253 research outputs found

    Do university students know how they perform?

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    The aim of the research is to study the capacity for self-evaluation of University studentsundergoing tests involving mathematics, linguistic and formal reasoning. Subjects wereasked to estimate the number of correct answers and subsequently to compare theirperformance with that of their peers. We divided the subjects into three groups on the basisof performance: poor, middle and top performers. The results demonstrate that all thesubjects in all tests showed good awareness of their level of actual performance. Analyzingcomparative assessments, the results reported in literature by Kruger and Dunning wereconfirmed: poor performers tend to significantly overestimate their own performance whilst top performers tend to underestimate it. This can be interpreted as a demonstration thatthe accuracy of comparative self-evaluations depends on a number of variables: cognitiveand metacognitive factors and aspects associated with self-representation. Our conclusion is that cognitive and metacognitive processes work as “submerged” in highly subjectiverepresentations, allowing dynamics related to safeguarding the image one has of oneself toplay a role

    On the Need of Intermediate Complexity General Circulation Models: A "SPEEDY" Example

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    processes that allows realistic and fast climate simula -tions that often involve large ensembles for the purpose of reducing uncertainty and estimation of the forced and internal variability of the system. The forced signal is typically estimated by an ensemble mean of many simulations, but ensembles of state-of-the-art models are often too small to reduce the remaining internal variability. The ensemble size needed to estimate the mean accurately depends on the signal-to-noise ratio for the variable and region under consideration. For example, the ensemble size to estimate midlatitude 500-hPa height accurately is about 20, which is larger than most ensembles used in seasonal hindcast data-sets or climate projections performed by individual centers. Intermediate complexity models can also be used efficiently to investigate the sensitivity of simu-lated climate to changes in parameters in the physical parameterizations. Another application is related to climate change. For example, Forest et al. (2002) and Sokolov at al. (2009) use the MIT Integrated Global System Model (MIT IGSM) to investigate topics such as climate sensitivity, aerosol forcing, ocean heat uptake rate, and probabilistic projections of climate change. There are many intermediate complexity system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs). A number of them are participating in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and can be found at http://climate .uvic.ca/EMICAR5 (one of which is based on a previous version of the model introduced here). This website also provides information about experiments that are performed with these models that range from en-sembles of 1,000-year-long historical simulations to the assessment of different C

    Transcriptomic and volatilomic profiles reveal Neofabraea vagabunda infection-induced changes in susceptible and resistant apples during storage

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    Bull’s eye rot is one of the most severe diseases that may affect apple fruit during post-harvest storage. It is caused by the fungus Neofabraea vagabunda, and the mechanism by which the pathogen infects the fruits is only partially understood. In particular, very little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating the interaction between the pathogen and the host during symptoms development. Despite different apple cultivars show divergent levels of resistance to the pathogen, the genetic basis of these responses is still unknown. In order to better understand the molecular mechanisms occurring in the apple fruit during N. vagabunda infection, a large-scale transcriptome study by RNA-Seq analysis was performed, comparing fruits of the sensitive ‘Roho’ cultivar and the resistant cultivar ‘Ariane’ after artificial infection with N. vagabunda and a storage period of four months. Transcriptomic analyses revealed the regulation of several classes of genes during this period, some of which may be involved in apple-pathogen interaction, such as superoxide dismutases and heat shock proteins (HSPs), ethylene-responsive transcription factors (ERFs), carboxylesterases and NAC transcription factors gene families. Moreover, a volatile analysis was performed, revealing differences in the volatile profile between the resistant and the susceptible cultivar that may help to elucidate the resistance mechanism. RNA-Seq data highlighted several classes of pathogen-related genes, such as genes coding for enzymes involved in cell wall disruption and in reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis, being differentially regulated between resistant and susceptible fruits and between diseased and healthy fruits of the same cultivar, indicating that apples are capable of perceiving and triggering a molecular response to N. vagabunda infection. Some volatiles, as ethanol and methanol, but also furan and formaldehyde, might be potential markers for N. vagabunda infection; others, such as hexenal and methyl acetate, were found to be putatively involved in regulating apple-fungi interactio

    Curva di apprendimento nella scialoendoscopia diagnostica e interventistica per le patologie salivari ostruttive

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    La scialoendoscopia è un nuovo strumento diagnostico e chirurgico che offre l’opportunità di trattare alcune patologie delle ghiandole salivari con procedure non invasive e con risultati potenzialmente superiori alle precedenti tecniche. Come per tutte le nuove tecniche, per raggiungere rapidamente risultati paragonabili a quelli riportati in letteratura, è indispensabile un corretto programma di formazione che segua una graduale curva di apprendimento. Questo include un appropriato programma diagnostico, una corretta selezione dei pazienti e la conoscenza delle possibili insidie operatorie. Abbiamo eseguito uno studio retrospettivo confrontando le prime 141 procedure (74 parotidee e 67 sottomandibolari) eseguite con questa tecnica nel nostro Dipartimento dal 2009 al 2013 con analoghe esperienze riportate in letteratura. I pazienti sono stati divisi in 3 gruppi: Gruppo A (le prime 49 procedure effettuate), gruppo B (le successive 50), Gruppo C (le ultime 42 procedure effettuate). Fra i tre gruppi non sono state evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative nei tempi medi di durata delle procedure, nella percentuale di ricorrenza della sintomatologia dopo il trattamento, nel numero di pazienti che hanno necessitato di più trattamenti e nell’incidenza di complicanze minori. Non sono state riportate complicanze maggiori. Con l’acquisizione di una maggiore esperienza da parte dei chirurghi si è evidenziato un progressivo calo del numero di interventi eseguiti in anestesia generale rispetto a quelli in anestesia locale (51% vs 18% vs 14%). Solo in tre casi su 130 ghiandole trattate (2.3%) è stato necessario eseguire un’asportazione ghiandolare. Per i calcoli salivari è stato valutato il tipo di tecnica utilizzato per l’estrazione e la percentuale d’insuccesso che era analoga nei tre gruppi (13.6% vs 15% vs 15%). I nostri risultati non differiscono sostanzialmente da quelli riportati in letteratura. Abbiamo risolto la difficoltà iniziale nella cateterizzazione del dotto con esercizi chirurgici su cadavere o su teste di maiale. La mancanza di precisione degli strumenti diagnostici radiologici può essere migliorata autonomizzando il chirurgo nell’esecuzione delle ecografie pre e post-operatorie. Viene infine sottolineata l’opportunità di creare dei centri di scialoendoscopia con un bacino di utenza di circa 1 o 2 milioni di abitanti in modo da concentrare le patologie, far fronte agli elevati costi della strumentazione necessaria e poter guadagnare la necessaria esperienza nelle gestione delle varie tecniche chirurgiche

    Sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to South Atlantic freshwater anomalies

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    The sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) to changes in basin integrated net evaporation is highly dependent on the zonal salinity contrast at the southern border of the Atlantic. Biases in the freshwater budget strongly affect the stability of the AMOC in numerical models. The impact of these biases is investigated, by adding local anomaly patterns in the South Atlantic to the freshwater fluxes at the surface. These anomalies impact the freshwater and salt transport by the different components of the ocean circulation, in particular the basin-scale salt-advection feedback, completely changing the response of the AMOC to arbitrary perturbations. It is found that an appropriate dipole anomaly pattern at the southern border of the Atlantic Ocean can collapse the AMOC entirely even without a further hosing. The results suggest a new view on the stability of the AMOC, controlled by processes in the South Atlantic. <br/

    Verticale temperatuurgradiënten in geconditioneerde kassen: Effecten op groei, ontwikkeling en onderliggende processen bij tomaat

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    In de jaren 2003 tot 2007 is het aantal bedrijven waarop (semi)gesloten geteeld wordt geleidelijk toegenomen. Op alle bedrijven bleken echter vragen te bestaan over de reacties van het gewas op het nieuwe klimaat. Daarom is in 2008 door Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw een onderzoek gestart naar de groei van tomaat in geconditioneerde kassen, waarin veel aandacht wordt besteed aan de fysiologische processen in de plant. Het onderzoek wordt gefinancierd vanuit het programma Kas als Energiebron door Productschap Tuinbouw en het ministerie van EL&I en wordt begeleid door een aantal tomatentelers en een adviseur. Het onderzoek dat in dit rapport wordt beschreven had als centrale vraag hoe een verticale temperatuurgradiënt de processen in de plant beïnvloedt

    Sialendoscopy for salivary stones: principles, technical skills and therapeutic experience

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    La scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva rappresenta una delle più frequenti patologie non-neoplastiche delle ghiandole salivari e la scialoendoscopia è sempre più utilizzata nella sua diagnosi e nel suo trattamento, associata o meno con la litotripsia laser. La scialoendoscopia può essere inoltre associata ad approcci esterni mini-invasivi nelle litiasi troppo voluminose per essere rimosse con un approccio unicamente endoscopico. Il presente articolo riporta lesperienza delle Cliniche Otorinolaringoiatriche dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna e dellAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Italia. È stata eseguita unanalisi retrospettiva su 48 pazienti (26 femmine, 22 maschi; età media di 45,3 anni; range 8-83 anni) trattati per patologia cronica ostruttiva delle ghiandole salivari maggiori mediante procedure chirurgiche endoscopiche o combinate da novembre 2010 ad aprile 2016 presso lAzienda-Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Cagliari. I risultati dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna erano stati precedentemente pubblicati. Gli aspetti tecnici della scialoendoscopia sono stati accuratamente descritti. I pazienti trattati presso lAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari presentavano una patologia unilaterale in 40 casi e bilaterale in 8 casi; sono state trattate 56 ghiandole salivari maggiori (22 sottomandibolari e 34 parotidi). 5 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialoendoscopia bilaterale per parotite ricorrente giovanile, 10 per patologia ostruttiva non litiasica e 33 (68,75%) presentavano calcoli salivari (1 paziente presentava una litiasi parotidea bilaterale). Solo 8 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialectomia radicale per via esterna (5 scialectomie sottomandibolare e 3 parotidectomie). La chirurgia conservativa nei pazienti con scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva appare efficace e può essere realizzata mediante un approccio puramente endoscopico o combinato, con unalta percentuale di successo. La procedura richiede una strumentazione adeguata e deve essere eseguita da un chirurgo esperto, che abbia svolto un training specifico scialoendoscopico, in modo da evitare le possibili complicanze maggiori e minori. La scialectomia tradizionale rappresenta la extrema ratio, limitata nei casi in cui un approccio conservativo sia risultato inefficace o controindicato