140 research outputs found


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    Beberapa jenis ikan masih belum dapat dibudidayakan karena sulit untuk dibedakan antara jantan dan betina karena morfologi yang sama persis. Salah satu ikan yang sulit dibedakan adalah ikan sapu-sapu. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya penelitian untuk menentukan cara yang mudah dalam membedakan jenis kelamin ikan sapu-sapu. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi pembudidaya ikan untuk mempermudah proses pengembangbiakkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk identifikasi jenis kelamin adalah dengan teknik pengurutan dan pengamatan morfologi anatomi ikan. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa dengan teknik pengurutan pada bagian kloaka, ikan jantan akan mengeluarkan sperma dan ikan betina akan mengeluarkan telur. Hasil analisa berdasarkan morfologi memperlihatkan bahwa ikan jantan memiliki tubuh yang ramping dan rahang yang lebar, sedangkan ikan betina memiliki tubuh yang lebih lebar namun rahang lebih kecil. Hasil analisa anatomi menunjukkan bahwa jantan memiliki ukuran gonad yang kecil, sedangkan betina memiliki ukuran gonad yang lebih besar dan berisi telur


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan disposisi Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan disposisi matematis siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kairatu dalam menyelesaikan materi sistem persamaan linier dua variabel. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif-kualitatif. Sumber dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kairatu dan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 orang siswa diantaranya 1 orang mewakili masing-masing katagori kemampuan berpikir kreatif (tinggi, sedang, dan rendah). Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu soal tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif, dan angket disposisi matematis. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi sistem persamaan linier dua variabel masih rendah dengan presentase 77, 78%, dimana presentase untuk indikator fluency 3,70%, indikator flexibility 3,70%, indikator originality 0%, dan indikator elaboration 11,11%. Disposisi matematis siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kairatu berada pada kategori sedang dengan presentase 48,14

    Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Biosynthesis of Heme and Proteins: Potential Implications for the Partitioning of Glu-tRNA\u3csup\u3eGlu\u3c/sup\u3e Between These Pathways

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    Glutamyl-tRNA (Glu-tRNAGlu) is the common substrate for both protein translation and heme biosynthesis via the C5 pathway. Under normal conditions, an adequate supply of this aminoacyl-tRNA is available to both pathways. However, under certain circumstances, Glu-tRNAGlu can become scarce, resulting in competition between the two pathways for this aminoacyl-tRNA. In Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (GluRS1) is the main enzyme that synthesizes Glu-tRNAGlu. Previous studies have shown that GluRS1 is inactivated in vitro by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This raises the question as to whether H2O2 negatively affects in vivo GluRS1 activity in A. ferrooxidans and whether Glu-tRNAGlu distribution between the heme and protein biosynthesis processes may be affected by these conditions. To address this issue, we measured GluRS1 activity. We determined that GluRS1 is inactivated when cells are exposed to H2O2, with a concomitant reduction in intracellular heme level. The effects of H2O2 on the activity of purified glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR), the key enzyme for heme biosynthesis, and on the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) were also measured. While exposing purified GluTR, the first enzyme of heme biosynthesis, to H2O2 resulted in its inactivation, the binding of glutamyl-tRNA to EF-Tu was not affected. Taken together, these data suggest that in A. ferrooxidans, the flow of glutamyl-tRNA is diverted from heme biosynthesis towards protein synthesis under oxidative stress conditions

    Creación de dispositivos grupales hospitalarios

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    En los últimos tiempos la violencia y el entretejido social se filtran dentro de las intervenciones sanitarias de una manera sorprendente e inabarcable desde las respuestas pensadas hasta el momento. La clínica actual de niños debe necesariamente amparar el sufrimiento de origen social: consumos excesivos, intentos de suicido, accidentes a repetición y somatizaciones se observan cada vez a edades más tempranas. Desnutrición por falta de olla, maternidades adolescentes sin redes sociales de inclusión, incremento de violencia familiar, niños que deben tramitar duelos por traumatismos extremos por maltratos físicos y psíquicos. Demanda social en la que como trabajadores de la salud mental nos sentimos profundamente comprometidos.La violencia actuada y naturalizada en lo cotidiano familiar, con patologías sociales y personales (como el alcoholismo y la drogadicción) comportan cuadros de impulsividad en donde lo que está afectado es el desarrollo simbólico. La cultura de la violencia es extensiva y virulenta, lo que demanda la necesaria capacitación específica en este tipo de abordajes para brindar respuestas que aporten verdaderamente a la salud de niños y familias. La violencia arrasa toda posibilidad de pensabilidad. Los efectos de la violencia social en el cuerpo del niño y su familia son múltiples y las intervenciones se ven obstaculizadas debido al alto impacto que producen en los referentes institucionales y la brutalidad con la que aparecen.Lo social hecho cuerpo ha modificado el perfil de la demanda en Salud Mental del Hospital. Ha sido larga la historia de desamparo para los grupos más vulnerables. La soledad en la crianza de los niños favorece la expresión de vínculos violentos cada vez más tempranamente, siendo difícil de prever las implicaciones a futuro que estos traumatismos precoces provocarán en la salud biopsicosocial de los niños.  Aquí el dispositivo grupal en el interior de la institución se propone para realizar una práctica social que colabora con la necesidad de elaboración individual y colectiva de una situación traumática y de las consecuencias psíquicas del impacto de la violencia. Hay algo de lo traumático que requiere una especificidad en su abordaje y los dispositivos grupales son, en nuestra opinión un recurso privilegiado en esa dirección.Para finalizar, la ausencia de espacios instituciones que brinden lugares de anidación social nos convoca al desafío de pensar al grupo como forma de respuesta frente a las nuevas demandas sociales ligadas al sufrimiento infantil.

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los cuerpos de socorro en la atención prehospitalaria de trauma por accidente de tránsito. Situación en El salvador: Área Metropolitana

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    Los accidentes de tránsito constituyen uno de los principales factores de muerte y de invalidez en país por lo que se considera imprescindible que los cuerpos de socorro tengan la capacidad de brindar atención prehospitalaria de manera eficaz, eficiente y con calidad con el fin de priorizar, evaluar, tratar y trasladar en condiciones adecuadas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio transversal; de una población de 230 individuos se tomó una muestra de 145 participantes quienes contestaron un cuestionario acerca de conocimiento básico y avanzando; en la parte práctica se les evaluó el desempeño con una ficha de evaluación a 76 participantes de los cuales sólo 69 son evaluables. Se obtuvo que el 85.5% de los participantes cuenta con conocimientos básicos, 10% con conocimientos avanzados y en la práctica 84% aprobó según lineamientos. Según los participantes 8 relacionados con conocimiento- práctica se obtiene que 82.6% aprobaron la práctica y 86.9% aprobaron en conocimientos.Tesis para optar al título de Doctor en Medicin

    A comparative study of marriage and family perceptions and attitudes of professional students in law, medicine, the ministry and social work

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to determine and compare differences in marriage and family perceptions and attitudes among professional students in law, medicine, the ministry, and social work and between beginning and finishing students in each professional group. The areas explored covered (1) Traditional family ideology, which included parent-child relationships, husband-wife roles, male-female identification, and general values and aims, (2) Attitude toward divorce, and (3) Premarital sexual permissiveness — male and female standards

    A disciplina Optativa – EFE148/Remo no currículo do Bacharelado em Esporte em parceria CEPEUSP/EEFE: experiência na prática de ensino.

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    This report presents the rowing sport modality as an elective course (EFE148–Remo), as part of an agreement between the School of Physical Education and Sports and the Sports Center, both of the University of São Paulo (USP). This discipline was held in the Olympic Paddle of USP, from 2009 to 2015. In order to offer the students learning conditions and also to collaborate in their academic background, the structure of the course emphasizes the practice of rowing as well as the practice of teaching it, so the student experiences the modality both as a student and as a teacher, fundamental components of the interaction process between theory and practice. Discussions with the students made it clear that the training of undergraduation teachers presupposes the elaboration of a curriculum which includes experience as a main tool to understanding the process of learning and teaching rowingEste relato apresenta a modalidade esportiva Remo como disciplina optativa (EFE148–Remo), num acordo firmado entre a Escola de Educação Física e Esporte e o Centro de Práticas Esportivas, ambos da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi realizada no espaço físico da Raia Olímpica da USP, entre os anos de 2009 e 2015. Com o intuito de oferecer ao aluno condições de aprendizagem e colaborar em sua formação acadêmica, a estrutura do curso enfatiza a prática da modalidade e também a prática de ensino, ou seja, a vivência como discente e docente como processo fundamental na interação entre teoria e prática. A partir de discussões realizadas com os alunos, fica evidente que o trabalho na formação de professores na graduação pressupõe a elaboração de um currículo que possibilite a experiência vivida como fundamental no entendimento da aprendizagem e também do ensin

    Creatine as a neuroprotective agent in manganese-induced neurotoxicity

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    Manganese (Mn) is a trace metal that is essential for optimal functioning of mammalian systems. However, excessive exposure to Mn is known to cause an extrapyramidal disease. Presently, Mn-induced neurotoxicity has no cure. In these studies, we examined the effectiveness of creatine therapy on models of Mn neurotoxicity. Primary astrocytes were cultured and divided into five groups: controls (CN), Mn group (300 μM MnCl2 for 24 hour), creatine group (1 mM creatine monohydrate for 24 hour), Mn followed by creatine treatment group (MnCr), and creatine treatment followed by Mn exposure group (CrMn). Results showed a significant increase in Mn concentrations in Mn and CrMn groups (p < 0.05), with Mn group showing a significant decrease in cellular viability and creatine attenuating the toxic effects of Mn in the MnCr and CrMn groups. A significant elevation in glutamate-aspartate transporter gene expression was seen in CrMn compared to CN, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) gene expression was significantly decreased in MnCr and CrMn groups. Based on this study, we concluded that creatine may have some sort of neuroprotection in Mn-exposed primary cultured astrocytes. Following the astrocyte study, four brain regions from male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 1 g MnCl2 /L in water (Mn; n=6), given intraperitoneal injections of 75 g/kg body weight monohydrate creatine (Cr; n=6), or exposed to Mn and creatine injections (MnCr; n=6), or received no creatine injection with no exposure to Mn (CN; n=6) were dissected and processed. The effect of waterborne exposure to Mn and creatine treatment on gene expression profiles showed a statistical trend for an increase in glutamate-transporter-1 gene expression in MnCr group in the globus pallidus (GP) (p=0.066) and caudate-putamen (CP) (p=0.052) when compared to CN. A statistical trend for increased GPx gene expression was observed in Cr group of the substania nigra (SN) (p= 0.055) and MnCr group of cortex (CX) (p=0.051). Heme oxygenase-1 (HMX-1) in the Mn group of SN showed a statistical trend for increased gene expression (p= 0.072) when compared to CN, and GP showed a statistical trend towards an increased HMX-1 expression in Mn group (p = 0.08) when compared to MnCr group. Finally, brain cytosolic creatine kinase gene expression was significantly lowered in the MnCr group of SN when compared to CN. Our study suggests that subchronic waterborne exposure to Mn does not cause significant changes on markers of oxidative stress and creatine treatment exerts some neuroprotection overall

    Expression of ck-19, galectin-3 and hbme-1 in the differentiation of thyroid lesions: systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis

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    Background: To distinguish between malignant and benign lesions of the thyroid gland histological demonstration is often required since the fine-needle aspiration biopsy method applied pre-operatively has some limitations. in an attempt to improve diagnostic accuracy, markers using immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry techniques have been studied, mainly cytokeratin-19 (CK-19), galectin-3 (Gal-3) and Hector Battifora mesothelial-1 (HBME-1). However, current results remain controversial. the aim of the present article was to establish the diagnostic accuracy of CK-19, Gal-3 and HBME-1 markers, as well as their associations, in the differentiation of malignant and benign thyroid lesions.Methods: A systematic review of published articles on MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library was performed. After establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria, 66 articles were selected. the technique of meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy was employed and global values of sensitivity, specificity, area under the summary ROC curve, and diagnostic odds ratio (dOR) were calculated.Results: for the immunohistochemistry technique, the positivity of CK-19 for the diagnosis of malignant thyroid lesions demonstrated global sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 73%; for Gal-3, sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 81%; and for HBME-1, sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 83%. the association of the three markers determined sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 97%, and diagnostic odds ratio of 95.1. Similar results were also found for the immunocytochemistry assay.Conclusion: This meta-analysis demonstrated that the three immunomarkers studied are accurate in pre- and postoperative diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid lesions. Nevertheless, the search for other molecular markers must continue in order to enhance this diagnostic accuracy since the results found still show a persistency of false-negative and false-positive tests.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fac Med ABC, Dept Biochem, Santo Andre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Head & Neck Surg, Santo Andre, BrazilFac Med ABC, Med Sch Students, Santo Andre, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Hematol & Oncol, Santo Andre, BrazilAlbert Einstein Jewish Hosp, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    O artigo analisa o conteúdo de 29 registros de avaliação, que foram organizados em três categorias: descritivos, objetivos e descritivo-objetivos. As avaliações descritivas tratam do desenvolvimento das crianças e apresentam adjetivos e advérbios que qualificam a sua ação, introduzindo um componente moral. As avaliações objetivas contam com possibilidades pré-determinadas de resposta associadas ao desempenho das crianças. As avaliações descritivo-objetivas mesclam as características das duas outras tipologias, criando uma estrutura que permite a escrita livre e a resposta a um questionário objetivo. Diante de cada uma das categorias, o artigo busca responder a questão: afinal, o que avaliar