554 research outputs found

    Lack of kinase-independent activity of PI3Kγ in locus coeruleus induces ADHD symptoms through increased CREB signaling.

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    Although PI3Kγ has been extensively investigated in inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, the exploration of its functions in the brain is just at dawning. It is known that PI3Kγ is present in neurons and that the lack of PI3Kγ in mice leads to impaired synaptic plasticity, suggestive of a role in behavioral flexibility. Several neuropsychiatric disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), involve an impairment of behavioral flexibility. Here, we found a previously unreported expression of PI3Kγ throughout the noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus (LC) in the brainstem, serving as a mechanism that regulates its activity of control on attention, locomotion and sociality. In particular, we show an unprecedented phenotype of PI3Kγ KO mice resembling ADHD symptoms. PI3Kγ KO mice exhibit deficits in the attentive and mnemonic domains, typical hyperactivity, as well as social dysfunctions. Moreover, we demonstrate that the ADHD phenotype depends on a dysregulation of CREB signaling exerted by a kinase-independent PI3Kγ-PDE4D interaction in the noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus, thus uncovering new tools for mechanistic and therapeutic research in ADHD


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    Kemampuan fisik bagi seorang pemain merupakan syarat untuk menampilkan hasil kerjanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kondisi fisik pada pemain timFutsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian adalah pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang sebanyak 18 orang. Semua populasi dijadikan sampel (total sampling). Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes kondisi fisik, yang terdiri dari 6 (Enam) item tes yaitu: Modified Sit and Reach, Sit-Up, Shuttle Run, lari 20 meter, Bleep Test,dan Vertical Jump. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka dapat disimpulkan; a. Tidak ada satu pun pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang yang berkategori Baik Sekali dan Baik, b. Tingkat Kondisi fisik pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang yang termasuk dalam kategori Cukup ada 2 pemain jika di hitung dalam persen sebesar 11,11%, c. Tingkat Kondisi pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang yang termasuk dalam kategori Kurang ada 9 pemain jika di hitung dalam persen sebesar 50,00%, d. Tingkat Kondisi pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang yang termasuk dalam kategori Sangat Kurang ada 7 pemain jika di hitung dalam persen sebesar 38,89%. Gambaran secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat kondisi fisik pemain tim Futsal PORDA Kabupaten Sumedang berada dalam kategori Kurang. Phyical ability for a player is a requirement to display the result of its. If the player is good physical condition then increase in a sports achievement. The purpose of this research is to identify the level of physical condition on a player PORDA Sumedang futsal team. A method of research that we use is a method of descriptive. The population of this research is a player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang 18 people. All used as a sample of the population ( the total of sampling ). An instrument of this research is the tst physical condition consisting of 6 (six) item as a test ; sit and reach, sit up, shuttle run 8x5, run 20meters, bleeps test, and vertical jump. Based on the result analysis of data and discussion of the results obtained, the can be inferred; a. no single player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang that category very kind and good, b. the level of the physical condition of a player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang included in category 2 player if there is enough in count in percent of 11,11%, c. the level of the condition of a player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang that included in a category lacking 9 player if in count in percent of 50,00%, d. The level of the condition of a player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang included in the category of very less we go 7 players if count in percenr of 38,89%. The picture in general to be said that the level of the physical condition of a player team futsal PORDA district Sumedang was in the category of less

    Interpersonal Violence Experience in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Mixed Methods Approach

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    Aims: The aim of this dissertation was to understand violence victimization and perpetration as it relates to the deficits associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods: Three studies were conducted. An online community sample of 434 adults without ASD was used to examine how the social, communication, and behavioural deficits found in the Broader Autism Phenotype, and other known risk factors for victimization, predict interpersonal violence victimization and perpetration experiences (Study 1). Subsequently, a clinical sample of 45 adults with ASD and 42 adults without ASD completed questionnaires in order to explore whether those with ASD experience or perpetrate more interpersonal violence than those without ASD, and whether key impairments in ASD serve to explain rates of interpersonal violence perpetration and victimization (Study 2). Finally, 22 individuals with ASD from Study 2 participated in structured interviews that further explored perceived risk and protective factors for interpersonal violence victimization in those with ASD (Study 3). Results: Study 1 demonstrated that, among the variables examined, childhood polyvictimization was associated with adulthood polyvictimization and polyperpetration in men and women. For men, emotion regulation was associated with polyvictimization, and for women, emotion regulation was associated with polyperpetration. The Broader Autism Phenotype was not a significant predictor of either victimization or perpetration. Study 2 demonstrated that adults with ASD report experiencing, in childhood, more victimization overall, and specifically more property crime, childhood maltreatment, teasing/emotional bullying, and sexual assault by peers than adults without ASD. Adults with ASD did not report experiencing more overall polyvictimization in adulthood compared to adults without ASD, though they did report experiencing more teasing/emotional bullying, assault with a weapon, and greater sexual contact victimization. Study 3 elucidated individual and contextual themes that may reduce the risk of victimization (e.g., support from others and building safety skills) in adults with ASD. Discussion: Adults with ASD have an increased vulnerability to violence victimization, and this speaks to the need for intervention and proactive prevention strategies to decrease their vulnerability to, and the impact of, violence victimization. Interventions are needed to support skill development and address environmental components of risk

    A cholinergic-sympathetic pathway primes immunity in hypertension and mediates brain-to-spleen communication

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    The crucial role of the immune system in hypertension is now widely recognized. We previously reported that hypertensive challenges couple the nervous drive with immune system activation, but the physiological and molecular mechanisms of this connection are unknown. Here, we show that hypertensive challenges activate splenic sympathetic nerve discharge to prime immune response. More specifically, a vagus-splenic nerve drive, mediated by nicotinic cholinergic receptors, links the brain and spleen. The sympathetic discharge induced by hypertensive stimuli was absent in both coeliac vagotomized mice and in mice lacking α7nAChR, a receptor typically expressed by peripheral ganglionic neurons. This cholinergic-sympathetic pathway is necessary for T cell activation and egression on hypertensive challenges. In addition, we show that selectively thermoablating the splenic nerve prevents T cell egression and protects against hypertension. This novel experimental procedure for selective splenic denervation suggests new clinical strategies for resistant hypertension

    The social practice theory and the practice as study unit

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    Indexación: Scopus.Financiamiento: Comisión Nacional de Investigación, Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICYT), proyectos FONDECYT No. 3150374 “La reorganización del trabajo académico: escenarios laborales, prácticas cotidianas e identidad”, No. 1151209 “Vidas Académicas, Instituciones en Disputa: La organización del trabajo y la subjetividad académica en un contexto de transformación”, y No. FONDECYT No. 1180129 " El trabajo cientifico en Chile: Instrumentos de acción pública, prácticas de producción científica e identidades laborales". UNAB, Financiamiento Interno Jorge Millas, “Gestión Universitaria y la producción científico-académica: Perspectivas de diferentes actores al encuentro”. Agradecimiento: Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva. Programa PIA-CONICYT. Proyecto CIE 160009En los últimos 50 años, la idea de giro en ciencias sociales se ha vuelto recurrente: giro interpretativo, discursivo, afectivo. El giro hacia las prácticas se suma a los movimientos mencionados. Se trata de un enfoque en desarrollo conformado por tradiciones heterogéneas que convergen en pensar la práctica como una unidad de estudio alternativa para pensar lo social. La mirada sobre la práctica muestra un creciente desarrollo en la ciencias sociales, por ofrecer una lectura particular de fenómenos micro sociales. Este artículo indaga en las teorías de las prácticas sociales (TPS) y en particular sobre la práctica como unidad de estudio de lo psicosocial, ilustrando su rendimiento mediante la práctica de escritura científica. Se revisa el debate contemporáneo y el giro de la práctica, para luego profundizar en el concepto en sí, revisando los elementos que componen una práctica: sentidos, competencias y materialidades; así como sus atributos en tanto unidad: social, recursiva y rizomática. Finalmente se revisa e ilustra un conjunto de estrategias de investigación pertinentes al enfoque y se reflexiona acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de los estudios sociales de la práctica.In the last 50 years the idea of turning in social sciences has become recurrent: interpretive, discursive, affective turn. The turn towards practices adds to the mentioned movements. It is a development approach shaped by heterogeneous traditions, which converge in thinking of practice as an alternative study unit to think socially. The look on the practice, shows a growing development in the social sciences to offer a particular reading of micro social phenomena, nevertheless it is a still incipient discussion in the Latin American scene. This article presents an inquiry into the theories of social practices (TPS) and in particular about practice as a unit of study of the social. At the beginning, the contemporary debate and the turn of the practice are reviewed, to then deepen in the concept itself, reviewing the elements that make up a practice: competences, materialities and meanings. As well as its attributes as a unit: social, recursive and rhizomatic. Finally, a set of research strategies pertinent to the approach is reviewed and illustrated and the possibilities and limitations of the social studies of the practice are reflected.http://www.psicoperspectivas.cl/index.php/psicoperspectivas/article/viewFile/1241/75

    Practices and Discourses of Academics: Local Lessons to Address the Digital Shift in Academic Management

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    Since the 1980s, accountability, performance measurement and competitiveness have been implemented in universities globally. It is the management logic known as New Public Management (NPM). But the NPM in contemporary academia is not understood without attending to the emergence of digital management devices and platforms (DMDs). It is the combination of both events that we have called the digital turn in university management. The implementation of DMDs is not a homogeneous and fully satisfactory process but is loaded with attempts, fails, and failures that need the voice of academics to be understood in its extension. This article presents the results of 40 interviews with academics about their experience and engagement with DMDs. The results point to the existence of at least three repertoires: 1) device-lover, 2) functional- pragmatic and 3) oppositionist-rejector. Together, these results point out that, on one hand, both the experience and the identity of the academic; and on the other hand, the relationship with the institutional context; both are the key to the successful implementation of the DMDs


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    PT. Semen Padang melakukan aktivitas peledakan untuk menambang batu kapur. Saat melakukan aktivitas peledakan diketahui akan menghasilkan polutan udara berbahaya bagi kesehatan pekerja tambang seperti total suspended particulate (TSP). Selain itu area sekitar penambangan juga terdapat permukiman padat penduduk yang kemungkinan akan ikut terpapar. Untuk memastikan hal ini, dibuatlah model untuk memprediksi konsentrasi dan arah penyebaran TSP agar dapat menentukan daerah terdampak atau daerah dengan pencemar yang tinggi. Pengambilan sampel dan penentuan lokasi mengacu pada SNI 19-7119.6-2005 yang terdiri dari 30 titik pengamatan di 8 arah mata angin dengan masing-masing jarak 0,2 km, 0,4 km, 0,8 km, 1,2 km dan 1,6 km. Pengukuran konsentrasi TSP menggunakan EPAM, sedangkan untuk membuat pemodelan menggunakan AERMOD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi TSP menggunakan EPAM berkisar antara 8,06 µg/m3 - 62,29 µg/m3 dengan rata-rata 29,59 µg/m3, konsentrasi cenderung tinggi arah tenggara, barat dan barat laut. Konsentrasi TSP menggunakan AERMOD berkisar antara 0,97 µg/m3 - 33,81 µg/m3 dengan rata-rata 24,07 µg/m3, menyebar ke arah tenggara, selatan dan barat daya. Konsentrasi akibat aktivitas peledakan di sekitar area penambangan dibandingkan dengan Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan No. 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lingkungan Kerja, sedangkan di sekitar permukiman penduduk dibandingkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Kemudian untuk menguji akurasi model dilakukan uji anova one way dengan tingkat kepentingan 0,05. Nilai ρ-value didapatkan sebesar 0,11609 (p > 0,05) maka H0 dapat diterima, artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan antara pengukuran langsung degan model sehingga model dapat digunakan sebagai perkiraan penyebaran konsentrasi

    University transformation and quantification devices

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Las políticas de Educación Superior en Chile les demandan a las Universidades la instalación de dispositivos de gestión orientados a organizar, cuantificar y monitorear el trabajo académico. Pensando en las implicaciones del uso de estos dispositivos de gestión, este trabajo presenta los resultados de un análisis discursivo de 95 documentos de trabajo (Reglamentos, Bases de concurso, Formularios de acreditación) para conocer las interpelaciones que realiza a la labor universitaria. Mediante el método de análisis de discurso, se caracteriza la actuación de los documentos oficiales que regulan y transforman el trabajo académico. El estudio realizado evidencia que los dispositivos de gestión del Trabajo académico performan el trabajo mediante acciones tales como: establecer jerarquías entre las múltiples tareas de un académico y entre académicos, mediante criterios que no han sido discutidos por la comunidad profesional; objetivar procesos laborales y asumir consensos en torno a ello, desconociendo disputas y desacuerdos actuales; omitir el contexto de producción académica, construyendo una imagen del trabajo como proceso individual; y finalmente instando relaciones laborales individualizadas y competitivas.In Chile, higher education policies have required universities to adopt management tools related to the monitoring and quantification of academic work. Accordingly, this paper presents the results of a documentary study of 95 official documents concerning academic work (Regulations, Scholarship and Grant Application Guidelines and Accreditation Application Forms) in order to understand the regulations pertaining to academic work. Discourse analysis was used to determine how these documents are used in the university environment to regulate and transform the academic work. The present study shows that management tools adopted characterize the academic work through actions such as: establish hierarchies among the multiple tasks of a faculty member and among faculty members using criteria that have not been discussed by the academic community; objectify work processes and reach consensus over them, disregarding current disputes and disagreements; omit the context of academic production creating an image of work as an individual process; and finally urge the establishment of individualizing and competitive work relationships.http://ref.scielo.org/d2c4s


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