167 research outputs found

    Teachers' Burnout Profile- Risk and protective factors

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    Background: Burnout syndrome represents a factual risk for school teachers during their career. Several factors have been analyzed as stress sources enabled to menace teachers’ general well-being; nevertheless, protective factors mostly related to their personal resources may differently characterize teachers’ profiles. Objectives: The current study aimed to define different teachers’ profiles based on their burnout levels and attitudes towards job (i.e., job satisfaction, self-efficacy, attitudes toward professional growth, collective efficacy, positive and negative emotions, and hedonic balance). attitudes towards job Methods: Participants were 266 school teachers (F=69.1%) ranging from 26 to 65 years old (M=48.95; SD=8.31), with teaching experience ranged from 1 to 41 years (M=21.72; SD=10.36). Data were collected by three self-report questionnaires: Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, Attitudes towards job questionnaires, School Collective efficacy. Results: Cluster analysis approach showed two distinct teacher’s profiles named at-risk and non at-risk teachers. Main differences were due to burnout levels, attitudes toward job and extra-mansions at work. No differences were found related to teachers’ socio-demographic characteristics and their years of experience. Conclusions: The two teachers’ profiles resulting from the cluster analysis show several similarities, including collective efficacy and job satisfaction levels. Results are discussed in relation as to how teachers’ positive emotions towards their job can work as protective factors against the risk of burnou

    Discourses on family time: the cultural interpretation of family togetherness in Los Angeles and Rome

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    In this article, we examine U.S. and Italian parents' discourses on family time in parent-filled weekly activity charts and interviews with parents. Analysis indicates that in Los Angeles, California, parents talk about sheltering and isolating their nuclear family from the outside world and from everyday routine by creating special times and special activities for the nuclear family. In contrast, Roman parents' discourse allows for spontaneous times with the family that are diffused within routines and merged with other community members, institutions, and social spaces. We argue that differences displayed in parents' discourses are shaped by culturally specific orientations toward time, family, and individual versus shared responsibility. Through this cross-cultural comparison we contribute to the understanding of how local cultural models shape different ways in which parents interpret time spent in family and influence individuals' perceptions of their everyday lives

    Comparative qualitative research in cultural psychology: challenges and potentials

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    "The present paper aims to provide an approach that allows to study the interplay of culture and psychological human functioning in comparative study designs. Starting out with a brief overview of how qualitative, cultural, and comparative research is addressed in the field of psychology we will take a Cultural Psychology approach to suggest that the unit of analysis for comparative research needs to be situated social interaction. We will then suggest an integrative approach that allows us to study social interaction both on a microand on a macro-level by combining discourse analysis of situated social interaction with ethnographic procedures that address the sociocultural embeddedness of these interactional practices. We illustrate this approach by examining analyses drawn on a comparative study program conducted on middle class families in Los Angeles and Rome. Finally, we will discuss some criteria of validity that particularly apply to the field of comparative research in Cultural Psychology." (author's abstract)"Dieser Beitrag stellt ein methodisches Vorgehen vor, das auf die Untersuchung des Zusammenspiels von Kultur und menschlicher Psyche in einem komparativen Design abzielt. Wir geben zunächst einem kurzen Überblick darüber, wie Qualitative Forschung, Kultur und hier insbesondere vergleichende Studien in der Psychologie diskutiert werden und argumentieren, dass eine vergleichende kulturpsychologische Forschung möglich ist, wenn die zu untersuchende Forschungseinheit soziale Interaktion darstellt. Wir werden dann wir für einen integrativen Ansatz plädieren, der es erlaubt, soziale Interaktion sowohl mikro- als auch makroanalytisch zu untersuchen, indem eine diskursanalytische Analyse situierter sozialer Interaktion mit ethnographischen Verfahren kombiniert wird, die es erlauben, deren soziokulturelle Einbettung systematisch in die Analyse miteinzubeziehen. Um einen solchen Ansatz zu veranschaulichen, stellen wir beispielhaft eine komparative Studie mit Mittelschichtsfamilien in Rom und Los Angeles vor. Abschließend werden Gütekriterien, die spezifisch in der vergleichenden Kulturpsychologie von Relevanz sind." (Autorenreferat

    Teachers' Burnout Profile- Risk and protective factors

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    Background: Burnout syndrome represents a factual risk for school teachers during their career. Several factors have been analyzed as stress sources enabled to menace teachers’ general well-being; nevertheless, protective factors mostly related to their personal resources may differently characterize teachers’ profiles. Objectives: The current study aimed to define different teachers’ profiles based on their burnout levels and attitudes towards job (i.e., job satisfaction, self-efficacy, attitudes toward professional growth, collective efficacy, positive and negative emotions, and hedonic balance). attitudes towards job Methods: Participants were 266 school teachers (F=69.1%) ranging from 26 to 65 years old (M=48.95; SD=8.31), with teaching experience ranged from 1 to 41 years (M=21.72; SD=10.36). Data were collected by three self-report questionnaires: Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, Attitudes towards job questionnaires, School Collective efficacy. Results: Cluster analysis approach showed two distinct teacher’s profiles named at-risk and non at-risk teachers. Main differences were due to burnout levels, attitudes toward job and extra-mansions at work. No differences were found related to teachers’ socio-demographic characteristics and their years of experience. Conclusions: The two teachers’ profiles resulting from the cluster analysis show several similarities, including collective efficacy and job satisfaction levels. Results are discussed in relation as to how teachers’ positive emotions towards their job can work as protective factors against the risk of burnou

    "Somebody is thinking about it": Women as household managers in dual-earner families

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    "In dieser Arbeit nehmen wir mithilfe eines Multimethodenansatzes die Managementpraxis erwerbstätiger Mütter, die diese zur Bewältigung komplexer Zeitpläne und der Bedürfnisse der Familie anwenden, in den Blick. Aus vorausgegangenen Studien wissen wir, dass Doppelverdienerfamilien einer grundlegenden Umgestaltung des häuslichen Familienlebens gegenüberstehen, wobei bisher kaum darüber geforscht wurde, wie eine solche Reorganisation innerhalb der Familien erreicht wird. Die Erkenntnisse beruhen auf verschiedenen Datensätzen (Fokusgruppen, Zeitverwendungstagebücher, Aufzeichnung von Alltagsgesprächen) und verweisen auf die zentrale Bedeutung dieser Managementpraktiken im häuslichen Alltagsleben dieser Familien. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zudem, dass die Hausarbeit eine Arena praktischer Überlegungen und Denkmuster ist. Mithilfe einer detaillierten Analyse der sequentiellen Handlungsabfolgen in der Hausarbeit werden die Managementpraktiken sichtbar, die die Mütter nutzen, um unterschiedliche und miteinander in Wettstreit stehende Aktivitäten für sich zu verwerten und zu koordinieren. Abschließend schlagen wir vor, dass diese Managementpraktiken eine Form von Care- Arbeit darstellt, durch die Mütter das Wohlergehen der Familienmitglieder sicherstellen." (Autorenreferat)"In this work we focus, through a multi-method approach, on the managerial practices used by working mothers to deal with complex schedules and family needs in domestic life. We know, from previous studies, that dual earner families face substantial reorganizations of their domestic life, but there has been little research on how such reorganizations are accomplished within families. Findings draw on different data sets (focus groups, self-report charts, naturally occurring interactions) and, overall, show the centrality of managerial practices in the everyday domestic life of this kind of families. Results also show that housework is an arena for practical reasoning and thinking, making visible, through a detailed analysis of the sequential unfolding of actions, the managerial practices used by mothers to exploit and interactively coordinate different and competing activities. Finally, we suggest that managerial practices may constitute a form of care work through which mothers guarantee family members' well-being." (author's abstract

    When in Rome, Not All International Students Do as the Romans Do. A Survey-based Typification of International Students’ Experiences and Profiles at Sapienza University of Rome

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    Universities often consider international students as a homogeneous group, that is of value for internationalisation purposes. Yet, migratory paths, cultural encounters, motivations and expectations make the experience of these students much varied and highly differentiated. Acknowledging this diversity allows to go beyond aggregate statistics and to assess specific needs and constraints. The present study focuses on the Italian context, introducing a quali-quantitative survey developed to investigate the variety of experiences and profiles of international students enrolled at Sapienza University of Rome. An analysis of multiple correspondence was applied to the survey’s responses. Results were triangulated with qualitative data collected in previous steps of the research, confirming the reliability of the survey and its capacity to discriminate different profiles. Three groups were identified (the «transnational migrants», the «international students», and the «invisible» ones), revealing a series of specificities, and a particular group as most vulnerable. Results are discussed highlighting the need to implement inclusive policies

    Acceptability and design of video-based research on healthcare communication: evidence and recommendations

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    Objectives: To contribute to understandings about acceptability and risks entailed in video-based research on healthcare communication. To generate recommendations for non-covert video-based research on healthcare communication − with a focus on maximising its acceptability to participants, and managing and reducing its risks. Methods: A literature review and synthesis of (a) empirical research on participant acceptability and risks of video recording; (b) regulations of professional and governmental bodies; (c) reviews and commentaries; (d) guidance and recommendations. These were gathered across several academic and professional fields (including medical, educational, and social scientific). Results: 36 publications were included in the review and synthesis (7 regulatory documents, 7 empirical, 4 reviews/commentaries, 18 guidance/recommendations). In the context of research aiming in some way to improve healthcare communication: •Most people regard video-based research as acceptable and worthwhile, whilst also carrying risks. •Concerns that recording could be detrimental to healthcare delivery are not confirmed by existing evidence. •Numerous procedures to enhance acceptability and feasibility have been documented, and our recommendations collate these. Conclusion and practice implications: The recommendations are designed to support deliberations and decisions about individual studies and to support ethical scrutiny of proposed research studies. Whilst preliminary, it is nevertheless the most comprehensive and detailed currently available

    Qual è l’effetto della radioterapia sulla funzionalità deglutitoria nei pazienti con tumore del rinofaringe e orofaringe? Risultati a breve termine di uno studio prospettico

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    In questo lavoro vengono riportati i risultati a breve termine di uno studio prospettico, finalizzato alla valutazione strumentale della funzionalità deglutitoria in pazienti affetti da tumore del rinofaringe e orofaringe sottoposti a trattamento radio o radiochemioterapico con tecnica ad intensità modulata (IMRT). L’ IMRT è stata finalizzata, oltre che al miglioramento della conformazione della dose radiante al volume tumorale, alla riduzione della stessa alle strutture responsabili della deglutizione (SWOARs). I criteri dello studio hanno previsto in tutti i pazienti la valutazione strumentale della deglutizione con Videofluoroscopia (VFS), Fibroscopia Endoscopica della deglutizione (FEES) e Scintigrafia Orofaringea (OPES) prima dell’inizio del trattamento e ad 1 mese dal termine dello stesso. Ogni esame è stato eseguito rispettivamente in seguito all’assunzione di un bolo liquido (L) e semiliquido (SL) e per ognuno sono stati calcolati i seguenti valori strumentali: presenza o meno di caduta pre-deglutitoria, presenza o meno di aspirazione, tempo di transito faringeo (PTT) ed indice di ritenzione ipofaringeo (HPRI). Dal Gennaio 2012 al Giugno 2013, un totale di 20 pazienti ha terminato il trattamento ed ha eseguito la valutazione strumentale a 1 mese dal termine della radioterapia. Il confronto tra i valori dell’HPRI prima e dopo il trattamento radiante ha mostrato un peggioramento significativo sia alla FEES-L (p = 0,021) e SL (p = 0,02) che alla VFS-L (p = 0,008) che SL (p = 0,005). Inoltre è stata riscontrata una significativa correlazione tra i valori dell’HPRI basale ed a 1 mese alla FEES-L e SL (p = 0,005) così come alla VFS-L e SL (p 0,2). Solo in pochi pazienti è stata riscontrata la comparsa di caduta pre-deglutitoria ( 1 paziente con tumore della base linguale alla FEES-L e SL) e la presenza di aspirazione (1 paziente con tumore del rinofaringe alla OPES-L e FEES-SL). Nel complesso i risultati iniziali del nostro studio mostrano che l’ IMRT, finalizzata al risparmio delle SWOARs, determina soltanto un significativo incremento della ritenzione di bolo a livello del distretto ipofaringeo. Un follow-up più lungo sarà necessario per valutare se tale incremento sia associato o meno ad un maggior rischio di sviluppare fenomeni di aspirazione tardivi
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