780 research outputs found

    The mineralogy and chemistry of modern shallow-water and deep-sea corals

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2019.The architecture of coral reef ecosystems is composed of coral skeletons built from the mineral aragonite (CaCO3). Coral reefs are currently being threatened by ocean acidification (OA), which may lower calcification rates, reduce skeletal density, and increase aragonite dissolution. Crystallography and chemistry are what govern the materials properties of minerals, such solubility and strength. Thus, understanding the mineralogical nature of coral aragonite and how it forms are important for predicting bulk skeletal responses under climate change. Different models based on geochemical versus biological controls over coral skeleton biomineralization propose conflicting predictions about the fate of corals under OA. Rather than investigating the mechanism directly, I use a mineralogical approach to study the aragonite end-products of coral biomineralization. I hypothesize that coral mineralogy and crystallography will lend insights into how coral aragonite crystals form and how sensitive coral aragonite material properties may be to OA. Here I compare the crystallography, bonding environments, and compositions of coral aragonite with aragonite produced by other organisms (mollusk), synthetically (abiogenic precipitation in aragonite-supersaturated seawater and freshwater), and in natural geological settings (abiogenic). Coral aragonite crystallography does not resemble mollusk aragonite (aragonite formed with a strong biological influence), but rather is identical to abiogenic synthetic aragonite precipitated from seawater. I predict that the material properties of coral aragonite are similar to that of abiogenic synthetic seawater aragonites and that coral aragonite formation is sensitive to surrounding seawater chemistry. To test the effect OA on coral aragonites, I studied deep-sea corals from a natural Ωsw gradient (1.15–1.44) in the Gulf of Mexico and shallow-water corals across a natural Ωsw (2.3–3.7) and pH (7.84–8.05) gradient in Palau. Minor shifts in crystallography are expressed by coral aragonite in these natural systems, likely governed by skeletal calcite contents, density, and Ω of the coral calcifying fluid. My results are most consistent with a geochemical model for biomineralization, which implies that coral calcification may be sensitive to OA. However, further work is required to determine whether the modest crystallographic shifts I observe are representative on a global scale and whether they could influence bulk skeletal material properties.A National science foundation graduate research fellowship (Grant No. 1122374), a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, and the WHOI Academic Programs Office funded my stipend and tuition over the past five years. My research was supported by a Mineralogical Society of America Edward Krauss Crystallography Reseach Grant and a WHOI Ocean Ventures Fund Grant

    Coupled x-ray fluorescence and x-ray absorption spectroscopy for microscale imaging and identification of sulfur species within tissues and skeletons of scleractinian corals

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Analytical Chemistry 90 (2018): 12559–12566, doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02638.Identifying and mapping the wide range of sulfur species within complex matrices presents a challenge for under-standing the distribution of these important biomolecules within environmental and biological systems. Here, we present a coupled micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy method for determining the presence of specific sulfur species in coral tissues and skeletons at high spatial resolution. By using multiple energy stacks and principal component analysis of a large spectral database, we were able to more accurately identify sulfur species components and distinguish different species and distributions of sulfur formerly unresolved by previous studies. Specifically, coral tissues were domi-nated by more reduced sulfur species, such as glutathione disulfide, cysteine and sulfoxide, as well as organic sulfate as represented by chondroitin sulfate. Sulfoxide distributions were visually correlated with the presence of zooxanthellae endosymbionts. Coral skeletons were composed primarily of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS), along with minor contributions from organic sulfate and a separate inorganic sulfate likely in the form of adsorbed sulfate. This coupled XRF-XANES approach allows for a more accurate and informative view of sulfur within biological systems in situ, and holds great promise for pairing with other techniques to allow for a more encompassing understanding of elemental distributions within the environment.We thank Ray Dalio for funding the Micronesian expedition and K. Hughen,This material is based upon work supported by the Na-tional Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. 1122374 and a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Gabriela Farfan

    Characterization of Growth Morphology and Pathology, and Draft Genome Sequencing of Botrytis fabae, the Causal Organism of Chocolate Spot of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)

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    Chocolate spot is a major fungal disease of faba bean caused by the ascomycete fungus, Botrytis fabae. B. fabae is also implicated in botrytis gray mold disease in lentils, along with B. cinerea. Here we have isolated and characterized two B. fabae isolates from chocolate spot lesions on faba bean leaves. In plant disease assays on faba bean and lentil, B. fabae was more aggressive than B. cinerea and we observed variation in susceptibility among a small set of cultivars for both plant hosts. Using light microscopy, we observed a spreading, generalized necrosis response in faba bean toward B. fabae. In contrast, the plant response to B. cinerea was localized to epidermal cells underlying germinated spores and appressoria. In addition to the species characterization of B. fabae, we produced genome assemblies for both B. fabae isolates using Illumina sequencing. Genome sequencing coverage and assembly size for B. fabae isolates, were 27x and 45x, and 43.2 and 44.5 Mb, respectively. Following genome assembly and annotation, carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZymes) and effector genes were predicted. There were no major differences in the numbers of each of the major classes of CAZymes. We predicted 29 effector genes for B. fabae, and using the same selection criteria for B. cinerea, we predicted 34 putative effector genes. For five of the predicted effector genes, the pairwise dN/dS ratio between orthologs from B. fabae and B. cinerea was greater than 1.0, suggesting positive selection and the potential evolution of molecular mechanisms for host specificity in B. fabae. Furthermore, a homology search of secondary metabolite clusters revealed the absence of the B. cinerea phytotoxin botrydial and several other uncharacterized secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes from B. fabae. Although there were no obvious differences in the number or proportional representation of different transposable element classes, the overall proportion of AT-rich DNA sequence in B. fabae was double that of B. cinerea

    Evolutionary diversity peaks at mid-elevations along an Amazon-to-Andes elevation gradient

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    Elevation gradients present enigmatic diversity patterns, with trends often dependent on the dimension of diversity considered. However, focus is often on patterns of taxonomic diversity and interactions between diversity gradients and evolutionary factors, such as lineage age, are poorly understood. We combine forest census data with a genus level phylogeny representing tree ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms, and an evolutionary depth of 382 million years, to investigate taxonomic and evolutionary diversity patterns across a long tropical montane forest elevation gradient on the Amazonian flank of the Peruvian Andes. We find that evolutionary diversity peaks at mid-elevations and contrasts with taxonomic richness, which is invariant from low to mid-elevation, but then decreases with elevation. We suggest that this trend interacts with variation in the evolutionary ages of lineages across elevation, with contrasting distribution trends between younger and older lineages. For example, while 53% of young lineages (originated by 10 million years ago) occur only below ∼1,750 m asl, just 13% of old lineages (originated by 110 million years ago) are restricted to below ∼1,750 m asl. Overall our results support an Environmental Crossroads hypothesis, whereby a mid-gradient mingling of distinct floras creates an evolutionary diversity in mid-elevation Andean forests that rivals that of the Amazonian lowlands

    An accreted continental terrane in Northwestern Peru

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    Cet article présente une étude paléomagnétique des échantillons de plusieurs formations du bassin de Lancones (province de Piura). Les auteurs formulent l'hypothèse de l'accrétion d'une terrane sur la marge péruvienne au cours du Néocomien. Un régime de cisaillement aurait également produit des rotations in situ. L'évolution géodynamique du nord du Pérou est donc comparable aux processus observés sur les Andes septentrionales, en Equateu

    A Unified Nonlinear Adaptive Approach for Detection and Isolation of Engine Faults

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    A challenging problem in aircraft engine health management (EHM) system development is to detect and isolate faults in system components (i.e., compressor, turbine), actuators, and sensors. Existing nonlinear EHM methods often deal with component faults, actuator faults, and sensor faults separately, which may potentially lead to incorrect diagnostic decisions and unnecessary maintenance. Therefore, it would be ideal to address sensor faults, actuator faults, and component faults under one unified framework. This paper presents a systematic and unified nonlinear adaptive framework for detecting and isolating sensor faults, actuator faults, and component faults for aircraft engines. The fault detection and isolation (FDI) architecture consists of a parallel bank of nonlinear adaptive estimators. Adaptive thresholds are appropriately designed such that, in the presence of a particular fault, all components of the residual generated by the adaptive estimator corresponding to the actual fault type remain below their thresholds. If the faults are sufficiently different, then at least one component of the residual generated by each remaining adaptive estimator should exceed its threshold. Therefore, based on the specific response of the residuals, sensor faults, actuator faults, and component faults can be isolated. The effectiveness of the approach was evaluated using the NASA C-MAPSS turbofan engine model, and simulation results are presented

    Simulación híbrida: caso de estudio en un filtro activo de potencia

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    El concepto de simulación hibrida consiste en la combinación de simulaciones por computador y pruebas de laboratorio físicas. Este enfoque es una alternativa rentable a las pruebas físicas de todo un sistema, y permite la mejor comprensión de los complejos sistemas acoplados. Este artículo describe la implementación de un prototipo híbrido de filtro activo de potencia (APF), donde se implementa el sistema de fuente y la carga en simulación en tiempo real, y el sistema de convertidor de energía estática que actúa como filtro activo de potencia se implementa en hardware. Además, se confirman los resultados de simulación híbrida con la implementación de la simulación numérica en MATLAB-Simulink del mismo sistema implementado en la etapa de análisis y diseño del filtro activo de potencia.The hybrid simulation concept consisting of a combination of computer simulation and laboratory tests. This approach is a cost effective alternative to physically testing the whole system and allows better understanding of complex coupled systems.This paper describes implementing an active power filter (APF) hybrid prototype where the source system and load are implemented as a real-time simulation and the system of static power converter acting as an active power filter is implemented in physical hardware. It also confirmed the hybrid simulation results by implementing the simulation in MATLAB-Simulink regarding the same system implemented during the active power filter analysis and design stage

    Mineralogy of Deep-Sea Coral Aragonites as a Function of Aragonite Saturation State

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    In an ocean with rapidly changing chemistry, studies have assessed coral skeletal health under projected ocean acidification (OA) scenarios by characterizing morphological distortions in skeletal architecture and measuring bulk properties, such as net calcification and dissolution. Few studies offer more detailed information on skeletal mineralogy. Since aragonite crystallography will at least partially govern the material properties of coral skeletons, such as solubility and strength, it is important to understand how it is influenced by environmental stressors. Here, we take a mineralogical approach using micro X-ray diffraction (XRD) and whole pattern Rietveld refinement analysis to track crystallographic shifts in deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa samples collected along a natural seawater aragonite saturation state gradient (Ωsw = 1.15–1.44) in the Gulf of Mexico. Our results reveal statistically significant linear relationships between rising Ωsw and increasing unit cell volume driven by an anisotropic lengthening along the b-axis. These structural changes are similarly observed in synthetic aragonites precipitated under various saturation states, indicating that these changes are inherent to the crystallography of aragonite. Increased crystallographic disorder via widening of the full width at half maximum of the main (111) XRD peaks trend with increased Ba substitutions for Ca, however, trace substitutions by Ba, Sr, and Mg do not trend with crystal lattice parameters in our samples. Instead, we observe a significant trend of increasing calcite content as a function of both decreasing unit cell parameters as well as decreasing Ωsw. This may make calcite incorporation an important factor to consider in coral crystallography, especially under varying aragonite saturation states (ΩAr). Finally, by defining crystallography-based linear relationships between ΩAr of synthetic aragonite analogs and lattice parameters, we predict internal calcifying fluid saturation state (Ωcf = 11.1–17.3 calculated from b-axis lengths; 15.2–25.2 calculated from unit cell volumes) for L. pertusa, which may allow this species to calcify despite the local seawater conditions. This study will ideally pave the way for future studies to utilize quantitative XRD in exploring the impact of physical and chemical stressors on biominerals

    Merida virus, a putative novel rhabdovirus discovered in Culex and Ochlerotatus spp. mosquitoes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico

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    Sequences corresponding to a putative, novel rhabdovirus [designated Merida virus (MERDV)] were initially detected in a pool of Culex quinquefasciatus collected in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. The entire genome was sequenced, revealing 11 798 nt and five major ORFs, which encode the nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), glycoprotein (G) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L). The deduced amino acid sequences of the N, G and L proteins have no more than 24, 38 and 43 % identity, respectively, to the corresponding sequences of all other known rhabdoviruses, whereas those of the P and M proteins have no significant identity with any sequences in GenBank and their identity is only suggested based on their genome position. Using specific reverse transcription-PCR assays established from the genome sequence, 27 571 C. quinquefasciatus which had been sorted in 728 pools were screened to assess the prevalence of MERDV in nature and 25 pools were found positive. The minimal infection rate (calculated as the number of positive mosquito pools per 1000 mosquitoes tested) was 0.9, and similar for both females and males. Screening another 140 pools of 5484 mosquitoes belonging to four other genera identified positive pools of Ochlerotatus spp. mosquitoes, indicating that the host range is not restricted to C. quinquefasciatus. Attempts to isolate MERDV in C6/36 and Vero cells were unsuccessful. In summary, we provide evidence that a previously undescribed rhabdovirus occurs in mosquitoes in Mexico.The authors thank Valeria Bussetti for expert technical assistance. This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (awards 5R21AI067281, AI057158, 5R21AI067281 and AI088647), the United States Department of Defense and an intramural grant from Iowa State University. AEF is supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (award 106207).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Microbiology Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/jgv.0.00042
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