24 research outputs found

    Amalan Senaman dan Kandungan Kolesterol

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    Everyone needs cholesterol. But, make sure the level of cholesterol in our body is not too high. If the cholesterol level is too high, may be our body will facing a few of diseases such as coronarie heart disease, hypertention, stroke, aterosclerosis, etc. Related to this issue, this article will elaborate some aspect  related to the risk of high level of cholesterol, the factors that causes the high cholesterol, the exercise effect on  the cholesterol level and the related theories. Based on this  theories hopefully we will aware about the important of doing exercises to decrease cholesterol leve

    Youth Substance Use: A Critical Analysis of Tensions Between Federal Policy Discourse and Frontline Service Provision in Ontario

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    Substance use ranging from experimentation to problematic use and addiction is most common among youth and young adults. Evidence shows that the earlier in life individuals begin to use substances, the higher the risk for substance misuse. Adolescence and young adulthood are life stages when behaviours and habits become established. They are also periods of social and developmental change as youth navigate through challenges and transition through social roles. In order to respond to substance use issues in Ontario, the substance use service provider arena is guided by federal policies and offers a range of services from both public and private domains, intended to support youth experiencing substance use issues. My dissertation had three objectives: 1) to assess the experience of frontline service providers to shed light on their perspectives on challenges faced by youth who use substances; 2) to critically evaluate representations of substance use among youth in a federal substance use strategy document that informs provincial level practice; and 3) to assess the policy implications of the tensions between dominant representations of substance use in policy documents and the lived experience of frontline service workers in the field of substance use for policy, practice and equity. To achieve these objectives, I conducted an online survey of Ontario service providers recruited from youth-oriented addiction substance use treatment organizations, I followed up with qualitative key informant interviews of a sub-sample of willing survey participants, and I assessed dominant representations of the problem of substance use using the critical policy approach of WPR (Bacchi, 1999), through an examination of the National Canadian Drugs and Substance Use Strategy (CDSS). My findings revealed significant tensions between theory and practice. While frontline providers expressed the need for harm-reduction, non-pharmacological and prevention initiatives for youth, the National Strategy downplayed this need, as well as the significance of the social determinants of health, while largely framing the behaviours of users of substance as falling under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system. I offer policy recommendations on how to reduce the identified gaps between dominant representations and practice and propose strategies to encourage policy makers to develop youth-appropriate substance use reduction policies

    Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Kelapa Menggunakan Microwave : Penggunaan Katalis KOH dengan Konsentrasi Rendah

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    Penelitian pembuatan methyl ester (biodiesel) dari minyak kelapa dengan katalis KOH dengan bantuan gelombang mikro (microwave) di latar belakangi oleh adanya krisis energi sehingga memerlukan metode baru untuk membuat renewable energy dalam hal ini adalah biodiesel. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari proses pembuatan biodiesel dengan metode radiasi microwave, pengaruh konsentrasi katalis KOH, pengaruh daya, waktu pemanasan yang digunakan terhadap yield dan viskositas biodiesel yang dihasilkan. Pembuatan methyl ester (biodiesel) dari minyak kelapa dilakukan dengan perbandingan mol minyak : metanol = 1 : 9. Biodiesel yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisa dengan uji viskositas, uji flash point, dan uji gas chromatography (GC). Yield optimum pada pembuatan methyl ester dari minyak kelapa dengan metode microwave-assisted transesterification untuk katalis KOH adalah konsentrasi 0,5% dengan daya 400 watt dan waktu reaksi 4 menit

    Pembangunan industi halal: kajian perbandingan prosedur dan proses pensijilan halal dan pengauditan serta cabaran dihadapi oleh Malaysia dan Thailand

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    Industri dan pasaran produk halal di peringkat global semakin menunjukkan perkembangan yang memberangsangkan selari dengan peningkatan jumlah umat Islam di dunia. Ini menyebabkan peningkatan permintaan terhadap produk seperti makanan, kosmetik, perubatan dan bahan gunaan halal. Berdasarkan kepada potensi ini, Malaysia dan Thailand telah mula mengorak langkah untuk menjadi negara hab halal dunia. Oleh itu, sudah pasti kedua-dua buah negara ini akan memastikan pensijilan halal mengikut konsep halalan thoyyiban yang bersifat komprehensif dan universal. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aspek prosedur dan proses protokol pensijilan halal dan pengauditan serta cabaran yang dihadapi dalam usaha membangunkan industri halal di kedua-dua buah negara. Metod yang digunakan adalah menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif yang merangkumi temubual bersemuka bersama pihak-pihak terlibat dan analisis dokumen daripada sumber jurnal, website dan internet. Secara keseluruhannya, dapat dirumuskan bahawa, walaupun mempunyai latar belakang agama, kependudukan dan sosio-ekonomi yang berbeza, kedua-dua negara iaitu Malaysia dan Thailand masih berpegang kepada konsep halalan thoyyiban yang berteraskan Al-Quran dan Sunnah. Dari segi proses dan prosedur, Malaysia menguruskan pensijilan halal mengikut skim yang berbeza manakala di Thailand hanya mengguna pakai satu proses untuk semua produk. Selain itu, di Malaysia, permohonan boleh dilakukan secara online, manakala Thailand masih menggunakan sistem manual. Dari segi cabaran yang dihadapi pula, kedua-dua negara menghadapi isu yang hampir sama iaitu i) tiada akta halal yang jelas, ii) aktiviti penyeludupan yang masih berleluasa, iii) ketidakmampuan pemasaran efisien, iv) kurangnya pemahaman orang awam dan, v) sikap degil peniaga dan pengusaha mematuhi prosedur

    Changes in substance supply and use characteristics among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the COVID-19 global pandemic: A national qualitative assessment in Canada

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    BACKGROUND: People who use drugs (PWUD) may be at an increased risk of experiencing negative effects related to COVID-19. Border and non-essential service closures may have placed PWUD at an increased risk of experiencing unintended consequences regarding drug consumption and supply patterns, as well as related outcomes. However, the extent of these effects upon this population is unknown. The current study examined how COVID-19 has impacted substance use supply and use characteristics among a national cohort of PWUD in Canada. METHODS: We conducted semi-structured one-on-one telephone-based interviews with 200 adult PWUD across Canada who were currently using a licit or illicit psychoactive substance at least weekly, and/or currently receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). Thematic analyses were conducted using qualitative software. RESULTS: PWUD attributed adverse changes to their substance use frequency, supply, use patterns, and risk behaviors and outcomes to COVID-19. Many participants noted supply disruptions with the majority indicating a decrease in potency and availability, and an increase in the price of substances since COVID-19. Nearly half of participants specified that they had increased their substance use, with some experiencing relapses. In terms of changes to risk level, many participants perceived they were at a greater risk for experiencing an overdose. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the impacts of COVID-19 on PWUD, including a significant disruption substance supply. For many, these changes led to increased use and substitution for toxic and adulterated substances, which ultimately amplified PWUD's risk for experiencing related harms, including overdoses. These findings warrant the need for improved supports and services, as well as accessibility of safe supply programs, take home naloxone kits, and novel approaches to ensure PWUD have the tools necessary to mitigate risk when using substances

    Proses Pembuatan Methyl Ester (Biodisel) dari Minyak Kelapa Menggunakan Katalis Naoh Konsentrasi Rendah Dengan Bantuan Gelombang Mikro (Mikrowave)

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    Prosiding Konser Karya Ilmiah Nasional 2016. “Komunikasi Hasil Riset, Pengabdian Masyarakat, Dan Produk-Produk Unggulan Yang Berdaya Saing”, p. 23-28Research production process of methyl ester (biodiesel) from coconut oil using NaOH Catalyst with Microwave-assisted Transesterification in the background backs by the energy crisis that requires a new method to create renewable energy in this case is biodiesel. The purpose of this research is to study the process of making biodiesel with microwave radiation method, the effect of the catalyst concentration of NaOH, the influence of power, heating time used to the yield and viscosity of biodiesel produced. Production of methyl esters (biodiesel) from coconut oil carried by oil mole ratio: methanol = 1: 9. Biodiesel is then analyzed to the viscosity test, flash point test, and gas chromatography (GC). The optimum yield in the manufacture of methyl esters (biodiesel) from coconut oil with microwave-assisted method for the transesterification catalyst is NaOH concentration of 0.25% with a power of 400 watts and a reaction time of 4 minutes

    The increase in benzodiazepine-laced drugs and related risks in Canada: the urgent need for effective and sustainable solutions.

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    The overdose crisis in Canada has continuously evolved and is increasingly challenging to contain, while efforts from governments and policymakers to address it have often fallen short and resulted in unintended consequences. One of the main repercussions has been an unprecedented rise in adulterants in the illegal drug supply, including a wide array of pharmacological and psychoactive compounds and chemicals, which has resulted in a progressively toxic drug supply. Most recently, there has been a stark increase in synthetic benzodiazepine-laced opioids (i.e., 'benzodope') in some Canadian jurisdictions. This unique combination carries distinct and amplified risks for people who use drugs including fatal and non-fatal overdoses, increased dependence and withdrawal symptoms, and places them in extremely vulnerable positions. The emergence of benzodiazepines within the illicit drug supply has substantially contributed to drug-related morbidity and mortality in Canada, and has further complicated current public health initiatives and overdose prevention efforts. This reality underscores the need for effective and sustainable policy solutions to address the evolving overdose epidemic including increased knowledge and education on the specific harms of opioid and benzodiazepine co-use (especially in regards to the complexity of opioid/benzodiazepine overdoses), scaling-up harm reduction measures, and eliminating the toxic drug supply altogether

    Changes in substance supply and use characteristics among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the COVID-19 global pandemic: a national qualitative assessment in Canada.

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    BACKGROUND: People who use drugs (PWUD) may be at an increased risk of experiencing negative effects related to COVID-19. Border and non-essential service closures may have placed PWUD at an increased risk of experiencing unintended consequences regarding drug consumption and supply patterns, as well as related outcomes. However, the extent of these effects upon this population is unknown. The current study examined how COVID-19 has impacted substance use supply and use characteristics among a national cohort of PWUD in Canada. METHODS: We conducted semi-structured one-on-one telephone-based interviews with 200 adult PWUD across Canada who were currently using a licit or illicit psychoactive substance at least weekly, and/or currently receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). Thematic analyses were conducted using qualitative software. RESULTS: PWUD attributed adverse changes to their substance use frequency, supply, use patterns, and risk behaviors and outcomes to COVID-19. Many participants noted supply disruptions with the majority indicating a decrease in potency and availability, and an increase in the price of substances since COVID-19. Nearly half of participants specified that they had increased their substance use, with some experiencing relapses. In terms of changes to risk level, many participants perceived they were at a greater risk for experiencing an overdose. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the impacts of COVID-19 on PWUD, including a significant disruption substance supply. For many, these changes led to increased use and substitution for toxic and adulterated substances, which ultimately amplified PWUD's risk for experiencing related harms, including overdoses. These findings warrant the need for improved supports and services, as well as accessibility of safe supply programs, take home naloxone kits, and novel approaches to ensure PWUD have the tools necessary to mitigate risk when using substances

    The impact of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on drug overdose-related deaths in the United States and Canada: a systematic review of observational studies and analysis of public health surveillance data

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    Abstract Background There are preliminary indications that the trajectory of drug overdose-related deaths in North America has been exacerbated due to the novel coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). As such, the impact of COVID-19 on drug overdose-related deaths was examined through a systematic review of the literature and percentage change analyses of surveillance data. Methods Systematic searches in electronic databases were conducted, a topical issue brief and bibliography were reviewed, reference lists of included studies were searched and expert consultations were held to identify studies (Registration # CRD42021230223). Observational studies from the United States and Canada were eligible for inclusion if drug overdose-related deaths were assessed in quantitative or qualitative analyses onwards from at least March 2020. In addition, percentage changes comparing drug overdose-related deaths in the second annual quarter (Q2 2020 [April to June]) with the first annual quarter (Q1 2020 [January to March]) were generated using national and subnational data from public health surveillance systems and reports from jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Results Nine studies were included in the systematic review, eight from the United States and one from Canada. The maximum outcome assessment period in the included studies extended until September 2020. Drug overdose-related deaths after the onset of COVID-19 were higher compared with the months leading up to the pandemic in 2020 and the comparative months in 2019. In additional percentage change analyses, drug overdose-related deaths increased by 2 to 60% in jurisdictions in the United States and by 58% in Canada when comparing Q2 2020 with Q1 2020. Conclusions Drug overdose-related deaths increased after the onset of COVID-19. The current situation necessitates a multi-pronged approach, encompassing expanded access to substance use disorder treatment, undisrupted access to harm reduction services, emphasis on risk reduction strategies, provision of a safe drug supply and decriminalization of drug use