366 research outputs found

    Moderating effect of gender and age on the relationship between emotional intelligence with social and academic adjustment among first year university students

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    This study examined whether emotional intelligence is significantly correlated with social adjustment and academic adjustment. It also explored the moderating effects of gender and age factors and their linked between emotional intelligence and social adjustment as well as academic adjustment among first year university students. 289 first year university students (148 males and 141 females) at the Irbid Govern Orate, North of Jordan, participate in the study and were categorized based on two age groups, younger students between the age of 18 – 25 and older students between the range of 26 and above. Two valid and reliable instruments were used to assess student’s emotional intelligence, social adjustment and academic adjustment. Correlation and multi-group analysis using structural equation model were used to analyse these data. The result shows no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and of both social adjustment and academic adjustment. In addition, the moderating effect of gender was not found. However, the moderating effect of age on the relationship between emotional intelligence with social adjustment and academic adjustment were established

    Analisis Perilaku Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis UMS Dalam Pembelian Helm Ink

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah tingkat harga, kualitas produk, model, promosi akan mempengaruhi keputusan Mahasiswa dalam pembelian Helm INK. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui faktor apa yang paling dominan diantara fariabel diatas dalam keputusan pembelian helm merk INK dikalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis UMS. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah chi square. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Adapun sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 100 mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa jenis kelamin, umur, lama menjadi konsumen, jumlah uang saku perbulan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat harga, kualitas produk, model, promosi, dan keputusan pembelian dalam membentuk keputusan pembelian helm INK dengan 2hitung > 2tabel . Hasil selisih antara nilai C Max dengan koefisien kontingensi menunjukkan bahwa antara umur dan kualitas produk memiliki selisih paling kecil dibandingkan dengan variabel yang lain, yaitu dengan nilai 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa umur dan kualitas produk paling dominan yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam melakukan keputusan pembelian terhadap helm INK

    Dimensional Accuracy and Tearing Strength of Alginate Impression Material Containing Different Concentrations of Natural Miswak Powder: An In-Vitro Study

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    Background: Alginate impression material is an irreversible hydrocolloid due to its chemical setting reaction. Hydrocolloids dimensional stability depends on the presence of water, as water makes up around 70% of dental alginate. One of the Salvadoraceae families, Salvadora persica, is the source of miswak. The Arak tree, or Salvadora persica, is often referred to as the "toothbrush tree" as it is known in English. It is evergreen form develops like a shrub or small tree with a twisted trunk. The researchers mixed miswak powder with the alginate to examine the dimensional accuracy and tearing strength. Materials and Methods: Sixty alginate specimens were prepared. 30 specimens for dimensional accuracy and 30 specimens for tearing strength, each of them is divided into three groups: The control group, Group A % 17 miswak powder, and Group B % 34 miswak powder. The dimensional stability and tearing strength were tested. Results: There is no dimensional change in group B, lesser dimensional change was revealed in group A, according to control group. Group B is more resistant to tearing strength when compared with the control group and group A, and group A is more resistant than the control group. Conclusion: Adding a suitable amount of miswak powder to alginate is beneficial for reducing and preventing shrinkage, as well as improving tearing strength

    Comparison of Tearing strength and Dimensional Stability of Alginate Impression Material Mixed with Water and Chlorhexidine

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    Background: An irreversible hydrocolloid impression material combined with two different doses of chlorhexidine solution is tested for dimensional change and tearing strength. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of adding chlorhexidine with 2 different available concentrations on alginate impression material. Materials and Methods: According to the manufacturer's instructions, the irreversible hydrocolloid specimens is made and divided into 3groups (Group 1 is mixed with tap water as a control group, Group 2 is mixed with 0.12 chlorhexidine, and Group 3 is mixed with 0.2 chlorhexidine). Testing is done on the change in dimensions and the tearing strength. Results: Lesser dimensional change is observed at group two and is non-significant, and the group three is significantly more dimensionally stable when compared with group one, tearing strength of group one and two is nearly the same while the group three is more resistant to tear and the difference is significant Conclusion: The dimensional stability and tearing resistance of chlorhexidine self-disinfecting irreversible hydrocolloid impression material may vary greatly


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    Abstract Public relations require skills in journalistic to generating quality publicity. This researh aims to describe and analyze the knowledge of journalism public relations employee of South Sulawesi Provincial Government in the publicity activities. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach using the techniques of data collection through in-depth interviews and observations of public relations personnel assigned to conduct publicity activities. Analysis using an interactive model of Huberman and Miles were taken through the stages of data reduction, data display, making conclusions and verification. The results showed that public relations employee of South Sulawesi Provincial Government conduct publicity activities through three stages, namely the coverage of the government's agenda, write and distribute press releases to journalists. Writing a press release is not adjusted to the rules of journalistic writing and the medium. Are loaded in the media have gone through editing stages agenda tailored to each medium, so that the core of the publicity that was sent was not published. This research concluded that government public relations employee of South Sulawesi Provincial Government, in generating publicity decent fit in the mass media, still lack of mastery in terms of expertise and knowledge in the field of journalism.Abstrak Humas memerlukan kemampuan di bidang jurnalistik agar dapat menghasilkan publisitas yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis pengetahuan jurnalistik pegawai humas Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dalam menjalankan kegiatan publisitas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi terhadap pegawai humas yang bertugas melakukan kegiatan publisitas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Huberman dan Miles yang ditempuh melalui tahap reduksi data, display data, pengambilan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pegawai humas Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan melakukan kegiatan publisitas melalui tiga tahap, yaitu peliputan agenda pemerintah, menulis press release dan menyebarluaskan kepada wartawan. Penulisan press release tidak disesuaikan dengan kaidah penulisan jurnalistik dan mediumnya. Pemuatannya di media massa telah melalui tahap pengeditan disesuaikan dengan agenda masing- masing media, sehingga inti dari publisitas yang dikirim tidak terpublikasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pegawai humas Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dalam menghasilkan publisitas yang layak di muat di media massa, masih kurang memiliki penguasaan dalam hal keahlian dan pengetahuan di bidang jurnalistik.

    Bilateral synovial chondromatosis in the knee joint with both intra and extra-articular diseases

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    Synovial chondromatosis is a rare disease of unknown etiology. It usually occurs unilaterally in the large joints like the knee, but may occur in the shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle and temporomandibular joints. The disease is  usually intracapsular, but can also be extracapsular on rare occasions. The diagnosis of synovial  chondromatosis is given after an anamnesis, physical examination and radiographic examination. However, the diagnosis is obtained after histological examination of the synovial tissue. We report an unusual presentation of bilateral synovial chondromatosis in the knee joint, with both intra and extracapsular  localization. never described in the literature. Although synovial chondromatosis is described as a benign disease, it can be very destructive and debilitating. These lesions can mimic a malignant tumor and present a diagnostic problem.Key words: Synovial chondromatosis, knee, bilateral, literatur


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    Rhizobacteria isolated from plant roots have the ability to produce siderophore compounds. These compounds play a role in inhibiting the growth of pathogens by binding to iron (Fe3+) which is needed by pathogens in their development. This research was aimed to find out the siderophore-producing bacteria isolated from local Kamba rice plants and their potential as biocontrol agents. Among the 28 isolates that were successfully isolated from the Kamba local rice rhizosphere, 10 isolates had the potential to produce siderophores with different morphological characters. The test was carried out to see the bacterial isolates capabilities to produce siderophores from two types of siderophores namely catechol and salicylate types. For the catechol type, the highest concentration of siderophore was found in the KBA8 bacterial isolate with 10.990 mg L-1, while the lowest was in the KBA1 bacterial isolate with only 5.876 mg L-1. The salicylate type siderophore with the highest concentration produced 9.493 mg L-1 was from the RKGU15 isolate and the lowest was found in KBU14 isolate which produced only 2.994 mg L-1. The isolates included in the Gram-positive group were 4 isolates while the Gram- negative group were 6 isolates and 90% isolates were able to produce the enzyme catalase. The results of this study indicate that all bacterial isolates can produce siderophores so that they have the potential as biocontrol agents to support environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture