180 research outputs found

    Les phoques et la banquise : réponses comportementales contrastées face aux changements des conditions de glace du golfe du Saint-Laurent

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    « Les banquises saisonnières sont de vastes étendues de glace temporaires qui flottent à la surface des océans dans les régions polaires et subpolaires. Elles jouent un rôle important dans la régulation du climat à l’échelle planétaire et fournissent un habitat essentiel à de nombreuses espèces animales. Elles se forment en hiver, lorsque l’eau de mer se refroidit suffisamment pour que des petits cristaux de glace apparaissent et s’assemblent en masses de glace de plus en plus épaisses. Dans des conditions idéales, ces banquises peuvent atteindre une épaisseur de plus d’un mètre et s’étendre sur plusieurs milliers de kilomètres carrés. Le point de congélation de l’eau salée est cependant inférieur à celui de l’eau douce ; -1,9 °C comparativement à 0 °C, ce qui rend les banquises particulièrement sensibles au réchauffement des eaux. Au cours des dernières décennies, leur disparition graduelle est devenue un rappel constant des effets des changements climatiques. [...]

    Du réchauffement aux conséquences écologiques : s’adapter, migrer ou disparaître?

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    Le réchauffement climatique est un phénomène planétaire menant à des changements dans les conditions environnementales, tels que la température et la quantité de précipitations, posant un défi de taille pour les espèces sauvages. De nombreux scientifiques étudient les réponses biologiques des plantes et des animaux face à ces changements. Cet article est un aperçu des connaissances scientifiques sur les stratégies et réponses écologiques que les organismes vivants utilisent pour faire face, notamment, à l’augmentation des températures à l’échelle globale. Toutefois, pour certaines espèces, le réchauffement survient à une vitesse trop rapide, menant à leur disparition, et laissant parfois place à de nouvelles espèces

    Landscape of fear or landscape of food? Moose hunting triggers an antipredator response in brown bears

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    Hunters can affect the behavior of wildlife by inducing a landscape of fear, selecting individuals with specific traits, or altering resource availability across the landscape. Most research investigating the influence of hunting on wildlife resource selection has focused on target species and less attention has been devoted to nontarget species, such as scavengers that can be both attracted or repelled by hunting activities. We used resource selection functions to identify areas where hunters were most likely to kill moose (Alces alces) in southcentral Sweden during the fall. Then, we used step-selection functions to determine whether female brown bears (Ursus arctos) selected or avoided these areas and specific resources during the moose hunting season. We found that, during both day and nighttime, female brown bears avoided areas where hunters were more likely to kill moose. We found evidence that resource selection by brown bears varied substantially during the fall and that some behavioral changes were consistent with disturbance associated with moose hunters. Brown bears were more likely to select concealed locations in young (i.e., regenerating) and coniferous forests and areas further away from roads during the moose hunting season. Our results suggest that brown bears react to both spatial and temporal variations in apparent risk during the fall: moose hunters create a landscape of fear and trigger an antipredator response in a large carnivore even if bears are not specifically targeted during the moose hunting season. Such antipredator responses might lead to indirect habitat loss and lower foraging efficiency and the resulting consequences should be considered when planning hunting seasonsacceptedVersio

    The population growth consequences of variation in individual heterozygosity.

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    Heterozygosity has been associated with components of fitness in numerous studies across a wide range of taxa. Because heterozygosity is associated with individual performance it is also expected to be associated with population dynamics. However, investigations into the association between heterozygosity and population dynamics have been rare because of difficulties in linking evolutionary and ecological processes. The choice of heterozygosity measure is a further issue confounding such studies as it can be biased by individual differences in the frequencies of the alleles studied, the number of alleles at each locus as well as the total number of loci typed. In this study, we first examine the differences between the principal metrics used to calculate heterozygosity using long-term data from a marked population of Soay sheep (Ovis aries). Next, by means of statistical transformation of the homozygosity weighted by loci index, we determine how heterozygosity contributes to population growth in Soay sheep by modelling individual contributions to population growth (p(t(i))) as a function of several covariates, including sex, weight and faecal egg count--a surrogate of parasitic nematode burden in the gut. We demonstrate that although heterozygosity is associated with some components of fitness, most notably adult male reproductive success, in general it is only weakly associated with population growth

    Lead exposure in brown bears is linked to environmental levels and the distribution of moose kills

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    Lead (Pb) is heterogeneously distributed in the environment and multiple sources like Pb ammunition and fossil fuel combustion can increase the risk of exposure in wildlife. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Sweden have higher blood Pb levels compared to bears from other populations, but the sources and routes of exposure are unknown. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of two potential sources of Pb exposure in female brown bears (n = 34 individuals; n = 61 samples). We used multiple linear regressions to determine the contribution of both environmental Pb levels estimated from plant roots and moose (Alces alces) kills to blood Pb concentrations in female brown bears. We found positive relationships between blood Pb concentrations in bears and both the distribution of moose kills by hunters and environmental Pb levels around capture locations. Our results suggest that the consumption of slaughter remains discarded by moose hunters is a likely significant pathway of Pb exposure and this exposure is additive to environmental Pb exposure in female brown bears in Sweden. We suggest that spatially explicit models, incorporating habitat selection analyses of harvest data, may prove useful in predicting Pb exposure in scavengers. Ursus arctos Pb Scavenger Slaughter remain Resource selection functionacceptedVersio

    The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in van de Walle, J., Pelletier, F., Zedrosser, A., Swenson, J. E., Jenouvrier, S., & Bischof, R. The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore. Evolutionary Applications, (2021): 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13253.Harvest, through its intensity and regulation, often results in selection on female reproductive traits. Changes in female traits can have demographic consequences, as they are fundamental in shaping population dynamics. It is thus imperative to understand and quantify the demographic consequences of changes in female reproductive traits to better understand and anticipate population trajectories under different harvest intensities and regulations. Here, using a dynamic, frequency-dependent, population model of the intensively hunted brown bear (Ursus arctos) population in Sweden, we quantify and compare population responses to changes in four reproductive traits susceptible to harvest-induced selection: litter size, weaning age, age at first reproduction, and annual probability to reproduce. We did so for different hunting quotas and under four possible hunting regulations: (i) no individuals are protected, (ii) mothers but not dependent offspring are protected, (iii) mothers and dependent offspring of the year (cubs) are protected, and (iv) entire family groups are protected (i.e., mothers and dependent offspring of any age). We found that population growth rate declines sharply with increasing hunting quotas. Increases in litter size and the probability to reproduce have the greatest potential to affect population growth rate. Population growth rate increases the most when mothers are protected. Adding protection on offspring (of any age), however, reduces the availability of bears for hunting, which feeds back to increase hunting pressure on the nonprotected categories of individuals, leading to reduced population growth. Finally, we found that changes in reproductive traits can dampen population declines at very high hunting quotas, but only when protecting mothers. Our results illustrate that changes in female reproductive traits may have context-dependent consequences for demography. Thus, to predict population consequences of harvest-induced selection in wild populations, it is critical to integrate both hunting intensity and regulation, especially if hunting selectivity targets female reproductive strategies.JVdW and FP were funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. JVdW was also funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec—Nature et Technologies. This is scientific paper number 305 from the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project, which is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management, and the Austrian Science Fund. This research was funded through the 2015-2016 BiodivERsA COFUND, with the national funders ANR (ANR-16-EBI3-0003), NCN (2016/22/Z/NZ8/00121), DLR-PT (01LC1614A), UEFISCDI (BiodivERsA3-2015-147-BearConnect (96/2016), and RCN (269863 and 286886). SJ acknowledges support of NSF OPP #1840058

    Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats

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    Genetic diversity at immune genes and levels of parasitism are known to affect patterns of (dis)assortative mating in several species. Heterozygote advantage and/or good genes should shape mate choice originating from pathogen/parasite-driven selection at immune genes. However, the stability of these associations, and whether they vary with environmental conditions, are still rarely documented. In this study, we describe mating patterns in a wild population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) over 4 years and assess the effects of haemosporidian parasite infection and immune genetic diversity at β-defensin genes on those patterns within two habitats of contrasting environmental quality, in southern Québec, Canada. We first show that mating patterns were only very weakly related to individual status of infection by haemosporidian parasites. However, we found a difference between habitats in mating patterns related to infection status, which was likely due to a non-random distribution of individuals, as non-infected mating pairs were more frequent in lower quality habitats. Mating patterns also differed depending on β-defensin heterozygosity at AvBD2, but only for genetic partners outside of the social couple, with heterozygous individuals pairing together. Our study underlines the importance of considering habitat heterogeneity in studies of sexual selection

    Can hunting data be used to estimate unbiased population parameters? A case study on brown bears

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    Quantifying temporal changes in harvested populations is critical for applied and fundamental research. Unbiased data are required to detect true changes in phenotypic distribution or population size. Because of the difficulty of collecting detailed individual data from wild populations, data from hunting records are often used. Hunting records, however, may not represent a random sample of a population. We aimed to detect and quantify potential bias in hunting records. We compared data from a long-term monitoring project with hunting records of brown bears ( Ursus arctos ) in Sweden and investigated temporal trends (1996–2013) in the ratio of yearlings to adult females, yearling mass and adult female mass. Data from hunting records underestimated the decline in yearling and adult female mass over time, most likely owing to the legal protection of family groups from hunting, but reflected changes in the ratio of yearlings to adult females more reliably. Although hunting data can be reliable to approximate population abundance in some circumstances, hunting data can represent a biased sample of a population and should be used with caution in management and conservation decisions
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