255 research outputs found

    The adjacency matrix of one type of graph and the Fibonacci numbers

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    Recently there is huge interest in graph theory and intensive study on computing integer powers of matrices. In this paper, we investigate relationships between one type of graph and well-known Fibonacci sequence. In this content, we consider the adjacency matrix of one type of graph with 2k (k=1,2,...) vertices. It is also known that for any positive integer r, the (i,j)th entry of A^{r} (A is the adjacency matrix of the graph) is just the number of walks from vertex i to vertex j, that use exactly k edges

    Hessenberg matrices and the Pell and Perrin numbers

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the Pell sequence and the Perrin sequence and we derive some relationships between these sequences and permanents and determinants of one type of Hessenberg matrices

    Look after orphans, protect theırs! Tereke regısters and orphan’s propertıes (1785-1875)

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    Tarih boyunca toplumların korunmaya en çok muhtaç kesimini yetimler oluşturmuştur. Günümüze göre ortalama insan ömrünün kısa olduğu 20. yüzyıl öncesinde sağlık ve beslenme alanlarındaki yetersizliklerle beraber savaş ve doğal afetler genel yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Etkileri en çok hasta, yaşlı ve çocuk nüfusu üzerinde görülse de demografik yapıyı belirleyen bu faktörler, öte yandan, ebeveynlerinden birini ya da her ikisini kaybeden yetimlerin sayısını arttırmıştır. Osmanlılar bu konuda istisna teşkil etmiyordu. Toplumun her kesimini ilgilendiren yetimlerin himayesiyle ilgili Osmanlıların kendi tecrübe ve imkânları çerçevesinde çeşitli düzenleme ve uygulamalara başvurdukları görülmektedir. Tereke defterleri ve diğer mahkeme kayıtları konu hakkında bilgi veren kaynakların başında gelmektedir. Yetimlerin korunmasında son derece etkili bir mekanizma geliştirdikleri gözlemlenen Osmanlı uygulamasında, yetimlerin mirasçı olmaları durumunda terekelerin mutlaka görevlilerce tahrir ve taksim edilmesi kuralı kati olarak benimsenmişti. Şeriye Sicilleri’nde mevcut terekelerin çoğunun bu nitelikteki kayıtlardan oluşması, yetimliğin başlangıç safhasında tespitini ve yetim mallarının tescil edilerek korunmasını sağlıyordu.Throughout history, orphans have formed the most needy group of societies needed protection. Before the 20th century in which the average human life span was shorter than today, inadequacy in health and nutrition as well as wars and natural disasters made a negative impact on the overall quality of life. These factors, which actually determined the demographic structure though its factors affected mostly on elderly population and children, increased the number of orphans who lost his father or mother. The Ottomans did not constitute an exception. It is seen that the Ottomans applied various regulations and practices within the framework of their own experience and facilities for the protection of orphans concerning all sections of society. Tereke registers and other court records were the leading sources giving information about the subject. It is observed that the Ottoman developed a highly effective mechanism for the protection of orphans. In the Ottoman practice, the officials had to compose and apportion tereke registers when an orphan was heir. Most of the terekes in Şeriye Registers were composed of such kinds of records, so these records made it possible to notice orphanage in its initial phase and protection of their properties by registration

    Tereke defterleri ve Osmanlı maddî kültüründe değişim (1785-1875 İstanbul örneği)

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.İnsanların hayatlarını devam ettirirken belirli ihtiyaç, zorunluluk ve seçimlerin koşullandırmasıyla elde ettikleri her türlü eşya, obje, araç-gereç vs. ?maddî kültür? olarak tanımlanan eşya evrenini oluşturur. Toplumların tarihin belli döneminde sahip oldukları, kullandıkları eşyalardan hareketle toplumsal grupların tercih ve eğilimlerini, yaşam tarzlarını, toplumsal kimliklerin belirli eşyalara sahip olmada etkisini, tüketim kalıplarını vb. hususları anlamak, anlamlandırmak mümkündür. Her toplum yaşam tarzına uygun geleneksel maddî kültür araçlarını tekrar tekrar üretmeye devam ederken, diğer taraftan zamanla ortaya çıkan toplumsal değişimlere paralel olarak maddî kültürde değişim de yaşanmıştır. 1785-1875 dönemi Osmanlı Maddî Kültürü'nü İstanbul örneğinde inceleyen bu çalışmada, konu süreklilik ve değişim bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Maddî kültür kavramı oldukça kapsamlı ve geniş bir içeriğe sahiptir. Giyim, barınma, beslenme, eğlence ve gündelik hayatın diğer pratikleriyle ilgili çeşitli eşyalar maddî kültürün farklı alanlarını meydana getirdiği için, herhangi bir toplumun maddî kültürünü bütün boyutlarıyla tetkikinin zorluğu ortadadır. Bundan dolayı, biz bu çalışmamızda başkent sakinlerinin gündelik hayatta kullandıkları ev eşyaları ve mutfak araç-gereçleriyle konuyu sınırladık.Osmanlı Maddî Kültürü araştırmalarında, tereke defterleri zengin içeriğiyle mühim bir kaynak koleksiyonu özelliği taşımaktadır. Müslüman-Gayrimüslim, askerî-reaya, kadın-erkek, zengin-fakir gibi toplumun farklı kesimlerine ait tereke defterlerinin kadı sicillerinde çok sayıda bulunması, bütün halinde Osmanlı halkının maddî kültürünü incelemeyi olanaklı kılar. Ölen kişinin hayattayken sahip olduğu kıyafetlerden ev eşyalarına, kitaplardan mutfak aletlerine her türlü mal, eşya ve objenin dökümünü sunan kayıtlar, Osmanlı toplumunun içinde yaşadığı eşya evrenini görmemizi sağlar. Maddî kültür dışında servet, toplumsal gruplar, aile, demografi, ölüm, miras vb. konularda da kıymetli tarihsel verilerin elde edilebildiği tereke defterlerine son dönemde tarihçiler başta olmak üzere sosyal bilimcilerin artan ilgisi söz konusudur. Çalışmamızın temel kaynağı olan tereke defterleri hakkında bilinenlerin yetersizliğinden dolayı, bir belge türü olarak tereke defterlerinin karakteristik özellikleri, diplomatiği ve dönemsel farklılıklar, niçin kaleme alındığı, içerik analizinde dikkat edilmesi gerekenler, en basit manada tereke defterlerinin nasıl okunması ve anlaşılması gerektiği sorusu üzerinde önemle durulmuş ve yanıtlanmaya çalışılmıştır.Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda önemli değişim ve dönüşümlerin yaşandığı dönem olarak 19. yüzyıl öne çıkmaktadır. Batılılaşma veya modernleşme kavramlarıyla tanımlanan bu sürecin maddî kültür araçları üzerinden irdelenmesi, Osmanlı toplumsal değişiminin anlaşılmasına katkı sağlayacaktır. Başkentin çeşitli toplumsal gruplarının tercih ve eğilimlerindeki muhtemel farklılıkları da göz önünde bulundurarak, alafranga yaşam tarzını üreten batılı eşyaların İstanbulluların gündelik hayatına girişi ve yaygınlaşmasının tespiti, tezin en başta gelen amaçlarından biridir. Seçilen yaklaşık sekiz yüz tereke defterine göre, barınma ve beslenmeyle ilgili geleneksel maddî kültür araçlarının neler olduğun saptanması ve incelenen dönem boyunca sürekliliğinin sorgulanması da en az değişimin analizi kadar mühim bulunmuştur. Tereke defterlerinden elde edilen bulgular, geleneksel eşyaların uzun süre varlığını kuvvetli şekilde koruduğunu, batılı eşyaların yaygınlaşmasının ancak 19. yüzyılın ortalarına doğru gerçekleştiğini ve batılı eşyalara sahip olma eğilimi bakımından toplumsal gruplar arasında dikkat çekici farklılaşmanın Müslim-Gayrimüslim kimlikleri etrafında meydana geldiğini göstermektedir.Material culture constitues all kinds of goods, objects and tools that people own due to their necessities, obligations as well as their choices. By examining the goods owned by a society during a defined period in history it is possible to understand and give a meaning to the choices and inclinations of a certain social group as well as the life style, the effect of social identity on owning certain goods and the consumption practices.In every culture while there is a re-production of the goods within the realm of the traditional material culture there is also a change parallel to the social changes that took place in time.This dissertation examines the Ottoman material culture during the era of1785-1875 by examplifing İstanbul. The subject matter is studies under the dimentions of continuity and change. Material culture is a very broad concept.Goods and objectsused for clothing, sheltering, culinary aims, entertainment and for other practices of the daily life constitute different topics of the concept of material culture which makes it hard to study the material culture of a certain culture in full dimentions. Thus, this dissertation is limited to the domestic goods and the culinary goods used daily by the inhabitants of İstanbul.Inventory estates, which have a rich content, are very important sources for the studies of Ottoman material culture. Since khadı registers include great number of inventory estates related to various groups of the Ottoman society such as Muslim-non-Muslim, askerî-reaya, women-men, poor-rich, enables an indebt study of the Ottoman material culture. The inventory estates are the registers that enlist all kinds of estates, goods and objects of a death person such as the clothes, domestic goods, books and goods used for culinary aims. This makes the inventory estates sources that open a window for the researcher to see the material world inwhich the Ottoman society lived. In addition to their being sources of material culture the inventory estates are sources of the studies of wealth, social groups, family, demographics, death and inheritance, which makes them attract primaryly historians as well as other researches studying in the field of social sciences. The inventory estates are the main sources of this study, however since there are limited information about the characteristics, diplomatic writing principles, the reason of issuing, points to be careful about, the differentiation in style during time of the inventory estates, these subjects are highlyevaluated and tried to be answered within the compass of this dissertation.19th century is the era when important changes took place in the Ottoman Empire. The study of the material culture of the process of Westernization and modernization will add to the understanding of the social change in the Ottoman Empire. The main aims of this dissertation are, by keeping the differences in the tastes and inclinations of the different social groups in the society, to determine the introduction of the goods of Western origin creating the Western life style into the daily life of the inhabitants of İstanbul and to determine how the use of these goods spreaded in the society.Almost eighthundred inventory estates are chosen in order to determine the traditional material culture goods used for sheltering and culinary aims. During the study of the defined era, a great attention is paid to analysis of the continuity as much as determining the elements of change. The results obtained from the study of the inventory estates reveal that the usage of traditional goods continued for a long time while the spread of Western style goods is not realized until the mid of the 19th. century and there is a differentiaon of the inclination of owning Western style goods between the Muslim and non-Muslim social groups of İstanbul

    Corpus-based research on terminology of Turkish Lexicography (CBRT-TURKLEX)

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    In this paper, we introduce an ongoing lexicographic corpus project. The Center for Lexicography, abbreviated as SÖZMER, was established under the aegis of Eskisehir Osmangazi University to support lexicographical projects. SÖZMER decided to initiate a corpus-based Turkish lexicography project. This project will be the first stage of the endeavour aimed at preparing a spe-cialized dictionary for Turkish lexicography. The primary aim of the project is to prepare an elec-tronic corpus for researchers of Turkish lexicography. The secondary aim of the project is to obtain a word list of Turkish lexicographic terms. This paper presents a description of the process of data collection and the methodology employed for building a specialized corpus. The study contains an outline of the project background, needs, problems, and the phases of corpus building.Keywords: Turkish lexicography, terminology, corpus linguistics, dictionary, data collection, database, term extraction

    Effect of MDR C3435T polymorphism on Varenicline treatment in quit smoking

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    Despite so many global efforts, smoking still remains to be one of the most common addictions worldwide. Even though most smokers wish to quit smoking, many of them fail. In this respect, genetic variants are thought to be remarkable factors in nicotine dependence and in treatment of smoking cessation. This is a paper investigating a single variant p-glycoprotein (P-gp) polymorphisms and its effect on Varenicline efficacy in the smoking cessation. 158 smokers and 52 non-smoker healthy volunteers were included. We determined the P-gp C3435T gene polymorphisms in all subjects. Face to face interviews with smokers were performed for smoking cessation and Varenicline was given for smoking cessation. Cessation success was evaluated in the 6th month and success rates were compared according to the P-gp genotype distributions. In our study, smoking cessation rate by Varenicline was 57.0%. This rate was 55.0% in females, and 57.2% in males (p=0.85). The P-gp C3435T gene distribution was similar in control, quitters and not-quitter groups. Cessation rate was at highest point in genotype CT (62.2%) and at the lowest in TT (47.6%). It was 53.8% in genotype CC and there was no statistically significant difference (p=0.27). Our results suggest that genetic variants of P-gp C3435T did not significantly affect Varenicline treatment for smoking cessation

    Bir köpekte kistik müsinöz safra kesesinin klinik, ultrasonografik ve patolojik değerlendirilmesi

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    An 11 years old male Spaniel Cocker was handled to Animal Hospital with lethargy, polypnea and abdominal distension. At physical examination; abdominal sensitivity was detected. The body temperature and heart rate were measured in physiological levels. On ultrasonographic examination; hepatomegaly, thickened and enlarged gallbladder were detected. Hyperechoic content in the lumen was observed also mild free liquid was seen in the abdomen. Gall bladder wall thickness was measured as 3,5 mm. At biochemical examination; AST, ALP, GGT and total cholesterol levels were significantly increased and AST, glucose and phosphorus levels were slightly increased when compared with the reference values. Due to treatment, the patient died after a week and necropsy was performed. At the pathologic examination; cystic mucinous gallbladder was detected. In this case presentation, clinical, ultrasonographic and pathologic evaluation of cystic mucinous gallbladder in a dog was described.Bu olgunun materyalini, uyuşukluk, polipne ve abdominal distensiyon şikayetiyle hayvan hastanesine getirilen 11 yaşlı erkek bir Spaniel Cocker oluşturdu. Fiziksel muayenede; karında hassasiyet tespit edildi. Vücut ısısı ve nabız sayısı fizyolojik seviyelerde ölçüldü. Ultrasonografik muayenede; hepatomegali, kalınlaşmış ve genişlemiş safra kesesi tespit edildi. Safra kesesi lümeninde hiperekoik içerik, ayrıca batında az miktarda serbest sıvı görüldü. Safra kesesi duvar kalınlığı 3,5 mm olarak ölçüldü. Biyokimyasal incelemede; AST, ALP, GGT ve toplam kolesterol seviyeleri önemli ölçüde artmış olarak tespit edildi. AST, glikoz ve fosfor seviyeleri referans değerlerin biraz üzerindeydi. Yapılan sağaltıma karşın hasta bir hafta sonra öldü ve nekropsi uygulandı. Bu olgu sunumunda bir köpekte rastlanılan kistik müsinöz safra kesesinin klinik, ultrasonografik ve patolojik değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır

    Bir köpekte gerçek hermafrodismus: Olgu sunumu

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    True hermaphroditism in a dog is described in this case report. An eight month old cross-breed dog with enlarged structure protruding from the vulva was brought for an ovariohysterectomie operation. Physical examinations exposed the presence of an os clitoris and urethral orifice at the base of the os clitoris. Exploratory laparotomy was performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. Both gonadal tissues and the genital tract were removed during surgery and brought to the laboratory for pathological examinations. Microscopic examinations showed that the right gonad had both seminiferous tubules like testis and primer follicles like ovarium. The concentrations of serum progesterone, testosterone and 17β-estradiol were 0,188 ng/ml, 1,008 ng/ml and 23,61 pg/ml respectively. We concluded that this is a true hermaphrodismus case due to the simultaneous presence of two sex gonads.Bu çalışmada, gerçek hermafrodit bir köpek anlatılmıştır. Vulvasından dışarıya doğru çıkan büyük bir kitle olan 8 aylık melez bir köpek kısırlaştırma operasyonu için araştırma merkezimize getirildi. Fiziksel muayenelerde os klitorisin varlığı ve bunun bazalinde uretral deliğin olduğu saptandı. Teşhis ve tedavi amacıyla hayvana ovariohysterectomie operasyonu uygulandı. Her iki gonadal doku ve uterus patolojik incelemeler için laboratuvara gönderildi. Mikroskobik incelemeler, sağ gonadın hem testis gibi seminifer tubuller hem de ovaryum gibi primer foliküller içerdiğini gösterdi. Serum progesteron, 17β-östradiol ve testosteron düzeyleri sırasıyla 0,188 ng/ml, 23,61 pg/ml, 1,008 ng/ml olarak ölçüldü. Köpekte her iki gonadal dokunun aynı anda bulunması nedeniyle olgunun bir gerçek hermafrodismus olgusu olduğu kanısına varıldı


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    THE EFFECT OF WEAR MECHANISM FOR PLASMA OXIDISED CP TI AND ITS ALLOYS ON TRIBOCORROSION PERFORMANCEAbstract Commercially pure titanium (cp-Ti) and its alloys (Ti6Al4V, Ti45Nb, Ti6Al7Nb etc.) have an important use among biometallic materials. Recently developed alloying techniques and production methods have enabled many different titanium alloys to be used as biomaterials. Although harder and higher corrosion resistance than iron and its alloys, it is used as an invasive implant by applying various surface modifications to improve biodegradability performance. One of these processes is plasma oxidation process. With this process, corrosion resistance can be improved by obtaining more passive surfaces. There are many studies on these performance measurements in the literature. In this study, the effects of wear and corrosion mechanisms on the material in one cycle were investigated. Cp-Ti, Ti6Al4V and Ti45Nb were chosen as base materials. Samples were subjected to plasma oxidation for 600˚C-3 hours. Within the scope of this investigation, the adhesive wear mechanism on oxidized surfaces was compared with different types of abrasives, and its effect on corrosion performance was measured with the tribocorrosion test apparatus. Abrasion tests were carried out with two abrasive balls: tungsten carbide (WC) and silicon nitride (SiN) under 3 N load. Processes were carried out in two different media, dry and simulated body fluid (SBF). Potentiodynamic polarization scans were carried out using the scanning range of -0.28 V - 2 V in the presence of wear tests for tribocorrosion measurements. While abrasive wear mechanism is dominant in untreated samples, adhesive wear is at the forefront in coated samples. The effects that increase the corrosion resistance positively affected the performance of tribocorrosion. The high oxidation resistance of Ti and its alloys increased adhesive wear performance, and because of the higher corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V and Ti45Nb, which were alloyed from these three material groups, their corrosion performance was higher than Cp-Ti.Keywords: Cp-Ti, Ti6Al4V, Ti45Nb, Plasma oxidation, Tribocorrosion

    Is it essential to perform preoperative diagnostic curettage in patients scheduled for uterine myoma surgery?

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    Objective: Uterine myoma, which arises from the myometrium of uterus, is among the most common benign tumors of women. Generally, it has an asymptomatic character, however, in symptomatic cases, it presents with abnormal uterine bleeding. The objective of this study is to determine whether preoperative diagnostic curettage is essential or not by comparing the preoperative and postoperative endometriums of patients that underwent surgery with uterine myoma diagnosis. Material and Method: In this study,260 patients that received surgery with uterine myoma diagnosis in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Taksim Education and Research Hospital in Istanbul between January 2007 and January 2010, were included. The histopathologic analysis of specimens obtained by preoperative curettage and hysterectomy, was carried out in a retrospective fashion. Results: The mean age of patients was 48.3 ± 7.5 years. The distribution of preoperative curettage specimens with regard to endometrial status was as follows: phase compatible endometrium in 156 (60%), endometrial polyp in 74 (28.5%), atrophic endometrium in 20 (7.7%), and endometrial hyperplasia in 10 patients (3.8%). Among the phase compatible endometriums, 85 patients (54.5%) had proliferative endometrium, 39 patients (25%) had late secretory phase endometrium, and 32 patients (20.5%) had early secretory phase endometrium. The distribution of postoperative hysterectomy specimens with regard to endometrial status was as follows: Phase compatible endometrium in 160 patients (61.5%), endometrial polyp in 61 patients (22.5%), endometrial hyperplasia in 14 patients (5.4%), and atrophic endometrium in 25 patients (9.6%). Among the phase compatible endometriums; 96 patients (60%) had proliferative endometrium, 44 patients (27.5%) had late secretory endometrium, and 20 patients (12.5%) had early secretory endometrium. Conclusion: No difference was observed between the histopathologic results of diagnostic curettage and hysterectomy relative to malignancy or a pathology that would change the surgery plan. The result is very important because it shows that performing curettage before myoma surgery is not an essential procedure. In this study, since endometrial cancer may not have been detected due to limited number of patients, further studies including higher number of patients are required to confirm our results