182 research outputs found

    Mortality predictive factors in subjects with COPD after a pulmonary rehabilitation program: A 3-year study

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    BACKGROUND: COPD is a high-mortality disease and projected to become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030. Our aim was to evaluate predictors of 3-y mortality and factors associated with early (1 y) and late (second and third year) mortality in subjects with severe COPD who completed a pulmonary rehabilitation program. METHODS: A historical cohort study was performed with subjects with COPD who were admitted to a day-hospital for chronic respiratory failure for a pulmonary rehabilitation program, from January 2008 to December 2010. The population was characterized based on sociodemographic factors, body mass index, smoking habits, lung function tests, respiratory failure, comorbidities, bacterial colonization, Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea index, 6-min walk test, mechanical ventilation, noninvasive ventilation, long-term oxygen therapy, hospital admissions, and mortality. RESULTS: From 183 patients who completed a pulmonary rehabilitation program, 93 had COPD. Our cohort had 78 male and 15 female subjects. The mean age +/- SD was 68.6 +/- 8.9 y, ranging from 43 to 85 y. After the pulmonary rehabilitation program, there were fewer, although not statistically significantly different hospital admissions (2.1 vs 1.7, P =.17). Three years after the pulmonary rehabilitation program, 34 subjects died (36.6%). Hypercapnic respiratory failure (P = .02), noninvasive ventilation (P = .002), lung cancer (P = .001), shorter 6-min walk distance (P = .03), and higher number of previous hospital admissions (P <.001) were associated with a higher mortality rate. CONCLUSION: There is a high mortality rate in late-stage patients with COPD. The most relevant factors associated with mortality were lung cancer, respiratory failure and noninvasive ventilation, severe exacerbations with hospitalization, and lower functional exercise capacity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnosis routine and approach in genetic sensorineural hearing loss

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    SummaryAim: To develop a screening in order to determine the more common syndromic and non-syndromic genetic SNHL, considering epidemiological data, information and the development of new technologies; clinical implications and bioethical issues. Materials and Methods: We reviewed the literature in order to develop a screening that includes: history, patterns of inheritance, physical evaluation, laboratory tests, image studies, multidisciplinary approaches and genetic tests. Conclusion: The epidemiologic data estimates that at least 50% of prelingual HL can be determined by genetic alterations. Medical and family histories are extremely important to help one achieve a genetic-based SNHL diagnosis, and help determine inheritance patterns. Through a high suspicion index, syndromic cases can be diagnosed or excluded, with a careful evaluation and molecular basis tests used to better determine the hearing loss. Genetic tests and mitochondrial inheritance should be considered in any family with many affected individuals, except when the hearing loss was clearly transmitted by a male. In cases of non-syndromic SNHL, GJB2 mutation analysis must be proposed

    A floresta secreta: projeto gráfico de livro infantojuvenil

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    Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo: 1) elaboração de projeto gráfico de livro infantojuvenil do conto A Floresta Secreta, escrito e ilustrado pela autora do projeto; 2) produzir e estimular a construção de narrativas infantojuvenis inclusivas; 3) questionar a predominância do homem branco, cis, hétero no fazer literário. Para além do livro ilustrado, este trabalho se dedica à pesquisa de três temáticas extremamente importantes: a) Personagens negras; b) Personagens LGBTs; c) Desmatamento. Temáticas urgentes e necessárias de serem discutidas em todos os campos, principalmente no acadêmico

    Análise da distribuição de encargos tributários por meio da demonstração do valor adicionado : um estudo nas maiores empresas brasileiras

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    Orientador : Romualdo Douglas ColautoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em ControladoriaInclui referênciasResumo: O objetivo do trabalho consiste em apresentar como é a distribuição da riqueza ás partes interessada como seus colaboradores, ao governo e financiadores, serve como base para tomada de decisões. A DVA pode ser utilizada para medir a produtividade o quanto a companhia consegue produzir em um determinado período, ou o quanto é necessário para um melhor desenvolvimento produtivo. No âmbito social ao governo Federal, Estadual e Municipal, através dos impostos taxas e contribuições, para efetuar o comparativo da carga tributária de diversos setores, avaliando diversos índices econômicos e sociais. Como avaliação do desenvolvimento em uma região incentivando a subsídios e incentivos governamentai

    Compensações financeiras e royalties hidrelétricos na determinação do investimento público e das despesas sociais

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    Based on the regulation about the compensatory payment for using the water resources and land flooding for the generation of electric power, this study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the "extra" financial resource – financial compensations and hydroelectric royalties – in budget revenue formation and in the public expenses determination of the receiving municipalities in Minas Gerais. From the discussions about the determinants of the government expenses the public county accounts were estimated regressions with data panel for each of the municipal expenses under consideration (investment, housing and urbanization, health and sanitation, education and culture), and proportion indexes and growth rates of expenses and incomes were calculated. The main sources of municipal income (compensatory resources, Municipal Participation Fund – FPM, Taxes on Circulation of Goods and Services – ICMS, Urban Territorial Property Tax – IPTU, Any nature Service Tax – ISS, and county taxes) served as explanatory variables. The results showed the budget revenue availability is significant to determining the county public expenses, and confirmed the power of the financial payoffs and hydroelectric royalties on expansion of the county expense in local infrastructure. This was apprehended mainly by the elasticities of the functions estimated for the investment, housing, urbanization, health and sanitation expenses.Hydroelectric royalties, Budget revenue, Public expenses, Public Economics,

    Extraction, quantification and degree of polymerization of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) fructans

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    Yacon tubers have been a distinguished alternative of fructans, drawing the attention of researchers and food industries. Since fructans are carbohydrate reserves storage can reduce their contents. Additionally, the type of extraction used can provide a higher yield of fructans. Therefore, it was necessary to study yacon storage and its influence on the extraction and quantification of fructans. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate three fructan extractions (water 75°C, water 95°C, ethanol 90°C) in yacon with 3 sizes (large, medium, small), stored for 20 days, at room temperature as well as to compare two quantification techniques. The three extractions can be used when fructans are quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). For quantification by spectrometry, the best extraction method was ethanol at 90°C. Medium and small-sized tubers presented the highest contents of fructans that large tubers, and storage negatively influenced these contents. Fructan quantification by HPLC was higher than the spectrophotometric technique. All treatments showed a degree of polymerization in the range from 3 to 7, allowing numerous technological applications for fructans present in yacon.Key words: Fructooligosaccharides, storage, tuber size

    The role of self-esteem, optimism, deliberative thinking and self-control in shaping the financial behavior and financial well-being of young adults

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalThe sustainable financial behavior and financial well-being have been a key concern among the developing societies; thereby encompassing the various psychological factors which play a role in influencing individual’s positive financial behavior and financial well-being, this study is conducted. Research focusing on the psychological aspect of human financial behavior and well-being is scarce, focusing more on the cognitive side such as financial literacy and numeracy. The aim of this research study is to find the role played by the non-cognitive factors such as self-esteem, self-control, optimism and deliberative thinking, in forming the financial behavior and financial well-being of the young adults. A sample of 429 university students from public and private sector was collected via an online and field survey using purposive sampling technique. The survey contained measures for demographics, self-esteem, optimism, deliberative thinking, self-control, general financial behavior and financial well-being. SPSS and PLS-SEM tools were used for the exploration of the relationships among dependent and independent variables. The results of PLS path analysis demonstrate that among the non-cognitive factors, self-control and deliberative thinking show a significant association with both financial behavior, and financial security. Self-esteem plays no significant role in forming the financial behavior of the young adults when all the variables are taken together but it exhibits a significant association with financial well-being (financial security and financial anxiety). Optimism on the other hand exhibits no significant association with both financial behavior and financial well-being (financial security and financial anxiety). The results of this study complement the previous studies and also put forth new outcomes. This research is unique as it is the first of its kind conducted in a consumption-oriented economy like Pakistan. In addition to the previous studies which have often established the link of self-esteem with general well-being, this study goes further by analyzing the association between self-esteem and financial well-being and by the identification of the role played by non-cognitive factors like self-esteem, optimism, deliberative thinking and self-control together on the financial behavior and financial well-being of the individuals using PLS-SEM approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo trata do comportamento do consumidor/usuário quando acessa os serviços de saúde. Com que expectativa o acessa e qual realidade encontra. É uma abordagem de marketing fundamentada na perspectiva da qualidade nos serviços, para tal, usou-se o modelo Servqual para analisar o resultado de mais de 400 questionários aplicados a usuários de planos de saúde privado e também usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), que é o sistema público de saúde do Brasil. Os resultados evidenciam a insatisfação com os serviços de saúde de forma mais evidente entre os usuários do SUS, mas também se encontrou insatisfação significativa entre os usuários de planos de saúde privados. Isso se percebe no momento que o gap gerado é elevado tanto nos serviços de saúde pública (SUS) como nos serviços ofertados pelos planos de saúde. A metodologia utilizada é qualiquantitativa, com amostra de campo de mais de 400 respondentes. Conclui-se que tanto o serviço prestado pelo sistema público de saúde quanto o serviço prestado pelos planos privados precisa urgentemente melhorar e passar a considerar o cliente/paciente agora como um cocriador do serviço, um participante ativo e que deve ser estimulado

    Genomic and Metabolomic Analyses of Natural Products in Nodularia spumigena Isolated from a Shrimp Culture Pond

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    The bloom-forming cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena CENA596 encodes the biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) of the known natural products nodularins, spumigins, anabaenopeptins/namalides, aeruginosins, mycosporin-like amino acids, and scytonemin, along with the terpenoid geosmin. Targeted metabolomics confirmed the production of these metabolic compounds, except for the alkaloid scytonemin. Genome mining of N. spumigena CENA596 and its three closely related Nodularia strains—two planktonic strains from the Baltic Sea and one benthic strain from Japanese marine sediment—revealed that the number of BGCs in planktonic strains was higher than in benthic one. Geosmin—a volatile compound with unpleasant taste and odor—was unique to the Brazilian strain CENA596. Automatic annotation of the genomes using subsystems technology revealed a related number of coding sequences and functional roles. Orthologs from the Nodularia genomes are involved in the primary and secondary metabolisms. Phylogenomic analysis of N. spumigena CENA596 based on 120 conserved protein sequences positioned this strain close to the Baltic Nodularia. Phylogeny of the 16S rRNA genes separated the Brazilian CENA596 strain from those of the Baltic Sea, despite their high sequence identities (99% identity, 100% coverage). The comparative analysis among planktic Nodularia strains showed that their genomes were considerably similar despite their geographically distant origin

    Índice de seleção como alternativa na escolha de populações segregantes de feijoeiro

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    The objectives of this work were to determine the viability of using a selection index based on the sum of standardized variables in common bean breeding programs, and to identify the most promising segregating populations for grain productivity, plant growth habit and resistance to lodging simultaneously. Segregant populations obtained by crosses in partial diallel scheme (6x6) were evaluated. Parental genotypes were divided in two groups. Group I comprised parents of the carioca grain type, with semierect to prostate growth habit. Group II comprised parental lines with erect architecture, but with grains not classified as the standard carioca type. The F2 and F3 generations of the obtained hybrid combinations were evaluated in randomized block design, with three replicates and sowing in November 2007 and February 2008, respectively. Data of grain yield, score for plant growth habit and score for lodging were standardized per plot (Zij). The selection index for the three characters together was obtained from the Zij sum. This selection index makes it possible to choose superior segregating populations considering grain yield, scores for plant growth habit, and for lodging simultaneously. Segregating populations CV III 8511 x BRS 7762 Supremo, CV III 8511 x RP 166 and CV III 8511 x RP 26 are identified as promising for breeding programs for grain productivity, plant architecture, and resistance to lodging, simultaneously.Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a viabilidade de uso de um índice de seleção baseado em somatório de variáveis padronizadas no melhoramento genético do feijoeiro-comum e identificar as populações segregantes mais promissoras em produtividade de grãos, porte da planta e resistência ao acamamento, simultaneamente. Foram avaliadas populações segregantes obtidas por cruzamentos em esquema de dialelo parcial (6x6). Os genitores utilizados foram divididos em dois grupos. No grupo I, foram utilizados genitores com grãos do tipo carioca, de porte semiereto a prostrado. No grupo II, foram utilizados genitores com porte ereto, porém com grãos fora do padrão comercial carioca. As gerações F2 e F3 das combinações híbridas foram avaliadas em experimentos com delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e semeadura em novembro de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008, respectivamente. Os dados relativos à produtividade de grãos, à nota de porte e à nota de acamamento foram padronizados (Zij) por parcela. A partir do somatório de Zij, obteve-se o índice de seleção para as três características conjuntamente. Constatou-se que o índice de seleção possibilita selecionar populações segregantes superiores, considerando simultaneamente a produtividade de grãos e as notas de porte e de acamamento. As populações segregantes CV III 8511 x BRS 7762 Supremo, CV III 8511 x RP 166 e CV III 8511 x RP 26 são indicadas para programas de melhoramento a fim de obter linhagens produtivas com plantas eretas e menor acamamento