81 research outputs found

    DNA-free genome editing in grapevine using CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes followed by protoplast regeneration

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    CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology can overcome many limitations of traditional breeding, offering enormous potential for crop improvement and food production. Although the direct delivery of Cas9-single guide RNA (sgRNA) ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes to grapevine (Vitis vinifera) protoplasts has been shown before, the regeneration of edited protoplasts into whole plants has not been reported. Here, we describe an efficient approach to obtain transgene-free edited grapevine plants by the transfection and subsequent regeneration of protoplasts isolated from embryogenic callus. As proof of concept, a single-copy green fluorescent protein reporter gene (GFP) in the grapevine cultivar Thompson Seedless was targeted and knocked out by the direct delivery of RNPs to protoplasts. CRISPR/Cas9 activity, guided by two independent sgRNAs, was confirmed by the loss of GFP fluorescence. The regeneration of GFP– protoplasts into whole plants was monitored throughout development, confirming that the edited grapevine plants were comparable in morphology and growth habit to wild-type controls. We report the first highly efficient protocol for DNA-free genome editing in grapevine by the direct delivery of preassembled Cas9-sgRNA RNP complexes into protoplasts, helping to address the regulatory concerns related to genetically modified plants. This technology could encourage the application of genome editing for the genetic improvement of grapevine and other woody crop plants

    General and species-specific transcriptional responses to downy mildew infection in a susceptible (Vitis vinifera) and a resistant (V. riparia) grapevine species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Downy mildew is a destructive grapevine disease caused by <it>Plasmopara viticola </it>(Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, which can only be controlled by intensive fungicide treatments. Natural sources of resistance from wild grapevine (<it>Vitis</it>) species are used in conventional breeding approaches, but the signals and effectors involved in resistance in this important crop species are not well understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Early transcriptional changes associated with <it>P. viticola </it>infection in susceptible <it>V. vinifera </it>and resistant <it>V. riparia </it>plants were analyzed using the Combimatrix microarray platform. Transcript levels were measured 12 and 24 h post-inoculation, reflecting the time points immediately preceding the onset of resistance in <it>V. riparia</it>, as determined by microscopic analysis. Our data indicate that resistance in <it>V. riparia </it>is induced after infection, and is not based on differences in basal gene expression between the two species. The strong and rapid transcriptional reprogramming involves the induction of pathogenesis-related proteins and enzymes required for the synthesis of phenylpropanoid-derived compounds, many of which are also induced, albeit to a lesser extent, in <it>V. vinifera</it>. More interestingly, resistance in <it>V. riparia </it>also involves the specific modulation of numerous transcripts encoding components of signal transduction cascades, hypersensitive reaction markers and genes involved in jasmonate biosynthesis. The limited transcriptional modulation in <it>V. vinifera </it>represents a weak attempted defense response rather than the activation of compatibility-specific pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Several candidate resistance genes were identified that could be exploited in future biotechnological approaches to increase disease resistance in susceptible grapevine species. Measurements of jasmonic acid and methyl jasmonate in infected leaves suggest that this hormone may also be involved in <it>V. riparia </it>resistance to <it>P. viticola</it>.</p

    Temperature affects organic acid, terpene and stilbene metabolisms in wine grapes during postharvest dehydration

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    The partial dehydration of grapes after harvest is a traditional practice in several winegrowing regions that leads to the production of high quality wines. Postharvest dehydration (also known as withering) has a significant impact on the overall metabolism and physiology of the berry, yielding a final product that is richer in sugars, solutes, and aroma compounds. These changes are, at least in part, the result of a stress response, which is controlled at transcriptional level, and are highly dependent on the grape water loss kinetics and the environmental parameters of the facility where grapes are stored to wither. However, it is difficult to separate the effects driven by each single environmental factor from those of the dehydration rate, especially discerning the effect of temperature that greatly affects the water loss kinetics. To define the temperature influence on grape physiology and composition during postharvest dehydration, the withering of the red-skin grape cultivar Corvina (Vitis vinifera) was studied in two conditioned rooms set at distinct temperatures and at varying relative humidity to maintain an equal grape water loss rate. The effect of temperature was also studied by withering the grapes in two unconditioned facilities located in geographic areas with divergent climates. Technological, LC-MS and GC-MS analyses revealed higher levels of organic acids, flavonols, terpenes and cis- and trans-resveratrol in the grapes withered at lower temperature conditions, whereas higher concentrations of oligomeric stilbenes were found in the grapes stored at higher temperatures. Lower expression of the malate dehydrogenase and laccase, while higher expression of the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, stilbene synthase and terpene synthase genes were detected in the grapes withered at lower temperatures. Our findings provide insights into the importance of the temperature in postharvest withering and its effect on the metabolism of the grapes and on the quality of the derived wines

    miRVine: a microRNA expression atlas of grapevine based on small RNA sequencing

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    miRNAs are the most abundant class of small non-coding RNAs, and they are involved in post-transcriptional regulations, playing a crucial role in the refinement of genetic programming during plant development. Here we present a comprehensive picture of miRNA regulation in Vitis vinifera L. plant during its complete life cycle. Furthering our knowledge about the post-transcriptional regulation of plant development is fundamental to understand the biology of such an important crop

    Integrated Network Analysis Identifies Fight-Club Nodes as a Class of Hubs Encompassing Key Putative Switch Genes That Induce Major Transcriptome Reprogramming during Grapevine Development

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    We developed an approach that integrates different network-based methods to analyze the correlation network arising from large-scale gene expression data. By studying grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) gene expression atlases and a grapevine berry transcriptomic data set during the transition from immature to mature growth, we identified a category named “fight-club hubs” characterized by a marked negative correlation with the expression profiles of neighboring genes in the network. A special subset named “switch genes” was identified, with the additional property of many significant negative correlations outside their own group in the network. Switch genes are involved in multiple processes and include transcription factors that may be considered master regulators of the previously reported transcriptome remodeling that marks the developmental shift from immature to mature growth. All switch genes, expressed at low levels in vegetative/green tissues, showed a significant increase in mature/woody organs, suggesting a potential regulatory role during the developmental transition. Finally, our analysis of tomato gene expression data sets showed that wild-type switch genes are downregulated in ripening-deficient mutants. The identification of known master regulators of tomato fruit maturation suggests our method is suitable for the detection of key regulators of organ development in different fleshy fruit crops

    Towards the definition of a detailed transcriptomic map of berry development

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    The progress of the grapevine genomics and the development of high-throughput technologies for gene expression analysis stimulated the investigation of the physical, biochemical and physiological changes of grape berry growth and maturation at transcriptomic level. The molecular information generated in the last decade is however still fragmented since it relies upon detailed analysis of few stages and thus lacks continuity over grape development. To identify the molecular events associated with berry development at a higher temporal resolution and define a transcriptomic map, we performed RNA-seq analysis of berry samples collected every week from fruit-set to maturity in Pinot noir and Cabernet Sauvignon for three consecutive years, resulting in 219 samples. Using the most variable portion of the transcriptome, we built a preliminary transcriptomic model of berry development based on the Cabernet Sauvignon samples. The Pinot noir samples were then aligned onto this preliminary ripening map to investigate its performance in describing the development of another grape variety. A further step for testing the model was the projection of RNA-seq samples of fruit development of five red-skin Italian cultivars. For all these surveys, the transcriptomic route allowed a precise definition of the progression of berry development during both formation and ripening phases

    Grapevine field experiments reveal the contribution of genotype, the influence of environment and the effect of their interaction (GxE) on berry transcriptome

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    Changes in the performance of genotypes in different environments are defined as genotype x environment (GxE) interactions. In grapevine (Vitis vinifera), complex interactions between different genotypes and climate, soil, and farming practices yield unique berry qualities. However, the molecular basis of this phenomenon remains unclear. To dissect the basis of grapevine GxE interactions, we characterized berry transcriptome plasticity, genome methylation landscape, and within-genotype allelic diversity in two genotypes, cultivated in three different environments, over two vintages. We identified, through a novel data-mining pipeline, genes with expression profiles that were unaffected by genotype or environment, genotype-dependent but unaffected by the environment, environmentally-dependent regardless of genotype, and GxE-related. The GxE-related genes showed different degrees of within-cultivar allelic diversity in the two genotypes and were enriched for stress responses, signal transduction and secondary metabolism categories. Our study unraveled the mutual relationships between genotypic and environmental variables during GxE interaction in a woody perennial species, providing a reference model to explore how cultivated fruit crops respond to diverse environments. Also, the pivotal role of vineyard location in determining the performance of different varieties, by enhancing berry quality traits, was unraveled

    Transcriptome analyses of the Dof-like gene family in grapevine reveal its involvement in berry, flower and seed development

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    The Dof (DNA-binding with one finger) protein family spans a group of plant transcription factors involved in the regulation of several functions, such as plant responses to stress, hormones and light, phytochrome signaling and seed germination. Here we describe the Dof-like gene family in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), which consists of 25 genes coding for Dof. An extensive in silico characterization of the VviDofL gene family was performed. Additionally, the expression of the entire gene family was assessed in 54 grapevine tissues and organs using an integrated approach with microarray (cv Corvina) and real-time PCR (cv Pinot Noir) analyses. The phylogenetic analysis comparing grapevine sequences with those of Arabidopsis, tomato, poplar and already described Dof genes in other species allowed us to identify several duplicated genes. The diversification of grapevine DofL genes during evolution likely resulted in a broader range of biological roles. Furthermore, distinct expression patterns were identified between samples analyzed, corroborating such hypothesis. Our expression results indicate that several VviDofL genes perform their functional roles mainly during flower, berry and seed development, highlighting their importance for grapevine growth and production. The identification of similar expression profiles between both approaches strongly suggests that these genes have important regulatory roles that are evolutionally conserved between grapevine cvs Corvina and Pinot Noir

    Distinct transcriptome responses to water limitation in isohydric and anisohydric grapevine cultivars

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    Background: Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is an economically important crop with a wide geographical distribution, reflecting its ability to grow successfully in a range of climates. However, many vineyards are located in regions with seasonal drought, and these are often predicted to be global climate change hotspots. Climate change affects the entire physiology of grapevine, with strong effects on yield, wine quality and typicity, making it difficult to produce berries of optimal enological quality and consistent stability over the forthcoming decades. Results: Here we investigated the reactions of two grapevine cultivars to water stress, the isohydric variety Montepulciano and the anisohydric variety Sangiovese, by examining physiological and molecular perturbations in the leaf and berry. A multidisciplinary approach was used to characterize the distinct stomatal behavior of the two cultivars and its impact on leaf and berry gene expression. Positive associations were found among the photosynthetic, physiological and transcriptional modifications, and candidate genes encoding master regulators of the water stress response were identified using an integrated approach based on the analysis of topological co-expression network properties. In particular, the genome-wide transcriptional study indicated that the isohydric behavior relies upon the following responses: i) faster transcriptome response after stress imposition; ii) faster abscisic acid-related gene modulation; iii) more rapid expression of heat shock protein (HSP) genes and iv) reversion of gene-expression profile at rewatering. Conversely, that reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging enzymes, molecular chaperones and abiotic stress-related genes were induced earlier and more strongly in the anisohydric cultivar. Conclusions: Overall, the present work found original evidence of a molecular basis for the proposed classification between isohydric and anisohydric grapevine genotypes
