53 research outputs found

    Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment of Pediatric Obesity in the Ambulatory Care Setting

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995 described obesity as a chronic disease and one of the most important public health threats and in 2000 reported obesity as a “global epidemic.” The numbers of obese children are increasing in society; moreover, the onset of obesity is occurring at even a younger age than in the past. The prevalence of pediatric obesity is staggering and interventions need to be developed to decrease the risk for chronic and related psychological diseases. The objective of this project was to provide education on utilization of a tool kit to increase the nurse practitioner (NP) participants’ knowledge base in regards to pediatric obesity prevention, recognition, and treatment. As the pre-intervention, a questionnaire was distributed to the participants to measure their knowledge of childhood obesity. An educational session was provided and then the participants utilized a tool kit in their clinical practice. After a two-month period the Project Director met with the participants and distributed the same questionnaire to determine if participant knowledge, skills and perceptions changed after adopting the tool kit principles into their practice. Data analysis was completed utilizing an analysis of both the mode and median for each question to determine whether or not there was a change in the pre and post-intervention responses. An analysis of pre and post-frequency distributions was completed to determine the direction and extent of that change. Statistical significance of each change was tested utilizing the Mann-Whitney U-Test. Mode, median, and statistical significance were calculated utilizing Excel. Post-intervention participants reported that children would not outgrow being overweight, and identified that a significant barrier to pediatric obesity treatment was not the patient, but lack of preparation on the part of NPs. The results supported that increased knowledge did translate into improved treatment practices in the tory care setting. As more NPs are prepared to recognize, prevent, and treat pediatric obesity, the health of our children will improve significantly

    Towards human linguistic machine translation evaluation

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    When evaluating machine translation outputs, linguistics is usually taken into account implicitly. Annotators have to decide whether a sentence is better than another or not, using, for example, adequacy and fluency criteria or, as recently proposed, editing the translation output so that it has the same meaning as a reference translation, and it is understandable. Therefore, the important fields of linguistics of meaning (semantics) and grammar (syntax) are indirectly considered. In this study, we propose to go one step further towards a linguistic human evaluation. The idea is to introduce linguistics implicitly by formulating precise guidelines. These guidelines strictly mark the difference between the sub-fields of linguistics such as: morphology, syntax, semantics, and orthography. We show our guidelines have a high inter-annotation agreement and wide-error coverage. Additionally, we examine how the linguistic human evaluation data correlate with: among different types of machine translation systems (rule and statistical-based); and with adequacy and fluency.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using Prosody to Classify Discourse Relations

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    Comunicació presentada a: The 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2017), celebrada a Estocolm, Suència, del 20 al 24 d'agost de 2017.This work aims to explore the correlation between the discourse structure of a spoken monologue and its prosody by predicting discourse relations from different prosodic attributes. For this purpose, a corpus of semi-spontaneous monologues in English has been automatically annotated according to the Rhetorical Structure Theory, which models coherence in text via rhetorical relations. From corresponding audio files, prosodic features such as pitch, intensity, and speech rate have been extracted from different contexts of a relation. Supervised classification tasks using Support Vector Machines have been performed to find relationships between prosodic features and rhetorical relations. Preliminary results show that intensity combined with other features extracted from intra- and intersegmental environments is the feature with the highest predictability for a discourse relation. The prediction of rhetorical relations from prosodic features and their combinations is straightforwardly applicable to several tasks such as speech understanding or generation. Moreover, the knowledge of how rhetorical relations should be marked in terms of prosody will serve as a basis to improve speech synthesis applications and make voices sound more natural and expressive.This work is part of the KRISTINA project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement number 645012. The second author is partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the Ramón y Cajal program. The third and fourth authors are partially funded by ANPCYT PICT 2014-1561, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Material Command, USAF under Award No. FA9550-15-1-0055

    High energy supercapattery with an ionic liquid solution of LiClO4

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    A supercapattery combining an ideally polarized capacitor-like electrode and a battery-like electrode is demonstrated theoretically and practically using an ionic liquid electrolyte containing 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium tri(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate (BMPyrrFAP), gamma-butyrolactone (γ-GBL) and LiClO4. The electrochemical deposition and dissolution of lithium metal on a platinum and glass carbon electrode were investigated in this ionic liquid solution. The CVs showed that the fresh electrochemically deposited lithium metal was stable in the electrolyte, which encouraged the investigation of this ionic liquid solution in a supercapattery with a lithium battery negative electrode. The active material counted specific energy of the supercapattery based on a lithium negative electrode and an activated carbon (Act-C) positive electrode could reach 230 W h kg−1 under a galvanostatic charge–discharge current density of 1 mA cm−2. The positive electrode material (Act-C) was also investigated by CV, AC impedance, SEM and BET. The non-uniform particle size and micropores dominated porous structure of the Act-C enabled its electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) behavior in the ionic liquid solution. The measured specific capacitance of the Act-C in this ionic liquid solution is higher than the same Act-C in aqueous solution, which indicates the Act-C can also perform well in the ionic liquid electrolyte

    Parametric Study of the Cutting Process and Surface Formation during Elliptical Vibration Assisted Single Point Cutting

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    Elliptical vibration cutting has enabled the fabrication of numerous functional surfaces such as optical quality surface finishes, micro/nano surface texturing, and improved cutting force reduction on ferrous and other hard‑to‑cut materials. This wide range of capabilities comes from the high‑frequency elliptical vibrations produced at the tool tip, ultimately introducing discontinuous contact between the cutting tool and workpiece. However, despite the relative use of this technology, there has been limited investigation on the overarching parametric influence that its cutting parameters have on process outcomes such as cutting forces and surface roughness formation. The current thesis addresses this research gap with the development of a parametric study for elliptical vibration assisted single point cutting. More specifically, the study encompasses analytical, experimental and finite element method analyses of the cutting forces and surface roughness. Ultimately, the results indicate the functional dependence between elliptical vibration process parameters and the resulting cutting forces and surface roughness. Cumulatively, this contribution enables effective recommendations for future enhancements involving user‑required cutting force reduction and/or surface quality improvements

    Influencia de la fertilización sobre la actividad biológica del suelo. Estudio comparativo de diferentes fuentes de materia orgánica

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    [spa] Se ha comparado el efecto de diferentes fuentes de materia orgánica y la fertilización mineral sobre el suelo, analizando parámetros de fertilidad física, química y biológica. Los fertilizantes ensayados incluyen compost de recogida municipal, compost de lodos de depuradora, compost de restos vegetales, estiércol de ganado vacuno y enmiendas orgánicas comerciales. La fertilización mineral se ha combinado con la fertilización orgánica, estableciendo los mismos tratamientos de fertilización orgánica y control, con y sin fertilización mineral. También se ha estudiado el efecto de la vegetación natural y el cultivo sobre las características físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo. Para este objetivo se ha estudiado el suelo en un bosque esclerófilo mediterráneo con una distribución de la vegetación en mosaico. Se han comparado cinco situaciones: suelo bajo Pinus halepensis, bajo Olea europaea var. sylvestris, bajo Pistacia lentiscus, bajo plantas herbáceas y un suelo cultivado. Para disponer de una primera información sobre la calidad de los suelos agrícolas de Mallorca se han analizado 24 muestras correspondientes a una población de suelos agrícolas que incluye distintos tipos de gestión (regadío y secano) y cultivos. El objetivo principal es evaluar la actividad biológica a través de la cuantificación de la biomasa microbiana, las actividades enzimáticas deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa, ureasa, proteasa-BAA y la respiración basal. Además se han determinado otros parámetros físicos y químicos del suelo, que incluyen la estabilidad de los agregados al agua, los contenidos de nitrógeno total, nitratos y amonio, el fósforo total, incluyendo las formas orgánicas, inorgánicas y fósforo Olsen, y el azufre total. En todos los casos se ha cuantificado el contenido en carbono orgánico total y, en la mayoría de muestras, los contenidos de diferentes fracciones orgánicas: extracto húmico total, ácidos húmicos, ácidos fúlvicos, carbono orgánico soluble y gomas microbianas. En los ensayos de fertilización orgánica y mineral se ha utilizado la lechuga (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) como cultivo de referencia y se ha cuantificado la producción de las plantas. En las muestras correspondientes a los estudios con vegetación natural y suelos agrícolas se han realizado las determinaciones de carbono orgánico soluble, gomas microbianas, nitratos, amonio, biomasa microbiana, actividades enzimáticas deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa, ureasa y proteasa-BAA en dos condiciones de humedad: las muestras del suelo seco en el momento de la recogida y húmedas a capacidad de campo. En general se observa una correlación elevada del contenido de carbono orgánico total con la biomasa microbiana y las actividades enzimáticas deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa y proteasa-BAA. Esta relación es extensible a otros parámetros de caracterización de la materia orgánica como el extracto húmico total, ácidos húmicos, gomas microbianas y el carbono orgánico soluble. La actividad ureasa presenta un comportamiento diferenciado sin mostrar una correlación con el contenido en materia orgánica. La respiración basal y el índice de estabilidad estructural son otros dos parámetros que presentan una alta correlación con el carbono orgánico total y coeficientes más moderados, pero estadísticamente significativos, con la mayoría de actividades enzimáticas estudiadas. La fertilización mineral no ha afectado a la biomasa microbiana, manteniendo valores similares en las parcelas con y sin fertilización mineral. El comportamiento de las actividades enzimáticas ha sido más irregular, presentando en algunos ensayos ligeras reducciones mientras que en otros ensayos no se han apreciado diferencias. Las relaciones de los parámetros biológicos con la producción de los cultivos es escasa: la actividad de los microorganismos edáficos tiene una mayor dependencia de los compuestos de carbono orgánico mientras que el crecimiento de los cultivos depende de la disponibilidad de elementos minerales. La biomasa microbiana muestra valores mucho más elevados en las muestras húmedas que en las secas. De forma inversa ocurre con el carbono orgánico soluble, que muestra un descenso en las muestras húmedas, probablemente debido a su consumo por la microflora. Las actividades enzimáticas presentan un comportamiento variable pero, en general, muestran tasas más elevadas en las muestras húmedas.[cat] S'ha comparat l'efecte de diferents fonts de matèria orgànica i la fertilització mineral sobre el sòl, analitzant paràmetres de fertilitat física, química i biològica. Entre els fertilitzants assajats hi ha compost de recollida municipal, compost de llots de depuradora, compost de restes vegetals, fems de ramaderia vacuna i esmenes orgàniques comercials. La fertilització mineral s'ha combinat amb la fertilització orgànica, establint els mateixos tractaments de fertilització orgànica i control, amb i sense fertilització mineral. També s'ha estudiat l'efecte de la vegetació natural i el cultiu sobre les característiques físiques, químiques i biològiques del sòl. Per a aquest objectiu s'ha estudiat el sòl a un bosc esclerofil·le mediterrani amb una distribució de la vegetació en mosaic. S'han comparat cinc situacions: sòl baix Pinus halepensis, baix Olea europaea var. sylvestris, baix Pistacia lentiscus, baix plantes herbàcies i un sòl cultivat. Per a disposar d'una primera informació sobre la qualitat dels sòls agrícoles de Mallorca s'han analitzat 24 mostres corresponents a una població de sòls agrícoles que inclou distints tipus de gestió (regadiu i secà) i cultius. L'objectiu principal és avaluar l'activitat biològica a través de la quantificació de la biomassa microbiana, les activitats enzimàtiques deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa, ureasa, proteasa-BAA i la respiració basal. A més a més, s'han determinat altres paràmetres físics i químics del sòl, que inclouen l'estabilitat dels agregats a l'aigua, els continguts de nitrogen total, nitrats i amoni, el fòsfor total, incloent les formes orgàniques, inorgàniques i fòsfor Olsen, i el sofre total. En tots els casos s'ha quantificat el contingut en carboni orgànic total i, a la majoria de mostres, els continguts de diferents fraccions orgàniques: extracte húmic total, àcids húmics, àcids fúlvics, carboni orgànic soluble i gomes microbianes. En els assajos de fertilització orgànica i mineral s'ha emprat la lletuga (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) com a cultiu de referència i s'ha quantificat la producció de les plantes. A les mostres corresponents als estudis amb vegetació natural i sòls agrícoles s'han realitzat les determinacions de carboni orgànic soluble, gomes microbianes, nitrats, amoni, biomassa microbiana, activitats enzimàtiques deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa, ureasa i proteasa-BAA a dues condicions d'humitat: les mostres del sòl sec en el moment de la recollida i humides a capacitat de camp. En general s'observa una correlació elevada del contingut de carboni orgànic total amb la biomassa microbiana i les activitats enzimàtiques deshidrogenasa, ß-glucosidasa, fosfatasa alcalina, arilsulfatasa i proteasa-BAA. Aquesta relació és extensible a altres paràmetres de caracterització de la matèria orgànica com l'extracte húmic total, àcids húmics, gomes microbianes i el carboni orgànic soluble. L'activitat ureasa presenta un comportament diferenciat sense mostrar correlació amb el contingut de matèria orgànica. La respiració basal i l'índex d'estabilitat estructural són altres dos paràmetres que presenten una alta correlació amb el carboni orgànic total i coeficients més moderats, però estadísticament significatius, amb la majoria d'activitats enzimàtiques estudiades. La fertilització mineral no ha afectat a la biomassa microbiana, mantenint valors similars a les parcel·les amb i sense fertilització mineral. El comportament de les activitats enzimàtiques ha estat més irregular, presentant a alguns assaigs lleugeres reduccions mentre que a altres assaigs no s'han apreciat diferències. Les relacions dels paràmetres biològics amb la producció dels cultius és escassa: l'activitat dels microorganismes edàfics té una major dependència dels composts de carboni orgànic mentre que el creixement dels cultius depèn de la disponibilitat d'elements minerals. La biomassa microbiana mostra valors molt més elevats a les mostres humides que a les seques. De forma inversa passa amb el carboni orgànic soluble, que presenta un descens a les mostres humides, probablement degut al seu consum per la microflora. Les activitats enzimàtiques presenten un comportament variable però, en general, mostren taxes més elevades a les mostres humides.[eng] The effect of different organic matter sources and mineral fertilization on soil was compared, analysing physical, chemical and biological fertility. Fertilisers used were municipal solid waste compost, sewage sludge compost, green compost, cattle manure and organic commercial amendment. Mineral fertilization was combined with organic fertilization, thus control and amended soils were obtained. Effect of natural vegetation and cultivation on physical, chemical and biological soil properties was also studied. For this purpose a soil in a Mediterranean schlerophyll forest with vegetation in mosaic patterns was examined. Five situations were analysed: soils under Pinus halepensis, under Olea europaea var. sylvestris, under Pistacia lentiscus, under herbaceous plants and a cultivated soil. In order to obtain an approach to Mallorcan agricultural soils quality, 24 samples of agricultural soils were analysed. These soils included different kinds of management (irrigated and non-irrigated land) and crops. The main objective of this work was to evaluate biological activity through the quantification of microbial biomass, dehydrogenase, ß-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease and protease-BAA enzymatic activities, and basal respiration. Furthermore, other physical and chemical soil parameters were determined, including aggregate stability in water, total nitrogen content, nitrate, ammonium, total phosphorus (including organic and inorganic forms and Olsen phosphorus) and total sulphur content. In all samples total organic carbon was quantified and, in most of samples, different organic fractions content also were analysed: total humic extract, humic acids, fulvic acids, soluble organic carbon and microbial gums. In organic and mineral assays lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) were used as reference crop and plant production was quantified. In samples corresponding to assays of natural vegetation and agricultural soils, different parameters were determinated at two humidity conditions: samples collected from dry soils and samples at field capacity soil water content. Parameters analysed were: soluble organic carbon, microbial gums, nitrate, ammonium, microbial biomass, dehydrogenase, ß-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease and protease-BAA enzymatic activities. The results obtained from the statistical analysis revealed high correlations between total organic carbon and microbial biomass and between total organic carbon and dehydrogenase, ß-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase and protease-BAA enzymatic activities. This relationship extended to other parameters related to the organic matter caracterization such as total humic extract, humic acids, microbial gums and soluble organic carbon. Urease activity did not show correlation with organic matter content. Basal respiration and structural stability index also showed a high correlation with total organic carbon. Furthermore, both parameters showed lower coeficients, but statistically significative, with the majority of the enzymatic activities studied. Mineral fertilization did not affected microbial activity, with similar values in both fertilized and non-fertilised plots. The behavior of enzymatic activities was irregular, showing a light reduction in some assays and no differences in other assays. Correlations between biological parameters and crop production were low: edaphic microorganisms activity had a higher dependence of organic carbon while crop growth depended on mineral availability. According to humidity assays, microbial biomass showed much higher values in wet samples rather than in dry samples. Inversely, soluble organic carbon showed a decrease in wet samples, probably due to its consumption by microflora. Enzymatic activities showed a variable behaviour but, in general, showed higher rates in wet samples

    Automatic evaluation for E-Learning using latent semantic analysis: A use case

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    Assessment in education allows for obtaining, organizing, and presenting information about how much and how well the student is learning. The current paper aims at analysing and discussing some of the most state-of-the-art assessment systems in education. Later, this work presents a specific use case developed for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, which is an online university. An automatic evaluation tool is proposed that allows the student to evaluate himself anytime and receive instant feedback. This tool is a web-based platform, and it has been designed for engineering subjects (i.e., with math symbols and formulas) in Catalan and Spanish. Particularly, the technique used for automatic assessment is latent semantic analysis. Although the experimental framework from the use case is quite challenging, results are promising