225 research outputs found

    Kecukupan Konsumsi Pangan Hewani Di Kota Jambi Dalam Hubungannya Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Keluarga Serta Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya

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    This research was aimed to 1) determine the sufficiency of animal food consumption such as amount of food consumption, animal protein and energi consumption for the healthy life, 2) find the correlation between sufficincy of animal food consumptionand human resources quality and, 3) determine family member appetite on animal food consumption, food accessibility, income per capita, 4) find the correlation between animal food availability in their house hold to the sufficiency of animal food consumption . the research was condcted by survey in 2 steps namely discriptive and representative steps. Sample were collected by multi stage cluster random sampling and sample size were fixed by iteratif methode . Correlation and patway abalysis were used as analysis model. This study concluded that ; 1) Animal food consumption in Jambi regency was still under animal food consumption standard, 2) More sufficient animal food consumption did not inprove quality of human resorces of family member, 3) Sosisal culture and economic condition of the family and animal food availability at the house hold level had significant food consumption, animal protein and energ

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi Daging Sapi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    The meat consumption pattern of costal community in the regency of Esat Tanjung Jabung was chicken, beef, fish, anchovy, wet shrimp ,, freshwater fish and salted fish. The beef consumption was around 8.03 g percapita perday. Family habit in consuming beef, family taste in consuming beef, the family in-come percapita and the meat availaibity simultaniously affects on meat consumption in this area. However in partial family income is the only factor affecting the meat consumption on costal community in the regency od East Tanjung Jabung

    Analysis of Directive Utterances In Zootopia Movie Manuscript

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    This research is entitled “Analysis of Directive Utterance in Zootopia Movie Manuscript”. It is aimed at describing about the type of directive utterance and describing the intentions of directive utterance. The type of this research is qualitative research. The researcher uses documentation as the method of collecting data. The source data of this research are movies which contain directive utterance that are found in this cartoon Zootopia movie manuscript. In the collecting data the researcher follows four stages , first is search and download Zootopia movie in the internet. Second, the researcher watches the “Zootopia”movie to comprehend the utterances. Third, the researcher collects the data from the movie manuscript that contains directive utterances. Fourth, the researcher selects the utterances that contain directive utterances. The results of this research are firstly that the type or form of directive utterances in Zootopia movie manuscript are imperative , interrogative, and declarative sentence. The directive utterances are of two kinds: direct and indirect. Secondly, the intentions of directive utterances are commanding, requesting, and suggesting with the variation or sub are insisting, shocking, screaming, to soon, angry, impressing, knocking, seriously, adjuring, calm, panic, and proud


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    Manajemen pemeliharaan jalan dilakukan rutin tahun demi tahun dan telah menjadi siklus yang dilakukan dan bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan umur jalan. Sumber data yang digunakan ialah hasil observasi lapangan dan data ruas jalan provinsi kota Pontianak dan kabupaten Kubu Raya. Data yang digunakan ialah jenis serta tipe jalan dan pelengkapnya juga jenis dan luasan kerusakan jalan serta volume lalu lintas sehingga tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendapatkan prioritas jalan yang akan direhabilitasi dan ditingkatkan beserta jumlah anggaran yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data menggunakan PKRMS, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prioritas rehabilitasi jalan pada tahun pertama (2022) secara berurutan jalan Akses Jembatan Kapuas II dengan kebutuhan dana sebesar Rp. 24.601 juta, jalan Sungai Durian – Rasau Jaya kebutuhan dana Rp. 16.373 juta, jalan Imam Bonjol kebutuhan dana Rp. 7.232 juta, jalan Adi Sucipto dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 7.017 juta, jalan Batas Kota Pontianak – Sungai Durian dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 9.864 juta, jalan H.R.A. Rachman dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 3.010 juta, jalan batas kota Pontianak – Sungai Kakap dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 7.979 juta, jalan Sei. Raya Dalam I dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 2.012 juta, jalan Husein Hamzah kebutuhan dana Rp. 482 juta dan jalan Hasanuddin dengan kebutuhan dana Rp. 3.962 juta.Kata Kunci : Sistem Manajemen Jalan, Penentuan Prioritas Rehabilitasi Jalan Provinsi, PKRMS

    Structural Characteristics of the Semanggol Formation Along the East-West Highway Route 67 Baling Area, Kedah, Malaysia

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    The amounts of structural data available from the East-West Highway Route 67 of Baling Area have been used to unravel the structural characteristics of the Semanggol Formation, which comprises black mudstone, sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, tuff, paraconglomerate, siliceous shale and chert. The area was cut by two sets of faults trending NW-SE and NE-SW. The main fault in this area is known as Bok Bak fault that is trending NW-SE and have moderately to steeply dips (40o-88o) as compared to the conjugate faults. Two sets of folds trending NE-SW and NW-SE were also identified in this area, where most of them are symmetrical fold with gentle to open fold varies from non-plunging to nearly moderately plunging folds. Most of the faults have parallel orientation to the fold axis, indicated this pattern probably originated at the same period of deformation due to warping and uplifting. Sejumlah data struktur geologi yang terdapat di sepanjang jalur tol Timur-Barat rute 67 daerah Baling telah digunakan untuk menguraikan karakteristik struktur dari Formasi Semanggol yang terdiri atas batu lempung hitam, batu pasir, batu pasir tufaan, tuf, para-konglomerat, batu serpih yang mengandungi silika dan batu rijang. Daerah ini dipotong oleh dua pasang patahan utama yang berarah NW-SE dan NE-SW. Sesar utama di kawasan ini dikenal sebagai Sesar Bok Bak dengan arah NW-SE dan kemiringan sedang hingga curam (40o-88o) sebanding dengan sesar konjugasinya. Dua pasang lipatan berarah NE-SW dan NW-SE juga dapat diidentifikasi di kawasan ini dimana sebagian besar dari lipatan tersebut merupakan lipatan simetri yang landai hingga terbuka dan bervariasi dari sudut penunjamannya dari tidak menunjam sama sekali hingga menunjam sedang. Kebanyakan dari sesar ini berorientasi sejajar dengan sumbu lipatan, mengindikasikan bahwa model ini kemungkinan terbentuk pada periode yang sama dengan proses terjadinya deformasi disebabkan oleh proses pelengkungan dan pengangkatan

    Financial Stability of Islamic Versus Conventional Banks in Pakistan

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    This study aims to analyze and compare the financial stability of Pakistani banks covering a timeframe of 5 years from 2012 to 2016. This study employs the financial soundness indicators of the International Monetary Funds and State Bank of Pakistan and the z-score index. The comparative analysis through average scores is performed using 3 indicators of financial stability namely Z-Score, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Equity to Total Assets Ratio. The findings of the research reveal that (i) conventional banks are more financially stable than Islamic banks; (ii) large conventional banks are more financially stable than large Islamic banks; (iii) small Islamic banks are less stable than small conventional bank. The implication of this paper is that conventional banks have the potential of absorbing financial stability shock as compare to Islamic banks on the basis of stated financial soundness indicators and Z-Score specifically.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i2.650

    Investigation of engineering properties of normal and high strength fly ash based geopolymer and alkali-activated slag concrete compared to ordinary Portland cement concrete

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    Fly ash-based geopolymer (FAGP) and alkali-activated slag (AAS) concrete are produced by mixing alkaline solutions with aluminosilicate materials. As the FAGP and AAS concrete are free of Portland cement, they have a low carbon footprint and consume low energy during the production process. This paper compares the engineering properties of normal strength and high strength FAGP and AAS concrete with OPC concrete. The engineering properties considered in this study included workability, dry density, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), compressive strength, indirect tensile strength, flexural strength, direct tensile strength, and stress-strain behaviour in compression and direct tension. Microstructural observations using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) are also presented. It was found that the dry density and UPV of FAGP and AAS concrete were lower than those of OPC concrete of similar compressive strength. The tensile strength of FAGP and AAS concrete was comparable to the tensile strength of OPC concrete when the compressive strength of the concrete was about 35 MPa (normal strength concrete). However, the tensile strength of FAGP and AAS concrete was higher than the tensile strength of OPC concrete when the compressive strength of concrete was about 65 MPa (high strength concrete). The modulus of elasticity of FAGP and AAS concrete in compression and direct tension was lower than the modulus of elasticity of OPC concrete of similar compressive strength. The SEM results indicated that the microstructures of FAGP and AAS concrete were more compact and homogeneous than the microstructures of OPC concrete at 7 days, but less compact and homogeneous than the microstructures of OPC concrete at 28 days for the concrete of similar compressive strength

    Prospective evaluation of outcome of percutaneous nephrolithotomy using the ‘STONE’ nephrolithometry score: a single-centre experience

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess the prediction of stone clearance and complications of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) using the \u27STONE\u27 nephrolithometry score, assessing stone size, tract length (skin-to-stone distance), degree of obstruction, number of calyces involved and stone essence (density). PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study of patients undergoing single-tract PCNL while prone, conducted at a university hospital. All patients had non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography within 3 weeks of the procedure. Only patients with a unilateral procedure and radio-opaque stones were included. The five variables of the STONE nephrolithometry score were calculated before the procedure. The stone-free rates were assessed with a plain abdominal film at 4 weeks and complications were graded using the modified Clavien system. RESULTS: In all, 107 patients were included in the final analysis. Overall, 80% of patients were rendered stone-free. Among the individual variables, a larger stone (P = 0.002) and the involvement of multiple calyces (P = 0.04) were associated with residual stones, while tract length (skin-to-stone distance), stone density and presence of hydronephrosis were not. Patients who were rendered stone-free had a statistically significant lower overall STONE score than those with residual stones, at 7.24 vs. 8.14 (P = 0.02). The score also correlated with operative duration, which was significantly longer with a higher STONE score (P = 0.03). The complication rate was 18% and most complications were Clavien grade 2, with bleeding requiring a blood transfusion (11 patients) being the commonest. There were no deaths within 30 days of surgery, but there was no correlation between the STONE score and complications. CONCLUSION: The STONE nephrolithometry score is a simple and easy to apply system for predicting complexity in stone clearance with PCNL

    Interdiffusion Behavior of Aluminide Coated Two-Phase α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl Alloys at High Temperatures

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    Lower density materials of TiAl based intermetallic alloys have recently attracted intensive attention for the replacement of nickel-based superalloys used at high temperatures. As aluminium-rich titanium aluminide intermetallic compounds are normally brittle, two-phase α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl alloys have been developed. To increase the corrosion resistance of these alloy systems, an aluminide coating of TiAl3 layer is normally applied. During operation at high temperatures, however, interdiffusion between the coating and the alloy substrate can occur and decrease the TiAl3 layer thickness of the coating. The effects of temperature exposure on the growth of the TiAl2 interdiffusion zone layer on two-phase α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl alloys with a chemical composition of Ti-47Al-2Nb-2Cr-0.5Y-0.5Zr are presented in this paper. The exponents for kinetics and rate constant of the TiAl2 interdiffusion layer growth of this multi-component system were found under variation of temperature. The results were compared with those from other researchers