56 research outputs found

    Self-regulated learning of primary school teachers, reviewed from external factors: Self regulated learning guru sekolah dasar, ditinjau dari faktor eksternal

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    This study aims to examine the overview and differences in self-regulated learning among elementary school teachers in terms of external factors such as teacher income, job position, and school status. The participants were 72 primary and junior high school teachers from North Sumatra recruited using an incidental sampling method. The measuring instrument employed is a self-regulating learning scale set up by the characteristics indicated by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachie (1991). The results show that self-regulated learning instructors are in the top group, and there is no difference in self-regulated learning teachers in terms of salary, work position, or school status

    The Effectiveness of Siswa Tangguh Training to Improve Mental Toughness on Students of Junior High School in Medan

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    This research aims to evaluate how effectively Siswa Tangguh Training to increasing mental toughness of junior high school students. Siswa Tangguh Training is a psychoeducation developed by researcher based on similar training modules. This research used quantitative methods with quasi experimental design. Participants in this study were 32 junior high school students in Medan and they were separated into the experimental group and the control group. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed Chi square = 17.307, p <0.05, which means Siswa Tangguh Training has significant influence on the level of students’s mental toughness. The Siswa Tangguh Training has a big impact on students as well test showed  U = 29, d = 1.03 (55.4%). This results indicate that Siswa Tangguh Training is effective to increasing mental toughness on junior high school students

    Analysis of Value System Adopted in The Implementation of Government Performance Accountability System (Case Study in Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) representative in South Sulawesi Province)

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    Analysis of Value System Adopted in \ud The Implementation of Government Performance Accountability System (Case Study \ud in Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) representative in South \ud Sulawesi Province), advised by DR. Syarifuddin, S.E., M.Soc., Sc., Ak. (Advisor I) \ud Drs. Syahrir, M.Si., Ak. (Advisor II). \ud \ud Key word: Value System, Government Performance Accountability System. \ud \ud This research aims to find value system adopted in the implementation of \ud government performance accountability system (SAKIP) in Finance and \ud Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) representative in South Sulawesi \ud Province. This research material consisted of implementation mechanism of SAKIP \ud in Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) representative in South \ud Sulawesi Province and value system adopted in implementation of SAKIP. \ud This research is a qualitative research, data obtained with the natural setting. \ud Techniques of data collection is done by observasion interview, and documentation \ud study. The result of data collection were analyzed by qualitative method using \ud descriptive paradigm. Phenomenological approach is used to describe a deep \ud understanding of the impementaion of SAKIP in BPKP representative in South \ud Sulawesi Province. \ud Result of this research shows that value system adopted in the \ud implementation of SAKIP in BPKP representative in South Sulawesi Province are \ud vision, consistency, decentralization, openness and transparency, responsiveness, \ud professionalism, competence, cooperation, efficiency and effectiveness, commitment, \ud respect each other, remind ach other, the truth and accuracy, support each other, help \ud each otherm on time, responsibility, and accountability


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    The Innovation Act in Brazil completes 10 years in 2014 and literature suggests that the American law of innovation, the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, inspired the LIT. This article compares the impact on patent production by universities in Brazil, US and Europe. The European model was considered due to the public nature of their universities, in general, as well as for inspiring their Innovation Laws on the BDA. In the light of the Transaction Costs Theory and the principles of Scientific Commons, this article evaluates transaction costs of patent production and the economics of patenting with public funds.A Lei de Inovação Tecnológica completa 10 anos em 2014 e a literatura sugere que a LIT se inspirou na lei americana de inovação, o Bahy-Dole Act de 1980. O artigo analisa comparativamente a legislação de estímulo à produção de patentes em universidades no Brasil, EUA e Europa, sendo que se incluiu o modelo europeu em função de suas universidades de pesquisa serem públicas, em geral, bem como por haverem criado legislação de inovação inspirada no BDA. À luz da Teoria dos Custos de Transação e dos princípios do Scientific Commons, o artigo analisa a criação de custos transacionais derivados da produção de patentes e a economia do patenteamento com fundos públicos


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran soft skills pada mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa USU sejumlah 745 orang yang merupakan perwakilan dari jurusan eksakta dan non eksakta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala skala soft skills yang dibuat dalam bentuk self-rating scale. Peneliti mengkompilasi pendapat Simpson (2006) dan O’Brien (1997) menjadi aspek-aspek soft skills sebagai berikut : communication, self management, managing relationship, problem solving, teamwork, effort, dan ethics. Skala ini terdiri dari 45 item yang diujicobakan dan kemudian diperoleh 24 item yang memenuhi syarat untuk digunakan dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar soft skills mahasiswa USU berada di kategori baik. Sebagian besar mahasiswa USU diketahui tergolong baik dalam hal communication, managing relationship, teamwork serta effort.  Sementara itu, dalam hal self-management, ethic, dan problem solving,  sebagian besar mahasiswa USU hanya berada di kategori cukup

    The Evaluation Of Teacher Professional Education Program

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    This article uses the Provus Evaluation Model (Discrepancy Model) developed by Malcolm Provus. The current article aims to analyze whether the program is worth continuing, improving, or stopping. This model emphasizes the formulation of (1) standards, (2) performance, and (3) discrepancy in detail and measurable. The results show some general weaknesses of the teacher professional program (PPG), namely the lack of practical application of the program, where teachers focus too much on theory and not enough on practical teaching skills. Teachers may not receive adequate financial support for self-direction during the program or after they complete it. Some programs may not reflect the latest research and developments in education. Balancing teaching and professional development can be challenging, and some programs may not offer flexible scheduling and equity of training time for pre-service and in-service teachers.

    Peran Persepsi Siswa terhadap Instruksi Langsung dan Umpan Balik yang diberikan Guru terhadap Kesenangan Siswa dalam Membaca

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah ada pengaruh antara kesenangan siswa dalam membaca dengan instruksi langsung yang diberikan guru dan umpan balik yang dirasakan siswa. Subjek penelitian adalah 12.098 siswa Indonesia yang berusia 15 tahun yang datanya diperoleh berdasarkan data PISA tahun 2018. Analisa menggunakan multilevel modeling. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kesenangan membaca siswa berbeda-beda pada tiap sekolah, namun perbedaan kesenangan membaca yang berkaitan dengan peran sekolah sekolah sebesar 8,7 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor individu lebih berperan dalam membuat siswa senang belajar. Kemudian, setelah menambahkan faktor guru, dalam hal ini persepsi siswa terhadap instruksi yang diberikan guru dan persepsi terhadap feedback yang diberikan guru, menunjukkan hasil bahwa kedua variabel tersebut berperan dalam menentukan kesenangan membaca siswa. Saat memasukkan variabel instruksi yang diberikan guru dan persepsi terhadap feedback yang diberikan guru maka peran sekolah semakin kecil menjadi hanya 4,4%. Kedua model ini menunjukkan bahwa kesenangan membaca lebih disebabkan oleh faktor siswa (student level) daripada faktor sekolah (school level)

    Upaya Pemenuhan Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik Dalam Kawasan Properti Dengan Analisa Target Costing

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    Perumahan merupakan kelompok rumah yang berfungsi sebagai lingkungan tempat tinggal atau lingkungan hunian. Perumahan dilengkapi dengan prasarana dan sarana lingkungan yang salah satunya berupa sarana Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik. RTH Publik berfungsi sebagai penyeimbang antara lingkungan alam dan lingkungan binaan untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengupayakan pembangunan RTH Publik pada perumahan terpili di Kota Malang dari aspek perekonomian untuk mengetahui perbedaan margin laba yang diperoleh pihak developer. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis kebijakan, analisis IPA sebagai pendukung data primer kebutuhan RTH Publik, Standard costing, Target costing dengan dan tanpa penggunaan value engineering berupa pendekatan willingness to pay, dan korelasi sederhana. Dari hasil analisis, didapatkan bahwa belum adanya pembangunan RTH Publik pada perumahan terpilih yang didukung dengan hasil analisis IPA dengan hasil perbandingan laba Standard costing sebesar Rp. 10.552.314.213,- (35,56%), Target costing tanpa adanya penambahan biaya dari konsumen sebesar Rp. 10.113.439.033,- (35,88%), dan Target costing dengan dengan adanya penambahan biaya dari konsumen sebesar Rp. 10.189.431.061,- (36,15%). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa laba yang diperoleh dengan adanya pembangunan RTH Publik pada kawasan perumahan belum dapat setara dengan kondisi eksisting dengan selisih laba sebesar Rp. 362.883.152,- meskipun sudah dilakukan penambahan biaya dari konsumen sehingga mengalami penurunan laba sebesar 3,44% dari laba eksisiting. Sedangkan tingkat hubungan antara kebersediaan masyarakat untuk membayar lebih harga beli 1 unit rumah serta retribusi perawatan taman hanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel pendidikan terakhir dengan nilai siginfikansi sebesar 0,05 yang tergolong dalam tingkat hubungan yang rendah dengan koefisien sebesar 0,296

    A contribuição de marketing para a geração e apropriação de valor para o acionista : um estudo na indústria de franchising

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    As transações são unidades focais relevantes para o entendimento de vários fenômenos em marketing, sendo que é de especial interesse para esse estudo descrever, explicar e prever o processo de apropriação de valor para o acionista nas relações entre dois agentes econômicos. A descrição da apropriação de valor para o acionista é desenvolvida utilizando-se os seguintes grupos teóricos: economia dos custos de transação; teoria da vantagem comparativa; teoria da vantagem competitiva; teoria do agenciamento e quase-renda. É relevante citar que a integração de conceitos mercadológicos e econômicos, principalmente no que se refere a como o processo de marketing se relaciona com o mecanismo de captura de fluxos de renda em uma estrutura de díade, onde os membros são tomados em conta simultaneamente para análise. A explicação é construída baseada principalmente em um modelo proposto pelo autor que encampa as fontes geradoras de valor, fontes de poder e grau de dependência como os construtos que contribuem para a elucidação do processo de apropriação de valor em transações. A previsão será por conta de uma aplicação de modelagem econométrica à indústria de franchising no Brasil no ano de 2000. A variável dependente é a razão entre taxa de franquia e investimento para a abertura de uma nova unidade, arrazoando-se tal escolha como uma medida de apropriação da capacidade de geração de fluxos de caixa alavancada pelo investimento. As variáveis independentes são indicadores operacionais das fontes de geração de valor, com as fontes de poder e grau de dependência mantidos constantes em virtude da natureza contratual da indústria. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os ativos baseados em mercado têm impacto sobre a capacidade de apropriação de fluxos de renda, neste caso, representada pela taxa de franquia. O modelo reforça a importância da contribuição e papel de marketing na apropriação de valor para o acionista