45 research outputs found

    Thigmotropism of Malignant Melanoma Cells

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    During malignant melanoma (MM) progression including incipient metastasis, neoplastic cells follow some specific migration paths inside the skin. In particular, they progress along the dermoepidermal basement membrane, the hair follicles, the sweat gland apparatus, nerves, and the near perivascular space. These features evoke the thigmotropism phenomenon defined as a contact-sensing growth of cells. This process is likely connected to modulation in cell tensegrity (control of the cell shape). These specifically located paucicellular aggregates of MM cells do not appear to be involved in the tumorigenic growth phase, but rather they participate in the so-called “accretive” growth model. These MM cell collections are often part of the primary neoplasm, but they may, however, correspond to MM micrometastases and predict further local overt metastasis spread

    Attraction Basins as Gauges of Robustness against Boundary Conditions in Biological Complex Systems

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    One fundamental concept in the context of biological systems on which researches have flourished in the past decade is that of the apparent robustness of these systems, i.e., their ability to resist to perturbations or constraints induced by external or boundary elements such as electromagnetic fields acting on neural networks, micro-RNAs acting on genetic networks and even hormone flows acting both on neural and genetic networks. Recent studies have shown the importance of addressing the question of the environmental robustness of biological networks such as neural and genetic networks. In some cases, external regulatory elements can be given a relevant formal representation by assimilating them to or modeling them by boundary conditions. This article presents a generic mathematical approach to understand the influence of boundary elements on the dynamics of regulation networks, considering their attraction basins as gauges of their robustness. The application of this method on a real genetic regulation network will point out a mathematical explanation of a biological phenomenon which has only been observed experimentally until now, namely the necessity of the presence of gibberellin for the flower of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana to develop normally

    Computing with bacterial constituents, cells and populations: from bioputing to bactoputing

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    The relevance of biological materials and processes to computing—aliasbioputing—has been explored for decades. These materials include DNA, RNA and proteins, while the processes include transcription, translation, signal transduction and regulation. Recently, the use of bacteria themselves as living computers has been explored but this use generally falls within the classical paradigm of computing. Computer scientists, however, have a variety of problems to which they seek solutions, while microbiologists are having new insights into the problems bacteria are solving and how they are solving them. Here, we envisage that bacteria might be used for new sorts of computing. These could be based on the capacity of bacteria to grow, move and adapt to a myriad different fickle environments both as individuals and as populations of bacteria plus bacteriophage. New principles might be based on the way that bacteria explore phenotype space via hyperstructure dynamics and the fundamental nature of the cell cycle. This computing might even extend to developing a high level language appropriate to using populations of bacteria and bacteriophage. Here, we offer a speculative tour of what we term bactoputing, namely the use of the natural behaviour of bacteria for calculating

    Review of Matrix Metalloproteinases’ Effect on the Hybrid Dentin Bond Layer Stability and Chlorhexidine Clinical Use to Prevent Bond Failure

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    This review describes the relationship between dentin collagen hybrid bond layer degradation and the Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) after their release by acid etch and rinse adhesives and self etching bonding adhesives that can reduce the bond stability over time. MMP-2, MMP-8 and MMP-9 are indicated as the active proteases that breakdown the collagen fibrils in the hybrid bond layer. Phosphoric acid in the acid etch and rinse bonding process and acid primers in the self etch process are implicated in the release of these proteases and their activation by several non-collagen proteins also released from dentin by the etching. MMPs are released in saliva by salivary glands, by cells in the gingival crevices to crevicular fluid and by pulpal odontoblasts cells to the dentinal fluids. These sources may affect the hybrid layer also. Evidence of the bond strength deterioration over time and the ability of Chlorhexidine to prevent bond deterioration by inhibiting MMP action are discussed. Dentin Bonding procedure utilizing Chlorhexidine for different application times and concentrations are being developed. The application of 2% Chlorhexidine to the phosphoric acid etch surface after rinsing off the acid is the only procedure that has been clinically tested for a longer period of time and shown to prevent bond strength degradation so far. The adoption of this procedure is recommended as means of improving bond stability at this time

    On the number of different dynamics in Boolean networks with deterministic update schedules.

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    International audienceDeterministic Boolean networks are a type of discrete dynamical systems widely used in the modeling of genetic networks. The dynamics of such systems is characterized by the local activation functions and the update schedule, i.e., the order in which the nodes are updated. In this paper, we address the problem of knowing the different dynamics of a Boolean network when the update schedule is changed. We begin by proving that the problem of the existence of a pair of update schedules with different dynamics is NP-complete. However, we show that certain structural properties of the interaction diagraph are sufficient for guaranteeing distinct dynamics of a network. In [1] the authors define equivalence classes which have the property that all the update schedules of a given class yield the same dynamics. In order to determine the dynamics associated to a network, we develop an algorithm to efficiently enumerate the above equivalence classes by selecting a representative update schedule for each class with a minimum number of blocks. Finally, we run this algorithm on the well known Arabidopsis thaliana network to determine the full spectrum of its different dynamics

    Fortuitous discovery of an adrenal mass following spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage

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    peer reviewedWe report a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal haemorrhage by bleeding of an adrenal adenoma. Retroperitoneal haemorrhages are rarely encountered in practice, but must be rapidly diagnosed due to the life threatening risk. The etiologies, clinical assessment, management and differential diagnosis of spontaneous retroperitoneal haemorrhages are discussed

    Molecular mechanisms underlying COPD-muscle dysfunction unveiled through a systems medicine approach

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    MOTIVATION: Skeletal muscle dysfunction is a systemic effect in one-third of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), characterized by high reactive-oxygen-species (ROS) production and abnormal endurance training-induced adaptive changes. However, the role of ROS in COPD remains unclear, not least because of the lack of appropriate tools to study multifactorial diseases. RESULTS: We describe a discrete model-driven method combining mechanistic and probabilistic approaches to decipher the role of ROS on the activity state of skeletal muscle regulatory network, assessed before and after an 8-week endurance training program in COPD patients and healthy subjects. In COPD, our computational analysis indicates abnormal training-induced regulatory responses leading to defective tissue remodeling and abnormal energy metabolism. Moreover, we identified tnf, insr, inha and myc as key regulators of abnormal training-induced adaptations in COPD. The tnf-insr pair was identified as a promising target for therapeutic interventions. Our work sheds new light on skeletal muscle dysfunction in COPD, opening new avenues for cost-effective therapies. It overcomes limitations of previous computational approaches showing high potential for the study of other multi-factorial diseases such as diabetes or cancer. CONTACT: [email protected] or [email protected] information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Propiedades ópticas de los materiales activos en diodos láser con confinamiento cuántico

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    En esta tesis se recoge el trabajo experimental realizado para la caracterización de las propiedades ópticas en diodos láser construidos con estructuras basadas en pozos cuánticos (QW) y puntos cuánticos (QD). Las propiedades que se han estudiado en estos dispositivos son los espectros de ganancia, ganancia diferencial, índice diferencial y factor de ensanchamiento de línea (LEF). La comprensión de estas propiedades es de especial importancia para el diseño de nuevos diodos láser destinados a ser utilizados en aplicaciones exigentes como son las comunicaciones ópticas o aplicaciones médicas. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en muestras de diodos láser suministrados por diferentes fabricantes: Ferdinand Braun Institut für Hóchstfrequenztechnik, Thales Research and Technology y la Universidad de Würzburg. Debido a esto las muestras de los láseres se han suministrado en diferentes configuraciones, utilizándose tanto dispositivos con cavidades de área ancha como de tipo caballete (“ridge”). En los trabajos se ha realizado el diseño y la construcción de los montajes experimentales y la implementación de los métodos analíticos necesarios para el estudio de las diferentes muestras. En los montajes experimentales se han implementado procesos para el filtrado espacial de los modos laterales de la cavidad presentes en los láseres de área ancha. Los métodos analíticos implementados se han utilizado para reducir los errores existentes en los sistemas de medida, mejorar su precisión y para separar la variación de índice en debida al calentamiento y la variación de corriente cuando los láseres operan en continua. El estudio sistemático de las propiedades de ópticas de los diodos láser basados en QW y QD ha permitido concluir que propiedades como el factor de ensanchamiento de línea no tienen por qué ser necesariamente inferiores en estos últimos, ya que dependen de las condiciones de inyección. En los láseres de QW se ha observado experimentalmente una reducción del factor de ensanchamiento de línea al alcanzarse la segunda transición, debido al aumento de la ganancia diferencial. ABSTRACT This thesis includes the experimental work for the characterization of optical properties of quantum well (QW) and quantum dot (QD) laser diodes. The properties that have been studied in these devices are the gain, differential gain, differential index and the linewith enhancement factor (LEF). The understating of these properties is of special importance for the design of new laser diodes to be used in exigent applications such as optical communications or medical applications. The study has been carried out using laser samples supplied by different manufacturers: Ferdinand Braun Institut fu¨r H¨ochstfrequenztechnik, Thales Research and Technology and the University of Wu¨rzburg. Because of this the laser samples were supplied in various configurations, using both broad area and ridge devices. In the work it has been done the design and construction of the experimental setups and implementation of analytical methods required for the study of the different devices. In the experimental set-ups it has been implemented a spatial filtering process to remove the lateral modes present in broad area lasers. The implemented analytical methods has been used to reduce the experimental errors in the measurement systems, improve the accuracy and separate the index variation caused by heating and current variation when the lasers operated on continuous wave. The systematic study of the optical properties of the QW and QD laser diodes has allowed concluding that properties such the linewith enhancement factor does not have to be necessary to be lower in the QD devices, since it is dependent on the injections conditions. In this work it has been experimentally observed a reduction of the linewith enhancement factor where the second transition has been reached mainly due to in the increased of the differential gain which is observed in this situation