456 research outputs found

    Academic Performance and Sport Involvement of LIU Post Athletes

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    The objective of this study was to examine the association between academic performance (GPA) and the demographics, level of health condition, and factors of the surrounding environment of LIU Post student athletes. To do so, a survey was created and distributed to LIU Post student athletes, which resulted in a sample of 262 participants from ages 18 to 24 years old. Results show that student athletes who have teammates as best friends have a higher GPA. In addition, student athletes who base most of their academic decisions on advice from their coaches have a lower GPA. Lastly, when professors are aware of the students’ athletic status, their GPA is higher. Based on the results from this study, the researcher has proposed recommendations on how student athletes can improve their academic performance

    The impact of mobility models on the performance of mobile Ad Hoc network routing protocol

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    A mobility model represents nodes distribution and movement over the network. Several research works have shown that a selection of mobility model can affect the outcome of routing performance simulation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Thus, a routing protocol may only be effective in a particular mobility model or scenario but performs inferiorly in another. As a result, analyses of routing protocol performance are often based on inadequate information leading to inaccurate argument and conclusion. In this paper, three different mobility models have been selected, where each of them is highly distinctive in terms of nodes movement behavior. In addition, a new measurement technique called probability of route connectivity is introduced. The technique is used to quantify the success rate of route established by a routing protocol. Extensive simulation runs are done and results are compared between each mobility model

    The Usage of Copper Slag in Bituminous Mix

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    This report basically discusses the researches done and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is 'The Usage of Copper Slag in Bituminous Mix'. Copper slag is produced as waste from roasting of copper, in which sulphur (as S02 ) is eliminated. Disposal of many million tons of wastes such as copper slag is responsible for health hazards and degradation of environment. The purpose of the research is to determine the performance of the asphalt pavement with the existence of copper slag, compared with the conventional asphalt pavement. The use of copper slag, in hot bituminous mixes is to enhance the pavement performance, to protect the environment and to provide low cost roads is the need of hour. There have been researches done where copper slag was used as fine aggregate (up to 30%) or filler in the design of bituminous mixes like Bituminous Macadam, Dense Bituminous Macadam, Bituminous Concrete and Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete. The addition of copper slag in various bituminous mixes provides good interlocking and eventually improves volumetric and mechanical properties of bituminous mixes. The research is conducted by adding the copper slag to substitute the filler in the asphalt mixtures while finding the optimum mix. The mixes are made to comply with the standards of the pavements done in the industry set by Jabatan Kelja Raya (JKR) and Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan (PLUS). Tests are done on the aggregates used for the mix and also on the hot mix asphalt and based on the result it is found that copper slag can replace the use of cement in bituminous mix while also increase the quality of the pavement


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    Bekasi merupakan salah satu kota besar di Indonesia yang berdekatan danberbatasan langsung dengan ibu kota, DKI Jakarta. Atas aspek inilah, Bekasimulai dilirik oleh sebagian besar investor baik di tanah air maupun dari luar, halini membuat Bekasi membutuhkan ruang yang dapat mewadahi kegiatanpertemuan dan konvensi antar investor tersebut.Selain itu, Bekasi juga sedang gencar-gencarnya berusaha untuk memajukanpariwisata dan pusat kreatif di kota Bekasi, salah satu contohnya adalah denganperayaan HUT Kota Bekasi. Pariwisata dan pusat kreatif Bekasi yang meningkatini juga disertai dengan perkembangan kegiatan pemuda di kota Bekasi

    Impact de l'interféron gamma sur la production de la kératine 15 dans les kératinocytes isolés de la peau de patients atteints d'épidermolyse bulleuse simplex

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    L'épidermolyse bulleuse simplex (EBS) est caractérisée par un décollement intra-épidermique au niveau de la couche basale de Pépiderme aboutissant à la formation de bulles et de cloques cutanées. L'EBS est causée par des mutations au niveau des gènes qui codent pour la kératine 5 (K5) ou la kératine (K14), qui sont transmises majoritairement selon un mode autosomique dominant. L'EBS affecte environ 1/50 000 à 1/30 000 personnes dans le monde et elle est considérée comme une maladie orpheline. Dans cette étude, les kératinocytes ont été isolés de biopsies de la peau de patients atteints d'EBS ayant des mutations dans le gène KRT14 et de témoins non atteints. Des essais thérapeutiques utilisant l'interféron gamma (IFN-y) ont été réalisés afin de stimuler la production de la Kl5. Les résultats ont révélé que l'IFN-y réduit l'expression et la production de la Kl5 contrairement à ce que suggérait la littérature. Cette discordance pourrait s'expliquer par un effet « régulateur » de l'IFNy sur la Kl 5 lorsque les cellules seraient activées. Cette hypothèse a été validée par l'augmentation de l'expression de la KRT16 qui est considérée comme un marqueur de préactivation des kératinocytes. Ainsi, l'IFN-y ne semble pas être une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour l'EBS causée par une mutation de KTR14 (R125S)

    Improvement on work measurement at Pau Mira Frozen Food Industry

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    The record of highest sales for one day is 20000 buns and the manpower for Pau Mira factory is only 18 persons. Special feature for Pau Mira is about the full of stuffing and many choices of flavor. Hot selling bun flavor is red bean bun and chocolate bun. For example, Bun Mira contains many flavors such as red bean bun, coconut, yam, chocolate, chicken, durian and it is enables to be food supplies to West Malaysia, not only limited to area Pagoh. The workflow for Pau Mira factory includes ingredient selection, dough kneading, and bun formation, fermentation, steaming, cooling and packaging. Table 5.1 shows the process of making pau started from dough kneading until the packaging process

    Evaluación del sistema de agua potable del Caserío de Virahuanca, distrito de Moro – Ancash, 2019. Propuesta de Mejora

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el sistema de agua potable del Caserío de Virahuanca del distrito de Moro – Ancash, 2019. La investigación estuvo bajo el diseño descriptivo, así mismo, la población y muestra estuvo conformada por todo sistema de agua potable del Caserío de Virahuanca del distrito de Moro, donde se aplicó como instrumento de recolección de datos una Ficha técnica, y como técnica de análisis la observación; posterior a la aplicación del instrumento en el sistema de la zona objeto de estudio, se encontró que la cámara de captación está hecha de manera no profesional tiene forma rectangular de 1.50m por lado con una profundidad de 1.20m. Cuenta con una pantalla con 2 agujeros de 4” que toma el agua del manantial, un tubo de 4” para rebose y un tubo de 4” de salida, así mismo no cuenta con filtro el periodo máximo recomendable de vida útil para una estructura de captación es de 20 años. La tubería de conducción es de Ø2” PVC PN 10 de marca EURO TUBO, se encuentra bajo el suelo y se va por el borde del canal de regadío en algunos tramos de la línea el tubo se encuentra expuesta al ambiente lo cual corre riesgo de que sufra daño, así también la captación del agua es inapropiada debido a que está expuesta al medio ambiente, las conexiones domiciliaras de la población tienen una antigüedad de 10 años y solo un 60% de la misma tienen conexión directa a la red dentro de la cuales algunos presentan deficiencias en las conexiones ya que estas no permiten alcanzar un caudal adecuado para el consumo doméstico, simultáneamente también se tomó una muestra de agua del reservorio y fue evaluado en un laboratorio para determinar si es agua apta para consumo humano, donde se pudo concluir que se obtuvo un resultado aceptable cumpliendo con los parámetros establecidos por DIGESA; por tanto, se puede concluir que el actual sistema de agua potable, se encuentra estructurado de forma artesanal, no sigue ninguna norma para su construcción, sin embargo, respecto a la evaluación de la calidad de agua, se permite afirmar que según resultados de laboratorio, es apta para el consumo humano

    Hazhunt : Augmented Reality App for Gamified Occupational Safety Hazard Training

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    The purpose of this project is to develop an augmented content-based app called Hazhunt augmented reality application for the use of Occupational Safety and Health training among the organizational members, which include the students and workers. The objective of this project to use AR technology for practical on-the-spot use to prevent workplace incidents and accidents and assists the user in knowing each of the icons for hazardous material. A recent study shows that the use of augmented reality technology can increase the safety of the worker and student in a dangerous working environment and also provides information in real-time about the hazard or chemical substance. In this report, usability testing has been conducted using the pre-test and post-test and also using the Instructional material motivational survey (IMMS) method. The participants for usability tests were ten university students from non-OSHA graduates (male = 4; female = 6; mean age = 23.5). The results show that Hazhunt AR has offered an excellent way to educate and handle danger to students and to empower them. For the pre-test, the mean and standard deviations are 10.9 and 1.523. The mean and standard deviation figures for post-testing are 14.6 and 1.712. The calculation of satisfaction earned the highest average of 4.8, followed by a relevance value of 4.65, a confidence value of 4.6, and attention. An attention rating with a value of 4.55 is the lowest mean score. The highest standard deviation is a relevance value of 0.590, follow by confidence 0.520, attention 0.510, and satisfaction 0.410. Therefore, it indicates that the students are pleased with the production and use of Hazhunt AR in training and learning