48 research outputs found

    Microdialect and Group Signature in the Song of the Skylark Alauda arvensis

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    The Skylark Alauda arvensis is a territorial species of open landscape in which pairs settle in stable and adjacent territories during the breeding season. Due to the heterogeneity of the habitat, territories are gathered in patches spaced by a few kilometres, in which each male produces very long and complex flight songs as a part of the territorial behaviour. We showed that, in a given patch, all the males (neighbours) share some particular sequences of syllables in their songs, whereas males settled in different patches (strangers) have almost no sequences in common. Such a phenomenon is known as microdialect. To test the hypothesis that these shared sequences support a group signature, we made playback experiments with ‘‘chimeric’’ signals: songs of strangers where the sequences shared by neighbours were artificially inserted. Behavioural responses to playbacks indicated a neighbour-stranger discrimination consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon, i.e. a reduced aggression toward neighbours compared to strangers. Furthermore, the same level of responses, observed when a ‘‘chimeric’’ song and a neighbour song were broadcast, indicated that shared sequences are recognized and identified as markers of the neighbourhood identity

    Freshwater ecoacoustics as a tool for continuous ecosystem monitoring

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    Copyright by the Ecological Society of AmericaPassive acoustic monitoring is gaining popularity in ecology as a practical and non-invasive approach to surveying ecosystems. This technique is increasingly being used to monitor terrestrial systems, particularly bird populations, given that it can help to track temporal dynamics of populations and ecosystem health without the need for expensive resampling. We suggest that underwater acoustic monitoring presents a viable, non-invasive, and largely unexplored approach to monitoring freshwater ecosystems, yielding information about three key ecological elements of aquatic environments – (1) fishes, (2) macroinvertebrates, and (3) physicochemical processes – as well as providing data on anthropogenic noise levels. We survey the literature on this approach, which is substantial but scattered across disciplines, and call for more cross-disciplinary work on recording and analysis techniques. We also discuss technical issues and knowledge gaps, including background noise, spatiotemporal variation, and the need for centralized reference collection repositories. These challenges need to be overcome before the full potential of passive acoustics in dynamic detection of biophysical processes can be realized and used to inform conservation practitioners and managers

    Begging and feeding responses vary with relatedness and sex of provisioners in a cooperative breeder

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    Begging behaviour can provide information on offspring hunger levels and be used by parents to adjust food provisioning efforts. In cooperative breeders, helpers also provide care by feeding the young. However, how helpers of different sex and relatedness to the offspring respond to begging behaviour has rarely been studied in cooperatively breeding species, which limits our understanding of the indirect and/or direct benefits that helpers may obtain by responding to offspring demand. Here, we used a cooperatively breeding bird, the sociable weaver, Philetairus socius, to investigate how nest intervisit intervals of breeders and different types of helpers, distinguished by sex and relatedness, varied with acoustic begging. Moreover, we tested whether these different classes of provisioners experienced distinct levels of begging. Our results show that only breeding males, but not breeding females or helpers of any sex and relatedness to the nestlings, returned faster to the nest to feed after experiencing more begging calls. When contrasted directly, we confirmed a statistically supported difference in responses to begging between male and female breeders. Surprisingly, second-order relatives experienced more begging calls than the other classes of more related helpers and breeders. These results show that we might find differences in how provisioners respond to begging levels when classifying group members according to their potential fitness gains. In sociable weavers, the benefits and costs of adjusting feeding efforts to begging seem to differ with sex and life history stage. Experimental and more detailed investigations on begging-feeding interactions are necessary to understand the origin and prevalence of these differences across cooperatively breeding systems. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/)

    Modulation by steroid hormones of a "sexy" acoustic signal in an Oscine species, the Common Canary Serinus canaria

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    The respective influence of testosterone and estradiol on the structure of the Common Canary Serinus canaria song was studied by experimentally controlling blood levels of steroid hormones in males and analyzing the consequent effects on acoustic parameters. A detailed acoustic analysis of the songs produced before and after hormonal manipulation revealed that testosterone and estradiol seem to control distinct song parameters independently. The presence of receptors for testosterone and estradiol in the brain neural pathway controlling song production strongly suggests that the observed effects are mediated by a steroid action at the neuronal level.<br>A influência da testosterona e do estradiol, respectivamente, na estrutura do canto do Canårio-do-reino Serinus canaria foi estudada analisando o efeito da manipulação dos níveis sanguíneos de hormônios esteróides em machos nos parâmetros acústicos do canto. Uma analise detalhada dos cantos produzidos antes e depois da manipulação hormonal revelou que testosterona e estradiol parecem controlar independentemente parâmetros acústicos distintos. A presença de receptores para esses hormônios no circuito neuronal para controle da produção do canto sugere fortemente que os efeitos observados são mediados pela ação de esteróides a nivel neuronal

    Stridulations Reveal Cryptic Speciation in Neotropical Sympatric Ants

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    The taxonomic challenge posed by cryptic species underlines the importance of using multiple criteria in species delimitation. In the current paper we tested the use of acoustic analysis as a tool to assess the real diversity in a cryptic species complex of Neotropical ants. In order to understand the potential of acoustics and to improve consistency in the conclusions by comparing different approaches, phylogenetic relationships of all the morphs considered were assessed by the analysis of a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b. We observed that each of the cryptic morph studied presents a morphologically distinct stridulatory organ and that all sympatric morphs produce distinctive stridulations. This is the first evidence of such a degree of specialization in the acoustic organ and signals in ants, which suggests that stridulations may be among the cues used by these ants during inter-specific interactions. Mitochondrial DNA variation corroborated the acoustic differences observed, confirming acoustics as a helpful tool to determine cryptic species in this group of ants, and possibly in stridulating ants in general. Congruent morphological, acoustic and genetic results constitute sufficient evidence to propose each morph studied here as a valid new species, suggesting that P. apicalis is a complex of at least 6 to 9 species, even if they present different levels of divergence. Finally, our results highlight that ant stridulations may be much more informative than hitherto thought, as much for ant communication as for integrative taxonomists

    Acoustic communities reflects lateral hydrological connectivity in riverine floodplain similarly to macroinvertebrate communities

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    Funding: This project was supported by a fieldwork grant from the LabEx BCDiv, an ENS PhD grant (CD), and a Post-doctoral grant from the Fondation Fyssen (DL). Acquisition of community data was partly funded by the scientific monitoring of the Rhone River restoration funded by the “Compagnie Nationale du Rhône”, “Agence de l’Eau Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse” and “Région Rhône-Alpes”.Recent studies revealed that information on ecological patterns and processes can be investigated using sounds emanating from animal communities. In freshwater environments, animal communities are strongly shaped by key ecological factors such as lateral connectivity and temperature. We predict that those ecological factors are linked to acoustic communities formed by the collection of sounds emitted underwater. To test this prediction, we deployed a passive acoustic monitoring during 15 days in six floodplain channels of the European river Rhône. The six channels differed in their temperature and level of lateral connectivity to the main river. In parallel, we assessed the macroinvertebrate communities of these six channels using classical net sampling methods. A total of 128 sound types and 142 animal taxa were inventoried revealing an important underwater diversity. This diversity, instead of being randomly distributed among the six floodplain channels, was site-specific. Generalized mixed-effects models demonstrated a strong effect of both temperature and lateral connectivity on acoustic community composition. These results, congruent with macroinvertebrate community composition, suggest that acoustic communities reflect the interactions between animal communities and their environment. Overall our study strongly supports the perspectives offered by acoustic monitoring to describe and understand ecological patterns in freshwater environments.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A simple method for recording low-amplitude sounds: application to the study of the courtship song of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

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    International audienceSome acoustic signals produced by small insects are very low in amplitude and attenuate rapidly with distance. To achieve high quality recordings with such signals, the use of specialized microphones or of sound insulation chambers is necessary. This paper presents a simple and efficient method for the recording of acoustic signals emitted by small sources. Its principle is based upon the use of two simultaneous digital recordings from two microphones: one records the ambient noise while the other records the ambient noise plus the signal to analyse. Both these recordings are converted into digital files and then a simple subtraction between the two isolates the signal with a good signal-to-noise ratio. With this method of background noise removal, the recording of low amplitude sounds in an uninsulated room with common microphones becomes possible. We have applied this method to the study of 12 complete courtships of Drosophila melanogaster and particularly to the analysis of pulse sounds produced by the male in presence of a female. The study focuses mainly on the rhythm of production of pulse trains over the course of the courtship

    Are Unfamiliar Neighbours Considered to Be Dear-Enemies?

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    Background: Discriminating threatening individuals from non-threatening ones allow territory owners to modulate their territorial responses according to the threat posed by each intruder. This ability reduces costs associated with territorial defence. Reduced aggression towards familiar adjacent neighbours, termed the dear-enemy effect, has been shown in numerous species. An important question that has never been investigated is whether territory owners perceive distant neighbours established in the same group as strangers because of their unfamiliarity, or as dear-enemies because of their group membership. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate this question, we played back to male skylarks (Alauda arvensis) songs of adjacent neighbours, distant neighbours established a few territories away in the same microdialect area and strangers. Additionally, we carried out a propagation experiment to investigate how far skylark songs are propagated in their natural habitat and we estimated repertoire similarity between adjacent neighbours, distant neighbours and strangers. We show that skylarks, in the field, respond less aggressively to songs of their distant and likely unfamiliar neighbours, as shown by the propagation experiment, compared to stranger songs. The song analysis revealed that individuals share a high amount of syllables and sequences with both their adjacent and distant neighbours, but only few syllables and no sequences with strangers

    A simple method for recording low-amplitude sounds: application to the study of the courtship song of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

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    International audienceSome acoustic signals produced by small insects are very low in amplitude and attenuate rapidly with distance. To achieve high quality recordings with such signals, the use of specialized microphones or of sound insulation chambers is necessary. This paper presents a simple and efficient method for the recording of acoustic signals emitted by small sources. Its principle is based upon the use of two simultaneous digital recordings from two microphones: one records the ambient noise while the other records the ambient noise plus the signal to analyse. Both these recordings are converted into digital files and then a simple subtraction between the two isolates the signal with a good signal-to-noise ratio. With this method of background noise removal, the recording of low amplitude sounds in an uninsulated room with common microphones becomes possible. We have applied this method to the study of 12 complete courtships of Drosophila melanogaster and particularly to the analysis of pulse sounds produced by the male in presence of a female. The study focuses mainly on the rhythm of production of pulse trains over the course of the courtship