529 research outputs found

    Influence of Water Level Management on Vegetation and Bird Use Of Restored Wetlands in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex

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    Wetland managers use water draw downs to increase productivity of wetland vegetation, especially to benefit foraging waterfowl. I sought to identify effects of three water draw down treatments done over three years (full and partial water draw down, and passive wetlands) on plant community and bird abundance in wetlands of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex in central New York. I detected few plant community differences during summer, but during autumn I detected greater vegetative forage quality index, annual plant cover and seed density in full and partial draw downs and greater vegetation height variation in passive and partial draw downs. Bird abundance was greater in summer in passive wetlands and greater in autumn in full draw downs. During spring migration, duck densities were greater in full and partial draw downs. Management should target full draw downs and passive wetlands to benefit the greatest number and diversity of wetland dependent bird species

    Juvenile Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Ecology

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2008Predicting annual returns of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) has been difficult due to large, unexplained variations in return strength. Ocean conditions, particularly during the first few months after salmon leave freshwater, are believed to have a strong influence on their early marine growth and survival. Limited historical and present research suggests that sea temperature can affect juvenile Bristol Bay distribution. During years with cool spring sea temperatures, juvenile sockeye salmon are distributed nearshore along the Alaska Peninsula, whereas they are found further offshore during years with warm spring sea temperatures. Juvenile sockeye salmon are larger, in better condition, and have higher marine stage survival after the first year at sea when they are distributed further offshore than when they are distributed nearshore along the Alaska Peninsula. Juvenile sockeye salmon stomach contents also shift from primarily Pacific sand lance ( Ammodytes hexapterus) and euphausiids to age 0 walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma) when their distribution changes from nearshore to further offshore. Annual averages of juvenile sockeye salmon growth rate potential (GRP) were generally lower among years and regions with cool spring sea temperatures. In addition, juvenile sockeye salmon GRP was generally higher in offshore regions than nearshore regions of the eastern Bering Sea shelf. A sensitivity analysis indicated that juvenile sockeye salmon GRP was more sensitive to changes in observed (August to September) sea surface temperatures during years when prey densities were lower. The results of the dissertation suggest that variability in early marine survival is primarily due to bottom-up control of the trophic structure of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem

    Growth Rate Potential of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon in Warmer and Cooler Years on the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf

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    A spatially explicit bioenergetics model was used to predict juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka growth rate potential (GRP) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf during years with cooler and warmer spring sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Annual averages of juvenile sockeye salmon GRP were generally lower among years with cooler SSTs and generally higher in offshore than nearshore regions of the eastern Bering Sea shelf during years with warmer SSTs. Juvenile sockeye salmon distribution was significantly (P<.05) related to GRP and their prey densities were positively related to spring SST (P<.05). Juvenile sockeye salmon GRP was more sensitive to changes in prey density and observed SSTs during years when spring SSTs were warmer (2002, 2003, and 2005). Our results suggest that the pelagic productivity on the eastern Bering Sea shelf was higher during years with warmer spring SSTs and highlight the importance of bottom-up control on the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem

    Oxygen isotope geochemistry of oceanic-arc lava

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    Variations of oxygen isotope ratios in arc-related lavas can constrain the contributions of subducted crustal igneous rocks, sediments, and fluids to the sub-arc mantle. We have measured oxygen isotope ratios in 72 arc and back-arc lavas from five ocean–ocean subduction zone systems using laser-fluorination analyses of olivine and other phenocrysts and glass. Eighty percent of our samples have {delta}18O values for any given phase (olivine, plagioclase, glass, or biotite) within 0·2{per thousand} of the average value for that phase in upper-mantle peridotites and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB); the range for each phase is <=1·0{per thousand}. This result contrasts with previous studies of whole-rock samples (which are significantly more variable even after exclusion of samples believed to be altered or fractionated by magmatic differentiation) and demonstrates that most arc-related lavas contain <=1–2% of 18O-enriched crustal oxygen from any source (i.e. assimilation or subducted contributions). Elevations in {delta}18O that do occur in these basic, arc-derived magmas relative to values most common for mantle-derived lavas are associated both with ‘enriched’ radiogenic isotope signatures and, even more strongly, with chemical indices consistent with high integrated extents of melting of their peridotite sources. We interpret these relationships as evidence that melting in the sources of the high-{delta}18O lavas we have studied was fluxed by addition of high-{delta}18O aqueous fluid (or perhaps a hydrous melt) from the subducted slab, such that sources that contain relatively large components of slab-derived fluid or melt are both relatively 18O enriched and also experienced relatively large amounts of melting. We have developed a quantitative model linking the amount of melting to the extents of 18O, radiogenic isotope, and trace-element enrichment in a mantle source being fluxed by addition of aqueous fluid. Comparison of this model with observed variations in the geochemistry of lavas from the Vanuatu–Fiji–New Caledonia region (the suite of related samples showing the greatest range in {delta}18O observed in this study) constrains the amounts and chemical and isotopic compositions of slab-derived phases in the sources of these arc-related lavas. Assuming a {delta}18O value of 20{per thousand} for the slab-derived fluid, 0·5–1·0 wt % is added to the sources of most mantle-derived arc magmas; the maximum amount of slab-derived flux in the sources of arc magmas according to our results is 2·5 wt %

    The Northeast Pacific GLOBEC Program: Coastal Gulf of Alaska

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    (First Paragraph) The Gulf of Alaska (GOA) continental shelf encompasses approximately 370,000 km2, or about 13% of the U.S. continental shell and supports a rich and diverse marine ecosystem including some of the largest commercial fisheries in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Of particular economic importance is the salmon fishery, which was worth on the order of $170 million (landed value) in 2000 accrued from a catch of over 100 million fish. However, there is considerable variability on both interannual and longer time scales in harvest and recruitment success to this and other GOA fisheries. Of recent interest are compelling indications that abundances of salmon, other fish species, and zooplankton vary on decadal scales in association with North Pacific basin-scale climate changes (Beamish, 1995; Mantua et al., 1997; Roemmich and McGowan, 1995; Brodeur et al., 1996; Francis et al., 1998; Anderson and Piatt, 1999; Hollowed et al., 2001)

    Flux and size fractionation of He-3 in interplanetary dust from Antarctic ice core samples

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286 (2009): 565-569, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.07.024.Accretion of extraterrestrial material to earth is of interest for a variety of reasons, including as a possible driver of long or short-term climate change, and as a record of solar system events preserved in the geological record. 3He is highly enriched in extraterrestrial material, and provides a useful tracer of its input into sedimentary archives. Previous work showed that polar ice could be a suitable archive for studying variations in extraterrestrial input. Additional measurements reported here confirm that the late Quaternary 3He flux derived from Antarctic ice samples is similar to 3He fluxes determined from marine sediments. The mean flux from nine replicate ~ 1 kg ice samples from the Vostok ice core site (112-115 m depth, age of ~ 3800 years) is 1.25 ± 0.37 x 10-12 cm3 STP cm-2 ka-1 (mean ± 2se). The large range for the 9 replicates is probably due to the small number of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) present, and illustrates that large ice samples are required for precise constraints on temporal variations in the 3He flux. Size fraction experiments show that the majority of the 3He flux is delivered by particles in the 5-10 micron size range, consistent with the hypothesis that helium in IDPs is primarily solar helium implanted in particle surfaces.We thank the National Science Foundation (OPP-9909384 and OPP 99069663) and NASA (NAG5-9345) for financial support

    Early marine growth in relation to marine-stage survival rates for Alaska sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

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    We tested the hypothesis that larger juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, have higher marine-stage survival rates than smaller juvenile salmon. We used scales from returning adults (33 years of data) and trawl samples of juveniles (n= 3572) collected along the eastern Bering Sea shelf during August through September 2000−02. The size of juvenile sockeye salmon mirrored indices of their marine-stage survival rate (e.g., smaller fish had lower indices of marine-stage survival rate). However, there was no relationship between the size of sockeye salmon after their first year at sea, as estimated from archived scales, and brood-year survival size was relatively uniform over the time series, possibly indicating size-selective mortality on smaller individuals during their marine residence. Variation in size, relative abundance, and marine-stage survival rate of juvenile sockeye salmon is likely related to ocean conditions affecting their early marine migratory pathways along the eastern Bering Sea shelf

    Twenty million years of continuous deformation along theKarakorum fault, western Tibet: A thermochronological analysis.

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    The role of the Karakorum fault zone (KFZ) is debated. South of 33°N, ongoing dextral-oblique slip along the SW edge of the Gar basin exhumes metamorphic and magmatic rocks of the Ayilari range. Minerals have recorded a continuum of deformation from temperatures >600–400°C down to 20 Ma of deformation along the fault. Greenschist facies deformation superimposed upon the medium- to high-grade deformation marks a kinematic change from pure dextral to dextral-normal motion associated with the onset of rapid cooling. At the regional scale, the coexistence of transtension in the Gar basin with transpression documented along the Pangong range farther north suggests another example of the ‘‘zipper tectonics'' model developed along the Red River fault. The kinematic shift induced the rise of the Ayilari range starting at 16–12 Ma and the incision of major river courses. The Indus River might have become captive of the relief at this time. The river's 120 km of apparent offset implies dextral motion at a long-term rate of ca 8.5 ± 1.5 mm/yr

    Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Danielson, S. L., Grebmeier, J. M., Iken, K., Berchok, C., Britt, L., Dunton, K. H., Eisner, L., V. Farley, E., Fujiwara, A., Hauser, D. D. W., Itoh, M., Kikuchi, T., Kotwicki, S., Kuletz, K. J., Mordy, C. W., Nishino, S., Peralta-Ferriz, C., Pickart, R. S., Stabeno, P. S., Stafford. K. M., Whiting, A. V., & Woodgate, R. Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks. Oceanography, 35(2), (2022): 52, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2022.119.Ongoing scientific programs that monitor marine environmental and ecological systems and changes comprise an informal but collaborative, information-rich, and spatially extensive network for the Alaskan Arctic continental shelves. Such programs reflect contributions and priorities of regional, national, and international funding agencies, as well as private donors and communities. These science programs are operated by a variety of local, regional, state, and national agencies, and academic, Tribal, for-profit, and nongovernmental nonprofit entities. Efforts include research ship and autonomous vehicle surveys, year-long mooring deployments, and observations from coastal communities. Inter-program coordination allows cost-effective leveraging of field logistics and collected data into value-added information that fosters new insights unattainable by any single program operating alone. Coordination occurs at many levels, from discussions at marine mammal co-management meetings and interagency meetings to scientific symposia and data workshops. Together, the efforts represented by this collection of loosely linked long-term monitoring programs enable a biologically focused scientific foundation for understanding ecosystem responses to warming water temperatures and declining Arctic sea ice. Here, we introduce a variety of currently active monitoring efforts in the Alaskan Arctic marine realm that exemplify the above attributes.Funding sources include the following: ALTIMA: BOEM M09PG00016, M12PG00021, and M13PG00026; AMBON: NOPP-NA14NOS0120158 and NOPP-NA19NOS0120198; Bering Strait moorings: NSF-OPP-AON-PLR-1758565, NSF-OPP-PLR-1107106; BLE-LTER: NSF-OPP-1656026; CEO: NPRB-L36, ONR N000141712274 and N000142012413; DBO: NSF-AON-1917469 and NOAA-ARP CINAR-22309.07; HFR, AOOS Arctic glider, and Passive Acoustics at CEO and Bering Strait: NA16NOS0120027; WABC: NSF-OPP-1733564. JAMSTEC: partial support by ArCS Project JPMXD1300000000 and ArCS II Project JPMXD1420318865; Seabird surveys: BOEM M17PG00017, M17PG00039, and M10PG00050, and NPRB grants 637, B64, and B67. This publication was partially funded by the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies (CICOES) under NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA20OAR4320271, and represents contribution 2021-1163 to CICOES, EcoFOCI-1026, and 5315 to PMEL. This is NPRB publication ArcticIERP-43
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