373 research outputs found

    Effects of cynicism on empowerment in organizations

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    Organizations are obliged to change fast, and even to be the ones that initiate change in order to survive in this ever-evolving and improving global world. Employee empowerment is considered one of the newest and main weapons against national and international threats towards an organization’s survival, and it provides improved alternative ways to reach organizational goals, accomplishing tasks, and providing better services to customers. Organizations should place an importance on this strong competitive tool and utilize the qualities of employee empowerment.Organizational cynicism can result in a decrease in positive attitudes and behaviors such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. It can also result in an increase of negative tendencies such as intentions to quit the job, and other counterproductive behaviors. Therefore, organizational cynicism can create an obstacle for employee empowerment.This study examines the relationships between affective and behavioral sub-dimensions of organizational cynicism, and the meaning of employee empowerment and autonomy sub-dimensions in a branch of a bank. According to the results, meaningful and negative relationship was determined between affective cynicism and meaning sub-dimension, and behavioral cynicism and autonomy sub-dimension

    Safkan Arap atlarının yarış performansına bazı çevresel faktörlerin etkisi

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    This study evaluated the relationships between some environmental factors and race performance of purebred Arabian racehorses in the Turkish Jockey Club. For this purpose, the belonging 60 purebred Arabian horses (45 males and 15 females) which registered to Turkish Jockey Club was benefited from 3087 races records. In the research, the effect of gender, age, race distance, dam age, and the city in which the race took place to race performance on the turf and dirt track was investigated. In the environmental factors affecting race speeds of horses were found statistically different. The turf track, dirt track and general average of the race speed were calculated as 14.45±0.02 m/sec, 13.52±0.01m/sec and 13.77±0.01 m/sec, respectively. The horses’s race performance results; it was better than others the turf track, male, short distance, 9-12 dam age, 3 age, and Istanbul, for the race track, gender, race distances, dam age, race age, and race city, respectively. In conclusion, it is thought that performing of similar studies with more horses and more comprehensive studies may be more useful in examining the race performance of horses.Bu çalışma, Türkiye Jokey Kulübü’ndeki Safkan Türk Arap atlarının bazı çevresel faktörler ve yarış performansları arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Türkiye Jokey Kulübü’ne kayıtlı 60 safkan Arap atına ait (45 erkek ve 15 dişi) 3087 yarış kaydından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada çim ve kum pistteki koşu performansına cinsiyet, yaş, mesafe, ana yaşı, ve yarışın yapıldığı şehrin etkisi incelenmiştir. Atların yarış hızlarını etkileyen bu çevresel faktörlerde istatiksel olarak farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Yarış hızının çim pist, kum pist ve genel ortalaması sırasıyla 14.45±0.02 m/sn, 13.52±0.01 m/sn ve 13.77±0.01 m/sn olarak hesaplanmıştır. Atların yarış performans sonuçlarında; çim pist, erkek, kısa mesafe, 9-12 ana yaşı, 3 yaş ve İstanbul verileri diğerlerinden, sırasıyla yarış pisti, cinsiyet, yarış mesafesi, ana yaşı, koşu yaşı ve yarış şehri bakımından daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Sonuç olarak, daha fazla at sayısına sahip ve daha kapsamlı benzer çalışmaların yapılması atların yarış performansının incelenmesinde daha faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    A Study on Health Tourism, The Rising Value in Services Exports of Turkey

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    After import substitution policies in the 1980s Türkiye, which implemented an export-led growth model in foreign trade, has made important strides in balancing the current account deficit in goods trade after the 2000s with services exports led by tourism and transportation services. In particular, serious developments have been achieved since 2012 with various steps and support mechanisms taken to increase the foreign exchange revenues obtained from service trade and to make them sustainable. The fact that health tourism, which is considered a sub-branch of tourism activities, is one of the leading sectors that benefit from supports as a foreign exchange earning activity, is considered to be an indicator of the importance of this issue. Turkey, with its health system infrastructure equipped with modern medical devices and experienced / competent health personnel, has given a relatively successful exam under pandemic conditions and has reinforced its image as an assertive and important destination in terms of health tourism. Within the scope of the author's doctoral thesis on Service Export and Health Tourism, the findings obtained from the focus group discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of Turkey's health tourism, the steps to be taken towards branding and the future trends are summarized in this study and it is aimed to shed light on the future studies on this subject.

    Performance evaluation of different CRL distribution schemes embedded in WMN authentication

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as a promising technology to provide low cost and scalable solutions for high speed Internet access and additional services. In hybrid WMNs, where mesh clients also act as relaying agents and form a mesh client network, it is important to provide users with an efficient anonymous and accountable authentication scheme. Accountability is required for the malicious users that are to be identified and revoked from the network access and related services. Promising revocation schemes are based on Certification Revocation Lists (CRLs). Since in hybrid WMNs mesh clients also authenticate other clients, distribution of these CRLs is an important task. In this paper, we propose and examine the performance of different distribution schemes of CRLs and analyze authentication performance in two scenarios: in one scenario all mesh routers and mesh clients obtain CRLs and in the second one, CRLs are held only by the mesh routers and mesh clients acting as relaying agents require CRL checking to be performed from the router in authenticating another client


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    The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of the activities on student’s opinion about the science nature which is prepared with the explicit reflective teaching approach and integrated with 9th grade biology lesson syllabus by the teachers who gets distance education about teaching the nature of science. For that purpose, in this research, quasi experimental design with pretest and posttest control group has been used. For that purpose, in this research, quasi experimental design with pretest and posttest control group has been used. 2 teachers and 114 students in an Anatolian High School in Meram/Konya have participated in this research in the whole 2014-2015 academic year. In this project, BDHGA Form C (a survey on the ideas about nature of the science), and YYG (semi-structured interview) and Rubic are used as data collecting tools. The qualitative data of the research has been analyzed with content analysis, descriptive analysis and document review. The quantitative data has been analyzed with the SPSS 17 software using ANOVA and T-test for related samples. According to the both quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the research, the experiment class, in which the teacher educated in distant about nature of science and has taught the topic in process based way to the students, is observed to be more developed in this topic than the other class. Also it is seen that only being educated about science nature of the teachers is not adequate. However, the usage of the explicit reflective activities integrated into syllabus has contributed to the perception of the students about the nature of science topic

    How Are Entrepreneurial Intentions Affected by Emotional Intelligence and Creativity?

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    Entrepreneurship is important for developed countries to sustain their welfare levels and for developing countries to increase their level of welfare. Many entrepreneurs contribute significantly to the national economy of their countries. The purpose of our research is to determine how graduate students' entrepreneurial intentions are related to emotional intelligence and what role creativity plays in this process. This quantitative research study was conducted with graduate students at a private university in the southwest region of the USA. The data were collected from 399 participants via an online survey and analyzed by completing a Structural Equation Modelling. The results showed that entrepreneurial intentions are affected directly and positively by problem-solving skills, emotional self-awareness, and impulse control. Additionally, we found that problem-solving skills affect creativity directly and positively while creativity does not have a direct effect on entrepreneurial intentions

    Okul Etkililiğini Belirlemede Kullanılan Katma-Değerli Değerlendirme Yaklaşımının Uygulanması

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    The aim of this study was to introduce the value-added assessment model, one of the approaches used in school and teacher evaluation, and to demonstrate its implementation on a real data set. In the study, success ratings for the schools were assessed through the value-added assessment model using TEOG (transition from primary to secondary education) exam scores of 539 secondary schools in Şanlıurfa province of Turkey. The school ratings based on the exam averages were also included. The differences were found between the ratings based on the value-added scores obtained in the study and the traditional ones depending only on the exam averages. It was concluded that it was not accurate to evaluate the school success solely by a specific exam average, and the value-added assessment approach, revealing how much the schools were differentiated from one exam to another, was decided to offer more objective results. The present study, serving as a model for the use of value-added assessment approach in Turkey, offers suggestions to assist school and teacher evaluation to be planned in the future.Çalışmanın amacı okul ve öğretmen değerlendirmesinde kullanılan yaklaşımlardan biri olan katma-değerli değerlendirme modelinin tanıtılması ve gerçek bir veri üzerinden uygulamasının gösterilmesidir. Bu çalışmada Şanlıurfa ilindeki 539 okula ait TEOG sınav puanları kullanılarak katma-değerli değerlendirme modeli vasıtasıyla okullar arasında başarı sıralaması yapılmıştır. Bunun yanında sadece ortalamalara bakılarak yapılan okul sıralamaları da sunulmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen katma-değer puanlarına dayalı sıralamalar ile sadece ortalamalara dayalı yapılan geleneksel sıralamalar arasında farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sadece bir sınav üzerinden okul ortalamalarına bakarak okulların başarısının değerlendirilmesinin doğru olmadığı okulların bir sınavdan diğerine ne kadar değişim gösterdiğini yansıtan katma-değerli değerlendirme yaklaşımının daha objektif sonuçlar sunduğu görülmüştür. Katma-değerli değerlendirme yaklaşımının Türkiye’de kullanımına örnek teşkil eden bu çalışma ileride yapılması planlanan okul ve öğretmen değerlendirmelerine yardımcı olacak önerilerde bulunmaktadır

    Evaluation of Credit Card Platforms Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS Method

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    Türkiye’de kredi kartı pazarında artan penetrasyon ve rekabetle birlikte verim-lilik önem kazanmıştır. Yatırımların geri dönüş süresinin çok uzun vadeli olması bankaları işbirliğine yöneltmiştir. Bankalar arası işbirliğinin bir sonucu olarak kredi kartı markaları birden fazla bankanın paylaştığı ve müşterek kullandıkları platform-lara dönüşmüştür. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren 7 çatı kredi kartı plat-formu Sezgisel Bulanık TOPSIS yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiş, belirlenen krit-erlere göre uzman görüşüne dayalı bir skorlama ile sıralanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları kredi kartı markalarının mevcut pazar payları ile kıyaslanmış, elde edilen bulguların tutarlı olduğu saptanmıştır

    SecurePL: a compiler and toolbox for practical and easy secure multiparty computation

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    Secure multiparty computation is basically about techniques that allow multiple parties to jointly carry out computations that are based on data from each of the players while the data held by each player remains private to that player. Since the beginning of the notion of secure multiparty computation, many algorithms and methods were introduced on how to achieve this goal. This thesis first introduces different methods to do secure multiparty computation and later focusing on Secret sharing based multiparty computation it explains how efficient and secure multiparty operations can be done. Also while introducing secret sharing based secure multiparty computation we introduce a novel technique which allows to do secure multiparty computation using the Asmuth Bloom secret sharing scheme, which is not possible in the original scheme. The aim of this thesis is the design and implementation of a programming language and libraries for secure multiparty computation, SecurePL. We show that our tool’s ease of use and security allows even a person who has absolutely no knowledge about security or cryptography to write applications that can do secure multiparty computation