7 research outputs found

    Про можливість математичної оцінки експериментальних результатів при наявності мінімальної кількості вимірів

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    About the mathematical evaluation possibility of experimental results using the minimum measurementsПро можливість математичної оцінки експериментальних результатів при наявності мінімальної кількості вимірі

    Au sujet de la lecture et l’écriture au Chili

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    Los indicadores sobre lectura en Chile dan cuenta de que los chilenos no leen o están leyendo mal. Sin embargo, las políticas públicas privilegian el adiestramiento de los niños en el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). A esta concepción, bajo la que subyace la idea de la obsolescencia del libro, el autor sostiene que la lectura de libros pone en actividad dimensiones de lo humano que son esenciales. Leer libros, afirma, tiene virtudes propias que nuestro trato con las TIC no tiene. Les indicateurs sur la lecture au Chili mettent de l’avant le fait que les Chiliens ne lisent pas ou lisent mal. Cependant, les politiques publiques visent de manière prioritaire la formation des enfants à l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC). Dans cette conception, sous laquelle se trouve la notion d'obsolescence du livre, l'auteur affirme que la lecture de livres en activité des dimensions humaines qui sont essentielles. Le fait de lire des libres a des vertus qui lui sont propres et très différentes de nos liens avec les TIC.&nbsp

    Near-Field Energy Transfer Using Nanoemitters For Optoelectronics

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    Effective utilization of excitation energy in nanoemitters requires control of exciton flow at the nanoscale. This can be readily achieved by exploiting near‐field nonradiative energy transfer mechanisms such as dipole‐dipole coupling (i.e., Förster resonance energy transfer) and simultaneous two‐way electron transfer via exchange interaction (i.e., Dexter energy transfer). In this feature article, we review nonradiative energy transfer processes between emerging nanoemitters and exciton scavengers. To this end, we highlight the potential of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, organic semiconductors, and two‐dimensional materials as efficient exciton scavengers for light harvesting and generation in optoelectronic applications. We present and discuss unprecedented exciton transfer in nanoemitter–nanostructured semiconductor composites enabled by strong light–matter interactions. We elucidate remarkably strong nonradiative energy transfer in self‐assembling atomically flat colloidal nanoplatelets. In addition, we underscore the promise of organic semiconductor–nanocrystal hybrids for spin‐triplet exciton harvesting via Dexter energy transfer. These efficient exciton transferring hybrids will empower desired optoelectronic properties such as long‐range exciton diffusion, ultrafast multiexciton harvesting, and efficient photon upconversion, leading to the development of excitonic optoelectronic devices such as exciton‐driven light‐emitting diodes, lasers, and photodetectors.National Research Foundation (NRF)Accepted versionThe authors would like to express thanks for the financial support from Singapore National Research Foundation under the programs of NRFNRFI-2016-08, NRF-RF-2009-09, NRF-CRP-6-2010-02 and the Science and Engineering Research Council, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) of Singapore (project Nos. 092 101 0057 and 112 120 2009), EU-FP7 Nanophotonics4Energy NoE, and TUBITAK EEEAG 114F326, 114E449,114E410 and 115E679. H.V.D. acknowledges support from ESF-EURYI and TUBA-GEBIP

    Current taxane formulations and emerging cabazitaxel delivery systems

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