51 research outputs found


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    Sprawozdanie z XXI Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Psychologii Rozwojowej Wspomaganie rozwoju człowieka: z perspektywy teorii i praktyki Zielona Góra, 28–30 maja 201

    Expectations Towards the Future as a Sphere of Resources of the So Called Difficult Youth

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    The aim of the research was to present the way of adaptation to the challenges of modern world and adulthood among the so called “difficult youth” and people diagnosed as normative. The researchers emphasize that in order to effectively develop your own idea of life, one needs to previously anticipate it on a very detailed level. In the research model the hypothesis that the process of building temporal expectations and event evaluation occurs during the development of individual experiences under the influence of particular factors of the socio-cultural context.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The Rules at the Youth Educational Centre – from the Perspective of Caretakers and Adolescents

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    Staying in a Youth Educational Centre meets the isolation criteria. Therefore, it may deprive adolescents of important needs and trigger specific group processes characteristic of subcultures. This article concentrates on the creation of norms and rules in the group of teenagers placed in social rehabilitation institutions. The research question referred to the similarities and differences in the perception of norms, rules and hierarchy in Youth Educational Centres by their employees and the minors.The Focus Group Interview and the method of competent judges were used as the research method for the caretakers, and the survey was used when researching the adolescents. Interviews were conducted with the caretakers and the adolescents. The study group consisted of 32 adolescents and 7 employees. It was conducted at Youth Educational Centre in Lower Silesia as a pilot study.The research results reveal a similar perception of rules in the centre by the caretakers and adolescents. Despite the mixed research methodology and the changing environment of modern adolescents (globalization and functioning in cyberspace), the research confirmed the earlier results in terms of the content of the rules functioning in the centre. Moreover, the caretakers listed a richer range of the determinants of the observed behaviour and the process of rule formation. The adolescents focused mainly on situational factors and used masking strategies. Keywords: adolescence, prison rehabilitation, subculture, rules DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-11-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Modele edukacji włączającej w wybranych placówkach oświatowych w Czechach – edukacja włączająca a kultura organizacji

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    Employees and managers of educational institutions have been dealing with numerous challenges related to changes in nowadays world for years. The idea of striving for “excellence in teaching” based on Fullan’s paradigm of school culture transformation has become a reason for deeper reflection in this area. Using the comparative analysis method, a picture of work models in educational institutions within the same system guidelines has been obtained. In order to make comparisons, strategies focused on providing the most effective support for pupils with special educational needs and the process of evaluating activities were taken into account. Based on three experiences of implementing the idea of inclusive education, some strategies for coping with required changes were shown. The presented case studies showed that while the strategies of each educational institution varied, they aimed to offer functional and effective counseling services which enhanced the personal and social development of children. The differences between them are related to specific practices: whether they are occasional or systematic, focused on teachers or problems, communication or action, part of the school daily work routine or applied to deal with emerging problems. The research results present a certain type of narrative related to eliminating resistance to change and monitoring its effects in a positive way according to the specific culture of organization.Nauczyciele i osoby zarządzające placówkami oświatowymi od lat borykają się z licznymi wyzwaniami związanymi ze zmianami zachodzącymi w świecie. Idea dążenia do „doskonałości w nauczaniu” w oparciu o Fullanowski paradygmat transformacji kultury szkolnej stała się powodem do głębszej refleksji w tym obszarze. Metodą analizy porównawczej studiów przypadków uzyskano obraz modeli pracy w placówkach oświatowych w ramach tych samych wytycznych systemowych. W celu dokonania porównań wzięto pod uwagę strategie ukierunkowane na zapewnienie jak najbardziej efektywnego wsparcia uczniom ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi oraz na proces ewaluacji działań. Na podstawie trzech doświadczeń wdrażania idei edukacji włączającej pokazano kilka strategii radzenia sobie z wymaganymi zmianami. Przedstawione studia przypadków pokazały, że chociaż strategie poszczególnych placówek edukacyjnych były zróżnicowane, ich celem było oferowanie funkcjonalnych i skutecznych działań specjalistycznych, które sprzyjają rozwojowi osobistemu i społecznemu dzieci. Różnice między nimi dotyczą konkretnych wymiarów – są okazjonalne lub systematyczne, skoncentrowane na nauczycielach lub problemach, dotyczą komunikacji lub działania, stanowią część codziennej pracy szkoły lub stosowane są w przypadku rozwiązywania pojawiających się problemów. Wyniki badań przedstawiają pewien typ narracji, związany z eliminowaniem oporu wobec zmiany i pozytywnym monitorowaniem jej skutków zgodnie ze specyficzną kulturą organizacji

    Zagrożenie i lęk w społeczeństwie. Refleksje 40 lat po raporcie „Społeczeństwo wobec przemocy” i 70 lat po ustanowieniu Deklaracji Praw Człowieka

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    Over 40 years ago the French Research Committee on Violence, Crime and Delinquency has published a document that contained current analyses on the occurrence of social problems and their determinants, as well as guidelines to reduce risks and reduce the sense of threat and insecurity in modern society. The document became the basis for the reflection on public debate on violence in international communities and psychological practice against violence in interpersonal and social meaning. The author also presents the possible directions of research and psychological actions in this area.Ponad 41 lat temu ukazał się we Francji dokument przygotowany przez Komitet Badań nad Przemocą, Zbrodnią i Występkiem pt. „Społeczeństwo wobec przemocy”. W raporcie starano się naświetlić nie tylko przyczyny przemocy jako problemu społecznego, lecz także zawarto w nim wskazówki mające na celu ograniczenie jej występowania. W niniejszym opracowaniu na podstawie wspomnianego dokumentu Peyrefittego dokonano refleksji nad kierunkami podejmowanych przez lata działań na rzecz redukcji przemocy w kontekście międzynarodowym i krajowym. Przedstawiono również możliwe kierunki badań oraz oddziaływań psychologicznych w tym obszarze

    Action Research as an Element of Integrative Research Model in Social Sciences/ Badania w działaniu jako element integracyjnego modelu badań w naukach społecznych

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    The aim of this article is to present the history of changes in the significance of action research. It also attempts to operationalize it and lists its challenges that favoured a specific revival of the idea of this research trend in the second half of the twentieth century in research and educational practice. Moreover, its limitations and possible research applications in social sciences are analyzed. Also, it has been highlighted that action research is a research tradition that provides numerous problems. The term has lost its unambiguity. Action research is understood as a specific research method, an independent model of introducing and evaluating educational change, a practical teaching tool or it is even used to determine the emancipatory social movement

    Dilemmas in managing the COVID-19 crisis

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    The aim of this article was to present the current research on coping with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and, on this basis, to indicate the implications of risk management in the situation of adaptation to the crisis or re-adaptation after its end. This article considers the psychological significance of the socially experienced situation based on the latest research conducted in Poland during the first wave of the pandemic. It is an attempt to show both the risk and protective factors, as well as possible remedial effects against unfavorable social and health phenomena, which are related to the increase in costs incurred by individuals in the process of experiencing the crisis and adaptation to the conditions after its end. These are considered in the context of the costs of adaptations used by individuals and of re-adaptation in the period of coping with COVID-19. This study conducted a meta-analysis of 13 psychological and sociological studies conducted so far in the first period of the pandemic. The results of the research show that the most difficult issue in the risk situation of the next wave of a pandemic is the lack of definition of its timeframe but also disinformation and fatigue. The results of the conducted analysis may become useful material for risk management professionals. An additional value of the article is that it presents ways of applying the conclusions resulting from the research, not only during the second wave of the pandemic but also in the necessary processes of re-adaptation to life without COVID-19

    The Importance of Teachers’ Well-Being in the School’s Organizational Culture. Research Implications/ Znaczenie dobrostanu nauczycieli w kulturze organizacyjnej szkoły. Implikacje badawcze

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    The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of adopting a research perspective that allows for the analysis of welfare as an element of school’s organisational culture. The proposed approach is presented in the form of an original research programme, which is embedded in the theory of organisation and positive psychology. The assumptions made are a proposal showing the current understanding of school as an organisation both highly flexible and effective; which is able to transform, to improve and to develop in the environment of the changing reality and to guarantee a sense of well-being to its members.The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of adopting a research perspective that allows for the analysis of welfare as an element of school’s organisational culture. The proposed approach is presented in the form of an original research programme, which is embedded in the theory of organisation and positive psychology. The assumptions made are a proposal showing the current understanding of school as an organisation both highly flexible and effective; which is able to transform, to improve and to develop in the environment of the changing reality and to guarantee a sense of well-being to its members

    Between a Sense of Acceptance and Exclusion – Indicators of Different Developmental Paths of Lives in School

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    The present study includes selected conditions of adaptation to the school. The research question focused on different predictors of sense of acceptanceand self-esteem and a sense of exclusion. The study involved 270 children aged 8-12. Data were collected twice using two tools: a questionnaire SUSPO and QSL. The results showed dynamic processes and differences occurring in the first and the second period of primary education and the opportunity to create conditions for a successful learning environment by the teacher

    Hiperatividade com défice de atenção e rendimento neuropsicológico: do diagnóstico à intervenção em contexto escolar

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    Este estudo aborda a Perturbação do Défice de Atenção e Hiperatividade (PDAH) e sua relação com o rendimento neuropsicológico, do diagnóstico à intervenção em contexto escolar. Nos últimos anos o diagnóstico tem sido tardio, realizado apenas quando a criança entra na escola, despertando-nos a necessidade de diagnóstico e intervenção precoce. Este estudo apresenta a descrição e compreensão das (re)definições, etiologia, fatores ambientais, sintomas, subtipos, comorbilidade e critérios de diagnóstico desta perturbação. Analisa a relação do rendimento com a avaliação neuropsicológica escolar com a PDAH, bem como a perspetiva da psicopatologia ao tratamento, com o objetivo de melhorar os conhecimentos e apoio educacional às crianças e aos profissionais da educação.This study addresses the problem of deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its relationship with neuropsychological performance, from diagnosis to intervention in the school context. In the last years, the diagnosis has been late, only when the child enters school, provoking the need for diagnosis and early intervention. This study presents the description and understanding of definitions, etiology, environmental factors, symptoms, subtypes, comorbidity and diagnosis criteria for this disorder. It analyzes the relation of the income with the neuropsychological school evaluation with the ADHD, as well as the perspective of the psychopathology to the treatment. And, finally, the implications of future research and challenges, with the goal of improving educational knowledge and support for these children and education professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio