717 research outputs found

    O papel da investigação no estudo das argamassas de substituição na conservação do património

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    Revista Engenharia Civil, nº 31 (Maio 2008), p. 29-37As argamassas desempenham um papel fundamental na conservação do património edificado. Embora o conceito de argamassas de substituição não seja recente, a disponibilidade de materiais que existe na actualidade, para além dos tradicionais, pode apresentar novas oportunidades e criar alguns desafios de difícil resolução que têm de ser analisados criteriosamente de um ponto de vista científico. Este artigo descreve e analisa alguns dos requisitos subjacentes às argamassas de substituição, discute as dificuldades que podem surgir e enfatiza algumas abordagens recentes que devem ser consideradas a nível da investigação internacional

    Multifunctional bacterial cellulose-chitosan tape: an innovative substitute for PVC

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    Synthetic polymers, generically named plastics, are manufactured from non-renewable sources, such as fossil fuels [1]. In 2020, 367 million metric tons of plastic were produced worldwide, and, only in 2018, global plastic waste volume reached 342.6 million metric tons [2,3]. One of the most used plastics is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is not environmentally friendly. The goal of this study was to achieve an eco-friendly substitute for PVC tapes while mimicking their properties and applications. In this way, bacterial cellulose (BC) and chitosan (CH) tapes in different concentrations, 1% and 2%, were developed. Mechanical properties, thickness, bonds between BC and CH and degradation tests were assessed in water and under different temperatures. Mechanical testing showed that the combination of the two polymers resulted in better mechanical performances when compared to BC tape (8.52 ± 1.11 MPa); this may be related to the stronger chemical bonds created between the BC and CH. In addition, BC–CH at 1% revealed closer values of strength compared to PVC tapes (703.19 ± 16.18 MPa and 516.92 ± 22.0 MPa, respectively). Moreover, with the present study we were able to conclude that the incorporation of CH increases tape porosity. Interestingly, higher porosities (BC and CH at 2%) resulted in better mechanical properties upon tensile testing (1344 ± 52.87 MPa). Upon contact with water, the BC–CH mixture at 1% proved to be more resistant and not mechanically affected over time, like PCV tape. Thermally, both tapes with CH revealed to be more resistant than the PVC tape. However, the BC–CH tape at 1% was the most stable over time at all temperatures tested. This preliminary study opens new possibilities to the use of these tapes in sport areas, packaging and pharmaceutical or biomedical fields.This research was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) and Centro2020 through the following Projects: UIDB/04044/2020; UIDP/04044/2020; Associate Laboratory ARISE LA/P/0112/2020; PAMI-ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (Nº 022158).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of corticosteroids in severe community-acquired pneumonia: a systematic review

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    Submitted by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2019-04-04T12:26:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JorgeIF_Salluh_etal_IOC_2008.pdf: 215501 bytes, checksum: fb18fede448c1eb9f08f5dc05c97d47c (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2019-04-04T12:37:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JorgeIF_Salluh_etal_IOC_2008.pdf: 215501 bytes, checksum: fb18fede448c1eb9f08f5dc05c97d47c (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-04-04T12:37:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JorgeIF_Salluh_etal_IOC_2008.pdf: 215501 bytes, checksum: fb18fede448c1eb9f08f5dc05c97d47c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008Instituto Nacional de Câncer. Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Hospital de São Francisco Xavier. Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental. Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Médica. Lisboa, Portugal.Instituto Nacional de Câncer. Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Introduction: The purpose of this review was to evaluate the impact of corticosteroids on the outcomes of patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Methods: We performed a systematic MEDLINE, Cochrane database, and CINAHL search (1966 to November 2007) to identify full-text publications that evaluated the use of corticosteroids in CAP. Results: An initial literature search yielded 109 articles, and 105 studies were excluded after the first analysis. We found four studies eligible for analysis. On the basis of their results, the use of corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in severe CAP should be categorized as a weak recommendation (two studies) and a strong recommendation (two studies) with either low- or moderate-quality evidence. However, no evidence of adverse outcomes or harm is present in the evaluated studies. Conclusion: According to the GRADE system, available studies do not support the recommendation of corticosteroids as a standard of care for patients with severe CAP. Further randomized controlled trials with this aim should enroll a larger number of severely ill patients. However, in patients needing corticosteroids, it may be reasonable to conclude that corticosteroid administration is safe in patients with severe infections receiving antimicrobial therapy

    Population structure of the registered Indubrasil cattle in Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to describe the population structure of the registered Indubrasil cattle in Brazil. Descriptive statistics of the distribution of the number of progeny, the generation interval, F-statistics, effective number of founders, ancestors, reminiscent genomes and effective population size were estimated using pedigree records from animals registered between 1938-1998. In the last period studied (1994-1998) 3.673 animals, 1.753 males and 1.920 females belonging to 84 breeders were registered. The generations intervals calculated in each of the four periods 1979-1983, 1984-1988, 1989-1993 and 1994-1998 were, respectively, 7,27; 7,57; 7,83 and 7,45 yr. The effective size of the population, founders, ancestors and reminiscent genomes in each of these periods were respectively: 63, 40, 35 e 42; 458, 417, 278 e 181; 349, 284, 176 e 107; 240, 189, 114 e 65

    What can the Macaronesian islands teach us about speciation? A case study of Tarphius beetles and Hipparchia butterflies: Final Report

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    Relatório Final do Projecto de I&D financiado pela FCT.Instituição Proponente: Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF); Instituições Participantes: Universidade dos Açores (UAçores) e University of East Anglia (UEA); Unidade de Investigação Principal: Centro de Investigação e Tecnologia Agrária dos Açores (CITAa/UAçores).As ilhas da Macaronésia, devido à sua localização geográfica, intervalo de idades geológicas e elevados níveis de endemismo, constituem um sistema ideal para a realização de estudos evolutivos. Neste projeto foram investigados padrões de diversificação em taxa que diversificaram em vários arquipélagos da Macaronésia, com especial ênfase nos Açores, o arquipélago mais recente e mais remoto. Os insetos estão entre os organismos que mais diversificaram nas ilhas da Macaronésia e os escaravelhos do género Tarphius e Laparocerus e as borboletas do género Hipparchia são insetos com distintas capacidades de dispersão que colonizaram estas ilhas e que posteriormente sofreram extensa especiação. Estes insetos foram assim utilizados para estudar padrões e processos de diversificação em ilhas, e para investigar a dinâmica a longo termo da diversificação e o seu impacto na riqueza específica. Neste projeto utilizaram-se técnicas moleculares e abordagens filogenéticas e de genética de populações para estudar colonização e diversificação em ilhas oceânicas. Caracterizou-se a diversidade molecular para vários genes mitocondriais e nucleares em Tarphius e Hipparchia dos Açores, Madeira, Canárias e das áreas continentais vizinhas (Norte de África e Península Ibérica), e Laparocerus das Canárias. Os dados gerados permitiram: i) estimar relações filogenéticas e filogeográficas, e assim investigar hipóteses sobre a origem dos colonizadores; ii) investigar os papeis desempenhados pela capacidade de dispersão e fluxo genético, idade geológica, geografia e distância a fontes de colonizadores nos níveis de diferenciação; iii) investigar a importância relativa de vários processos (e.g., hibridação, separação incompleta de linhagens, especiação in situ, especiação pós-colonização) na evolução dos géneros em estudo; iv) definir unidades evolutivas significativas para conservação; e v) clarificar a taxonomia dos grupos em estudo, conjuntamente com dados morfológicos. Uma vez que Tarphius e Hipparchia ocorrem em múltiplos arquipélagos, este estudo representa o primeiro esforço para inferir padrões de colonização e diversificação em animais a uma escala englobando vários arquipélagos da Macaronésia. O trabalho de campo realizado possibilitou ainda a atualização da distribuição dos taxa em estudo, tendo sido descobertas novas espécies de Tarphius em Marrocos e nos Açores. De modo a colmatar a recorrente falta de partilha de conhecimento científicos com o público em geral, este projeto possui uma componente educacional que visa dar a conhecer espécies insulares endémicas, em particular insetos, e promover a sua conservação. A apresentação de informação sobre esta temática num formato apelativo e compreensível pela população em geral foi uma prioridade cujo objectivo final é influenciar a tomada de medidas políticas que conduzam a um modelo de desenvolvimento mais sustentável em que a biodiversidade não seja entendida como um impedimento ao progresso económico. Neste sentido foram desenvolvidas várias iniciativas junto das populações locais no arquipélago dos Açores, nomeadamente estudantes do 7 ao 12º ano, Câmara do Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo e o público em geral. Os inquéritos realizados a estudantes sobre o património natural dos Açores está a ser utilizado para a criação de dispositivos de aprendizagem sobre a temática da especiação em ilhas e espécies endémicas usando exemplos da Macaronésia. Foi criado uma página na rede social Facebook (www.facebook.com/Chama.lhe.Nomes) que, de um modo interactivo, dá a conhecer espécies de insetos que só existem nos Açores. Também para o público em geral foram produzidas exposições itinerantes sobre insetos dos Açores, uma para ser exposta em espaços interiores e outra composta por telas de grande formato para afixação em fachadas de edifícios. Foram ainda iniciados contactos com a Câmara do Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo, uma associação para a promoção do tecido empresarial regional e que de momento está envolvida no programa PRIMEA (Programa de Requalificação da Imagem das Empresas Açorianas). O objectivo é estabelecer uma parceria activa em que a biodiversidade regional passe a ser aceite como uma mais valia para a economia local e na definição da “Marca Açores”. Os resultados deste projeto estão disponíveis para o público em geral no Portal da Biodiversidade dos Açores - www.azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt (dados de distribuição de espécies), no Genbank - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ (sequências de ADN) e no site oficial do projeto - www.gba.uac.pt/projetos/ver.php?id=4.ABSTRACT: The Macaronesian islands, due to their geographical location, range of geological ages and high levels of endemism, are an excellent system to study a myriad of evolutionary questions. In this Project we investigated diversification patterns in taxa that diverged in several Macaronesian archipelagos, focusing in the youngest and most remote group of islands, the Azores Insects are among the organisms that have diversified most in the Macaronesian islands. Beetles of the genus Tarphius, weevils of the genus Laparocerus and butterflies of the genus Hipparchia are examples of insects with distinct dispersal abilities that colonized those islands and subsequently underwent extensive speciation. Therefore, they provide an excellent opportunity to study patterns and processes of diversification on islands, and to investigate long-term dynamics of diversification and its impact on species richness. We use molecular techniques and phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to study colonization and diversification on oceanic islands. We characterized molecular diversity at multiple mitochondrial and nuclear genes of Tarphius beetles and Hipparchia butterflies populations from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands, and from putative continental sources of colonists (North Africa and Iberia) and of Laparocerus weevils from the Canary Islands. The data generated allowed to: i) estimate phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships, and thus to investigate hypotheses on the origin of colonizers; ii) investigate the roles of dispersal ability and gene flow, geological age, geography and distance to source of colonists on levels of differentiation; iii) investigate the relative roles of several processes (e.g., hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting, in situ speciation, post-colonization speciation) in the evolution of the study groups; iv) identify evolutionary significant units for conservation, i.e., unique populations that should be given protection priority to prevent further biodiversity loss; and v) clarify the taxonomy of the study groups, combined with morphological data. The fieldwork performed resulted in Tarphius species new to science from Morocco and the Azores, and allowed updating the distribution of the study taxa. To accomplish the often-neglected responsibility of sharing the outcome of scientific endeavours with the general public, we developed several educational activities that focus on the conservation of biodiversity on oceanic islands and, in particular, of island endemic insects. Information on biodiversity was prepared in an appealing and understandable format for the general population. The ultimate goal is to raise awareness on the issue and eventually influence political decisions towards a more sustainable governance model where biodiversity is not perceived as an impediment to economical growth. We developed several initiatives in the Azores, namely with 7-12th grade students, Chamber of Commerce (Câmara do Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo - Terceira) and the general public. The survey to students about the natural heritage of the Azores is being used to create learning devices about island speciation using Macaronesian examples. The page "Chama-lhe Nomes! was created on the social network Facebook (www.facebook.com/Chama.lhe.Nomes) to introduce, in an interactive manner, insects that only exist in the Azores and raise awareness about unknown biodiversity. We also produced two itinerants exhibit on Azorean insets for the general public, one indoor and one large format outdoor. Additionally we started dialogue with the Angra do Heroísmo Chamber of Commerce, an association that promotes regional business and is currently working on the image requalification of Azorean businesses (PRIMEA program). The goal is to establish an active partnership so that biodiversity is perceived as an asset for the local economy an for the creation of the Azores Brand (Marca Açores). Project outcomes were presented in meetings, published in scientific journals and are available to the general public at the Azorean Biodiversity Portal - www.azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt (species distribution data), at Genbank - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ (DNA sequences) and at the Project website - www.gba.uac.pt/projetos/ver.php?id=4.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Expression pattern of glycoside hydrolase genes in Lutzomyia longipalpis reveals key enzymes involved in larval digestion

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    The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis is the most important vector of American Visceral Leishmaniasis. Adults are phytophagous (males and females) or blood feeders (females only), and larvae feed on solid detritus. Digestion in sand fly larvae has scarcely been studied, but some glycosidase activities putatively involved in microorganism digestion were already described. Nevertheless, the molecular nature of these enzymes, as the corresponding genes and transcripts, were not explored yet. Catabolism of microbial carbohydrates in insects generally involves β-1,3-glucanases, chitinases, and digestive lysozymes. In this work, the transcripts of digestive β-1,3-glucanase and chitinases were identified in the L. longipalpis larvae throughout analysis of sequences and expression patterns of glycoside hydrolases families 16, 18, and 22. The activity of one i-type lysozyme was also registered. Interestingly, this lysozyme seems to play a role in immunity, rather than digestion. This is the first attempt to identify the molecular nature of sand fly larval digestive enzymes

    Effect of exercise test on pulmonary function of obese adolescents

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    AbstractObjectiveto investigate the pulmonary response to exercise of non-morbidly obese adolescents, considering the gender.Methodsa prospective cross-sectional study was conducted with 92 adolescents (47 obese and 45 eutrophic), divided in four groups according to obesity and gender. Anthropometric parameters, pulmonary function (spirometry and oxygen saturation [SatO2]), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR), and respiratory muscle strength were measured. Pulmonary function parameters were measured before, during, and after the exercise test.ResultsBP and HR were higher in obese individuals during the exercise test (p = 0.0001). SatO2 values decreased during exercise in obese adolescents (p = 0.0001). Obese males had higher levels of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures (p = 0.0002) when compared to obese and eutrophic females. Obese males showed lower values of maximum voluntary ventilation, forced vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume in the first second when compared to eutrophic males, before and after exercise (p = 0.0005). Obese females had greater inspiratory capacity compared to eutrophic females (p = 0.0001). Expiratory reserve volume was lower in obese subjects when compared to controls (p ≤ 0.05).Conclusionobese adolescents presented changes in pulmonary function at rest and these changes remained present during exercise. The spirometric and cardiorespiratory values were different in the four study groups. The present data demonstrated that, in spite of differences in lung growth, the model of fat distribution alters pulmonary function differently in obese female and male adolescents

    Atlantic mammal traits: a dataset of morphological traits of mammals in the atlantic forest of south America

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    Measures of traits are the basis of functional biological diversity. Numerous works consider mean species-level measures of traits while ignoring individual variance within species. However, there is a large amount of variation within species and it is increasingly apparent that it is important to consider trait variation not only between species, but also within species. Mammals are an interesting group for investigating trait-based approaches because they play diverse and important ecological functions (e.g., pollination, seed dispersal, predation, grazing) that are correlated with functional traits. Here we compile a data set comprising morphological and life history information of 279 mammal species from 39,850 individuals of 388 populations ranging from −5.83 to −29.75 decimal degrees of latitude and −34.82 to −56.73 decimal degrees of longitude in the Atlantic forest of South America. We present trait information from 16,840 individuals of 181 species of non-volant mammals (Rodentia, Didelphimorphia, Carnivora, Primates, Cingulata, Artiodactyla, Pilosa, Lagomorpha, Perissodactyla) and from 23,010 individuals of 98 species of volant mammals (Chiroptera). The traits reported include body mass, age, sex, reproductive stage, as well as the geographic coordinates of sampling for all taxa. Moreover, we gathered information on forearm length for bats and body length and tail length for rodents and marsupials. No copyright restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using the data.Fil: Gonçalves, Fernando. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Bovendorp, Ricardo S.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Beca, Gabrielle. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Bello, Carolina. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Costa Pereira, Raul. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Muylaert, Renata L.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Rodarte, Raisa R.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Villar, Nacho. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Souza, Rafael. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Graipel, Maurício E.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Cherem, Jorge J.. Caipora Cooperativa, Florianopolis; BrasilFil: Faria, Deborah. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Baumgarten, Julio. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Alvarez, Martín R.. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Vieira, Emerson M.. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Cáceres, Nilton. Universidade Federal de Santa María. Santa María; BrasilFil: Pardini, Renata. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Leite, Yuri L. R.. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; BrasilFil: Costa, Leonora Pires. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; BrasilFil: Mello, Marco Aurelio Ribeiro. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Fischer, Erich. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; BrasilFil: Passos, Fernando C.. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Varzinczak, Luiz H.. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Prevedello, Jayme A.. Universidade do Estado de Rio do Janeiro; BrasilFil: Cruz-Neto, Ariovaldo P.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Carvalho, Fernando. Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense; BrasilFil: Reis Percequillo, Alexandre. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Paviolo, Agustin Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú; ArgentinaFil: Duarte, José M. B.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasil. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Bernard, Enrico. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Agostini, Ilaria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú; ArgentinaFil: Lamattina, Daniela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; ArgentinaFil: Vanderhoeven, Ezequiel Andres. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

    Peginterferon plus ribavirin and sustained virological response rate in HCV-related advanced fibrosis: a real life study

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    Background: Tolerance and response to antiviral HCV treatment is poor in advanced fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess SVR rate and its predictive factors in HCV advanced fibrosis patients treated in real life with full dose PEG-IFN plus RBV and to evaluate the adverse events related to treatment. Methods: A multicentric, retrospective study was conducted at six university hospitals. METAVIR F3 and F4 HCV monoinfected patients who were treated with PEG-IFN and RBV had their data analyzed. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the variables independently related to SVR. Adverse events were recorded during treatment. Results: 308 patients were included, 75% genotype 1 and 23% genotype 3. METAVIR F3 was present in 39% and F4 in 61% of patients. The median Child Pugh score for F4 patients was 5 (5–9). The global SVR rate was 34%, 11% were relapsers and 55% were nonresponders. SVR rates were similar between patients treated with PEG-IFN alfa 2a or alfa 2b (p = 0.24). SVR rates according to Child–Pugh score were 26% (Child A) and 18% (Child B). The independent factors related to SVR in F4 patients were genotype 3, RVR and fewer Child Pugh score points. Treatment interruption occurred in 31% patients and death occurred in 1.9%, all with liver cirrhosis. Conclusion: Treatment of HCV in patients with advanced fibrosis should not be postponed. However, a very careful evaluation of cirrhotic patients must be performed before treatment is indicated and careful monitoring is required during treatment.Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Botucatu School of MedicineUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Estadual de CampinasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pontificia Universidade Catolica de São PauloUNIFESPSciEL