17 research outputs found


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    Pollen managements consisted of suitable harvest timing, pollen drying to a certain misturecontent, pollen viability testing, and pollen storage. Maize pollen was sensitive todesiccation. This experiment was aimed to determine preservation technique in reducingpollen water content while maintaining its viability. Maize variety which used in thisresearch was BIMA 3 as male line hybrid maize. Pollen viability testing used potassiumiodide (KI) 1%. This experiment used randomized block design with 3 factors and 2 replicates, i.e. boron (H3BO3) fertilizers (0 and 3 kg ha-1), drying techniques (MgCl2, silicagel, zeolite and preservation in air-cond room (18±1 °C; RH 43%), and drying periods (0,2, 4, 6 and 8 hours). The observation response of this experiment were viability and pollen weight changing. The result showed that there is no interaction between three factors to observation response, while drying technique and drying period combinations showed interactions to observation response. Pollen maize drying used silica gel for 4 hours was able to decline much pollen weight and maintain pollen viability better than other techniques.Pollen managements consisted of suitable harvest timing, pollen drying to a certain misture content, pollen viability testing, and pollen storage. Maize pollen was sensitive to desiccation. This experiment was aimed to determine preservation technique in reducing pollen water content while maintaining its viability. Maize variety which used in this research was BIMA 3 as male line hybrid maize. Pollen viability testing used potassium iodide (KI) 1%. This experiment used randomized block design with 3 factors and 2 replicates, i.e. boron (H3BO3) fertilizers (0 and 3 kg ha-1 ), drying techniques (MgCl2, silica gel, zeolite, preservation in air-cond room (18±1 °C; RH43%), and drying periods (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 hours). The observation response of this experiment were viability and pollen weight changing. The result showed that there is no interaction between three factors to observation response, while drying technique and drying period combinations showed interactions to observation response. Pollen maize drying used silica gel for 4 hours was able to decline much pollen weight and maintain pollen viability better than other techniques

    Pemanfaatan Sampah Rumah Tangga sebagai Pupuk Kompos di Desa Sebanen, Kalisat, Jember

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    Farmers in Sebanen village still apply conventional farming systems, where chemical fertilizers are considered to result in good and profitable yields. The intensive use of chemical fertilizers and the lack of information on household waste usage as compost is used as the basis for implementing community service in Sebanen. The activity is carried out in several stages, namely initial preparation, counseling, practice, and evaluation. Initial preparations were made to request permission for community service activity from the village head and head of RT 01 RW 01. Counseling and practice were carried out with interactive lecture methods about an-organic and organic fertilizers, also how to process household waste to become compost. The activity evaluation was held three weeks after the counseling activity. The production of compost from household waste went smoothly as indicated by the enthusiastic responses of participants asking questions. Information about simple composting methods had already generated interest for participants to practice on their own at home. Approximately 40% of the participants have made compost from household waste independently and have applied it to vegetable and ornamental plants in the participants yards.Petani di Desa Sebanen masih menerapkan sistem pertanian konvensional, dimana pupuk kimia dianggap memberikan hasil panen yang baik serta menguntungkan. Penggunaan pupuk kimia yang intensif serta minimnya informasi pemanfaatan sampah rumah tangga sebagai pupuk kompos dijadikan dasar dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Sebanen. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu persiapan awal, penyuluhan, praktek, dan evaluasi. Persiapan awal dilakukan untuk meminta izin pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada kepala desa dan ketua RT 01 RW 01. Penyuluhan dan praktek dilakukan sekaligus dengan metode ceramah interaktif tentang pupuk anorganik dan organik serta cara pengolahan limbah rumah tangga untuk pupuk kompos. Kegiatan evaluasi dilaksanakan tiga minggu setelah kegiatan penyuluhan. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pupuk kompos berbahan dasar sampah rumah tangga berjalan lancar ditunjukkan dengan respon peserta pelatihan yang sangat baik dan antusias dalam mengajukan pertanyaan. Informasi tentang pembuatan kompos sederhana yang sudah dilakukan menimbulkan minat bagi peserta untuk mencoba mempraktikkan sendiri di rumah. Sekitar 40% dari peserta pelatihan sudah membuat pupuk kompos berbahan sampah rumah tangga secara mandiri dan telah diaplikasikan pada tanaman sayur dan hias yang ada di pekarangan rumah peserta

    Upaya Optimalisasi Lahan Pekarangan melalui Pelatihan Teknik Budidaya Cabai Rawit Terpadu dan Inisiasi Pembentukan KWT pada Kelompok Hidayah Tani di Jember, Jawa Timur

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    Hidayah Tani Farmers Group is a farmer's institution in Jember, East Java. The potential for large cayenne pepper productivity is around 523 tons, but most members of the Farmers Group still prioritize farming with rice-rice-palawija and rice-rice-tobacco cropping patterns. Meanwhile, cayenne pepper as a local potential has not become a priority because of the lack of technical knowledge about cayenne pepper cultivation. This group has several needs in terms of assistance and economic empowerment through farmer group institutions. Through group-based institutions, farmers can get counseling and assistance related to the cultivation of cayenne pepper in an integrated manner by utilizing their yards. Service activities are carried out through socialization of service programs, providing integrated cayenne pepper cultivation assistance, conducting counseling related to institutional strengthening of farmer groups, and monitoring and evaluation. Farmers' responses to the implementation of the mentoring program showed that the participants' perception of the cayenne pepper cultivation technique was good, and the women agreed that there would be a Women Farmers Group formed

    Potensi Hasil Varietas Padi Sawah Irigasi terhadap Reduksi Dosis Pupuk Nitrogen

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    Pemupukan nitrogen dalam bentuk urea pada pertanaman padi sawah di kelurahan Tegal Gede yang melebihi standar sudah umum dilakukan oleh petani. Dosis N berlebihan tidak mampu dimanfaatkan oleh tanaman secara maksimal sehingga meninggalkan residu di tanah dan berpotensi mencemari lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang potensi hasil padi sawah irigasi terhadap reduksi pupuk nitrogen. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Kebun Percobaan UPT Agroteknopark, Universitas Jember. Kandungan hara N pada media tanam termasuk rendah (0,17%). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAK faktorial, terdiri dari dosis N 0, 100 (40% 250 kg Urea ha-1), dan 250 kg Urea ha-1 (100% 250 kg Urea ha-1) serta varietas padi sawah irigasi (Way Apo Buru dan Inpari 33). Parameter hasil yang diamati adalah gabah isi (butir), gabah kopong (butir), total gabah (butir), persentase gabah isi (%), persentase gabah kopong (%), jumlah malai (malai), rata-rata panjang malai (cm) dan bobot 1000 butir (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah gabah isi, total gabah, jumlah malai yang tertinggi diperoleh dari pemupukan 250 kg Urea ha-1. Pemupukan 100 kg Urea ha-1 pada Inpari 33 sudah cukup menurunkan jumlah gabah kopong dan meningkatkan panjang malai. Bobot 1000 butir tidak dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan dosis N maupun varietas, namun dosis 100 kg Urea ha-1 menghasilkan bobot 1000 butir yang tertinggi meskipun tidak berbeda nyata dengan dosis 0 dan 250 kg Urea ha-1. Persentase gabah isi lebih banyak dihasilkan pada Inpari 33, sementara Way Apo Buru paling banyak menghasilkan persentase gabah kopong. Tanaman tanpa pemberian pupuk N menghasilkan jumlah gabah isi yang tidak berbeda dengan 100 kg Urea ha-1, menunjukkan bahwa lahan pertanaman di kelurahan Tegal Gede masih bisa digunakan untuk budidaya padi sawah

    Penyimpanan Serbuk Sari Jagung dan Potensinya untuk Produksi Benih Hibrida

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    Production of maize hybrid seed is hindered by relatively poor production by the male line pollen; short live of the pollen which was ascribed to desiccation and dehydration sensitive and flowering asynchrony between male and female lines. The aims of this study were to enhance production and viability of male line pollen and also to determine the suitable storage condition for maintaining pollen viability in order to be used for production of hybrid seed. The research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was arranged in split plot randomized block design with NPK dosages as main plot (0, 300, 600, 900 kg ha-1) and application of boron as sub-plot (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 kg ha-1), replicated three times. The second experiment used randomized block design with two factors, i.e. storage temperature (-196 oC and -20 oC) and storage period (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks). The result showed that NPK 900 kg ha-1 increased the number of spike per tassel from 9.3 to 10.7. Application of NPK 600 kg ha-1 or boron 1.5 kg ha-1 improved pollen viability. Combination of NPK 900 kg ha-1 and boron 6 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest pollen viability of 95.3%. Pollen after being stored for four weeks either in -196 ºC or -20 ºC was possible to be used for seed production with 20% seed set

    Pematahan Dormansi Benih Selada menggunakan Konsentrasi Benzyladenine dan Penyinaran yang Berbed: Lettuce Seed Dormancy Breaking using Different Radiation and Benzyladenine Concentration

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    Dormansi sekunder pada benih selada karena suhu tinggi dan gelap menyebabkan rendahnya perkecambahan di persemaian. Masalah dormansi pada benih selada harus diatasi untuk mendapatkan benih yang bermutu tinggi. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok faktorial, terdiri dari konsentrasi 6-benzyladenine (BA) (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1 mM) dan perlakuan penyinaran (terang, gelap, cahaya merah 1 jam, cahaya merah 2 jam, cahaya merah 3 jam) dengan 3 ulangan. Varietas selada yang digunakan adalah Grand Rapids dan Ava Red. Parameter yang diamati adalah persentase daya berkecambah (DB), indeks vigor (IV), kecepatan tumbuh (KCT), dan benih segar tidak tumbuh (BSTT). Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA, perlakuan yang berpengaruh nyata diuji lanjut menggunakan Duncan Multiple Range Test pada taraf α = 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih selada Grand Rapids tanpa direndam BA menghasilkan %DB (39.20), IV (26.13), KCT (12.04) yang tinggi, serta BSTT yang rendah (6.13). Benih Grand Rapids yang dikecambahkan pada kondisi terang menghasilkan %IV tertinggi (26.93). Penyinaran cahaya merah selama satu jam tanpa direndam BA menghasilkan %DB (76.00) dan KCT (29.98) benih Ava Red yang tinggi. Persentase IV tertinggi pada benih Ava Red didapatkan dari benih tanpa direndam BA (53.33) dan dikecambahkan pada kondisi terang (34.93). Kata kunci: BAP, cahaya merah, fotodormansi, skotodormansiSecondary dormancy in lettuce seeds which is triggered by high temperatures and darkness is caused low germination in nurseries. This issue must be solved to obtain high-quality seeds. The experimental design used factorial randomized complete block design, i.e., 6-benzyladenine concentration (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1 mM) and radiation treatment (light, dark, red light 1, 2, 3 hours) with 3 replicates. The lettuce varieties used Grand Rapids (GR) and Ava Red (AR). The parameters observed were the percentage of seed germination (SG), seed vigor index (SVI), seed growth rate (SGR), and fresh seed that did not grow (FSdnG). Data were analyzed using ANOVA, the treatment which showed significant effect further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test at α = 5%. The result showed that GR seed without BA soaking resulted in higher SG (39.20%), SVI (26.13%), SGR (12.04%), also lower FSdnG (6.13%). The highest percentage of SVI in GR seed was reported on light treatment (26.93%). Radiation of red light for 1 hour without seed soaking in BA produced higher SG (76%) and SGR (29.98%) in Ava Red. The highest percentage of SVI in Ava Red was obtained from seeds without soaking in BA (53.33%) and germinated in light conditions (34.93%).Keywords: BAP, photodormancy, red light, skotodormanc

    Adaptasi Ekonomi Rumah Tangga di Desa Sukowiryo Kabupaten Jember melalui Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran secara Vertikultur

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    The paddy-paddy-palawija or paddy-paddy-tobacco cropping pattern is generally cultivated by most of members Hidayah Tani group in Sukowiryo Village, Jelbuk district, Jember. Meanwhile vegetables are rarely cultivated in there. Vegetable cultivation in yard around the house using verticulture is one of the household economic adaptation efforts during pandemic for increasing income. The aim of this community service are provide knowledge and insight about alternative uses of yard around the house for vegetable cultivation using verticulture, improve family welfares, and environmentally sustainable agriculture implementation. The method used in this program are preparation, socialization, training, and evaluation approaches. The results of this program showed that the community was enthusiastic in vegetable cultivation using verticulture, because its efficient built on limited yard, easy and simple to built in, could increase household income if its commercialized, supporting family food security, easy to get healty food, verticulture building is easy to move

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sukamakmur Kabupaten Jember Dalam Budidaya Lobster Air Tawar

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    Sukamakmur Village is a village located in Ajung District, Jember Regency with residents making a living as farmers and cultivating freshwater fish. The location of Sukamakmur Village is very prospective for freshwater fish cultivation because of its strategic location in getting water, and the type of fish being cultivated is catfish. In the last period, most of the people who cultivate catfish have gone out of business due to increasing feed prices while the selling value of catfish is unable to cover. The purpose of this community service program is to increase the standard of living and welfare of the people of Sukamakmur Village through the cultivation of freshwater crayfish as a substitute for catfish commodities. The method used for service program activities is through socialization, training, mentoring, and evaluation approaches. The results of the activity show that the community is enthusiastic in implementing freshwater crayfish cultivation because the cultivation method is very easy and requires low costs. Another result obtained is that the community can start new businesses, especially those that have gone out of business due to catfish cultivation so that they can bounce back in increasing their incom


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    The aim of this study is to identify the arrowroot morphology characters and its distribution pattern in Jember District, East Java Province. Plant inventory was carried out in 6 sub-districts, i.e. Arjasa, Sumbersari, Silo, Tanggul, Semboro, and Wuluhan from July to October 2021 using survey method. The sampling technique was done by accidental sampling. The results of dendogram analysis based on morphological characters showed that Sumbersari, Wuluhan, and Arjasa were sub-district areas with a lot of arrowroots, if compared to other 3 sub-districts. Three main groups were formed based on the similarity of arrowroot morphological characters, accessions from geographically adjacent sub-district or village had greater morphological similarities. Leaf length has a close relationship with leaf width, leaf sheath length, and leaf petiole diameter. The distance between stem segments has a correlation with stem height. The longest fibrous roots and stem diameter contributed less to arrowroot diversity. The number of internodes positively correlated with tuber circumference, tuber length, and tuber weight. Arrowroot plant accessions grew in groups according to certain morphological characteristics, which was also showed a close relationship between these accessions.    Keywords: accession, arrowroot, genetic relationship, morphological characteristicPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik morfologi tanaman garut dan pola penyebarannya di Kabupaten Jember Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kegiatan inventarisasi dilaksanakan di 6 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Arjasa, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kecamatan Silo, Kecamatan Tanggul, kecamatan Semboro, dan Kecamatan Wuluhan mulai bulan Juli 2021 sampai Oktober 2021 dengan metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara accidental sampling. Hasil analisis dendogram berdasarkan karakter morfologi menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan Sumbersari, Wuluhan dan Arjasa merupakan daerah yang cukup banyak ditemukan tanaman garut dibandingkan 3 Kecamatan lainnya. Terbentuk tiga kelompok utama berdasarkan kemiripan karakter morfologi dari aksesi garut yang diperoleh, umumnya aksesi dari kecamatan atau desa yang berdekatan secara geografis memiliki kemiripan morfologi yang lebih besar. Panjang daun memiliki keeratan hubungan dengan lebar helai daun, panjang pelepah daun dan diameter tangkai daun. Jarak antar ruas batang memiliki korelasi dengan tinggi batang. Akar serabut terpanjang dan diameter batang kurang berkontribusi terhadap keragaman garut. Jumlah ruas berkorelasi positif dengan lingkar umbi, panjang umbi dan bobot umbi. Aksesi tanaman garut tumbuh berkelompok sesuai dengan karakteristik morfologi tertentu, yang juga menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan di antara aksesi tersebut.   Kata kunci: aksesi, garut, hubungan kekerabatan, karakteristik morfolog