450 research outputs found

    Climate and southern Africa's water-energy-food nexus

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    In southern Africa, the connections between climate and the water-energy-food nexus are strong. Physical and socioeconomic exposure to climate is high in many areas and in crucial economic sectors. Spatial interdependence is also high, driven for example, by the regional extent of many climate anomalies and river basins and aquifers that span national boundaries. There is now strong evidence of the effects of individual climate anomalies, but associations between national rainfall and Gross Domestic Product and crop production remain relatively weak. The majority of climate models project decreases in annual precipitation for southern Africa, typically by as much as 20% by the 2080s. Impact models suggest these changes would propagate into reduced water availability and crop yields. Recognition of spatial and sectoral interdependencies should inform policies, institutions and investments for enhancing water, energy and food security. Three key political and economic instruments could be strengthened for this purpose; the Southern African Development Community, the Southern African Power Pool, and trade of agricultural products amounting to significant transfers of embedded water

    Structure-Activity Determinants in Antifungal Plant Defensins MsDef1 and MtDef4 with Different Modes of Action against Fusarium graminearum

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    Plant defensins are small cysteine-rich antimicrobial proteins. Their three-dimensional structures are similar in that they consist of an α-helix and three anti-parallel β-strands stabilized by four disulfide bonds. Plant defensins MsDef1 and MtDef4 are potent inhibitors of the growth of several filamentous fungi including Fusarium graminearum. However, they differ markedly in their antifungal properties as well as modes of antifungal action. MsDef1 induces prolific hyperbranching of fungal hyphae, whereas MtDef4 does not. Both defensins contain a highly conserved γ-core motif (GXCX3–9C), a hallmark signature present in the disulfide-stabilized antimicrobial peptides, composed of β2 and β3 strands and the interposed loop. The γ-core motifs of these two defensins differ significantly in their primary amino acid sequences and in their net charge. In this study, we have found that the major determinants of the antifungal activity and morphogenicity of these defensins reside in their γ-core motifs. The MsDef1-γ4 variant in which the γ-core motif of MsDef1 was replaced by that of MtDef4 was almost as potent as MtDef4 and also failed to induce hyperbranching of fungal hyphae. Importantly, the γ-core motif of MtDef4 alone was capable of inhibiting fungal growth, but that of MsDef1 was not. The analysis of synthetic γ-core variants of MtDef4 indicated that the cationic and hydrophobic amino acids were important for antifungal activity. Both MsDef1 and MtDef4 induced plasma membrane permeabilization; however, kinetic studies revealed that MtDef4 was more efficient in permeabilizing fungal plasma membrane than MsDef1. Furthermore, the in vitro antifungal activity of MsDef1, MsDef1-γ4, MtDef4 and peptides derived from the γ-core motif of each defensin was not solely dependent on their ability to permeabilize the fungal plasma membrane. The data reported here indicate that the γ-core motif defines the unique antifungal properties of each defensin and may facilitate de novo design of more potent antifungal peptides

    Postoperative Analgesia after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy

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    Background: Postoperative pain after radical retropubic prostatectomy can be severe unless adequately treated. Low thoracic epidural analgesia and patient-controlled intravenous analgesia were compared in this double-blind, randomized study. Methods: Sixty patients were randomly assigned to receive either low thoracic epidural analgesia (group E) or patientcontrolled intravenous analgesia (group P) for postoperative pain relief. All patients had general anesthesia combined with thoracic epidural analgesia during the operation. Postoperatively, patients in group E received an infusion of 1 mg/ml ropivacaine, 2 g/ml fentanyl, and 2 g/ml adrenaline, 10 ml/h during 48 h epidurally, and a placebo patient-controlled intravenous analgesia pump intravenously. Patients in group P received a patient-controlled intravenous analgesia pump with morphine intravenously and 10 ml/h placebo epidurally. Pain, the primary outcome variable, was measured using the numeric rating scale at rest (incision pain and "deep" visceral pain) and on coughing. Secondary outcome variables included gastrointestinal function, respiratory function, mobilization, and full recovery. Health-related quality of life was measured using the Short Form-36 questionnaire, and plasma concentration of fentanyl was measured in five patients to exclude a systemic effect of fentanyl. Results: Incisional pain and pain on coughing were lower in group E compared with group P at 2-24 h, as was deep pain between 3 and 24 h postoperatively (P < 0.05). Maximum expiratory pressure was greater in group E at 4 and 24 h (P < 0.05) compared with group P. No difference in time to home discharge was found between the groups. The mean plasma fentanyl concentration varied from 0.2 to 0.3 ng/ml during 0 -48 h postoperatively. At 1 month, the scores on emotional role, physical functioning, and general health of the Short Form-36 were higher in group E compared with group P. However, no group ؋ time interaction was found in the Short Form-36. Conclusions: The authors found evidence for better pain relief and improved expiratory muscle function in patients receiving low thoracic epidural analgesia compared with patient

    Dynamic acoustic-articulatory relations in back vowel fronting:Examining the effects of coda consonants in two dialects of British English

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    This study examines dynamic acoustic-articulatory relations in back vowels, focusing on the effect of different coda consonants on acoustic-articulatory dynamics in the production of vowel contrast. This paper specifically investigates the contribution of the tongue and the lips in modifying F2 in the FOOT-GOOSE contrast in English, using synchronized acoustic and electromagnetic articulography data collected from 16 speakers. The vowels FOOT and GOOSE were elicited in pre-coronal and pre-lateral contexts from two dialects that are reported to be at different stages of back vowel fronting: Southern Standard British English and West Yorkshire English. The results suggest similar acoustic and articulatory patterns in pre-coronal vowels, but there is stronger evidence of vowel contrast in articulation than acoustics for pre-lateral vowels. The lip protrusion data do not help to resolve these differences, suggesting that the complex gestural makeup of a vowel-lateral sequence problematizes straightforward accounts of acoustic-articulatory relations. Further analysis reveals greater between-speaker variability in lingual advancement than F2 in pre-lateral vowels

    The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator

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    During the past several years, there has been tremendous progress on the development of the RF system and accelerating structures for a Next Linear Collider (NLC). Developments include high-power klystrons, RF pulse compression systems and damped/detuned accelerator structures to reduce wakefields. In order to integrate these separate development efforts into an actual X-band accelerator capable of accelerating the electron beams necessary for an NLC, we are building an NLC Test Accelerator (NLCTA). The goal of the NLCTA is to bring together all elements of the entire accelerating system by constructing and reliably operating an engineered model of a high-gradient linac suitable for the NLC. The NLCTA will serve as a testbed as the design of the NLC evolves. In addition to testing the RF acceleration system, the NLCTA is designed to address many questions related to the dynamics of the beam during acceleration. In this paper, we will report on the status of the design, component development, and construction of the NLC Test Accelerator

    Four plant defensins from an indigenous South African Brassicaceae species display divergent activities against two test pathogens despite high sequence similarity in the encoding genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plant defensins are an important component of the innate defence system of plants where they form protective antimicrobial barriers between tissue types of plant organs as well as around seeds. These peptides also have other activities that are important for agricultural applications as well as the medical sector. Amongst the numerous plant peptides isolated from a variety of plant species, a significant number of promising defensins have been isolated from Brassicaceae species. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of four defensins from <it>Heliophila coronopifolia</it>, a native South African Brassicaceae species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four defensin genes (<it>Hc-AFP1</it>-<it>4) </it>were isolated with a homology based PCR strategy. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that the peptides were 72% similar and grouped closest to defensins isolated from other Brassicaceae species. The Hc-AFP1 and 3 peptides shared high homology (94%) and formed a unique grouping in the Brassicaceae defensins, whereas Hc-AFP2 and 4 formed a second homology grouping with defensins from <it>Arabidopsis </it>and <it>Raphanus</it>. Homology modelling showed that the few amino acids that differed between the four peptides had an effect on the surface properties of the defensins, specifically in the alpha-helix and the loop connecting the second and third beta-strands. These areas are implicated in determining differential activities of defensins. Comparing the activities after recombinant production of the peptides, Hc-AFP2 and 4 had IC<sub>50 </sub>values of 5-20 μg ml<sup>-1 </sup>against two test pathogens, whereas Hc-AFP1 and 3 were less active. The activity against <it>Botrytis cinerea </it>was associated with membrane permeabilization, hyper-branching, biomass reduction and even lytic activity. In contrast, only Hc-AFP2 and 4 caused membrane permeabilization and severe hyper-branching against the wilting pathogen <it>Fusarium solani</it>, while Hc-AFP1 and 3 had a mild morphogenetic effect on the fungus, without any indication of membrane activity. The peptides have a tissue-specific expression pattern since differential gene expression was observed in the native host. <it>Hc-AFP1 </it>and <it>3 </it>expressed in mature leaves, stems and flowers, whereas <it>Hc-AFP2 </it>and <it>4 </it>exclusively expressed in seedpods and seeds.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Two novel Brassicaceae defensin sequences were isolated amongst a group of four defensin encoding genes from the indigenous South African plant <it>H. coronopifolia</it>. All four peptides were active against two test pathogens, but displayed differential activities and modes of action. The expression patterns of the peptide encoding genes suggest a role in protecting either vegetative or reproductive structures in the native host against pathogen attack, or roles in unknown developmental and physiological processes in these tissues, as was shown with other defensins.</p

    Different Vocal Parameters Predict Perceptions of Dominance and Attractiveness

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    Low mean fundamental frequency (F0) in men’s voices has been found to positively influence perceptions of dominance by men and attractiveness by women using standardized speech. Using natural speech obtained during an ecologically valid social interaction, we examined relationships between multiple vocal parameters and dominance and attractiveness judgments. Male voices from an unscripted dating game were judged by men for physical and social dominance and by women in fertile and non-fertile menstrual cycle phases for desirability in short-term and long-term relationships. Five vocal parameters were analyzed: mean F0 (an acoustic correlate of vocal fold size), F0 variation, intensity (loudness), utterance duration, and formant dispersion (Df, an acoustic correlate of vocal tract length). Parallel but separate ratings of speech transcripts served as controls for content. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the independent contributions of each of the predictors. Physical dominance was predicted by low F0 variation and physically dominant word content. Social dominance was predicted only by socially dominant word content. Ratings of attractiveness by women were predicted by low mean F0, low Df, high intensity, and attractive word content across cycle phase and mating context. Low Df was perceived as attractive by fertile-phase women only. We hypothesize that competitors and potential mates may attend more strongly to different components of men’s voices because of the different types of information these vocal parameters provide