas dos Jesuítas em Portugal

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    Sob o mecenato de D. Miguel da Silva, Vasco Fernandes transformou a catedral de Viseu na secunda Roma

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    Over the years, the five great paintings by Vasco Fernandes for the chapels of the Viseu Cathedral have been the object of services strictly in the field of format and iconographical analysis. However, in our opinion, what was lacking was an iconological interpretation, which is the aim of our proposal. We will base our interpretation on analogous situations and examples, aiming to discover the single connectivity thread which links the five “Pale” painted by Vasco Fernandes, under the patronage of D. Miguel da Silva

    The Family and Safety of the Hospitalized Patient: An Integrative Literature Review

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    Framework: Considering that the current data on health care safety remain alarming, there is an overwhelming urge for the ongoing study of this topic and for recommendations and differentiated strategies which aim to promote health and which prove effective. Some recommendations have been taken into consideration, such as patient-centered care, and consequently the need for greater involvement of patient and family in this process. However, we have identified arguments for and against the involvement of family in the care process, and consequently a greater or lesser openness towards hospital visits. Objective: What are the implications of the presence of family for the safety of hospitalized patients? What does the science say about these implications? Methods: We conducted an integrative literature review by referring to the Web of Science, CINAHL, Medline, and Scopus databases, according to the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute for scoping review. Results: We found 115 articles. After selection, 13 articles were included in this review. There were 6 qualitative studies, 5 quantitative studies, and 2 literature reviews. Data were grouped according to: the perspective of patients and their families, the health professionals’ perspective, and statistical evidence. Conclusion: Families take efforts to protect the safety of hospitalized patients but feel unprepared; a lack of follow-up was reported. Some health professionals claim that the presence of the family can increase the risks for patient safety and the fear of an increased workload. The evidence of the presence of the family and its link to the safety of the hospitalized patient demonstrated that this relationship is not yet well understood. There were limited findings about this in the current literature. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Structured interventions about family integration in ensuring the safety of hospitalized patients may have the potential to contribute to the safety of health care.Enquadramento: Considerando que os dados atuais sobre segurança em saúde ainda são alarmantes, há uma urgência avassaladora pelo estudo contínuo desse tema e por recomendações e estratégias diferenciadas que visem a promoção da saúde. Existem algumas recomendações que têm sido levadas em consideração a esse respeito, como o cuidado centrado no paciente e, consequentemente, a necessidade de maior envolvimento do paciente e de sua família nesse processo. Porém, no contexto de trabalho, identificamos argumentos a favor e contra o envolvimento da família no processo de cuidado e, consequentemente, uma maior ou menor abertura para visitas no contexto hospitalar. Objetivo: Quais as implicações da presença da família na segurança do doente internado com o intuito de responder á questão de investigação: Qual a produção científica sobre as implicações da presença da família na segurança do doente hospitalizado? Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura através de pesquisa nas bases de dados Web of Science, CINAHL, Medline e Scopus, de acordo com as recomendações do Joanna Briggs Institute para scoping review. Resultados: Da pesquisa foram encontrados 115 artigos. Após a seleção foram incluidos neste estudo 13 artigos. Destes, 7 estudos qualitativos, 5 quantitativos e 2 revisões de literatura, cujos dados foram agrupados de acorco com: perspetiva da família e doente, a perspetiva dos profissionais de saúde e a evidência estatistica. Conclusão: A familia desenvolve esforços no sentido de proteger a segurança do doente internado mas sente-se despreparada e desacompanhada. Alguns profissionais de saúde alegam que a presença da familia pode aumentar os riscos para a segurança do doente e receiam aumento da carga de trabalho. A evidência encontrada sobre presença da família e a sua relação com a segurança do doente internado demonstra que esta relação ainda não é bem compreendida, com achados disponíveis limitados na literatura atual. Relevância para a Prática Clínica: Intervenções estruturadas de integração da família na salvaguarda da segurança do doente internado podem ter o potencial de contribuir para a segurança dos cuidados de saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online Gym : um ginásio virtual 3D integrando a kinect : análise comparativa de bibliotecas de suporte

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    Workshop realizado na Universidade de Coimbra de 9-11 de julho de 2014A sincronização online de ginástica potencia novas possibilidades para melhorar o bem-estar físico e social das pessoas com restrições de deslocação. A nossa proposta passa pela criação de uma plataforma 3D - Online Gym - que permita que os utilizadores interajam e participem em sessões online de ginástica em grupo através do Microsoft Kinect. No presente artigo, com vista à concretização desta proposta, analisamos três alternativas tecnológicas para a implementação de serviços de deteção de movimentos que possam ser integrados em plataformas gráficas multiutilizador. Nos resultados, expõem-se as características de cada uma e o impacte respetivo para sua utilização na concretização desta proposta ou outras iniciativas similares

    Aorto-left ventricular tunnel : a rare cause of heart failure in the newborn

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    Aorto-left ventricular tunnel is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly, consisting of a short abnormal pathway, usually from a sinus of Valsalva into the left ventricular cavity. It is usually diagnosed with echocardiography. We report a case of a newborn presenting with heart murmur and rapid progression to heart failure and left ventricular enlargement due to an aorto-left ventricular tunnel. Despite successful closure of the tunnel, the patient required a Ross procedure due to progressive aortic disease.peer-reviewe

    Intersymbol and Intercarrier Interference in OFDM Systems: Unified Formulation and Analysis

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    A unified matrix formulation is presented for the analysis of intersymbol and intercarrier interference in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed formulation relies on six parameters and allows studying various schemes, including those with windowing in the transmitter and/or in the receiver (called windowed OFDM systems), which may add cyclic suffix and/or cyclic prefix (CP), besides the conventional CP-OFDM. The proposed framework encompasses seven different OFDM systems. It considers the overlap-and-add procedure performed in the transmitter of windowed OFDM systems, being jointly formulated with the channel convolution. The intersymbol and intercarrier interference, caused when the order of the channel impulse response is higher than the number of CP samples, is characterized. A new equivalent channel matrix that is useful for calculating both the received signal and the interference power is defined and characterized. Unlike previous works, this new channel matrix has no restrictions on the length of the channel impulse response, which means that the study is not constrained to the particular case of two or three data blocks interfering in the received signal. Theoretical expressions for the powers of three different kinds of interference are derived. These expressions allow calculating the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio, useful for computing the data rate of each OFDM system. The proposed formulation is applied to realistic examples, showing its effectiveness through comparisons based on numerical performance assessments of the considered OFDM systems

    Doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth e esclerite posterior: relato de caso

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    Purpose: To describe the unusual association of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTD) and posterior scleritis. Methods: Case report of a 16-year-old female with decreased visual acuity and pain in both eyes. Results: Ophthalmologic examination showed a posterior scleritis, confirmed by ultrasound and angiofluoresceinography. Foot deformities and sensory dysfunction were identified in the patient and some of her relatives. The diagnosis of CMTD in this patient was confirmed by eletrophysiologic studies. Conclusions: The association of posterior scleritis in a patient with CMTD has never been reported. This is also the first description of an inflammatory ocular disease in these patients.Objetivo: Descrever a associação entre doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (DCMT) e esclerite posterior. Metodologia: Relato de caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 16 anos de idade, com baixa de acuidade visual e dor em ambos os olhos. Resultados: O exame oftalmológico revelou esclerite posterior, observada também por ultra-som e angiofluoresceinografia. Deformidades de pernas e pés foram identificadas na paciente e em seus familiares. O diagnóstico de DCMT na paciente estudada foi confirmado por estudos eletrofisiológicos. Conclusões: A presença de esclerite posterior em paciente com DCMT não é descrita na literatura, não se encontrando também relatos de outras doenças oculares inflamatórias, nestes pacientes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Department of OphthalmologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of OphthalmologySciEL

    Online-Gym : multiuser virtual gymnasium using RINIONS and multiple kinect devices

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    Conferência internacional realizada na Universidade de Malta, de 9-12 de setembro de 2014To enhance older citizen’s practice of physical exercise, we present the architecture, development, and pilot testing of a multiuser online gymnasium based on Kinect motion capture and OpenSimulator, which aims to enable socialization and supervision of exercise practice without travel requirements. The prototype was tested simultaneously with 4 elders at different locations, providing data on the feasibility of the approach and informing subsequent development and research