277 research outputs found

    Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law

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    Barbari e diritto nell'Occidente postcostantiniano

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    Il tardoantico occidentale Ăš caratterizzato dall’accoglienza e dallo stanziamento di popolazioni originarie d’oltre confine, che vengono assimilate nella massa dei sudditi, o che rimangono autonome sotto la guida dei loro re. Queste recepiscono il diritto romano secondo la disciplina stabilita dal Codice Teodosiano che, pur iniziando ad affermare la supremazia del diritto imperiale, manifesta ancora la indispensabilitĂ  del diritto giurisprudenziale, secondo la piĂč genuina tradizione occidentale. Western Late Antiquity is characterized by the process of reception and the settling of populations coming from abroad, who are either assimilated with the crowd of subjects, or re-maining autonomous under the guide of their king. However these populations adopt Roman Law following the discipline established by the Theodosian Code, which although starting to assert the supremacy of the imperial right, still declares the indispensability of jurisprudential principles, according to the most genuine western tradition

    Finding Identities on the Way to Rome

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    The theme of the journey has a primary relevance in the first book of Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters. It represents not only an opportunity of personal growth, but also a way to rediscover the paths that lead to the very bases of Romanitas. In this sense, the peregrinatio shapes the life of travellers: on the way to Rome Sidonius Apollinaris, born in Lyon, really becomes Roman (Sidon.Epist. 1.5); Eutropius, who decides to remain in Gaul, refuses his cultural identity, turning into a peregrinus in his own land (Sidon.Epist. 1.6)

    Stereoselective glycosylations using oxathiane spiroketal glycosyl donors

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    Novel oxathiane spiroketal donors have been synthesised and activated via an umpolung S-arylation strategy using 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene and 1,3-dimethoxybenzene. The comparative reactivity of the resulting 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl (TMP)- and 2,4-dimethoxyphenyl (DMP)-oxathiane spiroketal sulfonium ions is discussed, and their α-stereoselectivity in glycosylation reactions is compared to the analogous TMP- and DMP-sulfonium ions derived from an oxathiane glycosyl donor bearing a methyl ketal group. The results show that the stereoselectivity of the oxathiane glycosyl donors is dependent on the structure of the ketal group and reactivity can be tuned by varying the substituent on the sulfonium ion

    Mihi... amplectenda est Frontonis imitatio: Frontone tra Ausonio e Simmaco

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    Il lavoro considera le modalitĂ  di ricezione del corpus epistolare frontoniano nella Tarda AntichitĂ  e in particolare in Ausonio e Simmaco. Negli ultimi decenni del IV secolo la figura di Marco Aurelio gode di grande fortuna in quanto incarna un ideale di potere positivo da riprendere e emulare. In questo contesto l’appropriazione della produzione del suo amato maestro Frontone non si limita alla ripresa di termini arcaici ma agisce a livello piĂč profondo, influenzando la concezione che Ausonio e Simmaco hanno della prassi epistolare nonchĂ© la loro la strategia di autorappresentazione

    Gli 'altri' al potere. Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare

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    La tesi analizza le epistole di Sidonio Apollinare al fine di determinare come la nobilitas galloromana del V secolo d. C. si sia relazionata all'affermazione dei regni romano-barbarici. L'attraversamento del testo permette grazie a uno studio della finzione letteraria di ricostruire i concetti di identitĂ  e di alteritĂ , per stabilire se essi riconducano a una semplicistica contrapposizione tra i Romani e i barbari

    Annual Report Evaluation Highlights

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    A systematic review reveals conflicting evidence for the prevalence of antibodies against the sialic acid ‘xenoautoantigen’ Neu5Gc in humans and the need for a standardised approach to quantification

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    Copyright \ua9 2024 Hutton, Scott, Robson, Signoret and Fascione.Despite an array of hypothesised implications for health, disease, and therapeutic development, antibodies against the non-human sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) remain a subject of much debate. This systematic review of 114 publications aimed to generate a comprehensive overview of published studies in this field, addressing both the reported prevalence of anti-Neu5Gc antibodies in the human population and whether experimental variation accounts for the conflicting reports about the extent of this response. Absolute titres of anti-Neu5Gc antibodies, the reported prevalence of these antibodies, and the individual variation observed within experiments were analysed and grouped according to biological context (‘inflammation’, ‘xenotransplantation’, ‘biotherapeutic use’, ‘cancer’, and ‘healthy populations’), detection method, target epitope selection, and choice of blocking agent. These analyses revealed that the experimental method had a notable impact on both the reported prevalence and absolute titres of anti-Neu5Gc antibodies in the general population, thereby limiting the ability to ascribe reported trends to genuine biological differences or the consequence of experimental design. Overall, this review highlights important knowledge gaps in the study of antibodies against this important xenoautoantigen and the need to establish a standardised method for their quantification if the extent of the importance of Neu5Gc in human health is to be fully understood

    Synthetic Approaches for Accessing Pseudaminic Acid (Pse) Bacterial Glycans

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    Sugars to order: A summary of work in the field of pseudaminic acid (Pse) synthesis is provided. This non‐mammalian sugar is of increasing biological importance as an essential component in cell‐surface glycoconjugates of a number of pathogenic bacteria. Pioneering studies into biosynthesis of Pse5Ac7Ac have provided inspiration to carbohydrate chemists

    Mechanistic and structural studies into the biosynthesis of the bacterial sugar pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac)

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    The non-mammalian nonulosonic acid sugar pseudaminic acid (Pse) is present on the surface of a number of human pathogens including Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria such as multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. It is likely important for evasion of the host immune sysyem, and also plays a role in bacterial motility through flagellin glycosylation. Herein we review the mechanistic and structural characterisation of the enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis of the Pse parent structure, Pse5Ac7Ac in bacteria
