292 research outputs found

    Formulation of Liquorice Root Extract (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) as Skin Whitening Cream

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    Liquorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) contains glabridin, an isoflavane as inhibitors of tyrosinase. This enzyme is responsible in melanin synthesis. The aim of this research was to determine the tyrosinase inhibition activity of liquorice root extract and to formulate into a cream with a variety of emulsifier agent glyceryl monostearate. Liquorice root was macerated using ethanol 96%, invitro tyrosinase inhibition assay was conducted using kojic acid as positive control in 96-well plate. The physical quality parameters of the cream were also evaluated. The results showed that liquorice root extract inhibits tyrosinase with the IC50 126.75 µg/mL. Creams containing 1.01% liquorice root extract were yellowish white, aromatics odour, soft texture, homogen and no segregation in O/W emulsion type. It also showed plastic thixotropic rheological property, viscosity of (2800±0.00) – (4000±0.00) Ps, spreadability of (3029.72±0.81) – (3531.79±6.15)mm2, droplet size of (60.00±0.00) – (65.12±0.01)μm, pH of (4.55±0.03)–(4.63±0.04) and inhibited tyrosinase 10.14 - 19.30%. It can be concluded that the formula with 0.1% of glyceryl monostearate was the best formula that conforms physical quality test and potentially to be developed as a skin whitening cream

    Isolation of potential Trichoderma spp. as biological control agents against rice blast Pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae / Siti Faridah Pauzi

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    Rice is most important source to worldwide, especially in Malaysia in term of economic and as source of food. Moreover, rice is becoming sources of income for smallholder farmers. However, in this globalization the production of rice unable to fulfil the population demand because of the present of diseases. Rice blast is one of major diseases that causes by Pyricularia oryae and known as the most destruction disease that potential to cause 100% loss of yield under a favorable conditions. Although there have a lot of methods to control P. oryzae included use resistant varieties, applying fungicide and rotation farming unfortunately all of those method not long lasting. The aims of these study were to isolate Trichoderma spp. as a biological control agents against P. oryzae and to observe the inhibition of P. oryzae by Trichoderma spp. in vivo assays. Meanwhile, for species level of identify of Trichoderma spp. were done based on colony color and shape of conidia. There five of isolates of Trichoderma spp. which is TH1, TH2, TH3, TH4 and TM1. The potential of Trichoderma spp. to control P. oryzae was observed using dual culture technique. As biological control agent, isolates of Trichoderma spp. showed more than 50% growth inhibition of P. oryzae on the seven days of incubation in dual culture method and TM1 is the most effective among five isolates

    Uji Aktivitas Inhibisi Enzim Tirosinase In-vitro Krim Ekstrak Akar Manis (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)

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    Liquorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) contains glabridin, an isoflavone substance that has the ability to inhibit the oxidation of L-tyrosin and L-DOPA in the formation of melanin, therefore it can be used as skin whitening. The aim of the study was to determine the potential of the best skin whitening cream using positive control of kojic acid. Formulated 1 blank formula, 3 cream formulas using various concentrations of ethanol extract 70% liquorice roots of (0.01, 0.11, 1.01)% based on the value of tyrosinase inhibition activity in vitro from extracts of (50, 75, 100)%. Spectrophotometric method is used to measure the absorption of dopacrome by a microplate reader which was incubated at 37°C at λ 490 nm for 20 minutes. Oil in water cream was prepared by mixing extract with cream base at a temperature of 70-75°C at a speed of 400 rpm for 25 minutes. Stability test was carried out for 4 weeks at room temperature storage and a temperature of 40°C, evaluated for physical quality. The results of determination of IC50 of kojic acid was 20.88 µg / mL; IC50 of extract variation were (126.75; 1130.90; and 10092.41) µg / mL respectively. Cream has milky white-yellowish color; smell of flowers; soft texture; homogeneous; there is no separation; has type M/A; plastic thixotropic flow properties; has an increasing value including viscosity, spreadability, globule size, and pH, which are respectively (455000-620000)cPs, (2695.82-3545.83)mm2, (54.66-66.27)μm , and (4.44-5.04); tyrosinase inhibition activity in formula 1, 2 and 3 were stored at weeks 0, 2nd  and 4th  were respectively (1.78; -25.74; 22.04)%, (6.74; 6, 12; 4.49)%, and (-28.78; 53.06; 20.32)%. It can be concluded that the cream formula containing liquorice root extract with a concentration of 1.01% is the best formula so it can be used as skin whitening.Ekstrak akar manis (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) mengandung senyawa isoflavon glabridin yang dapat menghambat oksidasi l-tirosin dan L-DOPA dalam pembentukan melanin sehingga berkhasiat sebagai pemutih kulit. Tujuan penelitian menentukan potensi terbaik krim pemutih kulit menggunakan kontrol positif asam kojat. Diformulasi 1 formula blangko, 3 formula krim menggunakan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak etanol 70% akar manis (0,01, 0,11, 1,01)% berdasarkan konsentrasi inhibisi tirosinase in vitro ekstrak (IC50, 75, 100)%. Digunakan metode secara spektrofotometri dengan mengukur serapan dopakrom menggunakan microplate reader diinkubasi suhu 37°C, λ 490 nm, 20 menit. Krim M/A dibuat dengan mencampurkan ekstrak bersama basis bersuhu 70-75°C, 400 rpm, 25 menit. Uji stabilitas dilakukan 4 minggu pada penyimpanan suhu kamar dan 40°C, dievaluasi mutu fisiknya. Hasil IC50 asam kojat sebesar 20,88 µg/mL; IC50 variasi ekstrak berturut-turut sebesar (126,75; 1130,90; 10092,41) µg/mL. Krim berwarna putih susu-putih kekuningan; ber-aroma bunga; lembut; homogen; tidak terjadi pemisahan; bertipe M/A; sifat alir tiksotropik plastis; viskositas, kemampuan sebar, ukuran globul, pH semakin meningkat berturut-turut sebesar  (455000- 620000)cPs, (2695,82-3545,83)mm2, (54,66-66,27)μm, (4,44-5,04); aktivitas inhibisi tirosinase formula 1, 2 dan 3 penyimpanan minggu 0, 2 dan 4 berturut-turut sebesar (1,78;-25,74;22,04)%, (6,74;6,12;4,49)%, (-28,78;53,06;20,32)%. Dapat disimpulkan formula krim dengan konsentrasi ekstrak akar manis 1,01% merupakan formula terbaik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pemutih kulit

    Metode hisab awal waktu salat Ahmad Ghozali dalam kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar

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    Kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar fi Ḥisāb Auqāt aṣ-Ṣalāt wa al-Ahillah wa Khusūf al-Qamar (Buah dari beberapa pikiran dalam perhitungan waktu salat, hilal, dan gerhana bulan) yang selanjutnya penulis sebut Ṡamarāt al-Fikar, merupakan salah satu karangan Ahmad Ghazali Muhammad Fathullah dengan metode praktis yang bisa diaplikasikan oleh orang awam dalam menentukan awal waktu salat sepanjang masa. Sistem perhitungan kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar termasuk hisab kontemporer dengan menyajikan tabel hasil waktu salat secara langsung. Dalam pembuatan jadwal waktu salat kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar menggunakan tinggi Matahari -1° untuk Magrib dan terbit, -18° untuk Isya, -20° untuk Subuh, dan 4,5° untuk Duha dengan mengambil data Matahari pada jam 12 UT/GMT. Hal ini berbeda dengan perhitungan kontemporer yang menggunakan koreksi dalam menentukan ketinggian Mataharinya dengan mengambil data Matahari yang menyesuaikan selisih bujur Greenwich dan bujur daerah. Dalam kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar hanya disajikan jadwal waktu salat dalam bentuk jadi dengan tidak menyertakan proses perhitungan untuk mendapatkan tabel tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian kali ini penulis akan meneliti lebih lanjut bagaimana cara penentuan waktu salat dalam kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar serta akan mengkaji bagaimana proses tabel tersebut diperoleh kemudian akan diuji keakuratannya dengan hisab kontemporer. Dalam rangka mengetahui metode hisab waktu salat kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar serta akurasinya, penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode library research untuk memperoleh data-datanya. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar. Sedangkan data sekundernya diperoleh dari beberapa sumber dokumentasi dan hasil wawancara. Metode pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan dokumentasi serta wawancara dengan pengarang kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar dan para ahli falak untuk memperoleh data-data penguat dan pendukung kitab. Metode analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan komparatif. Sistem perhitungan kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar termasuk hisab kontemporer. Metode penentuan waktu salatnya sangatlah praktis dan memudahkan karena menyajikan data-data waktu salat dengan tabel per-tanggal dan per-lintang tempat. Sehingga untuk menentukan waktu salatnya tinggal melakukan interpolasi dan merubah waktu salat tersebut dari waktu menengah setempat (LMT) ke waktu daerah menurut bujur masing-masing tempat. Setelah dibandingkan dengan hasil kontemporer yang belum memperhitungkan iḥtiyāt, tabel waktu salat tersebut bisa dijadikan pedoman sepanjang masa dan hasil yang diperoleh tidak jauh berbeda (1,84”- 1’ 40,28”). Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa hasil hisab awal waktu salat kitab Ṡamarāt al-Fikar sudah akurat dan dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk ibadah


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    Abstrak Sebagian besar data deret waktu ekonomi dan keuangan, asumsi  kestasioneran varians (heteroskedastisitas)  untuk model Autoregresif (AR), Moving Average (MA), dan Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) adalah ditolak. Bagaimanapun Model Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (ARCH) dan Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) dapat digunakan sebagai asumsi untuk data dengan varians yang tidak stasioner (heteroskedastisitas). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memodelkan nilai tukar dolar terhadap rupiah dengan menggunakan model GARCH dan mengetahui peramalan nilai tukar dollar terhadap rupiah dengan menggunakan model GARCH. Model GARCH dimulai dengan transformasi data kedalam model , kemudian sisaan kuadratiknya diuji untuk mengetahui adanya efek ARCH/GARCH. Estimasi parameter yang digunakan adalah Maximum Likelihood (ML) untuk mendapatkan nilai  dan untuk menguji model diuji dengan sisaan yang sudah dibakukan menggunakan statistik Ljung-Box Q. Model GARCH(1,1) sudah cukup baik  jika tidak ada pengaruh dari ARCH/GARCH dalam sisaan yang dibakukan. Akhir dari penilitian ini, model GARCH dalam nilai tukar dollar terhadap rupiah  adalah : Dengan model di atas dapat diramalkan untuk tanggal 1 juli 2010 nilai tukar dollar terhadap rupiah berkisar antara Rp. 9089.377 dan Rp. 9089.638. Kata kunci : Peramalan, Transsformasi, maximum likelihood, GARCH. Abstract Most of the time series data of economic and financial assumptions kestasioneran variance (heteroscedasticity) to model the autoregressive (AR), Moving Average (MA), and Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) is rejected. However Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic Model (ARCH) and the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) can be used as an assumption for data with stationary variances (heteroscedasticity). The purpose of this study was to model the exchange rate of the dollar against the rupiah using GARCH models and know forecasting the dollar against the rupiah using GARCH models. GARCH model begins with the transformation of data into the model , then the remnant quadratic tested to determine the effects of ARCH / GARCH. Estimation of the parameters used is Maximum Likelihood (ML) to get the value and to test models that have been tested with standardized remnant using Ljung-Box Q statistics. GARCH model (1,1) is good enough if there is no effect of ARCH / GARCH standardized in the remnant. The studies end of this, GARCH models in the dollar against the rupiah exchange rate is: With the above model can be predicted for the 1 July 2010 the exchange rate of the dollar against the rupiah ranged between Rp. 9089.377 and Rp. 9089,638. Keywords: Forecasting, Transsformtioni, maximum likelihood, GARCH

    Optimization Of Jackfruit Seed (Artocarpus Heterophyllus LAM.) Flour And Polydextrose Content In The Formulation Of Reduced Calorie Chocolate Cake

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    Kek rendah kalori dihasilkan menggunakan program metodologi permukaan respon (RSM) dengan menggantikan sukrosa dengan 11% polidekstrosa dan tepung gandum dengan 16% tepung biji nangka. Reduced calorie cake was developed from response surface methodology (RSM) programmed by replacing sucrose with 11% polydextrose and wheat flour with 16% jackfruit seed flour (JFSF)


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya solusi yang dilakukan peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya dalam mengatasi masalah hasil belajar matematika di sekolah dasar. Salah satu solusi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu menggunakan model Teams Assisted Individualization. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model Teams Assisted Individualization terhadap hasil belajar matematika Sekolah Dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Systematic Literature Review. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan jurnal. Artikel ilmiah yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dapat diambil sehingga diperoleh 19 artikel ilmiah untuk selanjutnya dianalisis. 19 artikel ilmiah ini terdiri dari 10 artikel penelitian Eksperimen, 8 artikel Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dan 1 artikel penelitian Deskriptif. Hasil dan pembahasan penerapan model TAI yaitu pada kelas rendah nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh yaitu 80,895 dan kelas tinggi yaitu 74,17. Jika dilihat dari nilai rata-rata kelas rendah lebih unggul dibandingkan kelas tinggi. Tetapi dilihat banyaknya jurnal, kelas tinggi terdapat 16 jurnal lebih banyak dari kelas rendah yang hanya 2 jurnal. Pada pelaksanaan model Team Assisted Individualization guru dapat mengatur waktu seefisien mungkin agar pelaksanaan pembelajaran berikutnya dapat berjalan dengan baik Dari hasil literatur dan penelitian semua artikel ilmiah yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model Team Assisted Individualization ini dapat meningkatkan dan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran matematika

    Analysis of agarwood oil composition via preparative thin layer chromatography

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    Agarwood which is also known as Aquilaria is the most valuable wood in the world with higher prices and demands nowadays. The widely uses of agarwood in meditation field, essential oil production and etc makes agarwood one of the precious things on earth. The study was carried out to analysis compounds present in agarwood oil by using Preparative Thin Layer chromatography. In this study, used of Aquilaria Maleccencis from Malaysia as the sample and it can be classified in grade C. After extraction, isolation was carrying out to isolate it complex component present and detected by UV irradiation to afford 4 spots. Each spots, i.e spots 1, 2, 3 and 4 numbered in order of increasing polarity and each separated spot was confirmed by GC-MS. Results from GC-MS was analyzed to confirm presented of sesquiterpenes as a mojor active compound in agarwood oil and comparison between sample was made between commercial sample, i.e. Maha and Kelantan samples. This study showed a marked similar compound presented in the oil compositions among the sample and commercial samples


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    The purpose of this study is to describe a comparison of feminist views on two poems by Indonesian poets and Indian poets. The poems compared by the researchers include the title "Perempuan Perkasa" written by Weni Suryandari and the poem entitled "Kaur a Woman of Shiki" written by the Indian poet Rupi Kaur. The approach used is comparative literature, which is an attempt to compare two or more literary works from different countries, such as two works of poetry from Indonesia and India. This research is a comparative study with the object of research in the form of feminism views contained in the two poems. The data collection method used in this research is the documentation method. The results of the research on Weni Suryandari's poetry introduce an assumption that a woman has extraordinary strength, she is able to be a man's support and even a woman can protect a man. Meanwhile, Rupi Kaur's poetry shows that women have freedom and women also have the ability to be pillars of those around them.  Keywords: Literature Comparative, Feminism, Poetry