185 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Angin Dan Kelembapan Atmosfer Lapisan Atas Terhadap Lapisan Permukaan Di Manado

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji lebih dalam kondisi angin dan kelembapan udara pada saat musim hujan dan musim kemarau di Manado dengan menggunakan data di lapisan permukaan dan data udara atas dari Stasiun Meteorologi Sam Ratulangi Manado. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hubungan antara kondisi angin dan kelembapan lapisan atas terhadap lapisan permukaan, sehingga dapat memprakirakan kondisi angin dan kelembapan lapisan permukaan dengan berdasarkan keadaan lapisan atas. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengkomponenkan angin dalam arah utara-selatan dan timur-barat, selanjutnya mencari keterkaitan dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pada saat musim hujan angin pada lapisan 1500 m dan angin di lapisan permukaan memiliki arah yang sama dan saling menguatkan untuk komponen timur-barat (zonal) dengan koefisien korelasi r=0,56, sedangkan pada saat musim kemarau angin pada lapisan 1500 m dan angin di lapisan permukaan memiliki arah yang sama dan saling menguatkan untuk komponen utara-selatan (meridional) dengan koefisien korelasi r=0,45. Keterkaitan yang cukup kuat antara angin dengan kelembapan terjadi pada komponen V (meridional) yaitu, pada saat musim hujan, semakin besar kecepatan angin komponen negatif (utara) semakin besar pula kelembapan udara di lapisan permukaan, dengan koefisien korelasi benilai positif r=0.40. Pada saat musim kemarau, semakin besar kecepatan angin komponen positif (selatan) semakin kecil kelembapan udara di lapisan permukaan, dengan koefisien korelasi bernilai negatif r=— 0,48.This study examined the wind and humidity condition in the rainy season and dry season in Manado by using the data in surface layer and upper air data from the Sam Ratulangi Meteorological Station. The primary objective of this study was to find the relationship between wind condition and upper layer humidity to surface layer, using correlation technique, in order to predict wind condition and humidity of the surface layer based on the condition of the upper layer. The results showed that, during the rainy season, the wind at layer 1500 m and surface layer had the same direction and mutually reinforced for the east-west component (zonal) with correlation coefficient r=0.56, whereas during the dry season, wind at layer 1500 m and at surface layer had the same direction and mutually reinforced for the north-south component (meridional) with correlation coefficient r=0.45. A relationship between wind and humidity was found at V component (meridional), which was, at rainy season, the higher the wind speed of negative component (north) the higher the humidity at surface layer with positive correlation coefficient r=0.40. At dry season, the higher the wind speed of positive component (south), the lower the humidity at the surface layer, with negative correlation coefficient r=—0.48


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perilaku masyarkat jahiliyyah dalam al-Qur‟an dan relevansinya dengan sekularisme. Perilaku masyarakat jahiliyyah merupakan perilaku yang diliputi kebodohan tentang Allah SWT, Rasul-Nya, syariat agama, berbangga-bangga dengan nasab, kesombongan dan sejumlah penyimpangan lainnya. Perilaku masyarkat jahiliyyah menggambarkan seluruh perkara yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, baik pelanggaran besar yang berakibat kekafiran atau pelanggaran kecil yang tidak berakibat kekafiran. Namun seiring berkembangnya sejarah kehidupan, manusia selalu diisukan oleh perubahanperubahan, ingin tampil beda dan lebih baik dari kehidupan sebelumnya dengan membandingkan antara kehidupan masa lalu dan sekarang, anehnya perilaku jahiliyyah yang dahulu ditinggalkan, namun era saat ini muncul kembali dengan nama sekularisme, yaitu pemahaman yang memisahkan antara urusan manusia dengan urusan Tuhan. Terdapat enam ayat al-Qur‟an dalam skripsi ini sebagai objek pengkajian mengenai perilaku masyarkat jahiliyyah menurut tinjauan al- Qur‟an dan relevansinya dengan faham sekularisme yaitu dalam surah Ali Imran ayat 154, al-Jatsiyah ayat 24, al-Haqqah Ayat 27, al-Maidah ayat 49 dan 50, al- Ahzab ayat 33, dan al-Fath ayat 26. Maka skripsi ini mengkaji pandangan para ulama tafsir mengenai perilaku masyarakat jahiliyyah menurut tinjauan al-Qur‟an dan relevansinya dengan sekularisme. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi tematik (maudhu’i). Data-data yang terkait dengan studi ini dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka dengan pendekatan analisis data kualitatif. Penelitian ini disajikan dengan teknis analisis deskriptif, yaitu dengan menjelaskan ayat perayat yang berhubungan, dengan merujuk pada al-Qur‟an sebagai data primer dan buku-buku literatur yang berkaitan sebagai data sekunder. Adapun hasil penelitian ini, bahwa relevansi perilaku masyarkat jahiliyyah dengan faham sekularisme yaitu diantaranya penafian tentang adanya akhirat, berlebihan dalam berhias dengan sebebas-bebasnya, pemisahan antara agama dan nilai kerohanian dengan pemerintahan dan kehidupan keduniaan. Kata Kunci : Perilaku, Jahiliyyah, Relevansi, Sekularism

    Penanganan Perilaku Bullying Di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan)

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    Penelitian ini menelaah Penanganan Perilaku Bullying di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan). Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana gambaran perilaku Kasus bullying di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar? (2) Faktor Faktor penyebab terjadinya perilaku Kasus bullying di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar? (3) Bagaimana dampak perilaku Kasus bullying bagi pelaku? (4) Bagaimana penanganan perilaku Kasus bullying di SMKN 10 Makassar? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Gambaran perilaku Kasus bullying di SMKN 10 Makassar (2) Faktor terjadinya Kasus bullying di SMKN 10 Makassar. (3) Mengetahui dampak Kasus bullying bagi pelaku (4) penanganan perilaku Kasus bullying di SMKN 10 Makasar. Pendekatan Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Subjek Penelitian ini adalah seorang siswa yang terlibat perilaku bullying, diketahui melalui wawancara awal dengan guru BK. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) gambaran perilaku bullying diSMK Negeri 10 Makassar yaitu, bullying Verbal seperti mengejek dengan memanggil kata culun dan bullying Fisik seperti Mencekik dan memberikan hukuman push up. (2) penyebab bullying di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar berasal dari faktor lingkungan sekolah, faktor kepribadiaan Mr yang tempramen serta pergaulan dengan teman sekolah yang mendukung kenakalan MR. (3) dampak bullying bagi pelaku bullying berdampak dijauhi oleh teman-temannya (4) penanganan terhadap perilaku bullying yang dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah berupa pemberlakuan poin pelanggaran, pemberian nasehat kepada pelaku bullyin, sedangkan penanganan perilaku bullying yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dengan role play dianggap dapat mengurangi kecenderungan perilaku bullying di SMK Negeri 10 Makassar. Kata Kunci: Role Playing, Bullyin

    Allogeneic cell therapy bioprocess economics and optimization: downstream processing decisions

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    To develop a decisional tool to identify the most cost effective process flowsheets for allogeneic cell therapies across a range of production scales


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    The importance of educational institutions, especially pesantren, to instill holistic character values including religious, honest, responsibility and inferiority must be appreciated by all groups. Islamic boarding schools always form their students to do good even without a qualified theory. Islamic boarding school always prints a pious and noble person. This research uses library research by gathering information and data in the form of books, journals and other scientific essays. This research results in (1) Islamic boarding school with all its limitations able to form truly intact and honest human beings (2) Islamic boarding school is able to build credible institutions (3) Integration of Islamic education and comprehensive science in Islamic boarding schools (4) Islamic boarding schools implement comprehensively holistic education

    Sunda Wiwitan: The Belief System of Baduy Indigenous Community, Banten, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the construction of the meaning of Sunda Wiwitan religion in Sundanese Baduy indigenous people. The research uses interpretive paradigms with qualitative methods, and symbolic interaction study approaches as a tool of analysis. Data gathered through participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Sunda Wiwitan religion is the main symbol in the Baduy indigenous people, and is a dimension that reaches every side of life, and is a collective representation of the belief system of the Baduy indigenous community. This symbol serves as a reference for the collective paradigm, and as a reference for interpreting natural phenomena and determining the behavior of the Baduy indigenous people. The symbol of traditional institutions and traditional ceremonies represent three essential issues, namely: (1) Understanding and appreciation of religion (belief) of the Baduy indigenous people as Sunda Wiwitan descendants; (2) Observance and practice of the daily life of the Baduy indigenous people as members of the traditional Sundanese or Sunda Buhun social groups; and (3) Symbolization of the existence and recognition of the existence of government and power outside the Baduy Customary institution

    A review of information flow diagrammatic models for product-service systems

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    A product-service system (PSS) is a combination of products and services to create value for both customers and manufacturers. Modelling a PSS based on function orientation offers a useful way to distinguish system inputs and outputs with regards to how data are consumed and information is used, i.e. information flow. This article presents a review of diagrammatic information flow tools, which are designed to describe a system through its functions. The origin, concept and applications of these tools are investigated, followed by an analysis of information flow modelling with regards to key PSS properties. A case study of selection laser melting technology implemented as PSS will then be used to show the application of information flow modelling for PSS design. A discussion based on the usefulness of the tools in modelling the key elements of PSS and possible future research directions are also presented

    Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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    SummaryBackground The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 provides an up-to-date synthesis of the evidence for risk factor exposure and the attributable burden of disease. By providing national and subnational assessments spanning the past 25 years, this study can inform debates on the importance of addressing risks in context. Methods We used the comparative risk assessment framework developed for previous iterations of the Global Burden of Disease Study to estimate attributable deaths, disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and trends in exposure by age group, sex, year, and geography for 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks from 1990 to 2015. This study included 388 risk-outcome pairs that met World Cancer Research Fund-defined criteria for convincing or probable evidence. We extracted relative risk and exposure estimates from randomised controlled trials, cohorts, pooled cohorts, household surveys, census data, satellite data, and other sources. We used statistical models to pool data, adjust for bias, and incorporate covariates. We developed a metric that allows comparisons of exposure across risk factors—the summary exposure value. Using the counterfactual scenario of theoretical minimum risk level, we estimated the portion of deaths and DALYs that could be attributed to a given risk. We decomposed trends in attributable burden into contributions from population growth, population age structure, risk exposure, and risk-deleted cause-specific DALY rates. We characterised risk exposure in relation to a Socio-demographic Index (SDI). Findings Between 1990 and 2015, global exposure to unsafe sanitation, household air pollution, childhood underweight, childhood stunting, and smoking each decreased by more than 25%. Global exposure for several occupational risks, high body-mass index (BMI), and drug use increased by more than 25% over the same period. All risks jointly evaluated in 2015 accounted for 57·8% (95% CI 56·6–58·8) of global deaths and 41·2% (39·8–42·8) of DALYs. In 2015, the ten largest contributors to global DALYs among Level 3 risks were high systolic blood pressure (211·8 million [192·7 million to 231·1 million] global DALYs), smoking (148·6 million [134·2 million to 163·1 million]), high fasting plasma glucose (143·1 million [125·1 million to 163·5 million]), high BMI (120·1 million [83·8 million to 158·4 million]), childhood undernutrition (113·3 million [103·9 million to 123·4 million]), ambient particulate matter (103·1 million [90·8 million to 115·1 million]), high total cholesterol (88·7 million [74·6 million to 105·7 million]), household air pollution (85·6 million [66·7 million to 106·1 million]), alcohol use (85·0 million [77·2 million to 93·0 million]), and diets high in sodium (83·0 million [49·3 million to 127·5 million]). From 1990 to 2015, attributable DALYs declined for micronutrient deficiencies, childhood undernutrition, unsafe sanitation and water, and household air pollution; reductions in risk-deleted DALY rates rather than reductions in exposure drove these declines. Rising exposure contributed to notable increases in attributable DALYs from high BMI, high fasting plasma glucose, occupational carcinogens, and drug use. Environmental risks and childhood undernutrition declined steadily with SDI; low physical activity, high BMI, and high fasting plasma glucose increased with SDI. In 119 countries, metabolic risks, such as high BMI and fasting plasma glucose, contributed the most attributable DALYs in 2015. Regionally, smoking still ranked among the leading five risk factors for attributable DALYs in 109 countries; childhood underweight and unsafe sex remained primary drivers of early death and disability in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Interpretation Declines in some key environmental risks have contributed to declines in critical infectious diseases. Some risks appear to be invariant to SDI. Increasing risks, including high BMI, high fasting plasma glucose, drug use, and some occupational exposures, contribute to rising burden from some conditions, but also provide opportunities for intervention. Some highly preventable risks, such as smoking, remain major causes of attributable DALYs, even as exposure is declining. Public policy makers need to pay attention to the risks that are increasingly major contributors to global burden. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Homozygous Deletion of Six Olfactory Receptor Genes in a Subset of Individuals with Beta-Thalassemia

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    Progress in the functional studies of human olfactory receptors has been largely hampered by the lack of a reliable experimental model system. Although transgenic approaches in mice could characterize the function of individual olfactory receptors, the presence of over 300 functional genes in the human genome becomes a daunting task. Thus, the characterization of individuals with a genetic susceptibility to altered olfaction coupled with the absence of particular olfactory receptor genes will allow phenotype/genotype correlations and vindicate the function of specific olfactory receptors with their cognate ligands. We characterized a 118 kb β-globin deletion and found that its 3′ end breakpoint extends to the neighboring olfactory receptor region downstream of the β-globin gene cluster. This deletion encompasses six contiguous olfactory receptor genes (OR51V1, OR52Z1, OR51A1P, OR52A1, OR52A5, and OR52A4) all of which are expressed in the brain. Topology analysis of the encoded proteins from these olfactory receptor genes revealed that OR52Z1, OR52A1, OR52A5, and OR52A4 are predicted to be functional receptors as they display integral characteristics of G-proteins coupled receptors. Individuals homozygous for the 118 kb β-globin deletion are afflicted with β-thalassemia due to a homozygous deletion of the β-globin gene and have no alleles for the above mentioned olfactory receptors genes. This is the first example of a homozygous deletion of olfactory receptor genes in human. Although altered olfaction remains to be ascertained in these individuals, such a study can be carried out in β-thalassemia patients from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines where this mutation is common. Furthermore, OR52A1 contains a γ-globin enhancer, which was previously shown to confer continuous expression of the fetal γ-globin genes. Thus, the hypothesis that β-thalassemia individuals, who are homozygous for the 118 kb deletion, may also have an exacerbation of their anemia due to the deletion of two copies of the γ-globin enhancer element is worthy of consideration
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