29 research outputs found


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    Pengangguran terbuka berdasarkan pendidikan tertinggi yang ditamatkan pada tahun 2017, lulusan dari Universitas menyumbang angka pengangguran sebesar 8,66%. Persentase tersebut mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2016 sebesar 8,07%. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa lulusan Universitas belum menjadi jaminan untuk seseorang mendapat pekerjaan dengan mudah. Oleh karena itu, kondisi tersebut menuntut masyarakat khususnya yang masih berada pada usia produktif agar dapat memiliki kualitas individu yang aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif dengan solusi terbaik melalui pendidikan termasuk pendidikan kewirausahaan. Selain pendidikan kewirausahaan, terdapat faktor lain yang dapat menumbuhkan motivasi dalam berwirausaha antara lain latar belakang keluarga, kebutuhan pangan, dan kebutuhan sandang. Variabel-variabel tesebut akan di analisis menggunakan metode Generalized Linear Model dengan pendekatan Log-Linear. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat hubungan dari faktor latar belakang keluarga dan pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap motivasi berwirausaha, dimana motivasi cukup baik dalam berwirausaha cenderung mendapatkan dukungan yang sangat baik. Sedangkan motivasi sangat baik dalam berwirausaha cenderung memiliki pembekalan yang sangat baik dari mata kuliah pendidikan kewirausahaan.Kata Kunci: Motivasi Berwirausaha, Generalized Linear Model, Log-Linear Model

    Prosedur Pemberian Kredit pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Artha Buana Krian Sidoarjo

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a country's economic situation to become unstable. Many business sectors are experiencing losses and bankruptcy. In addition, many people also experienced mass layoffs and became unemployed. Therefore, the role of banking is very important and needed to be able to help people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the assistance that banks can provide is credit or loan funds. In providing credit, a bank must be careful in making a decision whether the credit is feasible or not to be given so that the bank does not suffer losses. This final project research was carried out at PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Artha Buana Krian. The purpose of this final project is to find out how the procedure for granting credit at PT. BPR Artha Buana Krian, know what credit guarantees are at PT. BPR Artha Buana Krian, know what credit analysis is at PT. BPR Artha Buana Krian, knowing the obstacles in the implementation of the procedure for granting credit at PT. BPR Artha Buana Krian, and the solutions provided by PT. BPR Artha Buana Krian against existing obstacles. To obtain the results in this final project, the analysis used is descriptive analysis. The method used in this final project research, there are several research methods, namely the method of interview, observation, literature study, and documentation. The type of data used in this study is primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of this final project, the procedure for granting credit at PT BPR Artha Buana consists of several stages, namely credit application, survey, slik, credit analysis, first data checking, credit approval, preparation of credit documents, second data checking, credit binding, and disbursement. credit. Based on the results of the data regarding the lending procedure carried out by PT BPR Artha Buana Krian this has been carried out properly and in accordance with the BPR Credit Policy Guidelines (PKPB). Keywords: Rural Banks, BPR, Credit Provision Procedures, Collateral, Credit Analysi


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    The objective of this research is to know and analyze the deductive and inductive approaches in teaching grammar used by english teachers at SMPN 2 Kota Tangerang. The researchers used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were collected through the observation of teaching and learning activities in the classroom of four english teachers at SMPN 2 Kota Tangerang. The result of the research showed that the four english teachers used either deductive approach or inductive approach, it can be seen from the way they were teaching, they chose and used either deductive approach or inductive seen by the steps that implemented by the teacher in teaching grammar, the role  of teacher and students in the teaching and learning activities. The three of four English teachers at SMPN 2 Kota Tangerang used or applied deductive approach in the classroom and one of them still used and applied inductive one. As for the used of an approach, the researchers got a result of the dominance approach used by the English teachers at SMPN 2 Kota Tangerang was deductive

    The Asssociations Between Accreditation Status, Patient Socio-Economic Factors, Insurance Type, Patient Perceived Quality of Service, and Satisfaction at Community Health Center

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    Background: Being one of the most important elements in healthcare system, Community Health Center has been promoted to improve its quality and capacity of services. Accreditation is a method that can be used to improve and measure the quality of health service. Quality service improvement is expected to enhance patient satisfaction. This study aimed to investigate the asssociations between accreditation status, patient socio-economic factors, insurance type, patient perceived quality of service, and satisfaction at Community Health Center.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was conducted at Community Health Center in Surakarta, Central Java from June to July 2017. A total of 8 Community Health Centers with different accreditation status (not accredited, lowest, medium, and highest) were selected for this study. A sample of 200 patients were selected from the 8 Comunity Health Centers by proportional random sampling. The independent variables were accreditation status, patient education level, family income, and insurance type. The dependent variables were perceived quality of service and patient satisfaction. The data were collected by a set of pre-tested questionnaires. Accreditation status was identified from the record at District Health Office. Data were analyzed by path analysis.Results: Patient satisfaction was associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status (b=0.39; SE=0.22; p=0.069), perceived quality of service (b=0.05; SE=0.02; p=0.022), patient education level (b=-1.16; SE=0.48; p=0.017), and insurance type (b=0.61; SE=0.31; p=0.044). Perceived quality of health services was associated by accreditation status (b=2.22; SE=0.74; p=0.003), patient education level(b=-4.51; SE=1.68; p=0.007), and insurance type (b=2.79; SE=1.06; p=0.008). Family income did not show statistically significant association with perceived quality of health service (b=-0.17; SE=0.11; p=0.123).Conclusion: Patient satisfaction is associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status, perceived quality of service, patient education level, and insurance type. Perceived quality of health services is associated with accreditation status, patient education level, and insurance type.Keywords: patient satisfaction, perceived quality of service, accreditation status, Commuity Health CenterCorrespondence: Farahdila Mirshanti. Masters Program of Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +628121534393.Journal of Health Policy and Management (2017), 1(1): 91-101https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2017.02.01.0

    Velocity profile compliance for a wheeled mobile robot

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    Mobile robots can be used in many applications, such as exploration, search and rescue, reconnaissance, security, and cleaning. Mobile robots usually carry batteries as their energy source and their operational time is restricted by the finite energy available from the batteries. With great advancements in application of Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMRs), concern of energy grew. Most of (not all) research and work done on the field of robotics is developed with no relation to ‘life’ of the robot. Specially, mobile robots use batteries to power themselves. So, the ‘lifespan’ of these robots is limited. So, the investigations on energy-related concepts are also of great importance. The energy is dissipated mostly in the motors, which strongly depends on the velocity profile. This paper investigates energy efficiency for trapezoidal velocity profile to minimize a new energy object function which considers practical energy consumption dissipated in motors related to motor dynamics, velocity profile, and motor control input. This paper will perform the analyses on energy consumption for trapezoidal velocity profile by using the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method as the controller. The goals of this project are by getting the energy optimization and the best velocity profile generation. Through the project, it can be concluded that the main factors in energy optimization based on the velocity profile generation are the election of PWM duty cycle and the time to complete the task. The higher the duty cycle of PWM and the shorter time we gain to complete the task will be result more energy saving in battery consumption. The velocity Profile 3 is chosen as the best velocity profile compared to Profile 1 and Profile 2 in terms of energy efficiency consumption which it gives us 2.48% and 1.95% differences between Profile 1 and Profile 2 respectively

    Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 dalam Meningkatkan Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring), faktor-faktor pendukung serta faktor-faktor penghambat guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru melaksanakan kebijakan pemerintah melalui pembelajaran daring. Berbagai faltform digunakan dalam pembelajaran daring. Berbagai respon positif disampaikan peserta didik terkait pembelajaran daring. Namun pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada masa pandemic Covid-19 ini memiliki tantangan/kendala, baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia, sarana-prasarana, dan teknis implementasi. Sebagai rekomendasi ke depan, dibutuhkan kemitraan publik dan keterlibatan banyak pihak secara berkelanjutan. Kompetensi dan keterampilan guru harus terus diperkaya, didukung oleh kebijakan sekolah yang mendorong guru terus belajar.  Pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan untuk anak usia sekolah dasar dirasa kurang efektif  seperti kurang maksimalnya penyampaian materi , koneksi internet yang kadang mnejadi lamban, gaya belajar yang cenderung visual, dan kurang leluasanya guru dalam mengontrol kegiatan siswa maka dari itu pencapaian belajar peserta didik tentunya harus diperhitungkan, diukur, baik secara materi maupun waktu. Guru tidak boleh semata-mata memberikan tugas tetapi harus memperhitungkan secara matang. Guru tidak boleh lupa untuk mengapresiasi capaian peserta didik. Kurikulum yang fleksibel dan siap menghadapi pandemi juga dibutuhkan.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Kurikulum, Peningkatan Pendidikan Karakte

    The Asssociations Between Accreditation Status, Patient Socio-Economic Factors, Insurance Type, Patient Perceived Quality of Service, and Satisfaction at Community Health Center

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    Background: Being one of the most important elements in healthcare system, Community Health Center has been promoted to improve its quality and capacity of services. Accreditation is a method that can be used to improve and measure the quality of health service. Quality service improvement is expected to enhance patient satisfaction. This study aimed to investigate the asssociations between accreditation status, patient socio-economic factors, insurance type, patient perceived quality of service, and satisfaction at Community Health Center. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was conducted at Community Health Center in Surakarta, Central Java from June to July 2017. A total of 8 Community Health Centers with different accreditation status (not accredited, lowest, medium, and highest) were selected for this study. A sample of 200 patients were selected from the 8 Comunity Health Centers by proportional random sampling. The independent variables were accreditation status, patient education level, family income, and insurance type. The dependent variables were perceived quality of service and patient satisfaction. The data were collected by a set of pre-tested questionnaires. Accreditation status was identified from the record at District Health Office. Data were analyzed by path analysis. Results: Patient satisfaction was associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status (b= 0.39; SE= 0.22; p= 0.069), perceived quality of service (b= 0.05; SE= 0.02; p= 0.022), patient education level (b= -1.16; SE= 0.48; p= 0.017), and insurance type (b= 0.61; SE= 0.31; p= 0.044). Perceived quality of health services was associated by accreditation status (b= 2.22; SE= 0.74; p= 0.003), patient education level(b= -4.51; SE= 1.68; p= 0.007), and insurance type (b= 2.79; SE= 1.06; p= 0.008). Family income did not show statistically significant association with perceived quality of health service (b= -0.17; SE= 0.11; p= 0.123). Conclusion: Patient satisfaction is associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status, perceived quality of service, patient education level, and insurance type. Perceived quality of health services is associated with accreditation status, patient education level, and insurance type. Keywords: patient satisfaction, perceived quality of service, accreditation status, Commuity Health Cente

    The Asssociations between Accreditation Status, Patient Socio-Economic Factors, Insurance Type, Patient Perceived Quality of Service, and Satisfaction at Community Health Center

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    Background: Being one of the most important elements in healthcare system, Community Health Center has been promoted to improve its quality and capacity of services. Accreditation is a method that can be used to improve and measure the quality of health service. Quality service improvement is expected to enhance patient satisfaction. This study aimed to investigate the asssociations between accreditation status, patient socio-economic factors, insurance type, patient perceived quality of service, and satisfaction at Community Health Center.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was conducted at Community Health Center in  Surakarta, Central Java from June to July 2017. A total of 8 Community Health Centers with different accreditation status (not accredited, lowest, medium, and highest) were selected for this study. A sample of  200 patients were selected from the 8 Comunity Health Centers by proportional random sampling. The independent variables were accreditation status, patient education level, family income, and insurance type. The dependent variables were perceived quality of service and patient satisfaction. The data were collected by a set of pre-tested questionnaires.  Accreditation status was identified from the record at District Health Office. Data were analyzed by path analysis.Results: Patient satisfaction was associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status (b=0.39; SE=0.22; p=0.069), perceived quality of service (b=0.05; SE=0.02; p=0.022), patient education level (b=-1.16; SE=0.48; p=0.017), and insurance type (b=0.61; SE=0.31; p=0.044). Perceived quality of health services was associated by accreditation status (b=2.22; SE=0.74; p=0.003), patient education level(b=-4.51; SE=1.68; p=0.007), and insurance type  (b=2.79; SE=1.06; p=0.008). Family income did not show statistically significant association with perceived quality of health service (b=-0.17; SE=0.11; p=0.123).Conclusion: Patient satisfaction is associated with Commuity Health Center acrreditation status, perceived quality of service, patient education level, and insurance type. Perceived quality of health services is associated with accreditation status, patient education level, and insurance type.Keywords: patient satisfaction, perceived quality of service, accreditation status, Commuity Health CenterCorrespondence: Farahdila Mirshanti. Masters Program of Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +628121534393.Journal of Health Policy and Management (2017), 1(1): 91-101https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2017.02.01.0


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    Education in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the times and the development of the times will have a majorinfluence on child development, problems that occur in the world of education are nothing more than the problem of child delinquency in schools, this shows the importance of the role of counseling guidance servicesfor students when they are in situations that they think do not make them comfortable and this will have animpact on learning carried out in the classroom Because of the lack of learning motivation that learners havebecause of the discomfort itself. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems that often occur inschools that make students uncomfortable during the learning process so that their learning motivationdecreases and try to find solutions to these problems so that students can feel comfortable, safe and happy inlearning so that their learning motivation will increase and this will affect the learning outcomes of students.The research method used is a qualitative description approach by conducting direct observations andinterviews at SDN Pasir Gombong 06 to identify whether there are problems that occur in the learning processthat result in lack of student motivation and using data analysis related to various sources so as to strengthenthe assumptions in the research we conducted. The results of this study are: 1) students feel comfortable andsafe when there are adults watching them 2) students are more open in telling their problems when we askquestions well and slowly 3) students better understand how to act in class both towards educators andclassmates 4) student learning motivation increases when they are happy and happy 5) students explorethemselves in their own way, namely Such as: making noise because you want to be noticed or always askingquestions because you want to be listened to


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    Education in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the times and the development of the times will have a major influence on child development, problems that occur in the world of education are nothing more than the problem of child delinquency in schools, this shows the importance of the role of counseling guidance services for students when they are in situations that they think do not make them comfortable and this will have an impact on learning carried out in the classroom Because of the lack of learning motivation that learners have because of the discomfort itself. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems that often occur in schools that make students uncomfortable during the learning process so that their learning motivation decreases and try to find solutions to these problems so that students can feel comfortable, safe and happy in learning so that their learning motivation will increase and this will affect the learning outcomes of students. The research method used is a qualitative description approach by conducting direct observations and interviews at SDN Pasir Gombong 06 to identify whether there are problems that occur in the learning process that result in lack of student motivation and using data analysis related to various sources so as to strengthen the assumptions in the research we conducted. The results of this study are: 1) students feel comfortable and safe when there are adults watching them 2) students are more open in telling their problems when we ask questions well and slowly 3) students better understand how to act in class both towards educators and classmates 4) student learning motivation increases when they are happy and happy 5) students explore themselves in their own way, namely Such as: making noise because you want to be noticed or always asking questions because you want to be listened to